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Diamond, Danielle, Viet, Dan
Humanities Portfolio 2012
Diamond Blenman
In my 10th grade English and History class we learned about many things that go on in the world. Many problems and many situation past and present. Both of out English and History classes interlaced with each other. Specifically in class we were taught different things about revolution and how they start. We also were taught about how money effects people’s status around in the world. Also we learned about Power in different ways. Clear examples of this were our Haiti unit with Jean Dominique , Papa and Baby Doc, and Jean Bertrand Aristide. That unit showed us a lot of what we’ve been learning about all year. What we have mostly been learning about is Power, money and how many situations in the world are solved that involve those things.
1st General understanding
One of the topics of study that stood out to me the most were talking about a world renowned author named “Edwidge Danticat”. She wrote a book called Create Dangerously that is a collection of essays. The essays were essays she wrote in the past and incorporated in her book. She talks mostly about her life in haiti and in the united states that involves lots of personal struggle. One thing that i noticed from reading this book is that When there is personal Struggle, successful people seek outside help to change their reality. In the first chapter of create dangerously she writes, “Create dangerously, for people who read dangerously. ... Writing, knowing in part that no matter how trivial your words may seem, someday, somewhere, someone may risk his or her life to read them.” When i first read this quote it had me thinking, and that’s exactly what our year had in it, topics that had our brains thinking wildly. I wrote about this quote in one of my journal entries. I said “how about you think deeper than face value, when it first says. “Create dangerously is for people who read dangerously” and before reading anything else in that quote to me it said that the book create dangerously is for people who are willing to risk something and be in danger to read that book, because that’s what it was about. Then later on in that unit the class wrote a letter to Ms. Danticat and in my letter i made an honest statement and said “I have told my grandpa about you and some essays in the book and he seems a little less interested. But then I told him to give reading it a try and he honestly fell in love with it. I barely have time to read it my self, it’s always in his hands.” Now looking back on it i was interested in the book a lot.
2ndGeneral understanding
In my English class we started off the year with an intro mini unit. We had to write a poem about just about anything. I first thought that it would be dumb and boring but when i did it it was wonderful. My feeling along with that tied in with the feeling of the class at first. I thought that everything would be dumb boring and pointless. Even the starting thing off in the class was interesting. That started me off with a new idea of what the class would be like. After that i knew everything would be interesting and a new approach to learning. In my poem i called it the prisoner of love. It was deep and i was new to things in the class. One thing that stands out to me now that i look back on the poem i wrote is a line that says “But love can be thrown out, To express your feeling And rampage can be due to anger, Anger that drives a whole in your heart, And kills love Then there is no show of that feeling, So now there is just hatred and sorrow, And since there is no love, You hold in that anger as if it’s a prisoner, Not just as an angry prisoner, But now A prisoner of love…”. That was how i ended the poem off and it is amazing to know i was capable of something like that in the beginning of the school year. I have learned a lot through the year which is in retrospect a short amount of time but i was capable to get it in and learn and try my best. I had my bad moments in class but in the end i learned a lot and i know it’s going to be helpful in the future, all thanks to my English/History teacher, Mr.Block.
Thesis Paper
Edwidge Danticat Letter
English B poem
The somebodies
but somebodies that become anybodies nobody
people think too much in the box
unique to a point where the envelope is never pushed.
but plain enough to a point where getting known is as simple as you're family
there are somebodies that fight too hard for the nobodies spot
is there really people that want to be somebodies
is there really people that want to be nobodies
or is there just an eraser in the middle and we are the led
but sadly there is...
the one's who dress to impress
the one's who act for the riches
the one's who yell against background music
the one's who have there own entourage
i remember when the brown paper said "we the people"
but now it's them the people and we the citizens
we shape history too
or do we?
Let erase history, for the somebodies.
Mi entrevista.
Mi entrevista.
Descriptive Essay: Wandering in my emotions
I was sitting in this long black couch next to the wall. I was waiting for dinner to be cooked. So I'm sitting there and all of a sudden i feel this shake, this shake of violence. First i feel a tremble not violently but slightly. I thought it was someone outside working, So i look out the window in the middle of she shaking and i saw no one but cars. So then I turn around very slowly and there goes the television also going into this shake of death.
I was scared i felt as if the world was ending I quickly ran upstairs to my grandmas room in great panic, as she is laying there asleep in silence i thought she was up there shaking the house. So i ask her did she feel the shake she said very sudden and quick “no! i thought it was you”. So i slowly crept down the stairs as the shaking began to stop. As soon as i hit the third step the shaking was stopping, my hands clinched to the railing and wall on my left. When it was over my mind was full of thoughts ranging from being scared to curiosity. I did not know how to carry myself through the house. My body was still shaking and the over all shaking had already stopped.
I can already feel the sweat drops forming on my hands and the hairs standing on my neck because of what just happened. This out standing moment really made me look of myself and find out that side of being actually scared. I never felt that way before because i never felt such a random shake before. The shake actually feels as if you are on a motor boat going fast or in a plane feeling slight turbulence.
I probably actually felt like The president on 9/11 with my emotions and thoughts flying everywhere. Its surprising that your feel can scatter and scramble like that on something like this. I walked down the stairs and got the living room and when I got to the living room I jumped twice to make sure the ground was stable and not moving anymore. So i ran to the kitchen with great joy and panic. I quickly turned the t.v on in the kitchen and turned it to the local news. As soon at I turned to channel 10.
I wasn’t sure what it was just yet but i was confident it was a earthquake. The t.v started to clear up, i picked my head up from pouring the cereal and it said “BREAKING NEWS” a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck the eastern sea board, I was like “wow” i actually felt an earthquake. My mind wasn’t on the fact that the whole house shook and i was scared. My mind was on the fact that I ACTUALLY FELT AN EARTHQUAKE.
So now i couldn’t move at all, i was just stuck in this trance of wow. As my sister walked thought the door of the kitchen the wind blew gently against my face and i shook and the hairs stood up on my neck. She yelled “Oh my gosh, Diamond did you feel that earthquake?” i said “yea it was decent”. She replied “i know that was the first time i ever felt something like that.” I said “i know I'm older then you and I have been everywhere you been, so i know if you felt one or not” as i chuckled.
She left the kitchen and I just continued to think to myself “that was incredible”. Then I looked back up at the t.v and it was on commercial and i wanted to know more about the earthquake so i changed the channel to CNN. So I picked up the remote and I changed the channel to channel four CNN and it was also talking about the incredible news. This time though they were talking about the Washington D.C monuments were okay. So i sat down thinking that something was wrong with the Washington Monuments. Only because I been to D.C once and I didn’t get to see all of them. So for some strange reason i start to sweat, this very cool or cold sweat. Then they said that the Washington monument was cracked at the top so I said that’s just a shame. Then i actually noticed what a earthquake could do.
Speaking of an earthquake I remember when my family that lives in Barbados called my house right after they had a earthquake that was 6.7 magnitude earthquake. They were telling me about how the house shook and they walked threw the house while it was happening not know what was happening. Until about 10 seconds past from the start of the earthquake they found out that it was an earthquake because they didn’t know what it was. In my belief i think that they were scared.It was so much of a magnitude the house shook very violently. And they also said that the road was a virtual gridlock because everyone was on there way to carnival or back so people in cars paused and now that it had started back up and the earthquake was over people started to move then the roads got blocked up. They said that it was tragic. lots of people had died that day.
Dimaond Perpective
The proccess was pretty complicated but when you got to the end it was pretty easy
what was easy was just having us sit there and give us a time limit to do it and we already have it down pact
what was hard was the amount that was on the wall
pheonix ward
i like his because it was nice and clean and it almost percise.
Espanol letter
yo juego biesbol in espanol/english
i speak in english
Yo triste en espanol
I speak in english
Pictures of mi familia
el nombre de mi papa es micheal kyle sr.
mi mama nombre es jay
el nombre de mi esposa es sarah
mi nombre de la hermana más grande es claire
el nombre de mi hermana más joven es kattie
el nombre de mi pequeno amigo de la famila es franklin
Spanish project
In order to tell time you definitaly need to know numbers from 1-60 in spanish. Telling time is not hard but you also need to know how to speak Spanish. By that I mean you need to know how to say half and quarter to and say how much to. For example….
Once you have mastered the numbers you are not yet done. Next you need to know that the –y- next to cincuenta y, or veint y etc. is pronounced like sin-quent-eye-or BENT-EYE also you need to know the pronunciation. Also like “es las tres" which means it is three o'clock. Or es las uno or es las ......etc.
Link to video
In this video Shay Walkes Up To Profe And Asks What
Time The Test Is The The Profe Replies
It Is At 11:00.
Title: Days of the week When you do days of the week you need to know how to say days of the week. In order know how to say the days of the week you need to know the difference in between the capitals and lower case letters and also accents. Accents are the words with little lines on top of the letter and they are pronounces as shown in the graph below. Accents in the word may get you in trouble by saying it wrong and the teacher or Spanish person by them misinterpreting it. Also it may mean something else in Spanish. There will be a video that explains Dime asking shay that walks up what day is the test and dime gets scared because that day is the test so he starts scrambleing. You also need to know how to ask which is....¿que dia de la semana es el? Which means what day of the week is it? http://teachertube.com/members/viewVideo.php?video_id=204644&title=Spanish_days_of_the_week the link is posted above
Days of the week in spanish.

the link is posted above
- What surprised you most about this information?
what surprised me most was that there were plenty of push factors and i though that it would mostly be pull factors. - What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
It dropped off during the time of the great depression. - Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
i think that the immigration would still rise despite the unemployment because we still have better living than other places. - Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
we couldn't get dipity to work so we made a keynote. we made a slide of the year and sub slides underneath them to show the sub-decade years and the push pull factors. - What parts of group work were challenging?
finding the push factors were the hardest. - What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
we would have better time management and i would have done deeper research in the sub years of the pull factors.