Narcissa Haskins Public Feed
Almost there
~ B ! ~
Q4 Benchmark Reflection
I think that most challenging thing about this project was just making sure I handed it in, in a timely manner.
How did you go about collecting the images or selecting the images?
When we did the brain storming, I used that as my key guide to have an idea of what photos I was going to take
Which image is your favorite? Why? Elaborate.
My favorite photo was the rainbow sign because I was always so curious about it. I knew It had to deal with the LGBT but I never knew the exact details.
How prevalent is the evidence of globalization in Philadelphia? Do you think it is more or less so (evident) than in other large cities in the US? Why Why not?
Almost Done
Benchamrk Q4
Goodbye School
4 Classes of each course
3 benchmarks
2 Presentations
1 Capstone
No time for my life
Man O Man
Stats Visualizations
Another Late Night
From Now until the weekend of the 27th
Come to visit
Woah! You getting a little to close wall.
Oh, you invited your other wall friends to join you.
Closed in I see.
Getting very close
Getting Closer
Day in the life: Brazil- South American Response
Crazy... This video has been another spark for my cause
5 Weeks
4 weeks when classes end
3 weeks when capstones are due and Prom
2 weeks benchmarks are starting
1 weeks classwork due
This week, reality that its all almost over
Day with Cousin
10th Grade Memories
Great Conversation With "Other Parents"
Sleep Overs
First Day Of Spring Break
Song on Repeat
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know
Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back
At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,
Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
Reflective Post number 3
I wake up with the birds
NC Here I Come.
Wisdom Teeth!
Reflective Blog Post # 2
Prom Dress Shopping
Great Night
-Travie McCoy

Feeling Blah
Benchmark : North Korea & Kazakhstan
Here Your Go :D
This project was very enlightening and I was very surprised with some of the researched I found. I decided to look at Kazakhstan because when I typed it into to, it provided a lot of information I could work with unlike the other countries in Central Asia. My decision to compare it with North Korea was mainly because of my huge interest on how their country is ran, knowing that it is very hostile. My process was basically to look up the country regarding to the 5 point frame work and provide a nice overview. It was a tad difficult because in certain topics like the response, because I had to dig around the web for a good piece of information. Other than small difficulties of that sort, the project itself was, to my belief, successful. I'm quite proud of the finishing product and the one thing I would add , not change, is the inclusiveness of live videos of both countries current state.
What is that smell.
Fire Alarms
Sleep overs
The Best Children In The World

Glee ! Baby Its cold Outside
Five Photo Story
Decided to paint
A super big cake
4 year old brother walked in
Began to lick the paint
She was lost for words
He was finished
Looked at his sister
Said: Next time you decide to bake, add more sugar sissy!
New York Life
6 word story ( Angry heartbreak )
St George Beach
Sunny Days :D
Camille: I know its so pretty
Robbie walks up....
Robbie: Oh my God, GUYS! Autumn is almost here, isn't it so exciting!
Narcissa and Camille: Yea! Yea! Yea!
Narcissa: Wait... So when does Fall start :D
Six Word Story
Snow day... Seriously
"Sis could you pleasssssse go clean off my car"
Narcissa: we have no school
" CCP is still open :( "
Narcissa: Oh well you could just be like Ackerman and tell those people to stay home, they already know you practically run the nursing department, your the best teacher in there :D
" Oh that is so nice....GO CLEAN OFF MY CAR!... Oh wait sis ( after I have my clothes on ready to go outside) You can wait to the sun comes out :D, You want some pancakes?
My Life
Sleep & Six word story
This week was difficult so all I did was sleep and I'm going to sleep some more.
No "T"ea doc. You find some?
True Blood
"My Hood"
Boy1: Come on terrel walk me outside
Terrel: Naw man chill
Boy1: No im serious this ya hood
Terrel: Yea, you right this is my hood, but dont be scared of it.
Boy2: MAN! aint nobody scared of ya hood, I run it
Terrel: What ever man, I run these street for real
Boy1: ( looking at me) I just want somebody to walk me outside :/
Me: I dont know why you looking at me I'm not going out there, I'll admit I'm scared of his hood, someone just got shot yesterday :/
Terrel: Man Just come on
Oh, did I mention that the kids that were having this conversation were only 12 yrs old
What A lovely Weekend
High Voice
Itunes Story
Story # 1
Inhumane Acts Final Blog Post
American Government Q2 Benchmark Reflection
American Government Q2 Benchmark
This project really caused to me to think about what positive and negative things that effect my life. At first, I didn't think I had much that really impacted my life currently because everything currently was fine. This thought process changed after speaking to my mother about some things that have really been going on in my life that I chose to ignore. When it came down to identifying the laws that I wanted to talk about, I thought about all of the disadvantages I have now because I am legally an adult. I also thought about what things that have happened between my family members and myself in the past few weeks.
The process for this benchmark as a whole wasn't to difficult, I would say that it was very time consuming. It is very clear to me that my life will be more affected by the government when I get older. This is because I know that I want to purchase a car, a home, have children, marry, and travel often. With these activities and goals, I know there are many things that are going to to require a lot of filling out paper work. Overall this learning process has been beneficial because I know how much the government really impacts my life. I believe that if I was ignorant of this, I would have many rude awakenings when it come time to take care of myself in the future.
Business Ownership Flow Chart
Inhumane Acts Blog Post #4
At this time, my main goal is to create a video on human trafficking. I have to gather information about the seriousness and combine the statistics that I have already found into the video. By January 9, 2011, I would like to send the video to Alpha Kappa Alpha head quarters in Washington DC. Once the video is their hands, I will try to send my video to Chris Smith and explain to him in a letter along with the video, my goal. With these goals accomplished, it should be the catalyst for the main work to begin. If these contacts have a good response to what I'm trying to accomplish, I believe that this can have a big impact on a many of people.
In recent news:
Anuradha Koirala is a woman who is trying to end human trafficking in her home country.
Inhumane Act Post #3
Inhumane Acts
According to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386) was created “To combat trafficking of persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and slavery-like conditions in the United States and countries around the world through prevention, through prosecution and enforcement against traffickers, and through protection and assistance to victims of trafficking.” With this, Representative Chris Smith had immediate supporters for this cause. There were 37 supporters of this bill andEniFaleomavaega [D-AS],Neil Abercrombie [D-HI1],Richard Armey [R-TX26] , andCass Ballenger [R-NC10were four of them. Public support for this bill wasn’t hard to come accroos while researching.
Organizations such as the The Trafficking of Asian WomenandUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops have been big supporters of this bill since it was signed on October 28, 2000 by William Clinton. This bill has also helped support other organizations likeSecurity on Campus, which is an organization that targets violence on campus. According toSOC, “It remains the first and only nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of criminal violence at colleges and universities nationwide through educational, awareness, and policy initiatives.” The media response to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386) has been very interesting. The most intriguing was a c-span video:
Inhumane Acts Post #1
For my lobbying project, I will be trying to expand the seriousness of human trafficking. There are no bills that are currently passed in the united states that protect the rights of women and children who are soled as sex slaves. My ultimate goal is to help the current senator Christopher Smith pass that bill.
My motivation for this is being surrounded by girls who have been rape victims. Just the thought that they didn’t have the opportunity to say no, then to keep it hidden so long really repulses me. The girls I knew, some of them were tricked into their situations and some of the people they knew. Alike, these are the occurrences that happen during trafficking.
The supporter for this cause is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I will be going up against the federal government that is having issues with supporting the bill being past. Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 is being led by Hillary Clinton and she is apart of the 10th annual trafficking report. She discussed issues and things to help stop these things from occurring
Its happening across the Globe and the U.S is aware of it. What bothers me, is that its not being stopped as fast as I would like. If we could a force, something similar to NATO to dig these people out, I believe that it would make a significant difference.
Inhumane Acts Post #2
Rep. Chris Smith is the representative that produced a bill for human trafficking in different country’s. He created the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386) in his 1999 -2000 term. According to “” Smith currently serves as Ranking Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Africa and Global Health Subcommittee. He does not support abortion and that is a difference that we do not agree upon. He believes “ Abortion hurts women's health and puts future children subsequently born to women who aborted at significant risk. At least 102 studies show significant psychological harm, major depression and elevated suicide risk in women who abort.” His statement is true, but I believe that people must be concerned about the life of the mother. Her life that she was accustomed to is now altered. Teens who are in this situation will not be able to live the life as they choose and two lives gets destroyed if the mother gets no support.
Mr. Smith serves in the 4Th district of New Jersey which included county’s Mercer County Burlington County, Ocean County and Monmouth County. He has been a main supporter for stem cell research which is grand. The Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 which established a nationwide program for ethical research and treatment using umbilical cord blood and bone marrow cells. That landmark law was reauthorized in September 2010 for another five years -
Inhumane Acts #2
Rep. Chris Smith is the representative that produced a bill for human trafficking in different country’s. He created the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386) in his 1999 -2000 term. According to “” Smith currently serves as Ranking Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Africa and Global Health Subcommittee. He does not support abortion and that is a difference that we do not agree upon. He believes “ Abortion hurts women's health and puts future children subsequently born to women who aborted at significant risk. At least 102 studies show significant psychological harm, major depression and elevated suicide risk in women who abort.” His statement is true, but I believe that people must be concerned about the life of the mother. Her life that she was accustomed to is now altered. Teens who are in this situation will not be able to live the life as they choose and two lives gets destroyed if the mother gets no support.
Mr. Smith serves in the 4Th district of New Jersey which included county’s Mercer County Burlington County, Ocean County and Monmouth County. He has been a main supporter for stem cell research which is grand. The Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 which established a nationwide program for ethical research and treatment using umbilical cord blood and bone marrow cells. That landmark law was reauthorized in September 2010 for another five years -
Inhumane Acts
For my lobbying project, I will be trying to expand the seriousness of human trafficking. There are no bills that are currently passed in the united states that protect the rights of women and children who are soled as sex slaves. My ultimate goal is to help the current senator Christopher Smith pass that bill.

My motivation for this is being surrounded by girls who have been rape victims. Just the thought that they didn’t have the opportunity to say no, then to keep it hidden so long really repulses me. The girls I knew, some of them were tricked into their situations and some of the people they knew. Alike, these are the occurrences that happen during trafficking. 
The supporter for this cause is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I will be going up against the federal government that is having issues with supporting the bill being past. Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 is being led by Hillary Clinton and she is apart of the 10th annual trafficking report. She discussed issues and things to help stop these things from occurring

Its happening across the Globe and the U.S is aware of it. What bothers me, is that its not being stopped as fast as I would like. If we could a force, something similar to NATO to dig these people out, I believe that it would make a significant difference.
For my lobbying project, I will be trying to expand the seriousness of human trafficking. There are no bills that are currently passed in the united states that protect the rights of women and children who are soled as sex slaves. My ultimate goal is to help the current senator Christopher Smith pass that bill.
My motivation for this is being surrounded by girls who have been rape victims. Just the thought that they didn’t have the opportunity to say no, then to keep it hidden so long really repulses me. The girls I knew, some of them were tricked into their situations and some of the people they knew. Alike, these are the occurrences that happen during trafficking. 
The supporter for this cause is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I will be going up against the federal government that is having issues with supporting the bill being past. Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 is being led by Hillary Clinton and she is apart of the 10th annual trafficking report. She discussed issues and things to help stop these things from occurring
Its happening across the Globe and the U.S is aware of it. What bothers me, is that its not being stopped as fast as I would like. If we could a force, something similar to NATO to dig these people out, I believe that it would make a significant difference.
The Evolution of a Penguin
In the 21st century, many humans wonder why Penguins are so unique. James Randerson says " They have a dinner-suit plumage and waddling gait, penguins are among the most unusual and endearing members of the bird kingdom." Something has caused penguins to change. The scientific community has researched the changes, finding evidence that supports the Penguins evolution. In the beginning, scientists believed that penguins evolved from a flying bird that dated back to 150-million-year-old Archaeopteryx. According to, Ornithologists agree that, "Their closest living relatives appear to be an albatross, the graceful, soaring birds celebrated for their ocean-spanning trips in search of food for their young, says Marcel van Tuinen." Why is it that Penguins can not fly and how have they evolved?
The reason why Penguins cannot fly in the "Air" is because of their habitat. During the time of their evolution from a flying bird, they didn't need the ability to fly. Usually flying birds have hollow bones because they decrease the weight of the bird. A decreased weight equals a smoother flight for the bird. In the case of the Penguin, its wings are heavier so they can move through the water more rapidly. Many scientists would say that they "Fly" through water. Other researchers believe that Penguins evolved because of micro-evolution. It was used regarding because penguins were forced out of their normal habitat and because of that, they had to interbreed with members of different colonies. One idea, from MSNBC, was that "the breakup of mega-icebergs was blocking the swim paths of penguins and forcing them to migrate to more accessible colonies." Today, most species of the Penguin live in the Southern Hemisphere. The Penguin life varies from species to species.
Penguins live abundantly on many temperate and sub-Antarctic islands. Depending on where the Penguin is located determines its body structure. Galapagos penguins, which do not have the normal thick body structure, are located on tropical islands at the equator. Compared that to the emperor penguins that have a very thick layer of body fat , which are restricted to the pack ice of Antarctica. With all of the research done by scientists, similar to humans, there is still a missing link as to how Penguins have evolved, but only time will tell.
Sources :
H.R. 1256: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act 111th Congress 2009-2010
We had to create a story about how our bill became a law.
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
I support people who are running and what they are going to accomplish once they get into office
2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
To honestly end the political system and start over from scratch
3. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)
Yes because there were many blacks who were not allowed to vote and died so today you and I could, so I would feel like a traitor if I didn't.
4. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
No, I do not
5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, print, internet, other.
Well because I don't have a television I have heard most of the campaigning on the radio
6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have
7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
No but I am always in deep thought before I push the button to vote
8. Did your school teach you about voting
No because I grew up in a dominate republican school system so there was no time set aside about voting education