Elani Gonzalez-Ortiz Capstone
Day of Diversity!
Work Cited
School District of Philadelphia, Demographic Information, South Philly High School http://webgui.phila.k12.pa.us/schools/s/southphila/information-about-us/demographic-information
When I first came across this source, I first believed it to be not useful. I thought the dates that were presented were too outdated for me to be able to use them. I am able to use the demographics of this school from the past and I can compare them to more recent ones. There is also shows how the demographics have increased and decreased throughout the years in this one particular school. With that being said, this source is in fact useful for my capstone, I am now, with this source, able to use the historical demographics of this school and see if anything has changed.
“Main Menu:” The School District of Philadelphia, www.philasd.org/.
I selected this source because this source is the entirety of my capstone. My capstone revolves around the School District of Philadelphia therefore, I need to use the School District of Philadelphia´s website. This source gives me access to all of the School District Schools. It provides the necessary information I need about location, demographics, school population, etc. Though this source provides me with most of the information I need for my capstone it does not provide everything. This source does not provide some information that should be easily accessible and on the website and it is not so I am able to use that as a key part of my capstone.
“Your next great diversity job awaits you.” What is Diversity ?, www.diversity.com/page/What-is-Diversity.
I chose this source because it provides a universal definition of what diversity is. This source gave the definition of diversity but not in the way we mostly see it; they provided a definition that did not only have to do with race but with all sorts of differences. They gave the definition of diversity that I am going to use in my capstone. In my capstone I am not only going to speak about diversity in the sense of race but I am going to speak about religion, sex, socioeconomic status, etc. I am going to speak about the diversity in the School District of Philadelphia as a whole.
“Pennsylvania School District Demographic Profiles.” Click for info, proximityone.com/pa_sdc.htm.
I chose this source because this source provides information about the demographics about multiple schools in Philadelphia. This source is very useful to my capstone because it provides demographics in a universal sense. They not only provide race demographics but they provide demographics relating to socioeconomic status which is a crucial part of my capstone. Diversity in schools relates to school neighborhoods and school neighborhoods have to do with socioeconomic status. My capstone shows how diversity shifts throughout schools and neighborhoods and this source shows all of that. -
“How to Host a Profitable Educational Workshop.” Www.ideafit.com, www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/how-to-host-a-profitable-educational-workshop.
When I first found and read this source, I did not think that i related to my topic at all. This source talks about how to host engaging physical fitness and health workshops. Even though this source speaks about hosting physical fitness and health workshops it still provided the necessary information to host engaging workshops. For my capstone, I am hosting a Day of Action which is just a day filled with workshops. Because my entire event consist of workshops I need to know how to properly host workshops that are educational and engaging.
“Data Dive: How Do Demographics Affect Performance at Philadelphia Public High Schools? WHYY, whyy.org/articles/data-dive-how-do-demographics-affect-performance-at-philadelphia-public-high-schoolms/.
When I first found this source I found it immediately interesting. I thought that something that I need to add to my capstone,. This article speaks about how the demographics of Philadelphia high schools affect student performance. This article just strengthens my capstone idea about how important diversity is and how we need to appreciate it more. The basis of my capstone is celebrating diversity and bring about diversity awareness. I want to show the importance of diversity and this article is a direct source to that; this source directly shows how diversity affects students and their performance in school.
“2018 Most Diverse High Schools in the Philadelphia Area.” Niche, www.niche.com/k12/search/most-diverse-public-high-schools/m/philadelphia-metro-area/.
I chose this source because it is a list of the most diverse high schools in Philadelphia. I want to show the correlation between diversity and schools. This source provided the most diverse high school in Philadelphia, the thing about all of most of these high schools is that they are magnet schools. The rest of the schools are public neighborhood schools. At my capstone I am going to have a panel of speakers that brings up the topic “should we keep magnet schools?” This is important to my capstone because it seems as though the only diverse schools are magnet schools but if we get rid of magnet schools then maybe neighborhood schools would become more diverse.