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Eric Gorski Capstone
Jayla Wright Capstone
Around when I was 12 I had gotten into webcomics. I grew inspired by this niche storytelling format and decided that sometime in the future I would have a webcomic of my own. A few years later, I was a freshman in SLA, I learned the ropes of this school, including the capstone project all seniors were expected to do. From there on, I knew that my capstone just had to be a webcomic.
Webcomics start like any other storytelling medium. Ideas, characters, and events hazardously fly in the creator's mind. I went through numerous ideas for my story before settling on one. At this point, the characters, setting, and events needed development. As I wanted the comic to be character driven, I fleshed out the people of the story first. After that, I began writing the script where the setting and the events came naturally to me. After the script and characters were giving multiple trials of critiquing I knew my webcomic was ready to go. I put all dialogue and visual descriptions into a spreadsheet and created character designs to help me plan each comic panel. I planned over 200 drawings and decided to break them up into small weekly updates to make the comic easier to consume. The last thing to do was to make a website that could host my comic.
There were unexpected hiccups along the way, but I did appreciate learning the storytelling process. I plan to work on this after I graduate so I can continue to contribute my art and writing to the storytelling world.
Barr, Brian. 2017. “The Ultimate Guide to Running Instagram Stories Ads That Will Generate Massive ROI.” Single Grain. Single Grain.
Will use this to understand advertising on social media. The article briefs on Ads on social media being short, and its viewer’s attention spans being even shorter. Based on that information, I can gather that advertising on social media requires storytelling that is quick and eye-catching. I don’t want my audiences to be bored, I want them engaged and interested. Using storytelling allows me to ensure that my audience will remember and look into my webcomic.
Bois, Jon. 2AD. “What Football Will Look Like in the Future.” SBNation.
Will use this webcomic as an example of experimental online storytelling. 17776 incorporates facets of the internet such as infinite scrolling and videos. Both are things people interact with on the daily during their internet surfing. But, these techniques are rarely seen in webcomics, which typically follows a book’s format of being flipped page to page. The formatting of this website is similar to social media’s, where users scroll through their feed and browse texts, videos, and pictures. I believe by taking inspiration from this website formatting I can create a website that considers how people currently use the internet.
Brown, Kieron. 2013. “The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.” The Comics Grid. Musical Sequences in Comics.
Will be used to consider how music interacts with storytelling. I plan to have a multimedia webcomic and I would need to effectively use music that would help move along the plot or character development. The article also discusses the importance of reader engagement with music, as the more the reader is involved the more the story moves on. Music and storytelling interacting will make scenes and character traits more memorable.
“Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget.” 2018. Reedsy. Reedsy Ltd.
Will be used to write more detailed character descriptions. The exercises help me understand my character’s motives and behavior better. The source has a lot to choose from ranging from templates that help kickstart a character to psychology questions used on real people. So far, this source has been used to get me started with a character but it will probably be used in the possible case of writer’s block.
Darcy, Jen. Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil: The Creation The Inspiration The Fascination. New York, New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2017.
Will be used for character design. As this book goes into depth towards Disney’s decisions when visually designing their characters. Disney typically considers what humans find uncomfortable to look at in their designs to get their desired reaction. For example, using a sickly green color in scenes whenever a villain is present. These techniques almost train audiences to react according to Disney’s plan. This book is useful for considering key aspects of design in not just villains, but all characters and settings.
Dune, Will. The Dramatic Writer's Companion. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Will be used when fleshing out a new character. This book lists exercises that jog the brain into thinking of material for characters and setting. I plan to mostly use this source as a way of getting to know my characters, as well as making them feel real. This source considers small aspects of characters such as their insignificant interests and beliefs. Both details most likely won’t affect the plot, but it will help with understanding their motives.
Hussie, Andrew. n.d. Homestuck. Andrew Hussie. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Will be used as an example of an experimental webcomic. Homestuck is one of the few webcomics to use flash animation, games, and music instead of just static images. I will take this webcomic’s techniques of inserting different mediums into my story when appropriate. Homestuck’s use of more than one medium is part of the reasons why it’s so memorable, as it takes advantage of its placement being on the internet. I intend to consider using unique aspects of the internet in my webcomic as well.
Lund, Martin. "Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection" 2013.
This thesis considers how identity is expressed in comics. Whether intentional or not, comic book writers and artists tend to make statements depending on how their characters’ identities are regarded in stories. Although the thesis focuses on a Jewish-American angle, I will consider this topic when writing all my characters. I want to avoid making an unintentionally harmful statement about a character’s identity. I also want the statements I do intentionally make to be powerful and meaningful.
Radner, Jo. "On the Threshold of Power: The Storytelling Movement Today." Storytelling, Self, Society 4, no. 1 (2008): 36-49.
Will use this source towards making my webcomic look appealing enough to read. The book focuses on traditional storytelling’s competition for popularity with other art forms such as dance or theatre. My chosen medium isn’t as traditional as a book, but it does face the same treatment that books receive due to their lower entertainment value. However, considering what makes these forms of media regarded higher and applying it to my work can make my webcomic stand out.
Undertale. Videogame. United States: Toby Fox, 2015.
Undertale has a simple plot and art style, yet it rose quickly in cultural importance. This endearment it received can most likely be traced back to its heartfelt design, due to each aspect of the game feeling thoughtfully crafted. It also has a unique soundtrack, characters, and concept which helped its booming popularity. I intend to keep the aspects in mind when creating my webcomic. While it does need to be different, it also needs to have a heart as well.
Julia Hood Capstone
While many people are starting to bring addiction to light, the effect on those close to people addicted is still a viewpoint that is not frequently shown. I wanted to focus on the effect addiction has on people around those addicted. I conducted interviews with multiple people who have had people close to them suffer from addiction, ranging from family to friends. After struggling to find a way to present these things in the honest way that they were presented to me while making it relatable to people who have not experienced these things. I realized that a way to make it relatable to everyone is to not place people’s full stories out there, but to bring out bits and pieces that have the potential to resonate with people. To do that I took some of the quotes that resonated the most with me and that I felt like would resonate the most with others and made posters with them on them and hung them around SLA. Overall, this was a lot harder than I had anticipated. Talking about such a sensitive topic is hard for a lot of people, especially when they know it may be made public in some way. I found that the best way to deal with that was to ensure anonymity as well as ensure that their stories were something that I truly cared about and wanted to shed light on in a more positive way.
"Chapter 1: Why Is Early Childhood Important To Substance Abuse Prevention?." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
A substance abuse guide that was made by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that talks about how early childhood can affect a person’s likelihood to become addicted in the future. It also talks about how exposure to different things can affect addiction issues in the future. This is important because a lot of children who grow up with people who are close to them addicted or abusing substances it becomes something that is “normal” to them and makes them more likely to have their own substance abuse and addiction problems as they get older.
Coyer, Sharon. 2001. "Mothers Recovering From Cocaine Addiction: Factors Affecting Parenting Skills". Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing.
This clinical study done by Sharon Coyer in JOGNN, the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, studies mothers who are recovering from cocaine addiction. It talks about how addiction affects how mothers parent through the way that they interact with their children. This shows how parents themselves feel that their addiction affects their families, a side that isn't normally shown when researching how addiction affects families.
"Harvard Study Pegs How Parental Substance Abuse Impacts Kids." Psychology Today. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article written by Psychology Today that analyzes a multiple studies on how children who grow up in households with parents or caregivers who have substance issues are more likely to suffer from behavioral and emotional problems. This is important because it explains, through statistics, that increased rates of behavioral problems as well as emotional problems are not just things that the people that I will be and have interviewed for my project suffer from, but are a widespread issue.
How Family Member's Addictions Affect You. 2019 Anonymous Interview by Julia Hood. In person. Science Leadership Academy.
This interview that I conducted with an anonymous person talks about how their parent’s addictions affected them growing up and now that they’re older how they deal with it. It addresses how they view addiction as a whole as well as how it’s affected their relationship with their parents. It shows how people in situations where a family member is addicted view things as well as how they cope with things, this interview shows specifically that the coping mechanisms that are recommended are not always carried out when not promoted at home.
"How Addiction Affects Children - Life With An Addict Through A Child's Eye." The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare. N. p., 2018. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article written by a behavioral healthcare center in Texas talks about the different ways that addiction affects children. It also talks about some of the different ways that children can cope with their parents being addicted. This is important for my project because it talks about how addiction can emotionally affect how children act as well and develop regarding relationships as well as “basic” tasks.
"How Your Substance Abuse May Have Affected Your Child | Phoenix House." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article published by Phoenix House that talks about how substance abuse has affected children whose parents suffered from addiction. It talks about how even though a parent may have been present physically the whole addiction it still can still emotionally affect the child, it also talks about how neglect or abuse can affect children. It also talks about the different ways it has psychologically affected children as well as how it may have affected their learning of basic tasks such as personal hygiene practices and can affect their intimate relationships in the future.
Publishing, Harvard. "How Addiction Hijacks The Brain - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article by Harvard Health Department talks about the science behind addiction as well as what addiction does to the brain. It talks about how addictions are formed as well as how tolerances are formed and why they’re formed. This is important because to understand how addiction affects families it must first be understood what addiction is and why it is a thing. It is also important to understand why people become addicted to things and how the brain functions while addicted.
"Relationships And Addiction | Dual Diagnosis." Dual Diagnosis. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article done by the Foundations Recovery Network talks about how addictions affect people’s relationships, it has many different subsections that discuss the different ways that addiction can affect people’s relationships such as gender dynamics, economic issues, and how developing healthy relationships can help with addiction.
"The Importance Of Family When Recovering From Addiction » Alo House Malibu." Alo House Malibu. N. p., 2017. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article published by Alo House Recovery Centers that talks about the importance of family members while someone is recovering from addiction. This shows the different ways that different family dynamics can enable recovering addicts as well as different ways that family members can help their family members recover. This is important because even though many people are currently in a situation where a family member is addicted, there are also many people whose family members are recovering and it is necessary to understand what to do while recovering.
"What Are The Dangers Of A Codependent Drug Abusing Relationship?." American Addiction Centers. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article written by American Addiction Centers that talks about how even though positive relationships can help addicts, certain relationships, codependent relationships in particular, can cause many negative effects on recovering addicts. It also explains what codependent relationships are and how it affects both people in the relationship. This article shines a light on addiction and how it affects family members in a light that isn’t just that it affects the family, but that depending on the person they could actually be harming the recovering or current addict.
Alan Li Capstone
Sean DeSilva Capstone
When I first came across this source, I thought it had an interesting approach to talking about procrastination. However, this source has expressed the idea of why we procrastinate in a very descriptive manner. It talks about the idea of the, “Money Mind,” which I most definitely want to include in my presentation. I believe that so far, this source has been the best in being able to convey new information to me and very interesting ideas. I genuinely felt that this was a fun read.
"Procrastination: A Brief Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating." James Clear. Accessed January 25, 2019.
Reviewing this source, it talks about how we as individuals can stop procrastination. It also gives various ways of working around procrastination. This source has been very in depth, providing us with graphs and amazing analysis. I might use some of the graphs provided here in my own presentation or I might make my own graphs to relate to the findings in my capstone.
"Procrastination" Psychology Today Accessed January 25, 2019.
This source has been quite interesting as it talks about setting goals for yourself and taking control of your time. I believe that having goals set for yourself each day is quite important for you to retain your motivation. Since motivation is also a key factor in weather people procrastinate or not. The feeling of accomplishment can also be present once those goals are fulfilled even if they are small goals. This source did talk about things I already knew but it was good to have this source to kind of reinforce my initial ideas.
Jaffe, Eric. "Why Wait? The Science Behind Procrastination." Association for Psychological Science. Accessed January 25, 2019.
This article talks about how everyone has procrastinated at least once and there are some that still do. However, not everyone is a procrastinator. There are some people that do so from time to time, others not so much. While some individuals do to it quite often. The article also opens up with a humorous statement. That statement being, “Believe it or not, the Internet did not give rise to procrastination.” I thought it was nice how this article opened up and gave me inspiration to have a humorous opening to my own capstone once I have finalized everything.
Manktelow, James. "How Can I Stop Procrastinating'Overcoming the Habit of Delaying Important Tasks." Management Training and Leadership Training - Online. Accessed January 25, 2019.
This source has been able to convey the idea of being able to recognize yourself. I feel that I should be able to make this point in my presentation. Being able to recognize yourself is the most important thing in progressing as a person. That would be a good idea for me to be able to express in my presentation.
Cherry, Kendra. "The Psychology Behind Why We Wait Until the Last Minute to Do Things." Verywell Mind. Last modified December 24, 2012.
This article talks about why we individuals wait until the last minute to do certain tasks. It includes numerical values which I think are important when wanting to express certain ideas. I believe that by using numerical values, it can make ideas a lot more compelling and understandable. I think that it would be beneficial for me to use numerical values to provide clarity to my audience.
"Case Study: Procrastination." SoundCloud. Accessed January 25, 2019.
This soundcloud podcast has been very interesting to observe. It talks about how a grown women procrastinates on certain things which also affects her personal life along with her marriage. I believe that if procrastination is affecting someone's life that much, they should take initiative to prevent it from harming them further. This podcast expresses that.
Jones, Orion. "Procrastination Is a Strong Emotional Coping Mechanism." Big Think. Last modified January 25, 2019.
Coping with certain things is a natural human tactic. However, this article takes a psychological approach. The article brings up the idea that people use avoidance to cope with their emotions.
9. Locke, Susannah. "Why Your Brain Loves Procrastination." Vox. Last modified April 18, 2016.
This article talks about the brain and why it ‘loves’ to procrastinate. I believe that it is the idea of false sense of comfort that allows us to procrastinate. It makes our brains think that we’re in a okay spot. I think that I should incorporate this idea in my capstone, since I can personally relate to this finding.
10. Pychyl, Tim. "Procrastination A Misplaced Coping Mechanism, Says Psychologists." Denver News, Weather, Sports From CBS Channel 4 – CBS Denver. Last modified December 22, 2016."Procrastination A Misplaced Coping Mechanism, Says Psychologists." Denver News, Weather, Sports From CBS Channel 4 – CBS Denver. Last modified December 22, 2016.
This source has conveyed the idea of procrastination being a coping mechanism. Another source that talks about the idea of coping with procrastination as it’s in our brains to do so. The title of this article was also quite interesting, since it defines procrastination as a misplaced coping mechanism. Which I can believe can be used in my presentation. Initially I thought that I was going to simply talk about my own personal experience of procrastination and the interviews I’ve conducted. However, after viewing all these resources, I believe that I am able to incorporate a deeper meaning in this capstone.
Lauryn Lewis Capstone
For my capstone project, I decided to create a project that was very dear to me. I created Krochet Kare Packages which is a project to help families heal from gun violence in the city of Philadelphia. I personally crocheted different items ranging from clothes to blankets and packaged them with motivational messages to uplift the different people/families who had been affected by gun violence. The reason that I chose to start this project was because I began to realize the lack of mental health support that people of color in Philadelphia received. I knew that I had to specify who exactly I wanted to reach out to. After reading ‘Rest In Power’, the memoir from the parents of Trayvon Martin, I decided that I should tackle a big issue, gun violence. After deciding this, I reached out to people around me who had been strongly affected by gun violence. By doing so, I was able to hear the stories of all the individuals and learn about the toll that such a traumatizing event can have on one’s mind. After hearing the stories of everyone who I planned to work with, i personalized crochet care packages for each victim. The point of the handmade crocheted items was to let those individuals know that they were not alone and to give them something that would comfort them in times of pain and or grief.
Annotated Bibliography
AVPPhila. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
AVP stands for the Anti-Violence Partnership of Philadelphia. They offer people who have lost loved ones violently counseling sessions as well as group therapy. All the services there are free because they know that a lot of people in Philly are under ;privledged and can not afford to pay for full price services to help them cope with death. A lot of the people who organize the different sessions have personally dealt with the issues that they all are coming to get help with. Aside from helping the families of the victims with counseling they also try to help them get the people locked up for the crimes. This is a big help considering a lot of cases go unsolved.
Coping in the Aftermath of a Shooting. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
Coping with a shooting surrounds almost the same things as coping with a death. Sometimes shootings even sadly end in death. It is understandable for some to want to isolate themselves from things especially like the news and other media that may be heavily discussing the incident. This can sometimes cause panic attacks and unneeded anxiety. This is really called post traumatic stress disorder which happens to some who experience traumatic events that leave a long lasting impact on them. This happens commonly in urban neighborhoods but is rarely treated. When this happens, people can turn to reacting to those events randomly because they are triggered.
Coping with Loss: Bereavement and Grief. (2015, May 01). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This source talks more about how to deal with the death of a loved one compared to others that just talked about what happens when you a loved one dies. One major thing to do is to take care of yourself and not deprive yourself of essential things that help you survive and keep you happy. In a time of such disappointment, it makes sense to try and normalize things instead of trying to become a totally different person. Building with other people dealing with the same issue will also help the both of you cope better and share common experiences.
Crochet Therapy for Mental Health • LoveCrochet Blog. (2017, May 08). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
Crocheting is used as a therapy for many because of how it soothes. Different yarns have different textures which come as a healing and comfortable place for people away from their home (comfort space). Crocheting allows people to get their feelings out through the project that they are working on. Whether it be anger or even love, it allows you to express yourself when you are silenced by things that hurt you. The sensation that you get from crocheting, can heal physical pains because mentally you will be at peace and not be able to feel anything.
Crocheting For A Cause. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This is a organization that does something similar to what I will do. They crochet different things for people who are usually sick or veterans and give them to them for comfort. I will be doing that but instead to a more specified crowd. They are located in Jersey and do not do any of the work for money. Everything that they do is free and from the bottom of their heart. Throughout the year, who they crochet for tends to vary because they like reaching out to certain groups and giving each of them an allotted dedication.
Family & Survivor Support. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This service is based in North Carolina and provides some of the same services that a lot of therapist do. A lot of the services include planning memorial events such as funerals and candlelights to bring light to the people that lose their lives. This helps families feel sane because they feel like their family members do not die in vain. They want the legacies to live on and for people to especially know if the cases have not been solved and people are not paying for their ruthless actions. If the person who was killed is the only one that they had left, it gives them a chance to rebuild their family value now that a loved one is gone.
Grief & Depression Coping With Denial, Loss, Anger and More. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This source talks about the process of grief and how each person may deal with it differently. Usually when you are dealing with grief there are different stages of how you accept it as well as deny it. You can lose feeling over a sensation of shock and even act as if it hasn’t happened. With this comes wishing that you may have spent more time with the person or even was there to prevent what happened. Some people even never recover from death and begin to fall into depression which can lead to suicide.
Health Benefits of Crocheting and Knitting. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
Crocheting helps with both long term and short term health. With crocheting comes following different patterns and motions which help with memory when it comes to getting down a routine. Physically it strengthens your hands and teaches them to have structure when it comes to other hand moving techniques. Crocheting is something that is done everywhere and even in correctional facilities to help prisoners build bonds and also social skills. In addition to this, and knowledge from the previous information that I have collected, crocheting can be obviously seen as a way to heal and even the handmade items that are made can heal.
Johnson, P. (2018, February 06). Philly organization Erase the Rate addresses gun violence by empowering the community. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This source talks about a young lady who had hopes to end gun violence following the death of her cousin. She created a foundation called “Erase the Rate” to try to educate people about how the death rate in Philadelphia is increasing because of senseless violence that people participate in. The sad thing about this is that people are being murdered and their murderers most of the time remain on the loose. By remaining on the loose, their is a high chance that they will strike again and senselessly murder another victim in the city. It also mentions how urban children are usually told to be strong because they can handle anything instead of actually getting help and dealing with the things that eventually haunt them.
Our Founder. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from
This source is about the founder of a local organization that works to stop violence in Philadelphia. It tells the story of how she chose to start her foundation after the tragic lost of her son to gun violence in a parking lot. Aside from using her terrifying experience to help start the foundation, she uses her background in Psychology to help people cope. She reaches out to people around the country as well and educates them regarding resources they can use to help them deal with losing a loved one. Dr. Dorothy makes sure that everyone involved is remembered and upholds a legacy.
Lauren Matthews Capstone
For my capstone project, I designed and decorated the venue for the Second Annual Black Student Union Gala. My main goal was to include the SLA community with the decorating process so I contacted the Community Involvement Club and asked for volunteers. I had more than 20 volunteers decorating the space so the decorating didn’t take too much time. There was a total of 22 tables and 240 chairs to decorate. My goal was to decorate the event under three hours and it took two hours. The colors of the design came from the Pan- African colors, which represent liberation, unity, and growth. The overall decoration was a success. I learned most importantly involving the SLA community keeps everyone more connected with their peers and makes them more a part of club events. Seeing students from different grades come together and work as a team made me feel proud because there are little opportunities where upperclassmen may interact with the underclassmen. It has taught me that the relationships created with my SLA peers expand more than inside the hallways. This project would have not been pieced together if it had not been for the help of each volunteer.
Anon, (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This PDF article tells about the importances of parent involvement for education purposes. This article was selected because it gives factual evidence to support the correlation of academic performance and parent - community partnerships. I will use this article to support the overall goal of presentation piece, which is to create more relationships between the scholars and the academic community. I will also focus on the collaboration aspect of working together to design the Gala to welcome everyone. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019].
This PDF article focuses on the implications for family school relations. I choose this article to discuss the main aspects of the SLA community and Ben Franklin HIgh school relationship dues to the move. Using this article, it helps me understand how school partnerships so that students are well respected and more comfortable within their communities. The Gala will bring schools together to share a voice for minorities and school organizations.
BSU Organizations (2019). The Early History of the UW Black Student Union - Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This website gives me insight on the early actions of BSU and the foundations of Black empowerment. The Gala doesn’t just focus on certain black cultures but to consider recognizing advocacy outreach within different cultures. This website helps me with creating a theme for the Gala for the different cultures found in the different school communities. Also using this website I will include comprehension on why SLA BSU was created and the legacy left behind for minorities in school communities.
Health Outreach Partners. (2019). How Outreach Programs Can Improve Health Outcomes - Health Outreach Partners. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article explain the health outcomes based on outreach programs. I choose this article to help support the benefits of outreach programs and the positive effects on health. I will use this article when explaining the reasoning why outreach programs affect how relationships are affected in social skills and community empowerment. Social skill empowerment helps students feel more ready for real world interactions with peers or in a career. It also created more comfortability within a neighborhood. The relationships I hope to create within the parents and students will encourage students to be more confident in creations for school related activities. Academic Impressions. (2019). Tips for Outreach to Area High Schools - Academic Impressions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article talks about focusing on the needs for the schools when being involved with outreach activities for schools. I choose this article to explain some of the needs when coming to getting to have community events. As for the Gala, the Gala was created so the students and performers can share why they might feel why student associations are important in communities. SOme of the needs that were talked about on the website are shared resources found for students, preventing barriers found in the schools like equality or racism. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article is social development and effectiveness. I will use this article create effectiveness between the students in community involvement club and the parents that are helping with the Gala. Effectiveness will give community involvement club perseverance when dealing with school activities. The parents will also get a better understanding of why being involved with the school helps school activities move more efficiently. The student will work with social development and work with other students to male student organizations better.
Project Smart. (2019). The Six Principles of Project Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019].
This article is about the basic principles to considering during the process of project development. I will use this article when creating a plan for the design of the Gala. During my meetings with the community involvement club, I will break down these principles so that the vision will help create partnerships with other school academic clubs. Some of the principles that were mentioned were the Vision and mission, the Standards of engagement, and measurement accountability skills. These principles will help with dependency, which is a key to for building relationships between people. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article is about the Leadership styles that are found in project creation. Some of the Leadership Styles that were mentioned are directive and democratic. Those leadership roles will help with my capstone because it helps when creating roles for each person within a organization. Directive roles helps students who need to be aligned when dealing with community events, which a big events that need specific resources. Democratic roles are for bigger school clubs that need help with making decisions which may be a struggle. To prevent these things. The meeting will be happening within BSU about parenting help.
Marie, Ann 27/3 Tuesday
During this interview, I will be discussing the different fabrics and design materials needed to bring the vision of the Gala. The materials that will be gathered will include african prints for table cloths or napkins. I would also discuss the choice of materials, why including certains prints or plates. Involving different schools give input on what needs to be included will help explore different aspects of culture dynamics and race within the schools.
Event Planner Interview 28/3 Wednesday
During this interview, I would discuss the future aspects for the Gala. Some of the aspects are involving other schools student governments that are invited to the Gala. Involving the SLA CIc club will help help the organization within the school. Now that the school is moving to Ben Franklin, students can also incorporate project developments for BSU related events like the Gala or Schools dances. As for Parent Organizations, donations and volunteers for event setup could relive stress for student event planning. Having this conversation will sought out the future steps for student organizations for school activities.
Autumn Lor Capstone
I created a mini-course at Science Leadership Academy Middle School (SLAMS). Although I couldn’t do my exact idea, I used the space that I had. I wanted the kids to be as safe and happy as possible.
My original idea was to create a lacrosse sports clinic. It was supposed to teach kids how to play the sport but because of the limited space, it would have been difficult to play. I was given a small room similar to the size of a storage closet. So instead of teaching the sport, we talked about how to stay “fit”. Staying fit means a lot of things. We did stretches, exercises, and learned how to eat right.
Over the 8-week long program, we alternated between legs and arms every week. When we worked on legs, we played games like The Fox vs The Squirrel, it’s similar to tag but there’s a fox that is trying to get the squirrel, and The Great Wind Blows, a mixture of musical chairs and show-and-tell. It keeps their legs moving. For arms, we played a lot of hand games. I taught them how to play Numbers and have competitions on which group can go the longest. Along with that after the mini-workout, I gave the kids a snack as a healthy reward. Some snacks we shared were fruit and trail mix.
SLAMS would usually have a performance for their last day of mini-courses, but it was canceled because not all of the classes were ready. Instead, we passed around a basketball outside. This was a really amazing experience for me because I have a trail an error in trying to get the kids attention. I have to learn about what they liked in order for them to enjoy their mini-course. In the end, I felt like most of the kids enjoy these activities as well as learning about their bodies and health.
Here is the link to the original LAX form idea. I made it so the student can tell me a little bit about themselves.
Here is the link to my bibliography.
Sarah Berg Capstone
My capstone was centered around the prevalence of a stigma along with general discomfort and misunderstandings surrounding the discussion of mental illness in the SLA community. To address this, I held a Mental Health Visibility and Education Day. For the educational aspect, I researched numerous disorders using the DSM-5 and created posters that provided simple definitions of each one. For the visibility aspect, I made pins and stickers that were color-coded to represent different illnesses and encouraged people to wear them on the day. The idea behind this visual identification was that mental illnesses are usually hard to see, but on that day, suffering people would feel less alone and others will see the reach of the illnesses. My ultimate goal, however, was to spark conversations about the topic. I believe that my capstone was successful. While I cannot definitively say that people are now more educated, I did see many kids stopping and looking at the posters, and there was a larger amount of participation in the Visibility Day than I anticipated, as I gave out 73 pins and more stickers. In fact, I had to stop halfway through the day and print more of the white stickers, which signified general support of the cause. Most importantly, I witnessed and took part in several conversations about mental health that I normally do not see happening.
- Term
- 2018-19