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Sofia Powers Capstone
Growing up in the public school system, I noticed that studies became very compartmentalized and creative applications were specifically reserved for students in outside programs or who were pursuing a career entailing those applications. This continues to cause many students who are unaccustomed with creative expression to believe that they are not inherently creative and therefore cannot be creative, simply due to a lack of opportunity. My intention for my capstone was to refresh students with creative applications of building to increase confidence in student’s ideas and push them to think outside the box through fun building challenges. I created an initial survey to understand student’s notions about creativity and leadership. I then advertised for a club meeting by creating posters and hanging them in the school. I created a series of three prompts where teams of approximately 5 students had to work under time constraints and with limited household materials to build a tower, weight-bearing bridge, and ball transport system. The activities were designed to be fun and low stress, but engaged participants with their competitive side. I learned about the challenges of taking a coaching role versus my typical teammate role in encouraging and offering constructive but elusive feedback. I was able to improve my own creative skills by brainstorming possible solutions to decide appropriate materials for them to use. Each of these challenges pushed the participants to question traditional methods and instead search for loopholes.
Barras, Colin. “Future - Can You Learn to Be Creative?” BBC News. March 14, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2019. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140314-learn-to-be-creative. This article analyses studies on teaching and learning creativity and takes the stance that creativity should be salvaged through teaching. Levels of creativity are being crushed in school age children due to to the increase of importance of standardized test scores and creativity is currently only being truly taught at a university level when it may be too late. This article explores nontraditional methods and courses that foster creativity as its importance re-emerges in the workforce. I will use these findings as a driving force in my own work to re-integrate creativity into the minds of young people.
Creative Competitions. Scoring for Spontaneous. PDF. Glassboro: Creative Competitions, Inc., 2010. This score sheet offers two categories: Creativity and Teamwork. The creativity score sheet specifies how to be elusive when stating the problem so one solution is not encouraged by the language of the problem. Although I will not be using numerical values to assess my club’s solutions, I can assess their creativity on this scale to offer feedback. The teamwork score sheet describes a range of optimal cooperation and collaboration to team domination and dissonance. This document will help me encourage good team dynamics and help me recognize issues within the group.
Destination Imagination. Four Free Instant Challenges. PDF. Cherry Hill: Destination Imagination, Inc., 2014. This source is intended for teams to use in preparation for the “instant challenge” portion of the competition. It offers four prompts, two of which are Hands-On and include materials, setup, and possible scoring. I will use these prompts as a basis for my own and especially the materials and setup to acquire their counterparts for my own original problems. These example problems spark my ability as they demonstrate extensions of very basic prompts, such as requiring that an otherwise basic tower must touch four separate taped off sections of floor. These give me a basis of steps I can take to make my own work more complex.
DiscoverDesign Staff. “Design Process.” DiscoverDesign. 2018. Accessed February 04, 2019. https://www.discoverdesign.org/handbook. This article explains the six steps of the engineering design process. It offers a short description of each step and basic applications. I will use this process to design the optimal solutions to my prompts. The most important part that is not included in Odyssey of the Mind style prompts is the final two steps of Feedback and Improve. This process will serve as a reminder to integrate those steps as they are important to SLA’s core values and curriculum and their integration will help students apply their skills.
Kouzes, James M., and Barry Z. Posner. The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. This source is a book demonstrating the five practices of leadership, those being Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. The first chapter of this book focuses on two interviews that demonstrate struggles to lead and tactics that helped manage a group, one being Lindsay Levin of White’s Vehicle Repair and Ted Turner of Turner Broadcasting System. Levin’s exemplary leadership is characterized by gaining small successes as a team to build trust in the team, committing to teaching strategies to members, and recognizing success through awards. She also speaks of a technique of “zapping vs sapping,” where the leader boosts a member’s motivation by recognizing good work. Turner had success with leadership by encouraging risk-taking creativity and creating a company store to increase exclusivity and pride. While my project will be less run like a company and not commercial product driven, I will use these techniques on a small scale in running a club of members that must work as a team each meeting.
Llove. Hands-On Problem: The Strongest Link. PDF. Virginia: Odyssey of the Mind, 2006. This source offers an Odyssey of the Mind-style, hands-on, spontaneous problem involving two parts. They entails creating a chain on which a cup full of weights are held. This problem demonstrates the difficulty factor of having one time period to build and a second to alter or challenge the structure. I will use this problem as a basis to create two part problems where added complexities challenge teams after their initial build to extend their creativity. I can also use the model of a bridge-like problem as the underlying build challenge.
Mandel, Brett. “Coaching Spontaneous.” Interview by author. February 2019. The interviewee is my Odyssey of the Mind coach. He was a participant of the program in his youth and has been coaching Odyssey of the Mind for about a decade. I will use this interview to understand his experience coaching students who are high school aged in a problem solving context. I will ask questions about how to give constructive feedback during short creativity prompts and how to make sure students are listening to each other’s ideas. He will also have good ideas about where to get materials for hands-on problems.
Micklus, C. S., and Samuel W. Micklus. Lots of Problems, Many Solutions. Sewell, NJ: Creative Competitions, 2007. This book serves as an introduction to the Odyssey of the Mind program and offers many official verbal and hands-on spontaneous prompts. The introduction gives an overview of creative problem solving, and I will use these concepts to understand the basis and apply it to my club. I will use later chapters to base my original problems off of. The most useful piece of information this book offers is a detailed site setup, which is very important to solving the prompt.
Nelson, Robert. “Why It Is (Almost) Impossible to Teach Creativity.” The Conversation. January 09, 2019. Accessed January 31, 2019. http://theconversation.com/why-it-is-almost-impossible-to-teach-creativity-105659. This article from an independent not-for-profit organization presents a controversial and cynical view on creativity to a wide and unspecified audience. It presents problem solving as a lesser application of creativity as problems serve as an anxious place. I will use this view to dispute the stressful or limited applications of creativity through making my problems have more than just one feasible solution. I will offer opportunity for creative growth by rewarding risk-taking even if a solution fails. This club is meant to become a space for students to exercise creativity, not to place a stressor on specific solutions.
Perkins, T., J. Otte, and S. Riggs. The “Unofficial” On-line Coaches’ Training. PPT. Glassboro: Odyssey of the Mind, 2013. This presentation begins to prep outsiders on how to coach teams specifically for the Odyssey of the Mind competition and season. It covers the principle of divergent vs convergent problem solving and promotes the concept that divergent problem solving allows students to take creative measures and calculated risks in their solution. The source also states the responsibility of the coach to lead by asking questions. I will use this technique when coaching my club,asking constructive questions to allow students to work among themselves without the guidance of concrete answers that would lead them un-creatively to the solution. The presentation also places an emphasis on only allowing constructive criticism between teammates, which is another sentiment I will utilize.
Colin Taylor-McGrane Capstone
For my senior project, I created a maze, outlined all possible motions in tape, and programmed a small VEX robot to navigate it. I discovered that most conventional mazes are composed of two pieces that fit together. Therefore, all mazes can be solved by following the left or right wall from start to finish. To give the robot the means to navigate the maze, I outlined all of the possible directions the robot could travel in black tape. The bottom of the robot was equipped with three infrared sensors. These sensors worked by shooting infrared light down at the ground and detecting the light that bounces back. Because of the light absorption of the black tape, the light detected bouncing off of the black tape will be different. I ran through many different maze designs, trying to create one that would have as many points of choice as possible that could fit on a flattened tri-fold board. It took several tries, but I finally succeeded by erasing lines on a 4 by 5 grid until I created a viable maze. After I created the code, I placed the robot on a the maze and let it run through. After observation I adjusted the speed of the robot and the code governing action at intersections. I also added additional strategically placed tape at T-junctions to ensure that the robot detects the black tape with its left or right sensor.
Autonomously Solving Mazes with Robots (1).pdf. (2017, July 21). Retrieved January 25, 2019, from https://soe.rutgers.edu/sites/default/files/imce/gov2017/Autonomously%20Solving%20Mazes%20with%20Robots.pdf
This source is an experiment done with autonomous robotic navigation of mazes done at Rutgers University done by a group of 6 graduate students. The students were attempting to figure out how to use programming techniques in order to allow robots to figure out how to find the fastest possible route through a maze. Their research was inspired by the ability of Google maps to figure out the exact fastest route to a certain location. The students believed that this software could be very useful for autonomous robots and vehicles. I would use this source to find out what exactly the programing techniques they used are and how they are applicable to the maze.
Blynel, J., & Floreano, D. blynel_evorob03.pdf. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/fc84/cf42f04d6474a9fc92117957ef695f976030.pdf
This article discusses the application continuous time recurrent neural networks as they allow robots to navigate T-mazes, which are a specific type of maze. This article describes the computational mainframe of the robot in terms of genomes and neural networks. This source also presents many different mathematical equations that can be used in order to guide the robot through the maze. This source also presents information relating to how the data from T-maze navigation can be used in order to navigate more complex mazes in the real world. This source will be used in order to find some of the math and programing techniques necessary for allowing a robot to navigate the maze.
Duchon, A. Maze Navigation Using Optical Flow. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7360/030567921a978e1a5a7b531e57564be93992.pdf
This article is an article discussing a sensory method of navigating mazes known as optical flow. This article is written by Andrew P. Duchon, a professor in the Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences at Brown University. This article details how the process of Optical flow works on a computational level in addition to describing how it can be used both in the context of small scale robotic maze navigation and in the large scale movement towards automation. The article details many different methods in which Optical flow can be used for navigational purposes. This information will be tremendously useful when coming up with navigational algorithms.
Han, K. (2007, August). COLLISION FREE PATH PLANNING ALGORITHMS FOR ROBOT NAVIGATION PROBLEM. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10355/5021/research.pdf?sequence=3
This article details a specific algorithm that can be used to allow robots to navigate mazes and obstacle courses without collision. This algorithm was used by graduate student Kyung min Han under the supervision of Dr. Robert W. McLaren at the University of Missouri Columbia. This article also discusses an algorithm known as Genetic Algorithm in which a robot can determine which possible navigation solution is the most efficient. This article also discusses how this solution is used in nature, bringing up the examples such as Ants and the Human genome. This article is useful because it provides an example of someone conducting similar research to mine, using a specific algorithm.
Harsh, S., & Bird, J. (2012). ME 597D Spring 2012, Group 2 Camera Based Maze Navigation. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from https://www.mne.psu.edu/brennan/ME545/2012/Lesson22_LAB_PathPlanning/Group3/Group2MazeNavigation.html
This source is an article written by Saurabh Harsh and John Bird of the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Penn State University. This source goes into great detail describing an experiment done in which they tried to get a robot to successfully navigate the maze using certain censors. This source will be used to determine ways in which the robot can use sensory information to navigate the maze. This source will also be useful for gaining insight into how the robot computationally processes the information it observed and use it. This source will be tremendously useful when trying to figure out the navigational algorithms.
Implementation of the Trémaux Maze Solving Algorithm to an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot. (2014, January). Retrieved January 24, 2019, from 328138637_Implementation_of_the_Tremaux_Maze_Solving_Algorithm_to_an_Omnidirectional_Mobile_Robot
This source is a conference paper about a specific maze solving algorithm known as the Trémaux Algorithm which can be used to allow robots to solve mazes. This source was written by Lim Kai Li a researcher at Sunway University. This source details how the robot analyzes each pathway of a maze using numerical values in order to solve the maze. I will be using this source in order to find useful aspects of the Trémaux Maze Solving Algorithm in order to find which aspects will be useful in creating my own personal algorithm. This source has many useful details about how this algorithm works.
McKinley, P., & Clark, A. Solving VEX Robot Maze. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from https://www.egr.msu.edu/future-engineer/sites/default/files/content/Payson-Charles-poster-SolvingVEX.pdf
This source is a slide detailing some experimentation that has been done with robotic navigation of various different mazes. This slide was created by Michigan State University professor Philip K. McKinley and was sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This source details a case in which students were tasked with creating a robot that could navigate various different mazes. This slide presents the evolutionary steps that their project took in addition to potential future studies that could be done on this topic. This source will be used to gain insights into the processes related to the testing robot navigation of various different mazes.
Ng, J. (2010, February). 2010-Navigation-Ng-PhD.pdf. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from http://robotics.ee.uwa.edu.au/theses/2010-Navigation-Ng-PhD.pdf
This article analyzes many different algorithms that can be used by robots in order to navigate unknown environments. This article was written by a graduate student James Ng a PhD student in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of South Alabama. This article discusses the bug algorithm that uses sensory information such as frequency data and scanning in order to navigate unknown environments. This source will be used to learn about a specific algorithm that could potentially be used to navigate the maze. While there are many algorithms that I could potentially use for this project, I plan to mix several together in order to make my own unique algorithm.
Pullen, W. D. (2015, November 20). Think Labyrinth: Maze Algorithms. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/algrithm.htm
This source provides a list and description of many different types of mazes and many different algorithms that can be used to generate them. I believe that this source could be tremendously useful to me as I believe that maze generation algorithms could be modified in order to form maze solving algorithms. Additionally, since I am going to have to create a maze of my own for this project, I believe that it could be useful for me to research the many different types of mazes. This source will be used in order to design a useful maze and figure out how to solve particular types of mazes.
Turkar, V., & Kathe, O. (2015, September). Maze solving robot using image processing. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from file:///home/chronos/u-9659f93ab7722ecb44a2956c9fd83e3fa75bf8fe/Downloads/07456635%20(1).pdf
This source details an experiment done at MIT in which they attempted to find a way for a robotic mouse to navigate a maze. This source also talks about many of the future technological uses of this technology, particularly those that relate to automation technology such as Self Driving Cars. Such information will be incredibly useful when writing a paper and creating a presentation about the real world applications of my project. Additionally, this source provides many useful algorithms that can be used in order to allow a robot to navigate mazes. These algorithms could potentially be used in order to figure out how the robot will computationally navigate the maze.
- Term
- 2018-19