McCarthy Unabridged: The Road Page 189
Below you will find a passage that I imagine was cut from McCarthy's original manuscript. But first please enjoy some photography inspired by the book.
The explanation for the choices I made in writing this passage are located below.
My choice of location for my passage was what most influenced what I did. I put my passage in the middle of page 189, because it comes directly after a passage that was the most meaningful to me from the whole book. The idea from that passage that impacted me was that we as people act as if things are evil, when they in no way are, because we want a way to fight against the bad in our world. I wanted to explore the man having this realization after having that memory as a dream. I also wanted to connect my passage to the passage that comes after it, which is about how bad dreams are good for the man and boy, because they allow them to keep fighting. As a result, the man realizes the evil in his world is the environment, it is what him and the boy are fighting to survive. But in a small way, it helps them to keep fighting, because they have bad dreams. The motif for this passage is dreams, because it is both a reflection on a dream, and a foreshadow to the next passage which also talks about dreams. This passage is also meant to further the plot by foreshadowing the passage that comes next where the man and boy talk about dreams, and how having bad ones are important to survive. It is also supposed to reveal more about the man's past, who he was, and how he has changed. My theme and essential question for this piece are closely linked and both deal with evil. The line between good and evil (my theme) is clear cut in some ways for the man and boy. They do not steal or eat other people, so they are good. But if evil has no real place, if it is constantly around them, then how do the man and boy stay good, when they can see nothing but bad? This leads into my essential question, where does evil come from? We see in his memory that the man once thought evil came from creatures that tried to overpower him and make do bad things. But he realizes this is not true. So then where is the origin of evil, and how did it take over the world that the man and boy struggle through? I don’t have the answer to these questions, but I wanted to focus on them for my passage because McCarthy had made me wonder about them, and I am using what I have written to further my own exploration.