Musical Insturment Blog # 1
I would like to play the Ukelele, it is a string instrument. Sound is produced by the musician strumming the strings. Depending on how tight the strings are and how thick the strings are. A different sound or pitch is produced due to tension. Tension is kind of like friction, tension is caused by the objects resistance to movement, like friction. However, tension focuses more on the vibration of the strings rather than its movement in general. By pressing down on the strings in different places on the frets (which are small rods attached to the neck of string instruments like guitars, ukeleles, violins etc.) also changes how high or low the pitch of the strings will be.
Ukeleles are typically rounded wood, with a small cut out hole in the middle to let sound escape. the exact size of the ukeleles alternate. The shape is really important for the sound to amplify, the sound waves can bounce off of the rounded and flat surfaces rather than pointy or just simply a straight box.
Which makes me think a lot about how I'm going to create my ukelele, specifically what kind of materials I'm going to need in order for the sound waves the be amplified enough for everyone to hear them. I think that this is going to take a lot of hard work and a good amount of calculations especially when I add and tune the strings.
Considering that I didn't know much about sound waves except for the basics of them. Like how mediums interact with them, and the fact their their are multiple types such as sound, light or UVA/UVB rays, heat and wave disturbance within a liquid. I don't know exactly what type of wave is going through the liquid or medium. I did not learn about waves before these classes so this is all knew to me. But I know, that I have quite a bit of learning ahead of me before friday, when we perform.
Click here to see a video how how the song is played:
Click here to see the chords being played as well as where they show up in the song: