Media FLuency Reflection
Through this project, I learned how to take constructive criticism, and some common elements of design. I also learned how to better critique someone’s slide. I made a lot of changes to my slide, but I think the essence of what I wanted to get across is still there. I kept my name really big because I wanted it to pop. My name is a big part of my life so it seemed only fitting that the eye was drawn to it. Before, my slide was sort of all over the place, with things here in there with no real purpose except to convey my interests. I did not use my space effectively. My new slide is much simpler, with the text at the bottom and one interest of mine in each column following the rule of thirds. I tried to even out my spacing. The green and blue sections are used to draw your eyes to the text. They cut the page in thirds as well. Overall, I just wanted to make my design more purposeful the second time around. Research is very important when beginning a project. If you do not research, you will not be able to back up your opinions with facts. Research is about being prepared to show what you learned.
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