National History Day

Comments (8)

Andrew Chalfen (Student 2013)
Andrew Chalfen

The black and white photos really bring the website together, the articles are insightful and contains lots of facts. The layout is creative with a good amount of digital media.

Taahir Henry (Student 2013)
Taahir Henry

I also think the website layout is good. The articles are more descriptive than some of the other articles I've read including my own. I didn't know anything about this topic before reading so I learned from reading this.

Aja Wallace (Student 2013)
Aja Wallace

Heather *Solidarity Many workers who do not think they are being treaded equal go off on a strike. What do they think that will solve. I never really understood the whole going to strike thing when it coms to people because who ever they ate trying to against that would just make them more mad.

Steven Webb (Student 2014)
Steven Webb

I think that your website was very well processed and I mean that you put a lot of thought into the way that you wanted your audience to see the web page. It also easily kept my attention.

Abraham Musselman (Student 2013)
Abraham Musselman

I don't really know much about this topic, so I learned a lot of new information. You did a good job in making your project easily to follow. You mention Communism a few times, but I had trouble understanding the connection. I would suggest doing a quick grammar+spell check.

Callie Monroe (Student 2013)
Callie Monroe

I think that your project is really good! All of the articles were super interesting and kept my attention while reading them. I also really liked the titles because they connected well with revolution, reaction, and reform. It was really cool that you added a section for more photos/posters.

Samantha Zeisloft (Student 2013)
Samantha Zeisloft

i like your site and how you used different quotes to link your pages off of but one thing i dont get is why you used that pink squiggly line as the top of each page, seemed out of place. I really liked how you had all of your information then you had another link just for pictures and posters, it was kind of like a little gallery which was cool