Callie Monroe Public Feed
Capstone Magazine
Link to Process Paper:
Globalization Q4 BM
Callie Monroe Q3 BM Google Doc
Q3 BM: Argentina Presentation
Quarter 2 Benchmark: Supreme Court Cases
Callie Monroe Quarter 2 Benchmark Google Doc
Two Faced: Masks
Callie Monroe
Sexuality and Society
The Scarlet Letter and Juno Project
The theme of outer versus inner self is one that was represented in both the Scarlet Letter and the movie Juno. In both pieces, this theme was clearly presented and was a key component in the overall message of both. For these reasons, I decided to represent this idea in my creative project. I attempted to represent the idea of physically and emotionally displaying one part of your personality while concealing other parts and the repercussions of both.
In both of the Scarlett Letter and Juno, the characters that were able to outwardly express their emotions had an easier job overcoming any trouble that they faced. In the Scarlett Letter this concept was shown through the characters of Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmsdale. Hester was forced to express her emotions outwardly because she was marked with the Letter A, while Dimmsdale, who was equally as guilty, was enabled to internalize his guilt throughout the whole play. As a result Hester dealt with her feelings in a very manageable way while Dimmsdale bottled them up until he exploded. Through my project I wanted to represent this idea that how you portray your emotions on the outside can very often be the opposite of how you are feeling on the inside.
My creative piece consists of four different masks: two being the outer body and the other two being the inner body. Each sets of masks represents a different side of the theme. One mask pairing displays a tranquil outside with a hectic inside and the other mask pairing displays a hectic outside with a tranquil inside. I represented tranquility by collaging my mask with natural and earthy elements. Nature is often associated with peacefulness and restfulness, so I thought it would most accurately symbolize a calm serene façade and/or emotion. I represented hectic emotions by collaging my mask with magazine clippings. I used mostly triangles because they have three sharp edges. To me, the edges displayed the clash and struggle that people often find when attempting to reveal their truest emotions. I also used a combination of warm colors (red and orange) and cold colors (blue and green) because they are opposite on the color wheel allowing for more contrast.
The biggest problem that I encountered while doing this project was finding a way to differentiate each set of masks from the other. I wanted them to all be connected, but I also wanted a clear differentiation between them. I found a way to do this by adding specific features. The outsides personas both have facial features to differentiate them from the inner personas and the inner personas are both separated into horizontal sections, the top representing a brain. I also wanted to connect both “tranquil” personas and both “hectic” personas to one another. I did this by adding small similarities to each piece. The outside “tranquil” mask uses a lot of red berries, so I connected the inside “tranquil” mask by adding a few berries. The outside “hectic” mask uses a lot of red triangles, so I connected the inside “hectic” mask by adding a red triangle.
I think that I did a really good job of displaying the overall theme. It is clear when looking at my project that each mask represents an opposing idea. I wish I had done a better job of connecting the outside of the mask to the inside of the mask. If I did this again I would find a way to clearly display which outside mask belongs to which inside mask.
Q1 Benchmark Google Doc
Measuring the Media
Political Cartoon Analysis
Room for Debate: The Patriot Act
In addition, law makers needs to be more clear about what they consider a threat. Being able to differentiate between a legitimate warning an and over reaction or stereotype is huge. Who is really in charge of regulating this law and what are the standards that they use? Like I said above, I do agree that the United States does need resources to help prevent terrorism, but the line needs to be drawn somewhere and as of now that line is not very clear.
Enemy of the State
The government is not portrayed very well and the movie is very biased. While Im sure there are governmental workers who do abuse this tool I also think that there are tons who do use it correctly and as a way to better society. If this tool were to be used as intended then yes, it would be a great resource to prevent terrorism and stop senseless acts of hate, but I think that it also has the ability to be misused and abused.
10% by Callie Monroe
10% Project on Prezi
A History of Fashion by Callie and Isabella
Q4 Benchmark Rough Draft by Isabella Tognini and Callie Monroe
Behavior of Gasses
- The behavior of gasses is a very broad and vast topic that covers a multitude of sub topics. Under this subject, the state of Pennsylvania has picked three main ideas that they require students to know. These three things are Boyle's law, Charle's law, and the ideal gas law. This blog post has an explanation of the three, a bit about their history, and how they will be used in the PSSA testing.
Boyle's Law:
On the PSSA this type of material could be expressed in a question asking for one to solve for one of the variables in the equation. For example, a question could state the starting volume and pressure as well as the final amount of pressure and ask for you to solve for the final volume. Ex:
1. If the pressure of an ideal gas is changed from 145 atm to 290 atm, what is the gasses change in volume, assuming the original volume was 75.0mL?
a. 150 mL
b. 37.5 mL
d. Not enough information is given
Here is a link to an animation of this:
Charle's Law
2. Bob wants to find the volume of a gas in a cylinder. He knows that at a temperature of 30˚C the gas had a volume of 6.0 L. The temperature of the gas is now 35˚C. What is the volume of the gas now? **Note you must convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin by adding 273 to the Celsius measure**
a. 7.0 L
b. 175 L
c. 6.09 L
d. 15 L
Here is a link to an animation of this:
Ideal Gas Equation
On the PSSA this type of material could be expressed in a question asking for one to solve for one of the variables in the equation. Ex.
a. 0.191 mol
b. 5 mol
c. 0.56 mol
d. 19 mol
Process Paper
Callie Monroe
Air Stream
Quarter 3 Benchmark
Process Paper
My initial assignment within my group was to make a short PSA that addressed all of the issues surrounding school district funding in Philadelphia. Such an honest assignment turned into something with many problems and difficulties that were not initially though of. The largest of these problems was that I do not have very many good technical skills. I know my way around the computer and can do most teenager things like facebook and ichat but crafting a video was a whole other story. I fooled around with imovie for a bit but all of my attempts seemed terrible. I then remembered a website that Ms Pahomov shared with my English class called Prezi. On this site I could pretty much just plug in all of my information and a good video/slideshow was sure to be produced. It is also much more user friendly than most video creating applications so I was able to use my limited computer skills more affectively. Another great thing about making a Prezi is that they are more interactive because the viewer has to physically change the slide. This brings me to another challenge that I had with the video.
I have seen lots of PSA’s in my life and some have stuck with me while most have not. I knew that in order for this multimedia aspect of my groups campaign to work it needed to be very visually appealing and not too boring. To overcome this challenge I decided to make my Prezi quite short. If it had been long people would either get incredibly bored and forget everything or stop watching in general. I also needed to pick key and important facts to represent and not try and tackle the whole issue of school district budget cuts. I think that I did a good job of this and that the Prezi turned out well. Something that really helped with this was having my group members peer edit my Prezi before I published it.
A second aspect of the project that I worked on was the actual website that we decided to host all of our different components. Initially my group and I were going to put each component of our project up on different mediums but the problem with this was that they then wouldn’t mesh together very well. Creating a website allowed for all of our work to be hosted together.
In the end I think that my groups campaign turned out very well because we did a good job of collaborating together. Each of us had a skill that we were good at and it was really great that we were all able to bring them together to make a final product that we can all be proud of.
The Rise of Bashar Al-Assad by Eryn James, Callie Monroe, Isabella Tognini, and Andrew Chalfen
1 Minute 2fer by Callie Monroe
Yo Soy La Juani, Volver, y Todo Sobre mi Madre: por la lente feminista:
Yo Soy la Juani se trata de una joven con sueños tan grande para ser actriz. Ella vive en una ciudad en España rural y por esto no tuvo las oportunidades para sacar sus sueños. La película hay muchas temas sobre relaciones entre novios y novias. Antes de moviendo a Madrid, Juani la protagonista, estaba saliendo con un mecánico se llama Jonah. Jonah engañaba en Juani con la novia de un otro hombre. Cuando Juani averiguó, creó que fue un incidente aislado y que Jonah vas a cambiar. Sin dudo, esto pasaba muchos tiempos mas. Esto monstra la dependencia de mujeres en hombres y la ingenuidad quien hay mujeres en amor.
Todo Sobre Mi Madre y Volver son películas de Pedro Almodovar. En su películas, Almodovar, representa mujeres fuertes quien luchan por lo que quieren. Es interesante que ni Volver ni Todo Sobre Mi Madre hay muchos carácter's hombres. Ambos hay protagonistas feminina y los hombres solo son papeles pequenos y en Todo Sobre Mi Madre todos de los hombres eran travestidos y quisieron ser mujeres. Puedo concluir que Almodovar tiene mucho respecto para el papel de mujeres en sociedad.
NHD Tumblr by Callie, Taahir, Isabella, and Tucker
Military Industrial Complex
West Phillayyy
By Callie, Tucker, and Taahir
25 de Octubre
-Es posible a sali una vida y hacer una nueva personalidad? Como vives su vida? Es posible cambiar?
-Ejemplos: pg 50, pg 40, pg 36
Como es el Libro?
2. Me elige este libro porque me leí este libro en ingles y me gusta mucho.
3. Me gusta mucho el suspense y estila de escritora pero no me gusta que no comprendo todo del vocabulario.
4. Si creo que es dificil pero es muy bueno para mejorar mi español.
America Photo
CMonroe Tarea 13 de Mayo
- No, muchos personas en el mundo no tienen los 30 derechos. Creo que La Naciones Unidad necesita hacen cumplir las leyes mas fuerte.
2. ¿Crees que es importante saber que tenemos los 30 derechos humanos universales?
-Si creo que es muy importante. Cada persona merecen los mismos derechos.
3. Si todos supiéramos nuestros 30 derechos humanos universales, ¿crees que lo sociedad sería diferente?
- Si, si todos supiéramos nuestros derechos humanas lo sociedad seria muy diferente. Si esto se pasara, la gente tratarían uno al otro con respecto y dignidad.
Diario #16 11 de Mayo
2. El otro es Martin Luther King. El lucho para el fin de racismo en Los Estados Unidos.
3. Hay muchos diferencias y similitud. Lo mas obvio es que ella es una mujer y el es un hombre pero estan mas. Ella es de Guatemala y lucha para libertad y el es de Los Estados Unidos y lucha para el fin de racismo para los dos lucharon para la minoría y igualdad.
Tarea 5/9
No estuve en clase pero aprendiste un poco sobre Guatemala en otros clases. Yo se que es en America central y que fue una colonia de España.
¿Qué aprendiste sobre Rigoberta Menchu?
Rigoberta Menchu es un mujer de Guatemala. Ella es de una tribu indígena y lucha para los derechos de su tribu y otros tribus de Guatemala.
CMonoroe Quarter 4 projects
Here are the photos that I edited and copies of the original
Copied Artwork from an Artist:
I copied a work from Mark Rothko
My Copy
Bike Drawings
Negative Space:
Artists Statement:
I think that this marking period was fun and challenging as far as the work we were assigned. The first two projects, which were the sculpture and the pictures, were the most fun and easy for me. For the sculpture I made beads out of paper and threaded them to make a necklace. I was inspired to do this by a project that I did in BuildOn were we made the same beads. I think its a good project because it is eco friendly, you are reusing the paper. The pictures that I used where taken when I was in the Dominican Republic. I think that the originals were cool but the editing added a different touch to them. The bicycle drawings were the hardest for me. They werent as free form as the others. At first I never thought I would be able to complete the bicycles because they seemed very taunting. I am proud that I was able to draw them and hope I continue to improve on my still life drawings.
CMonroe Tarea 4/25/11
Esto es una foto del parque. La agua es rojo porque estan minerales en el fondo de la agua.
1) ¿Qué opinas de Hugo Chávez? ¿Qué críticas tienes de él? ¿Estás de acuerdo (in agreement) con unas de sus acciones?
Me gusta las ideas de Chavez. El es izquierdista y no es muy conservador como me. Mis críticas de Chavez es que el no eschuca a todas las personas en Venezuela. Por ejemplo no eschucha a las opinas de las personas en contra de el. Creo que el tenía poder por much tiempo y necesita pasar esto a una otra persona.
2) Si fueras Venezolan@, ¿votarías por él? Explica tu respuesta.
Si fuera un Venezolana, votría a el porque tiene ideas similar que yo.
El Bola Projecto de Callie Monroe
Esto PSA se trata de maltrato infantil. Es para la prevención de abusa en Filadelfia. Puede informar las personas de Filadelfia sobre maltrato infantil y sus indicios. Espero que te gustes y aprendas mucho!
1. El maltrato infantil = child abuse
2. Hacer la vista gorda = turn the blind eye
3. Denunciar = to report
4. Prevenir = to prevent
5. Reconocer los indicios = recognize the signs
6. Pegar/azotar = to hit/beat
7. Ser capaz de = to be capable of
8. La ley = law
9. El comportamiento = behavior
10. El moratón = bruise
11. La crueldad = cruelty
12. Promover la prevención de = promote the prevention of
13. Maltratar/Abusar = to abuse
14. La negligencia = neglect
15. Preocupante = disturbing
Mi Tres Editores
- Don Marcos
- Iraida Serrano
- Kim Robbins (mi tía)
- La linea entre disciplina y abuso es muy delgada. Disciplina es una forma de enseñar a personas a obedecer las leyes y abusa es la maltrata de una persona y la usa de crueldad o violencia. No son los mismos. Si sospechara abusa, denunciaría!
- Los indicios de un niño son cicatrizes, moratónes, y heridas sin una explicación, no quiere ir a su casa, esta asustado de sus padres, se encoge (flinch) a la llegada de un adulto, y siempre esta alerta. Los indicios de un padre quien abusa su niño son describe su niño negativamente, muestra poquita interés en su niño, exige un nivel de realización (performace) académica y físicamente imposible, y tiene una historia de maltrato infantil.
-En Filadelfia uno en seis chicos y uno en cuatro chicas son víctimas de maltrato infantil antes de tener diez y ocho anos y mas de 140 casos de maltrato infantil esta denunciado cada mes.
- No puedes hacer la vista gorda tienes una obligación a los niños.
- Maltrato infantil afecta las vidas de las víctimas para siempre. 60% de las personas en rehabilitación fueron víctimas de maltrato infantil además 36% de mujeres y 14% de hombres en cárcel fueron víctimas de maltrato infantil. También afecta las relaciones de la víctima. Víctimas tienen problemas con confianza, emociones, y autoestima.
- Si ha abusado a su niño, tiene que aprender otras formas de disciplinar, necesita desarrollar sus habilidades parentales, hay que aprender comportamiento normal por niños, busque ayuda profesional, y controla sus emociones antes de disciplinar a su niño.
- Cada persona son capaz de prevenir abusa y cambiar la vida de una víctima de maltrato infantil.
- Reconoce los indicios y denuncia.
- Para denuncias maltrato infantil en Pensilvania llama childline a 1-800-932-0313 o DHS a 215-683-6100.
"Racial Boundries" By Callie Monroe
El Matn Por Callie Monroe
Fotos de mi Cuento
El Video
Quarter Three Drawing
Self Portrait with Chalk
Hand Drawing with Pencil
Self Portrait with Pencil
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Artist Statement
I first began this process by finding recipes that I thought would a) taste good and b) challenge my baking skills in some way. I then began the process of gathering materials (ingredients) and beginning to bake. The recipes I chose were all very different, some were easier than others but they all represented a learning experience.
As I stated before baking was never something that I really did. I love to cook but baking always seemed like something that was super hard. I have now gained an appreciation for it.
How I Speak by Callie Monroe
January 5, 2011
Gold Stream
Language Benchmark
“What are you?”
“I’m black.” I said
“No your not, if you were you would have said ‘I’m black nigguh.’”
“Okay, I’m black nigguh,” I responded. There was then uproar of laughter at the café table I was sitting at.
“You’re too white to say that.”
This became a game where people would tell me to say something that was “too black” for me. It amused everyone to see a group proclaimed white person attempt to talk “black.” The opinion that I somehow talk very different from other black people is one that I encounter all the time, sometimes on a daily basis. Now instead of responding, I ask people where they think I’m from because it’s interesting to hear their responses. Some of their responses are crazy! I’ve been told that I look Australian, Dominican, Brazilian, but in fact my family does not have an ounce of blood from any of these places. It never occurred to me that the language I use and the words I speak are different from other black people, or, for that matter, any people in general. People use the way in which I talk to support their ideas about my race.
My brothers and sisters experience the same racial questioning that I do. Like me, people think they talk “white.” Also like me, their complexions are considered light for black people. My older brother who has very soft curly hair is thought to be Italian by many people. My younger sisters hair is very long and several people assume that she’s Puerto Rican. My younger brother is the only one that people believe is actually black. But it is totally due to his complexion not the way that he talks. He has darker skin than all of us, but as a result of the way we all grew up, is still accused of talking “white.” Growing up my aunt went through these same things. She has a very pale skin tone but is still ethnically black. She felt as though she had something to prove to other kids who thought she was white so she tried to act extra “black.” I don’t mean to say that you can act black, but she tried to act in the way she felt black people were supposed to act. I suppose you can say that we are not an average black family, but I wonder what an average black family is and looks like?
Whenever someone tells me that I talk white or that I don’t talk black I feel like there is no real place that I belong. Physically I’m not white, but verbally people consider that I am, which group is supposed to accept me? I wonder who made up the rules for how black and white people are supposed to talk? Does it have to do with the history of each race? Or is it today’s society that contributes to the defining of the way a race should talk?
I grew talking like all my friends and family. Differences in the way races speak was never an obvious thing for me. White, Black, Asian, Latino, seemed to all speak the same as me. I suppose you can attribute the way I talk to the environment that I grew up in. From infancy I went to a school that had a majority of white people in it. Talking proper, or white as many people call it, was always emphasized. Grammatical errors were always corrected and cursing brought you a trip to the black bench. Most of my best friends are white, and I was one of about seven or eight black people in my grade. This lingo, or “white” way of talking, was the way that everyone I knew talked.
James Baldwin wrote, “Language, incontestably, reveals the speaker.” The way in which you talk can portray your feelings on an opinion and even your attitude at the time but also so much more. The words you use, the way you compose your sentences, and how you articulate your syllables can all show where you’re from or the way in which you grew up. Everyone has a very distinct way of talking that is unique to his or her personal experiences. My history of living in environments and being around people that consider the way you talk a very important aspect of you are is the reason that I talk the way I do.
I don’t necessarily think that the way you talk is specific to your race. I know many other black people that speak in the same way that I do and many white people that speak in the way black people are “supposed” to. Your geographical location has more to do with it than anything else. Certain neighborhoods speak differently than others, just like people from different cities speak differently. In Philadelphia we call sandwiches hoagies but in many other places around the country they are called subs. In New York the commonly known word carry is substituted with schlep. Different words are adapted and changed over time. This concept is much the same for neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Words don’t really change from neighborhood to neighborhood but sentence structure does. One is not better than the other, they are just very different.
I always talk to my parents and other family members about this issue because they always experience it as well. My mom once told me something that has stayed with me for a while, “the world is not black.” Just because I’m not considered or accepted by some black people doesn’t mean that other black people won’t.
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe 5
Recipe Provided by:
- Chocolate Cake
- 8 ounces Cream Cheese
- 2 cups Confectioners Sugar
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1 tablespoon milk
- Chocolate/White Chocolate Chips
- Sprinkles (for decorating)
Step One: Bake Cake
Step 2: Let cool completely
Step 3: In a bowl, crumble the cake with a fork and your fingers until it is in fine crumbs
Step 4: In a separate bowl whip the cream cheese, butter, confectioners sugar, and milk together
Step 5: Pour the cake crumbs into the cream cheese mixture and mix it together with your fingers until the cake and mixture are completely combined
Step 6: Once combined cover with plastic wrap and put in fridge until it is firm
Step 7: Cover baking sheets with parchment paper
Step 8: Roll the cake mixture into balls and place on the covered baking sheets
Step 9: Cover the balls with plastic wrap and put in the freezer until the balls harden
Step 10: Melt chocolate (I melted mine in the microwave) and dip cake balls in, then dip in sprinkles or other decorations and place back on the baking sheet to harden
Step 11: Enjoy!
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe 4
For my fourth recipe I made Snicker doodle Cookie Bars. They are essentially the same thing as the cookie but in bar form. These were super easy to make, it took me a total of ten minutes to mix everything and get it in the oven. Overall they tasted very good. If I were to make these again I would use a different pan so that the bars were thinner. Because of the pan I used it took about an extra ten minutes to cook than the suggested time.
Recipe Provided By:
Ingredients for Bars:
- 1 cup butter
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 cups sour cream
- 2 cups flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp cream of tatar
- 1/2 tsp salt
Ingredients for Sugar and Cinnamon Mix:
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
Step 1: Cream the sugar and butter
Step 2: Add the eggs one at a time
Step 3: Add the sour cream
Step 4: In a separate bowl combine the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
Step 5: Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture
Step 6: Grease pan
Step 7: In small bowl combine the sugar and cinnamon to make sugar cinnamon mix
Step 8: Coat the bottom of the pan with the cinnamon and sugar mix
Step 9: Spread the dough in the pan
Step 10: Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until done
Step 11: Enjoy!
P.S. sorry for the bad picture quality. My camera was dead so I had to use an itouch.
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe Three
For my third recipe I made Arroz Con Leche. This was the hardest recipe I made. I think that I may have messed up on the directions when I made it because the consistency was very liquidly, like soup, when was supposed to be thick, like pudding. I think it was like this because it didnt cool before I served it, if I had let it cool it might have thickened up more. I hope you enjoy my post!
Recipe provided by:
- 1 cup long grain rice
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 strips lemon zest
- 3 whole cloves
- 4 cups water
- 1 egg
- 3 cups whole milk
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
-1 can condensed milk
Step 1: Soak rice, cinnamon sticks, lemon zest, cloves, and water in a sauce pan for an hour
Step 2: After one hour, heat the rice on high until it boils, then turn it to a simmer and let it cook for 10-12 more minutes.
Step 3: While the rice is cooking beat the egg in a bowl and add the milk. Mix well.
Step 4: Add the milk and egg mixture, condensed milk, salt, and vanilla extract to the rice for 25-35 minutes or until desired consistency.
Step 5: Enjoy!
P.S. I suggest going to the link I posted to see what the arroz con leche was supposed to look like.
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe Two
The second recipe I made was rice crispy treats. This recipe was not very advanced but my brother needed them for one of his classes so I volunteered to help him make them. The funnest part was cooking with my brother and the bars turned out well to. One mistake I made in this recipe was turning the stove on too high and burning the marshmallows so next time I make this I will make sure not to have the temperature too high. I hope you enjoy my blog post!
Ingredients: There are only three ingredients that you need for this recipe
-Rice Krispies
Step 1: Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan
Step 2: Add pack of Marshmallows
Step 3: Stir marshmallows over medium heat and add half a box of rice krispies
Step 4: Mix the rice krispies with the melted marshmallows and pour into pan
Step 5: Let cool and enjoy!
Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe One
My project for this period is culinary arts. I love to cook but have never really dabbled in the world of baking. Please bare with me through this experience because I am still learning all the skills required to be a successful baker. I will choose at least one recipe a week and post it on this blog. I hope you enjoy my baking and are inspired to bake yourself.
The first recipe I chose to make was lemon squares. They have been one of my favorite desserts for a long time but I had never made them before. They were relatively easy to make and were very good! If I were to make them again I would use a wider pan in order to make the crust thinner. I hope you enjoy my blog post and the recipe.
Recipe provided by Smitten Kitchen Blog:
For Crust-
1/2 pound unsalted butter (room temperature)
1/2 granulated sugar
2 cups flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
For Lemon Layer-
6 large eggs (room temperature)
1 2/3 cups granulated sugar
2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 cup flour
First Step: Preheat the oven to 350 F and grease your cooking pan.
Step 2: Cream the butter and sugar in an electric mixer until mixed lightly.
Step 3: Mix the flour and salt in a separate bowl and then slowly add to the butter and sugar mixture. Mix until combined.
Step 4: Dump the dough into the greased baking dish. Flatten and press it onto the bottom of the baking dish. Let chill in refrigerator.
Step 5: Take the crust out of the fridge once it is chilled and cook it for 15 to 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Once cooked let it cool down.
Step 6: Whisk together the eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, and flour.
Step 7: Pour lemon mixture over crust and bake for 30 to 35 minutes.
Step 8: Let cool and enjoy!
Resea de Mar Adentro por Callie Monroe
1 de Diciembre
Español 4
Reseña de Mar Adentro
La película Mar Adentro se trata la vida y el muerte de Ramón Sanpedro. Ramón vivio en España con su familia. Ramón quiso quitarse su vida pero no pudo porque era un tetrapléjico. Sin embargo, Ramón tuvo un idea, quiso que sus seres queridos asistieron. Pero en España la eutanasia es ilegal y es un crimen a asistir suicido. Mar Adentro es controversial porque hace la pregunta ¿que es un vida digna y qué es mejor la vida o la muerte? No estoy de acuerdo con el deseo de Ramón Sanpedro pero respeto su decisión. Entiendo que Ramón no pudo mover pero la vida tiene mas cosas mover el cuerpo. Además creo que un persona tiene el derecho a quitarse su vida porque su vida pertenece a ti. La película es muy bueno y vale la pena a mirar. Las ideas grande son lúcidos y conmovedores. El solo problema que tengo es que el final es deprimente. Por un lado espero que el final fuera mas feliz, por otro lado pienso que la muerte es triste. En total Mar Adentro era muy bueno.
Callie Monroe Marking Period One
This art project was part of the course I am taking in art. Me and my classmates each had to create something out of recycled material, material that could be recycled, or trash. My goal in this project was to create something beautiful out of things that are usually regarded as ugly.
I decided to make jewelry because I am very interested in fashion and design. I think that much of what you wear resembles your personality and/or the mood that you are feeling that day. In my personal style I like to fuse girly and preppy with things that are more edgier and hard. This jewelry represents both aspects of my style. My grandfather was an engineer and still likes to build things around the house. He has a garage full of old bolts and other odds and ends. I aimed to use his old building materials to create something creative and wearable. The only item that I bought was gorilla glue.
The first piece I created used nails and metal circles. I used the glue to connect the nails to the metal part, and used old fishing wire as a chain. The second piece I created used an old fish hook that I connected to my dogs old vaccination tag.
I created a bottle cap poster in order to get peoples attention so that they would bring in bottle caps for my classes project. Each student had to do a poster, and they were hung up around the school.