​¿Qúe tiempo hace hoy ?

¿Qúe tiempo hace hoy ?

In order to ask someone  how is the weather you must know

1)   What the different weathers are

2)   What’s the question of “What temperature is it?”

3)   How to respond to the question What temperature is it?


The different types of weather are…..

Mucho Frío

0 degrees

Mucho Calor

100 degrees

Mucho fresco

50 degrees

Muy buen tiempo

Very good temperature

Muy mal tiempo

Very bad temperature

Mucho sol

Very sunny

Mucho viento

Very windy

Está  lloviendo

Its raining

Está nevando

Its snowing

Está nublado

Its cloudy



Question and Answer

Qúe tiempo hace  hoy?

What temperature is it today


Its…. (mucho frío, mucho calor) etc

Now put it all together. . . . .


Person 1: Qúe tiempo hace  hoy?

Person 2: hace….. Its…. (mucho frío, mucho calor) etc


Comments (10)

Klarissa Hudson (Student 2015)
Klarissa Hudson

¡Qué chévero! Next time alegria could speak clearer and slower so everyone understands. Also there could be both students present in the video talking to eachother. But very creativo. <3