Toda Boda

Maribel Kang
Noemi Brownlee
Catalina Hudson

Comments (17)

Wynn Geary (Student 2015)
Wynn Geary

Wow, you're website is stunning, I really can't believe you made that with weebly. Be careful though, will the "more" drop-down count as being in English?

Leah Kelly (Student 2015)
Leah Kelly

I love how you made yours a different type of fashion— wedding fashion! I also love the slideshow affect that you used, it made it intriguing and full of information without making the page look really crowded. Amazing!

Jordan Hairston (Student 2014)
Jordan Hairston

Your magazine is very realistic. Your magazine features a lot of photos and ideas. Your magazine is different from others and the layout helps with the entire theme of the magazine.