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¡Gracías!: How To Be Polite
There are three ways to say excuse me in Español: Disculpe, perdon, and con permiso. They all mean different things, as well.
There are three ways to say thank you: Gracías, muchas gracías, and muy amable gracías.
Finally, there are three ways to say you're welcome: De nada, por nada, and no hay de qué
Use these flashcards to learn how to be polite in spanish.
Click HERE for a video of a real life situation of when to use courtesy phrases.
Daís de la Semana
-Don't capitalize the days of the week in spanish
-the week starts with Monday, not Sunday.
Click here to see our set of flashcards.
In this video you will see two friends who are planning a trip.
Click here to see that video.
Choi, Jiwon, Lucid Chart, Home Network
Something that I learned was if a document, picture, video, etc. leaves your hard drive, it is no longer yours. Also, I found out that something that you post on a website or somewhere on the internet can be taken offensively. That happens at times because you can't see that they're joking around or one could just interpret it in a different way than you meant to say.
I would tell other people that they should know more about how the internet works and as well as information about the ISP. Also, it is quite expensive so I would warn them to choose the right price amount to not to be so worried about the price.
Peraza, Javier, LucidNetwork, Newtwork
El Pronstico- The weather of the day
English- Its raining
Spanish- Está lloviendo
Below is a video on how a weather man predicts the weather in a spanish speaking country.
Hola guapa!: Tú vs. Ud
Tú is used in cases where you are talking to a friend or a peer.
Usted is used when showing someone respect, especially an elder.
This video will be showing a girl in Mexico meeting one of her professors for the first time. She asks some questions using Udsted.
Des's home network
I didn't really know about how internet connection worked until know. I didn't know that it worked in multipal ways. i learned about modems and I.S.Ps. I learned more about how the internet works. I would tell how an I.S.P home network works to people who needed to know because it is important. I would explain how internet connection works.
Naomi's Home Network
August's Home Network
-This is a diagram of my L.A.N. network (local area network) is provided by verizon, but not FIOS. The internet signal is channeled through my router and my wireless apple airport extreme. From there it is broadcasted to the rest of my computers including our main Imac. The Imac has a port mapping software on it that can direct data from the minecraft server to other people.
Berven-Stotz, Mitchell, LucidChart, Home Network
I use Xfinity Wireless. It costs me approximately $800 a year.
I learned about how networks work. I learned that only a small amount of information can pass through the firewall, so multiple copies are sent out. I now know how to examine and organize a home network. The OMG moment I had was when I learned that the internet was being designed as early as the fifties.
When learning about the home network, people need to understand what a service provider is, what routers and modems are, and how the internet works.
Pipeline Monologue Project
Finally after all these years of searching and searching for oil on american lands, we found it.
This could be the greatest discovery, or it could be the worst.
There’s many things this could bring to our country.
Both positive and negative.
American jobs, american oil, and american money
It all sounds so sweet and wonderful.
But then you have to think about all of the risks.
What if, the pipeline has a leak
What if, it covers the entire east coast in a greasy slime killing all of our plant life and animals
What if, there's an oil spill worse than the gulf of mexico.
What if, the giant lakes of waste leak into our drinking water. What if.
In some aspects I can understand why people think it’s such a good idea, and in others I am totally against everything they stand for.
The whole american land, american money part i'm totally down for.
But the environmental damage that it's going to cause i'm not too excited about.
Ninety percent of the water used for this pipeline is going to turn into toxic sludge that is going to be stored in giant ponds around the country potentially damaging our drinking water.
So before you go and encourage this pipeline, think about the harm that it could do to our environment first.
Monologue #2 The ocean
I’m so scared, I don’t know how to feel. They say this pipeline is gonna be a good thing, but how can I trust any pipeline after what happened down the gulf of mexico a year or two ago. That spill caused me to lose tons of my children, and to think that this could possibly happen again if this pipeline is put in completely and utterly terrifies me. I mean they say that it’s safe and with all the money they’re putting into it there’s no possible way that it could even leak, crack, or break for at least a century. But when your children are at risk you have to be especially cautious.
Monologue #3 Man living in the territory of the pipeline
Hello all. My name is John Damien and I live in Lincoln Nebraska. I’ve lived here for all 48 years of my life. I have a wife, two young daughters, and a baby boy on the way. Just last week I received a letter in the mail stating that my family and I have 6 months to evacuate from our land. Said they’re buildin’ some type of pipeline that transport oils all the way from Canada down to Texas. What I care bout some stupid pipeline? This is my home, my land, my life. From the brief bit of research i've done on the pipeline it seems quite harmful to the environment. God I beg you to please not let the president pass this and potentially harm my life, job, and kids childhood.
Click here----->
-Create lots of american jobs. Around 600 thousand. (Fox News Keystone Pipeline)
-Help part ways from the dangerous middle east (fox news keystone pipeline)
-It’s clean. Better than importing dirty, expensive crude. (fox news keystone pipeline)
-Better for the environment because we don’t have to transport all that oil from the middle east and cause all the air pollution from the planes. (mixture of different websites)
-Tailing will ruin the water ponds (
-“The people downstream from the toxic tailing ponds have high rates of rare cancers, renal failure, lupus, and hyperthyroidism” (KeystoneXL new york times)
-90 percent of the water used will turn into toxic waste and not be able to used again (
-The destruction of the land is going to threaten the caribou and destroy forest (
Des's home network
aholmes Home Network Lucid Chart
This is the network I used to have. It is my Isp connected to my modem by wire. The modem goes through my wireless router and they both give internet to my system.Through either net my computer is hooked up.
Zack Hersh's Home Network
Tech Reflection
- My internet comes into my home through my wireless router
- My ISP is Verizon
- My internet is paired with my phone and TV. Together they cost $150 a month and costs $1800
- On my home network is my iPod, my phone, my laptop, my dad's phone, iPad and laptop, my mom's phone iPad and laptop, our phone service, our TV, and our Wii.
- All of these objects are connected wirelessly.
I learned a lot about networks from this experience. I found out that most people get their internet from a router. I also learned that internet falls down, so the best place for a router to go for the strongest network connection is the top floor of the house. Networks can have a lot of different various things on them at once. Also, a lot more things use the internet than I thought at first. Most of the time, people don't want to share their internet so it is password guarded.
What other people need to know about having their own home network provided by an ISP is there are a lot of bad things out in the inter-world that they need to be aware of and protected against.
Final Debate Google Doc Link
Aaron Block's Home Network
Keystone XL Pipeline Monologue Project
It’s politics
Hello, I would like thank the everyone at this press conference for allowing me to endorse the pipelines. We, the American people have been in an economic downfall for the past 4 years. Pipeline creates plenty of jobs for our American people. We deserve to spend no more than 3 dollars a gallon on oil for our cars, our homes, and our stoves. This is our chance to get back to greatness. This is clean energy, cheap energy, job creating energy to power our country back on top of the economic food chain. For those fearing that this too new and too risky, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S. of A.
TransCanada seems to agree with the plan that will create thousands and possibly millions of jobs that will bring the unemployment rate down. Canada has also been using similar pipes for more than 50 years. This new possible project will be powered by the 0.1%. 0.1% meaning that 0.1% of Canada’s forests will be affected by mining. 0.1% pollution will be created by the Canadian tarsands. This is an incredible opprotunity! I will open up the field to questions from the press now. Fire away!
Well good question sir, for those of us who are on the fence about the tarsands and the enviornment, this is a clean american energy, to heat our american homes and to create american jobs. This is will solve our issues with the middle east, this will bring less conflict and less dependence on other countries.
Another good question, this is AMERICAN ENERGY. Not as much travel as foreign energy, it all makes sense. This energy is clea-.
How is it clean you ask? Well the tarsands are accessed through drilling, then they are watered down and fed throughout the 17,000 mile long pipe. No, no, no, no, no, the chance of the pipes leaking fluid are slim to none. As I stated before, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S.
I am not familiar to that study, no it will not be game over for the U. S. environment. Hell, China is so polluted that its hard to see through the smog. The tarsands aren't an awful air pollutant. Look how well China is doing.
*phone buzzes, from rep*
I would like to thank the press, and God bless america
Mother nature
I have been pulled apart, drilled, pounded and stomped on. I've been bombed and beaten, driven on and through and now, just when I thought I was paved down, smoothed and filed the most. I'm getting drilled into again, near my head this time. Its like humans are performing surgery on my brain. Taking away my lifeblood, they are are forming an artificial artery that will go from my neck to my stomach, because they are tired of giving me blood transfusions from my arms to my chest.
Its not cleansing me its dirty I'm sick and tired of coughing, the air that surrounds me cloudy and muddy and I'm grasping for fresh air. Its funny to think that what you created is destroying you. Well what I created is destroying me, taking advantage of me. I made a monster. These humans are monsters.
Permission slip.
Mom! Mom!
I really need to tell you something! Mom listen.
I need to go to this rally tomorrow, like I NEED TO GO TO THIS RALLY !
Its about these tarsands, you know the ones that we heard Mitt Romney endorse, you see its going to be game over for our environment if President Obama supports it. My teacher is from Canada and they use tarsands there too, its not as clean as you think it is.
Mom, just because it will create jobs doesn't mean its the right thing to do. I know this won't affect you, but it will effect me and my kids, and my kid's kid's. We, as people have destroyed this earth with every innovation we have made since the beginning of time. I want our country to treat the earth as kind as the earth has treated us. Mom, mom I need to go to this rally. Mom I don't give a damn about class tomorrow, how am I supposed to care. Mom you're in denial about the fact that the pipeline is running through our town. They, they didn't tell you yet? Mom, this town is small, one piece of the pipe breaks and our town, the streets, the shops and the roads are gone. I need to help strengthen the voice of my generation. Like I said before it doesn't affect you, it affects me. My kids, and my kids kids. Just sign the slip.
!Ay Ay Ay it is the basics
soy de....pero vivo en..... meaning i am from from Filadelfia but live in Puerto rico
Keystone XL Pipeline Monologue Project
For our History Class in Science Leadership Academy, we had to write monologues as to why the Keystone XL Pipeline should or should not be built, or if someone is torn between wanting the pipeline to be built or not. We had to have facts and opinions in our monologues, and we had to make sure that the monologues made sense. My monologues are about why the Keystone XL Pipeline should be built, and that is my first one. My second one is about a man who doesn't know if he wants the pipeline to be built or not, and the last one is about a woman that wants the pipeline to be built, and she explains why it should be built. While working on this project a learned a lot of good and bad things about the pipeline. One good thing is that it will make more jobs available, and one bad thing is that people will have to give up their houses and their land for the pipeline to be built. We worked very hard on these projects, and we learned a lot about the Keystone Pipeline.
Monologue 1
(In the classroom walking around the desks, and explaining to her kids why the Keystone Pipeline shouldn’t be built.)
The Keystone Pipeline is meant to carry oil from Canada all the way down through Texas. It will go through six states, and it will destroy our environment. If this pipeline is built, people’s homes and land will be destroyed. There is a quote from, and it says, “Daryl braves fire and Keystone XL machinery to defend Eleanor’s farm.” This is only one reason that I am strongly against this pipeline. The people that run this are going to destroy our land and our homes. They could possibly make our water polluted, and we won’t be able to drink it. It will also make us not be able to grow crops, so we will have less food, and they don’t care because they still want to do that. I don’t know how your parents feel about the pipeline, but in my opinion everyone should be against it. Also, Obama claims that he is all about the people of the U.S.A., but if he approves of the pipeline, people will lose a lot, and if the pipe had a crack and the oil leaked that is very hazardous, and people could die.
Monologue 2
(Matthew Morris is sitting in his little cubicle at work, thinking to himself if he should leave his job to work with the pipeline, or if he should stay at his job. He has been hearing good and bad things about the pipeline.)
I don’t know what to do. I feel like I need more money, but at the same time if I will only be employed for five years, and I can’t get my job back here, then I will be unemployed and with this society it will be so hard to find another job. I need the money to help my family, but if I lose my job then my family income will be even worse than it already is. My wife isn’t working, because she stays at home with the children. The children have to go to public school, which isn’t so good, because we don’t have the money to pay for a good private school. We barely even have enough money for food. I’ve heard good and bad things about the pipeline, so I looked on the internet. The internet also has good and bad things. I don’t know what to believe, or which side to take. I’m confused. Some people I know are all for the pipeline, but others are totally against it. I don’t know if I’m for or against the pipeline because I really need this job. I’ve heard that it will run through people’s home and land, so they will lose their houses and have to move. They will probably get paid for their houses and land, but not as much as it would sell for on the market. The government is probably going to approve of the pipeline, but I don’t know if I do after hearing all of the negative things about it. I’ve heard more negative than positive on this topic, and it makes me wonder if I should just leave it alone and stay at the job I have now. I’m just very confused but angry at the same time.
Monologue 3
(Sitting at her desk at her job as a lawyer, Christina Gibbs is typing about her feelings about the Keystone Pipeline and why it should be approved.)
“I am strongly for the Keystone Pipeline. I feel as though it will make the U.S.A. a better country all together. Also, instead of having to get as much oil as we do now from our enemy countries, we can get it from our allies. Also, the people that are going to be hired are going to go through training to learn how to weld the pipeline, so it isn’t like they aren’t learning how to make the pipeline. I also think this is a big step towards American independence because we are so dependent on the Middle East for oil, but if we get the pipeline we won’t have to be dependent of anyone. Also, she thinks everything will be better for the U.S. because we won’t have to associate with the countries that we hate, and that hate us. I feel as though the U.S.A. is independent in every other type of way except oil. If we got independent from other countries for oil, we would probably be the most independent country in the world.”
- the Keystone XL Pipeline will make a lot of jobs available to people.
- if the pipeline leaks, it could pollute the water in the ground, and it could make the crops that people grow unhealthy to eat.
- If people get jobs helping make the pipeline they will only be employed for a few years.
- If the pipeline is built, a lot of people will have to move out of their houses, and off of their property.
- If the pipeline is built, the people that will be hired are going to be trained on how to weld the pipes together.
- If the pipeline is approved, then we will have to get less oil from the Middle East.
- TransCanada, "TransCanada." Last modified 07/26/2012. Accessed October 24, 2012.
- Tars Sands Blockade, "Tar Sands Blockade." Accessed October 24, 2012.
- CNN Money, "CNN Money A Service of CNN, Fortune& Money." Last modified 03/22/2012. Accessed October 24, 2012.
When's the Game?
- The days of the week
To say "Today is..." in spanish, you say "Hoy es...". You add the day to the end.
Use these flashcards to learn the days of the week!
Here is a video of a kid wanting to know what day their school's soccer game is:
When's the Game? from Wilson Biggs on Vimeo.
How to perform proper manners in Spanish
Explanation: This blog post will be teaching you how to use proper manners in situations when you might need it.
Different ways to say Thank you...
. gracias.................. thank you
. mucho gracias........ thanks a lot
. mil gracias............. thanks a million
Different ways to say Your welcome
. De nada................ Your welcome
. Por nada
. No hay de qué
How to say "what was that" if you didn't catch what someone said
How to say "Please"
Por favor.
Different ways to say "Excuse me"
Con permiso (when someones standing in your way)
Disculpe (to get someones attention)
Perdón (if you accidentally bump into someone
Heres a video showing how to use proper manners
¿Epa, en que mes estamos? ... (Hey.. in what month are we in?)
In order to ask/tell someone the date or month, you have to know:
- How to say the months
- How to pronounce them correctly
- How to spell them
When writing the months in Spanish, the letters are all lowercase.
When writing the date, it goes Day/Month/Year
(Ex. 23/10/12)
Month (English) |
Month (Spanish) |
Pronunciation |
January |
enero |
en-er-o |
February |
febrero |
feb-rer-o |
March |
marzo |
mar-zoe |
April |
abril |
ah-bril |
May |
mayo |
my-oh |
June |
junio |
hoo-ni-oo |
July |
julio |
hoo-ly-oo |
August |
agosto |
ah-go-sto |
September |
septiembre |
sep-tiem-bre |
October |
octubre |
oak-too-bee |
November |
noviembre |
no-viem-bre |
December |
deciembre |
de-ciem-bre |
If you went to a hispanic country and asked for the date, it would sound something like this...
"¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?"
"Hoy es el (number day) de (month)."
Ex. "¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?"
"Hoy es el cinco de mayo." ....
That dialogue was basically saying "What's today's date?" and the response was "The fifth of May"
Here's a set a words you can try out...
iHola! How to get someone's phone number.
In order to get someone's phone number you must know the numbers, how to ask for someone's number, and how to tell your number.
Here is a chart of the numbers translated from English to Spanish.
(Click the image to enlarge it.)
Note: Notice that the numbers 10 and above are not listed because they are not needed.
How to ask for someone's phone number:
Q. ¿Cuål es tu nümero de teléfono? and ¿Cuål es su nümero de teléfono?
Telling someone your phone number:
You would just say the numbers to your phone.
Example: Q.¿Cuål es tu nümero de teléfono?
A. dos seis siete - cuatro seis uno - cero nueve ocho tres (267-461-0983)
Use the flashcards for some extra practice!
Here's a video of an American man trying to get a cuban girl's phone number.
Click here to see the video