Spanish I: Numbers 100-900 by Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

Welcome to the lesson of the hundreds. You had probably noticed that every set of numbers had their own patterns, and so as the hundreds. 

Numbers 100 - 999: In these set of numbers, the hundreds and the tens place don’t need to be connected by “y.” But, you need to connect the tens and the ones place by “y”











Ciento dos

(see-in-doe) (doe-s)


Ciento caurenta y cautro

(see-in-doe) (qua-ring-da) (e) (qua-joe)





Doscientos dos

(doe-s-see-in-doe-s) (doe-s)





Trescientos  ochenta y nueve

(tris-see-doe-s) (all-chen-da) (e) (new-wave-ve)




















Novecientos noventa y nueve

(no-ve-see-in-doe-s) (no-van-da) (e) (new-wave-ve)

  • Trick: The single number + cientos (100, plural with a “s”) + the tens place (without “y”) + y (connect the tens and the ones place) + (single number)

EX: 685

Seiscientos ochenta y cinco


EX: 105

Ciento (single, no “s”) cinco

Spanish I: Numbers 1000-9000 By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

In this section, you will perfectly learn the numbers that were important for the basic concepts of Spanish and apply them into real life situations.

Numbers 1000 - a million





uno mil

(woo-no) (mill)


uno mil veinte y tres

(woo-no) (mill) (van-de) (e) (tria-s)


Dos mil

(doe-s) (mill)


Tres mil

(tria-s) (mill)


Cautro mil

(qua-joe) (mill)


Cinco mil

(sane-go) (mill)


sesis mil

(sis) (mill)


nueve mil

(new-wave-ve) (mill)

Trick: In numbers 1000 - 9999

Single number + mil (thousand) + hundred place (no “y”) + tens place + y + ones place (single number

Look at the Clock: Telling Time en Español By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

What time is it?
¿Qué hara es?
pronunciation: (ke) (or-ra) (es)

Rules for timing time:

Son las vs. Es la

Only use “Es la” for only one hour because it is singular (1hr.). Instead of using uno for one hr., use una instead.
         Ex: 1:16
             Es la una y diez y seis
          Ex: 7: 28
             Es la siete y veinte ocho  (You can't use Es la for this example because it is seven hours instead of one hour).
Use “Son las” for two to twelve hours (2-12 hrs.).
         Ex: 7: 28
                  Son las siete y veinte y ocho
          Ex: 2: 05
                  Son las dos y cinco
“y” vs. “menos”:
“y” is use for 0-30mins

1.Chose Es la or Son las based on the hour

2.State the hour

3.Connect the hours and minutes with “y”

4.State the minutes

Ex: 2: 10

    Son las dos y diez

Memos is use for 31-59 mins. It means subtract.         

1.Chose Es la or Son las based on the hour

2.State the hour ahead

3.Connect the hours and minutes with “memos”

4.State how many minutes it would take to be in the hour you state on step two

Ex: 4: 55

     Son las cinco memos cincenta y cinco

Ex: 12: 48

      Es la una memos doce

The reason it is Es la instead of Son las is because the hour ahead of twelve is one. Therefore, it is singular.

Two ways to say 30mins. and 15mins.

You can say “treinte” or media (mad-de-ya), which means ½.

You can say diez y cinco or cuatro (qua-do-ro), which means ¼.



AM: de la manaña (de) (la) (mi-ya-la)

PM (afternoon): de la tardes (de) (la) (started-this)

PM (night): de la noche (de) (la) (no-che)

Midnight: La medianocho (la) (mad-de-ya) (no-cho)

Spanish I: The days of Lunes through Domingo! By Mingxue zheng and Lala Doumbia

Days of the Week

We all know the English way of saying what day is today in Pre-School. So, learning the days of the week in Spanish will make your days in foreign countries rock! It is important to learn the days of the week and as well as the dates because of the busy society we experience, we really need to get our selves organized  and schedule an appointment or a interview also needs these basic concepts.

So lets get started!

To ask what day is today in Spanish.

It look like this:

¿Qué día hace hoy?

(ke) (de-yah) (ar-say) (holl)

Reply: Hoy es (the day today).
¿Qué día ayer fue? meaning: What is yesterday's day?
(ka)   (de-ya)  (f-wav)
¿Qué día mañana sera? What is tomorrow's day?
 (ke) (de-yah) (man-ya-la) (sera)

Lunes (loon-this)

Martes (Mar-this)

Miércoles (me-at-go-les)

Jueves (clay-ves)

Viernes (ve-and-ne-mas)

Sábado (sa-ba-doe)

Domingo (doe-min-go)

Okay! with the information you have now you will be go to go and move on to a new level in Spanish! Isn’t that exciting!

Spanish I: The Good Old Months and Dates By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

The Good old Meses  

Time and keeping in track of dates which is important  for the human society. If you don’t know how to day the months and tell somebody what is today’s date. Boo!
January Enero(in-near-ro)
FebuaryFebrero (fa-be-lea-row)
April Abril(a-breil-o)
June Junio(who-knee-oh)
AugestAgosto (a-goo-stole)
NovemberNoviembre (no-van-in-b-le)
Some of the months spelled and sound similar to the English form of the months. So, if you know how to spell and pronounced the English months then this part will be easy for you to learn.

Okay! Now you know how to say the months and had the knowledge of Spanish numbers in the previous lesson, lets learn how to put it in use!

Guess what does question mean? ¿Cuál es el fecha de hoy?
Hint: It is the most common question ask everyday and your teacher will always say that if you want to be organized you need to put the **** on the top right corner of your paper!
This is a question that ask someone what date is today.

¿Cuál es el fecha de hoy?
Pronunciation: (geow) (is) (eel) (fad-cha) (de) (holl-re)

If you want to reply to this question say:
Hoy es (number) de (month).

If you know how to say ¿Cuál es el fecha de hoy? and the months. Then, I will say you’re a genius for a beginner in these few minutes!

Spanish I: What is the Weather Today by Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

What is the weather today?

We always watch forecasts in the news or radios whether to schedule a perfect date, or a panic outside. So, it will be necessary to learn the Spanish way saying the weather and get yourself for a plan outside.

How to ask for the weather today?
(¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?) pronunciation: (ge) (demple) (a-say) (holi)

Hoy es...

Hace Sol (a-say) (sol)

RainyEsta lloviendo (es-sta) (yo-be-knee-doe)

Hace viento (a-say) (ve-in-doe)

Esta nevando (es-sta) (nud-ve-in-doe)

Hace nublado (a-say) (nud-bla-doe)

Spanish I: The Social Conversation By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

Going deeper and deeper into a social conversation

If you are a very social, out going person in America, give yourself a smile and be proud of yourself because you were going to learn some basic conversion questions that will make you rock in Spanish. If you don’t try to imagine yourself who can’t fill out any applications and don’t bother finding any guides. So, open your eyes and fresh your brain with this lesson.

What is your name?


Informal: ¿Cómo te llamas?

pronunciation: (comb-no) (te) (yah-mas))


Formal: ¿Cómo se llama?(it is spelled as Como with an accent on the m)

pronunciation: (comb-mo) (te) (yah-ma))


Me llamo (your name).

How old are you?


¿Cuántos años tienes?

pronunciation: (quone-dos) (un-yos) (tea-and-ness))

Reply: Yo tengo (your age) anós.

When is your birthday?

Ask:¿ Cáundo es tu cumpleaños?

pronunciation: (qu-doe) (as) (to) (comb-beli-un- yos)

Reply: Mi cumpleaños es el (number) de (month).

Where you came from?

Ask: formal: ¿De donde es?


informal: ¿De Donde eres?

pronunciation: (de) (don’t - de) (eres)

Reply: Soy de (country, city, etc.).


Reply: Soy de (country, city, etc.) pero vivo en (you live in now)



pronunciation: (grad-see-as)

Its a pleasure.

Un Placer

Pronunciation:(n) (pla-see-er)

Its nice to meet you.

Mucho Gusto

Pronunciation:(moo-cho) (good-stole)

Here is a video about a girl who can fill out a Spanish application for her high school and a an chance to go to her dream high schooL. In real life, we always filling out important applications. Some of them are college applications or for field trips. So, don't miss out any opportunities if you don't know Spanish. Learn it right now!

Spanish I: The Goodbyes and Hellos (1) By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

¡Hola! The Way to Introduce Yourself

You definitely, definitely need to know this lesson in order to go through the whole social process because you will get very awkward if you represent the empire of America and lost  your politeness in a conversation just because you don’t learn it in high school. So, stop being depressed and put your learning gears on! There is a second lesson that will enhance your skills in introducing yourself

The ways of saying Hi!:  

Time frame




All the time

Hi! or Hello!



In the Morning

Good Morning!

¡Buenos Días!

(windows) (de-as)

In the afternoon

Good Afternoon!

¡Buenas Tardes!

(windows) (started -this)

In the night

Good Night!

¡Buenas Noches!



The two ways to say how are you informally - these are the ways of saying hello to someone your age, a close friend, or a person with a first encounter. Basically, these are the way to say hi casually.




How are you?

¿Cómo estas?

(comb-mo) (es-stas)

How are you?

¿Qué tál?

(ke) (tile)

How to say How are you formally or in a pural state: to say How are you formally means that the person you are talking to can be an elder, a boss, or someone you respect.






How are you?

¿Cómo esta ud.?

(comb-mo) (es-ta) (wo-stead)


How are you?

¿Cómo estan uds.


(es-ta) (wo-stand-this

Spanish I: Goodbyes and Hellos (2) by Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

You now know how to say Hello and How are you in Spanish. Its now the time to reply to these questions! Alright!

Here are some basic conversations:

Play #1


Sally:¿Qué tál?

Mike: ¡Buen! (means: fine)

Pronunciation: (be-in)

Play #2

Jordon: ¡Hola!

Jordon: ¿Como estas?

Sherry: Mas o memos. (means: so-so)

Pronunciation: (mas-so-men-nos)

And some other replies:

English meaning:

















(ends with”o” means masculine, ends with “a” means feminine)

(es-do-beyon-do) or (es-do-benyon-da)

See you later
Hasta luego (a-sta) (lue-wav-go)

See you tomorrow 
Hasta mañana (a-sta) (man-ya-la)


Goodbyes: informal

Bye: Chao


Goodbye: Adios


  • Remember! When you use informal terms, always use it when you were talking to a person your age, first encounter, a a close friend.

Goodbyes: Formal

Its a pleasure.

Un Placer

(n) (pla-see-er)

Its nice to meet you.

Mucho Gusto

(mo-sho) (good-stole)

    • Remember! When using formal terms, always use it during formal situations or talking to someone who are respected, an elder, or someone older than you.

Congratulation on learning how to say hellos and goodbyes, Last but not last give yourself a tap on the back!

Spanish I: ¿Qué te gusta? What do you like? By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia

Everyone had something they like and some of the most common things ask is in the three categories, such as, sports, music, and food. So, lets learn how to say the things we like in Spanish before we regret it.

What is your favorite sport?

¿Qué deporte te gusta?

pronunciation: (ge) (de-port-de) (te) (goo-sta)

What is your favorite music?

¿Qué música te gusta?

Pronunciation: (ge) (moo-see-ca) (te) (goo-sta)

What is your favorite food?

¿Qué comida te gusta?

pronunciation: (ge) (comb-me-da) (te) (goo-sta)

Oh my! How am I going to reply to these questions?
¿Qué deporte te gusta?
Me gusta la deporte (sport).
Sport SpanishPronunciation
BasketballEl baloncesto (el) (buy-no-sis-doe)
SwimmingLa natación (la)  (not-ta-see-own)
American footballEl fútbol Americano (el) (foot-boil) (ameri-ka-no)
TennisEl tenis(el) (thin-knees)
Soccer El fútbol(el) (foot-boli)

¿Qué música te gusta?

Me gusta la musica (music).

jazzLa jazz(la) (jazz)
rock musicLa música rock(la) (moo-see-ka) (rock)
La música poppop music(la) (moo-see-ka) (bop)
La música clásicaclassic music(la) (moo-see-ka) (class-sat-ka)

¿Qué comida la gusta?

Me gusta la comida (food)





La comida pizza

(la) (call-me-da) (pizza)

Chinese food

La comida China

(la) (call-me-da) (che-la)

Italian food

La comida Italiana

(la) (call-me-da) (in-tell-knee-a-la)

Mexican food

La comida Mexicana

(la) (call-me-da) (max-in-ka-la)


La ensalada

(la) (in-sir-la-da)


La fruta

(la) (fruit-da)


El chocolate

(el) (chal-co-lot-de)

Stephen & Kenyatta's Dates and Months

What you need to know in order to say the months in spanish:

1. You have to know which month it is at that time
2. You also have to know how to say all the different months
3. You also have to know the different numbers up to 31
4. Lastly you have to know the rules of how to say the different dates

Important Dates& Holidays

1.enero-uno de enero

2. febrero- catorce de febrero

3. marzo- diez y siete de marzo

4. abril- uno de abril

5. mayo- cinco de mayo

6. junio- veinte y uno de junio

7. julio- cuatro de julio

8. augusto- nothing

9. septiembre- siete de septiembre

10. octubre- treinta y uno

11. noviembre- veinte y cuatro 

12.diciembre- veinte y cinco

Las Messes (Month)

Hola! Today we are going to teach you how to say the months in spainsh. Mind you that some of the months are not similar to the months in the english language but that's okay because that's what we are here to teach you today!


Gaming and Growth

SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania) hired Rough Cut to produce a film about the pervasive impact and potential of gaming and social media on the marketplace.  

Joe Parisi-Main Editor, Jobe Naff- Defacto Director, Briana Stroman- Lead Interviewer, Fangda Luo- Sound Editor, and Joshua Martin-Corrales- Co-Writer, were the centerpiece of a panel discussion at SEI's annual board meeting at UPENN on Thursday, Oct 27th. Everyone stuck around for some really interesting group discussions on the vitality of gaming elements and thematics and how they can inspire exponential growth in the Board's respective business projects. Simply put, they killed it!!!

When you see this crew congratulate them for an amazing job. Many other students collaborated on this and deserve high praise, namely- Matthew Scuderi (narration), Robert Broadwater (interviewing and editing), Nathan Kamal (Original Musical Score "The Sounds of Our Generation") Amaris Romero (audio mixing) and special guest interviewees- Kabbour Rizq, Rashaun Williams and Henry Yam. This project was a truly amazing team effort and I am so very proud of their collective efforts. Once again, our students have proven to the outside public that teenagers can in fact be professional if given the opportunity. 

Check out our Rough Cut Production VIMEO PAGE for a higher quality version of this project. Enjoy- Mr. H

​Who Am I? Revision

Who Am I?


“Why do I have to do this?” It was all I could think about while I continued my 7th grade project. It touched on all the things that I had always tried to avoid. I had to describe myself. When asked to describe myself as a simple beginning of the year question I have always kept my answers short, simple, uncreative and each time the answer was generally identical. It was the thing I hated most in the world. Why? Maybe I didn’t understand myself. But to be given a whole project on that subject alone, it felt like my stomach had just done a somersault. So I just sat there, thinking, who am I?

            So many years have past but this lingering question has still followed me. Even after finishing the project I was still uncertain of whom I was, and made it a basic project. My life has always been filled with so much uncertainness. As a result I have always been indecisive in all my decisions, even the simplest decisions.  Who do I want be? What will I become? I wonder why it was so hard for me. Was I afraid?

            Was I fearful? The more I thought about it, the more it kind of made sense. When spending time with a group of my friends I am usually loud and extroverted. Playing video games on our laptops like Call of Duty 4, Spore and mine craft. We are hyper, running around messing with each other and joking around. Sometimes sit around talking and chill, awaiting the next class. In class it is always a different story. It is like a switch was flipped on me. Shy, hesitant; peers would hardly know I was there. I was always terrified to share my thoughts, so I nearly always kept my hands down. And when I actually did put my hand up every once in a blue moon, there was a huge round of applause from everyone in the class like it was the most amazing thing they have seen. Embarrassment was definitely a factor.

So was it my lack of detail in explaining myself. Like when I did the descriptive writing essay. As I was staring at that 6x4 photo in my brightly lit, slightly messy room, trying to figure it out, it seemed impossible. First of all, I have never been good at descriptive writing for the last 15 years of my life.  For my assignment I was told to write a thorough description of a piece of art important to you, so I chose a photo that I treasured. Even though I treasured it, I realized that I never really looked at it, I didn’t even remember the reason I treasured it. I looked at it sideways, backwards and even measured it, but still, nothing. So I finally looked at, looking for anything and everything. As I stared at the photo intensely, like it was the most interesting thing in the world, all I could see were the obvious points. In the photo were both my grand mother and my little brother Nathaniel when he was around 4 or 5 years old. So I looked at closer, staring at my brother’s old braided hair, looking at the old him, it was like staring into the past. He was older now, with shaved hair; I had forgotten what he used to look like. So I continued to stare at it, remembering lost memories, trying to recall anything and everything.

            But no matter how many questions these answered my main one was yet to be answered, who am I? So I just sat there and thought. I thought about everything that had happened to me up to now. I tried and tried and tried. I wanted to remember something to answer my question.


            I found it, the answer.  It was in piece of me writing that I had forgotten. Something I shared out despite the fear and embarrassment.


They say I’m not American

I say

I am Jamerican


They say that I’m no good

I say

I know how to rise above stereotypes and be good


Don’t judge me by the fact I came from the hood

They say my people are all a shame

I say

I am not the same


They say I’m not anything I’m hopeless

I say

Stop the dumbness


I’m gonna stay out the darkness

To rise to greatness


This poem reminds me of who I am, I am different, think different, and do things different. It might take me a while to completely understand myself, but that is ok. As I head out on my own path, I know it’ll all be fine. I am undefined and I am fine with that. I doubt anyone else understands himself or herself either, so why should I sweat it. Things would be boring if I knew everything about myself, life would be boring, and without the challenges I have, like being shy, I would have no motivation to improve upon myself. I’ll keep up becoming better, and then I’ll meet my goal of knowing who I am. I can’t wait till I get to meet myself. The same goes for all of you. Your true may not be as far as you think.



Morgan Taylor and Ayoola Hooks-Gibbs Monologues and Videos

Intro Paragraph: My goals in writing these monologues. Is to show how many views there are. Whether you are for or against the pipeline. I wanted to show all the different emotions of this situation, sadness, anxiety, rage, regret, confidence and many more. I want to show the government how much they are hurting their citizens.


Monologue #1: Are You Serious

Setting: outside of her house, showing the factories. In her hand is  a newspaper.


      I’ll tell you how hard it’s been to live here. My community has had illnesses like throat cancer, if they build the pipelines, what’s going to happen? When did they start building factories? They’ve been making different factories across the street from my house ever since I was in kindergarten. This isn’t worth losing more people. I would come home and smell this horrible smell that was deadly. Money is going to be wasted. They need to make wiser choices.  We have all these different factories that’s causing odors. I think about the pipeline situation from time to time and people will have jobs if we have pipelines. But while the pipelines are being made it’s damaging, and causing problems.

      What’s your final answer about this situation, should this happen or not? Do you see this newspaper in my hand? Almost every time I read the news it doesn’t say specifically if Obama is going to let this happen, and once he makes up his mind. Once 6 months pass, with change or no change, then I’ll make up my mind, but for right now I’m not too sure. This situation is bittersweet, it’s going to help people out financially because people will be provided jobs but then again they’re going to be wasting billions of dollars.


Monologue #2: Will This Be The Right Choice?


Setting: At school taking a test.


     Here I am twirling my lucky pencil in my hand, and holding a test in front of my face not rushing to do my test to be the first person to be finished but I’m…wondering… Re-playing the whole phone call I had with my dad yesterday

He said though I’m an a little young to really rap my head around the situation

He has to decide weather he should deny the permit for the oil Pipelines or not.

Pipelines – Transports goods through a pipe.

He also told me that people would be given jobs, if the pipeline happens.

Will my dad make the right choice?

     I know I’m only ten years old, and have no say in weather we should resume with pipelines or not… But I think that my father should pass it. People will be provided jobs, right? That would be great, because people have been getting laid for the past 3 years.  

     I did some research after talking to my dad…and it said that a pipeline is a network that delivers the nations crude oil such as gasoline, jet fuel and home heating oil, is that good or bad?

Will that be hurting the environment or improving the environment.


Will he make the right choice?




Monologue #3: It’s all about the workers and to heck with the Environment, I need a job!


 Setting: At the site of one of the pipelines. Getting interviewed

       Honestly I think that they need to pass this, I need a job, this will be providing for hundreds of unemployed people at the moment.  Even If it’s going to be polluting the earth. Right about now we need, no I NEED a job. For the past years thousands of people have been unemployed – I’ve been unemployed. And right here these pipelines are jobs that will be able to give to the thousands of people who are unemployed.  Are you trying say that the only thing that you care about right now is yourself? No, not exactly, I’m just saying that we’ve started with the pipeline and the construction and all of a sudden we had to stop, no money is flowing through! Obama wants a solution for these unemployed citizens and its right in front of our faces! So close that I can - we can all taste it. We will be one step closer to have a better economy, not environmentally. I’m all for the environment, but I’m ready to sacrifice this environment so I can have a job.

 If you already had a job, and was asked about the Pipeline situation, what would you say?

     To be honest I would be on the side to try to save the environment, because

if this happens, its hurting Mother Nature. These Pipelines aren’t healthy for this environment. But I need to provide for family-my children…


Monologue #4: You're So Greedy

*The goddess of the earth says this with a lot of passion and a little bit of rage.

I give and give and give! All I get in return is this crappy piece of nothingness. (these 2 sentences are said with a bunch of rage) Yes, I am a goddess but there is only so much that I can do. In the beginning it was ok. People respected my earth because they really acknowledged that it was all they had to survive.(Happiness/calm in these 2) All of a sudden my guests got extremely greedy and started destroying my work. Cutting down my beautiful forests, polluting my oceans, taking more than what is needed and killing my master pieces of animals.(anger and rage) I did a pretty good job making this little sphere of joy, but maybe I didn’t do such a good job of protecting it. That is going to change soon.

Then the government thinks there all tall and mighty and decides to ruin the last of my work with a pipeline that goes from Canada to Texas. In this pipeline there will be nasty black, gooey and just unclean oil. It is all about the money to you people. What are you going to do if you have nothing else left? Oh, that’s right you are going to die. The “Bad Guys” say “It will be good for the economy and we will be able to live better lives.” DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! I made this earth to the best of my ability and you the greedy ones are destroying it.

Now you’re scared because I am finally taking a stand and getting angry. All of these natural disasters, all of the people dying are your doing. I am just showing you what you have been doing this entire time. I have tried to be understanding and loving, but there only so much that I can take. I demand respect! My earth needs to be respected!

Not only have you betrayed me by making this decision, you have betrayed all of the earth. For billions of years the Earth that has hosted you on this planet. You do have a chance to make it better. The first step is to not make this pipeline that will destroy what you have left of your world. I now leave it in your hands to make this huge decision. Hope you make the right one.


Monologue # 5

*A man in a jail sell regrets his decision for standing up for what is right. He is anxious and debating weather or not he made the right choice protesting.

         Why did this happen to me? Why did I make such a bad decision. I have 2 kids and a wife at home I need to take care of. Right now they think i am on a business trip in Los Angeles. What is my wife going to say when she find out where I actually am. I am the man of the house I need to bring home the bacon for my family. I want to say I was being selfish but I am really just trying to protect my home. I grew up in South Dakota 2blocks from where they are going to rip up the earth and place that monstrous pipeline. All of my childhood memories will be destroyed. Where will my parents go? They are to old to handle this type of change.

This jail cell is so cold and damp. I am going to ruin my good work clothes. I didn’t know I was going to be arrested. I just wanted to do the right thing and defend our mother earth. Bad decisions, after bad decisions. Money in my family is really tight because of the economy. Now my family has to pay bail for me to get out. I don’t even want to tell them, I am scared that they will not trust me any more. I wasn’t thinking straight, I didn’t think about the consequences of protesting. Will i loose my job? How will this affect my reputation? I really hope that I am setting a good example for my kids. I don’t want them to end up like this. In a 6 by 6, cold, dirty and damp space regretting a decision that was made.

When I think about it i think I am being selfish, but also standing up in what I believe in and protecting my family. When my grand kids are born I want them to have a world to live in that isn’t a piece of crap. My generation and generations before have ruined our future generations home. I feel bad that they have to clean up our mess. Maybe I did do the right thing and my family will understand that I was fighting for them.







Pipeline Monologue By Franklin Mancebo & Abou Hinson

The purpose of me writing this monologe to my video was to get a sense of the other side of the whole Keystone XL pipeline. Some people like the workers and the people who this might effect may have a different view then the people who are promoting it,so what i did was I made a news cast and interviewed a worker and also interviewed a citizen on the way they felt and what were their thoughts.Hope you feel the same way..Enjoy!

Anthony morning

my name is anthony morning 

i have lived on this plantation for about three generations

for political reasons i can not show my face

therefore i am darken by the camera

this plantain has seen me and my whole family grow

now recently i was informed to move away from plantains in NORTH Dakota

because of the pipeline coming from the north

it would affect or family greatly and we do not appreciate it

now i told my daughter Ashely stares at moon

because she saw  me trying to figure out a cuter for my family

and she says hey every things donna be ok so i tell my wife whats going on

she cries and says way are we going to do

so i ask you  what are we join to do 

are e going to let this happen and do nothing

or stand up for our rites as people of north dakota

i ask you would you want your kids to go threw this

( look away)

Pablo hernandez (interview)

I don't think that this is fair either to me and also the community 

I don't know what's going on north dakota do we the community not have a say in what goes on in our homes and lives.this pipeline threatens the safety of our kids and that is not ok with kids all all i have i have no wife mom or dad i no that i am an immigrant but i am also a citizen of this country. i didn't go threw all this debate all all the noise the construction would motive me to not let me let this happen. I don't want my kids to go through all would you fell if you would have to go 20 to 30 mins more to you schedule 

I do not like this one bit!

Not at all!


Pablo hernandez

I don't think that this is fair either to me and also the community 

I don't know what's going on north dakota do we the community not have a say in what goes on in our homes and lives.this pipeline threatens the safety of our kids and that is not ok with kids all all i have i have no wife mom or dad i no that i am an immigrant but i am also a citizen of this country. i didn't go threw all this debate all all the noise the construction would motive me to not let me let this happen. I don't want my kids to go through all this

Abou Hinson

Dear Mr. President

My name is Carlita Rodriguez. I am a latino-American in Austin, Texas. There hasn’t been much work available, let alone for a latina in a border state. The Keystone Tar Sands would provide much needed work and a healthy income for my four year old daughter and I. It would also significantly improve the economy for other Americans. If the Tar Sands were built it would also help others like myself find work. The only problem is I have to think about my daughter’s future.

The pipeline would emit pollution just like any other pipeline. Since the Tar Sands are a pipeline that means that they will leak. If it were to be built, the pipeline would run over a fresh water source, now rare in America. Some believe that it would be “Game over” for the environment. Its not so much a concern for me, but for my daughter. I know that I might not live to see the negative results of this project, but I couldn’t rest knowing that I was a part of my child’s environmentally instability.

Honestly I really need the work, but the price I’d have to pay would be too much. I vote no for the Tar sands project. The environment is to much of a price to pay for a little more energy.

Sincerely, Carlita Rodriguez


Setting: Nadie Mahal is a famous motivation speaker who is speaking in front of a big tribe of native people talking about the Keystone Pipeline project. She is trying to motivate them to stop talking about the issues and do something about it.


(Martin Luther King type of Voice) Hello my beautiful Native People. Lately I have been hearing people talk about stopping the Keystone pipeline project, but I do not see anyone taking any action. I Nadie (Na-D) Mahal (Ma-Hall) have a vision. That one-day these business men and our Government would stop looking at our land as profit but rather embrace it and love it just as much as we do. Then our native people would join hands with the Americans and be one big happy family, as we love our mother nature. This project reminded me of what back in the day. (switch to more anger tone) When The Europeans came too take over our land and claim it as theirs. They bought their disease, pushed us out the way as if that wasn’t our home, and now in this present day they want to destroy our land. Now I’m mad. (Have A Serious Tone)  In my hand I hold an article on the Keystone XL pipeline project. The pipeline would be transporting pollution from the tar sands of Canada to the United States by carrying 800,000 barrels per day of thick, corrosive, toxic, oil for refining in Texas and the Gulf States. What these money hungry people fail to realize is that if it is approved we will have to then pollute our fresh water.  We need to put a stop to this. I understand that there are jobs for thousands of people to have in regards to this project but what about our earth. We should be protecting it not selling its nature for less expensive energy. We need to rise and fight, if that mean protesting in front of the white house 24/7 that is what we will do. I don’t care if I have to go to prison for this protest, I will do what ever it take to stop this project. So president Obama understand that you have lives in your hand. We will do what ever it takes to stop the Keystone pipeline project. My native people we are the children that will help protect our mother nature.


+Setting clear

+Last sentence

+Address Obama


? Add more of an object- Blue Print/reserve

? Point on how they took land



Set the stage


Show more passion


Mixing emotions


Always confident.

So Imani Rothwell what do you think of the rejections towards the keystone project?


I think that anyone who have rejection to this project do not understand the business aspect of it. This project will create over 100,000 jobs. That’s more availability our country have seen in a while since the recent recession we have had. Which too many people still feel like a recession? I also think people who reject is a hypocrite. They say the want cheaper oil and when we try to supply it all of a sudden we become the devil. That to me makes me real skeptical since my main aspect is to provide to the common wealth of what they want.  


Can you tell us any pros and cons to this major project?


The pro is money. This can provide money and lead our country to receive wealth like never before.  The Middle East will be mostly effect by the wealth since that is where the pipeline will be running. The con is that the environment will be effected. Too me that sucks because I was hoping we can try to do this where it will not effect the environment as much, but hey money is money you can’t deny that.


Any final opinions?


Yes. To those who are watching the talk today understand I am a businesswoman. As a businesswomen money is my focus so I have to make so rash decisions that may cause harm. I just wanted to let you know to do more research and understand that when Obama approves it will not be so bad. The environment will learn to adapt to the changes just as we will learn to adapt to the many job opportunity and money that will be received.

La Hora: The Time

​Let’s learn about time! When on the topic of time, you will need to know how to say the numbers 1-60. When you wish to say a number higher than 30, you will need to know this special formula: the tens place of the number + y + the ones place number. For example, if you are trying to say 35…

                        Treinta + y + cinco = treinta y cinco

            Now, here is a chart with the numbers on it:



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​Another important aspect of time is knowing how to ask for the time. There are multiple ways to ask for it. Here they are:
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The next thing that you need to know is how to tell what time it is. There are multiple steps to this, so just try to memorize them as soon as you can!

            First, if the time is exactly on the hour, you can say “Son las _____.” In the blank goes the number of the hour. The only exception to the rule is when it is one o’clock. When it is that time, instead of the prefix being “son las”, it is “es la”.

            The next thing that you need to know is specifics that you can say if it is a certain time. These are some specifics that you will need to know:

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Screen Shot 2011-10-23 at 11.00.02 AM
Like it was said earlier, time is a confusing thing. I will now show you how to say the time in specific parts of the hour.

1.     On the hour, like I said earlier, you simply say “Son las ____” If you want to get fancy, you can tag an “es punto” on at the end, which basically translates to “on the dot”. For example, “It is 9:00” would be “Son las nueve (en punto)”

2.     Before half-past, you can simply say the hour and then the number of minutes. For example, “It is 4:19” would be “Son las cuatro y nueve.”

3.     At quarter after, like I said earlier, you say “y cuarto” (CUIDADO [Be careful]: It is very easy to mix up cuaTRO (four) and cuaRTO (:15)) For example, if I want to say “It is 8:15,” then I would say “Son las ocho y cuarto.”

4.     At half past, like I said earlier, you say “y media.” For example, if I wanted to say “It is 11:30,” I would say “Son las once y media.”

5.     After half past is where it gets tricky. You can either stick with the original way with the hour and then “y” and then the number of minutes, but you could also do it another way. The most important word to know in this method is “menos” which means “minus”. If I wanted to say “It is 3:47”, I would say “Son las cuatro menos trece.” Do you see what I did? This literally translates to “It is four minus thirteen.” To show both methods of saying it, I will now give an example. To say “It is 6:50”, you could either say 1) “Son las seis y cincuenta.” 2) “Son las siete menos diez.”

6.     At quarter of, like I said earlier, you can say two things. The most common one is to say “menos cuarto”. Again, “menos” means minus and “cuarto” means quarter past. Therefore, that would be __:45. The other way to say quarter of is simply saying the hour and then “cuarenta y cinco”, which is 45. For example, if I wanted to say 7:45, I could either say 1) “Son las ocho menos cuarto.” 2) Son las siete y cuarenta y cinco.” The most common way, however, is the first one.

            Wow that was a lot of information! Keep practicing until you get it! Good luck!

In this video, Emmanuel is doing his homework at home, and his mom (Leah) tells him to go to bed (“Voy a dormir”) and he asks what time it is, and she tells him that it’s midnight. He then goes to bed.

What is the Weather like Today?

Here is my lesson on the weather and seasons in Español. It shows the weather and seasons in spanish


El Tiempo (The Weather)

¿Que tiempo hace?

What’s the Weather like?

Hace . . .

It’s . . .











Esta lloviendo

It’s raning

Esta nevando

It’s snowing

Esta nublado

It’s cloudy


Las Estaciones (The Seasons)

El invierno           diciembre, enero, febrero

Winter           December, January, February

La primavera                    marzo,abril,mayo

Spring                             March, April, May

El verono                        junio, julio, agosto

Summer                             June, July, August

El otono     septiembre, octubre, noviembre

Fall             September, October, November



 This video is about a spanish game show and the contestants have to guess what the weather


Study here.

Here is the link to Klarissa's lesson:

Months and Dates (Los Meses del Año/ La Fecha)

​By saying the months in order you will surely learn months and dates fast.


-The months and dates are never to be capitalized and it must have the correct punctuation or it may have another meaning.

Ex.Cómo= how, but without the accent como= I eat

-To say what month it's you must say" Hoy es el # de (mes). Mes means month and this means it's the # of the month ______.

-To ask what's today's date you must say ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? This means what's today's date.
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Emmanuel needs help on his homework, so he asks the months because that is what he needs to complete and Leah answers him.

What Day is it?

Here are the days in español. This goes through the days of the week in spanish. REMEMBER  the days of the week are not capitalized in español.


     Los Dias de la Semana (Days of the Week)


En Espanol       Que dia es hoy?

En ingles      What day is today?

Es . . .

   1.  lunes (lu–nes)

   2. martes (mart–es)

   3. miércoles (me-air-co-les)

   4. jueves (hu-we-ves)

   5. viernes (ve-air-nes)

   6. sábado (sa-ba-do)

   7.  domingo (do-min-go)


!Cuidado¡: Days en Español are not capitalizd.

It’s . . .

   1.  Monday

   2. Tuesday

   3. Wednesday

   4. Thursday

   5. Friday

   6. Saturday

   7. Sunday


This link will help you remember the days of the week.[SS1]

In this video, a girl makes a boy guess what day it is. [SS1]

Alphabet! Learning the alphabet.

​Lets say you are in Puerto Rico and you are going to live there for a little bit but you don't know much of spanish. You mainly want to learn the alphabet so here is a fun way of learning it. 
In this lesson I will share a video and also a song to teach you it faster and more fun. 
 You will need to learn
-The alphabet

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​Now here is a little video of a girl on an Interview for a job and having to give her name to the man who in interviewing her. Watch close and find her one mistake!

¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?... What's your number!

When your out and see someone that is cute, You go up to them and say hi but you notice that they speak only SPANISH ! You want his number but you dont know how to ask. Here is a easy / fast way to learn.

In this little lesson you will learn a few things such as 
-How to ask "Whats your number?"
- You will learn the numbers in spanish.

When you want to ask someone their phone number you would say ;

¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? or "su"

To say your number start off by saying Es el.....

Here are some Flashcards and also an audio on the pronunciations 
Now this is a little game where you have to over-lap the numbers (1,2,3,4,5 ect) with the words in spanish. So you would see the word uno and the number 1 . You would click and drag the 1 to over-lap the word "uno". 
A fun way to test your self. 

After you play the game watch the video clip about a girl who is at school but she is new and is from Puerto Rico and this boy wants her number because he thinks she is really cute. But the girl doesn't really understand that much English. 

​And now here is a lesson about Basic conversation , Greetings and Days of the week

By Kaboni Bailey.
​Here is a video about a two spanish people having a conversation.
Last video about how to greet someone you just met.

Walking Into Class Greeting Señor Allen

To perform such a task as greeting a teacher, you need to know very few things.
First - You want to know how to say Hello to someone which is ¡Hola!

Second - You need to know how to ask someone how they are which is ¿Como estas? But if your talking to someone older such as an adult, you would say ¿Como esta Usted?.

Third - When someone says to you, "E tu" thats him/her asking you back how you are. From there you can something like Muy bien meaning very good etc.

Fourth - Lastly you thank them by saying, "Gracias." From there they would say "De nada" meaning your welcome.

Lobbying - Curb your dog & Waste Bins

No one enjoys going for a walk and then noticing that the streets are littered with trash or people refuse to clean up after their pets. If you were in Center City however this would never happen. There are many things already in place that would lower the chances of you seeing these nuisances. First there are trash cans in Center City virtually on every street corner. Secondly their are "please curb your dog" signs posted up all over every park and trails. These are both due to the face that when tourists come to visit Philadelphia most of the traffic is in the Center City area, which requires us to keep these parts especially clean. 

I would propose that "please curb your dog" and public trash bins be of greater for the other parts of the city also. In most parts of the city outside of Center City there is trash on the streets in great abundance. This is because there aren't public trash cans on the corners of those parts of the city. Also the "please curb you dog" law isn't enforced at all so animal droppings are on people's lawn and on private property. I would very much like to see cleaner streets in Philadelphia. I also want to see tourism not only be mainly concentrated in Center City but in other parts that make up philadelphia as well, and I feel as though cleaning up the streets is a very good place to start.

The main people I can get support from while trying to get these enforced or enacted would be the district representatives of the different parts of the city. They would be the main supporters because they would like the thought of having cleaner streets and improving on tourism. Even though I can get the most support from them they can also give me the most opposition. Placing a trash can on street corners isn't a very cheap tasks. Especially managing the trash pickup. If there isn't room in the budget to pay for this then they may not even consider it. 

Currently there isn't any legislation dealing with my topic. But I would like to see one regarding the enforcement of people not cleaning up after their dogs. There are already laws in place that say that it is illegal to not clean up after your pets but there isn't anything regarding the enforcement of that law. 

Law referencing not cleaning up after animals.

(Amending Chapter 10-100 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Animals," by amending Section 10-105, entitled "Animals Committing Nuisances," by expanding the section to include nuisances committed upon the private property of the owner and animal noises which cause unreasonable annoyance, disturbance or discomfort to a person or persons, all under certain terms and conditions.
Legislative File ID   000103-A)