Communicating with your Representative - Lobbying for Smaller Schools: Educating all of Philadelphia

Our goal: have at least one SRC rep to report back to. This person will guide us through this process, answer all questions, show support, lead us in the right direction, and help us get the job done so we can reach across to all schools.
Our plan: Spread the word.
We are recruiting other SLA students to be part of our team. (Sinnea Douglas, & Amirah Burkett thus far) The more minds, the richer the ideas and arguments.
We are going to be interviewing important individuals who have experience and knowledge in various aspects of education. Their experiences can give us input on the different sections of our broad issue. They will lead us on a path toward finding the right answers for this local, but national issue. They will be able to shine a light on our road to success.
Questions for Bach Tong:

1. From your experiences as a former pupil of a comprehensive high school, how do you feel the transition was to an smaller academy?

2. Do you feel that your career interests are being met by the various programs that are offered at Science Leadership Academy? Did you have that at your old school?

3. Was your individual needs as a student met by the teacher and or programs at your old school? Are they met now? (Mention Class Size...)

4. What are the biggest differences in the education you received at the comprehensives and that of SLA?

5. How do you think the comprehensives schools can change their mission statement to make their education richer?
Along with the various interviews that we will conduct, we will go into an alternative school to conduct a short survey.  
Survey Questions

Please circle yes (Y) or no (N)
Are your career goals being met by your school now? Y N
Do you like going to school everyday? Y N
Do you receive individual attention from your teachers? Y N
Have you been in any other type of learning environment? Y N
Do you feel your education needs are being met? Y N

Please answer to your best ability
What would you like to see change about your school/education?

What do you like about your school/education?

What made you come to this school?

We are sending emails to the SRC reps to let them know what we are looking for. We are asking questions like “What can we do? How can you help? What is the process of this like? Who can we talk to next? Is this realistic? How do you feel about this issue?”
To whom it may concern,

My name is Cody Nichols, a senior at the Science Leadership Academy located on the corner of 22nd and Arch. We are a project-based and inquiry driven academy, that accepts students from all different types of backgrounds varying in the different counties in Pennsylvania. We abide by 5-Core Values that are the foundation of our school; Inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. These 5-Core values are embedded into every single project we complete in this school. We are an Academy that believes "as 21st Century Student we need and deserve a 21st Century Education." Which brings me to the reason for composing this e-mail.

We were assigned a project for our senior American Government Class which required us to lobby for an issue either Nationally, Statewide, or Locally. Taylor Tomasco, my partner on this project, and I felt strongly about our views on education. So we deemed it necessary to find an issue relevant to the topic of education. We decided on the belief that we need smaller neighborhood schools, and we need to not segregate misbehaved pupils into alternative schools. With this belief we would hope to break down the barriers between pupils who behave vs. pupils that misbehave, so that all may have the opportunity to receive a good education in the 21st Century.

Would you be willing to help us accomplish our goal by guiding us through this process and/or providing contact information of individuals who would be interested.  

We believe the breakdown of academies would be beneficial to all students because it would focus solely on them and only on them for their specific area.

If possible with the greatest interests, could you respond with answers to the following questions:
1. What is your take on separating pupils who misbehave into large institutions to receive the proper education with more of the same "bad students"?

2. Do you feel that the breakdown of larger schools into academies would be beneficial to the greater good of students, given the success rate of others?

3. If deemed necessary do you feel this issue needs to be taken to a higher power? And if so, could you please provide the contact information to do so?

We really would like to thank you for your time in reading this e-mail, hoping that one day, a good education can be provided to all students.

With Thanks,
Cody Nichols (11') & Taylor Tomasco (11')
We are making phone calls to schedule face time with the big boys and spread the word.
We are trying to become larger.
So far we have not received any responses. Until we do, we will keep sending emails. We are starting small and hopefully we will soon enough be able to contact Arne Duncan, Bob Brady, Mayor Nutter, & Arlene Ackerman directly.

DADT: Blog Post 4

Dear Joe Manchin,

I am writing to you with regards of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repeal. This is history piece of legislation is absolutely necessary to reverse this discriminatory law that has plagued our nation for nearly 18 years despite abundance of criticism and ridicule.

"Don't Ask Don't Tell weakens our national security, diminishes our military readiness, and violates the fundamental American principles of fairness, integrity, and equality."

In a survey of 400,000 service men, it was deemed that the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell would not affect their ability to perform their civic duty. 92% stated that their unit’s “ability to work together,” with a gay person was “very good, “good” or “neither good nor poor.” And 70% of Service members said they would be able to “work together to get the job done” with a gay service member in their immediate units.

The pentagon has also vowed that the implementation of this legislation would not hinder any current military efforts. Thus, there is no reason to vote against this bill that has deprived thousands of Americans from the freedom to serve their country.

You’re vote is essential to the passing of this blatantly homophobic law. I strongly urge your vote in the upcoming attempt to pass this law once it is taken out of the military spending bill and regarded as stand-alone legislation.


Andre Serrano

P.S. You can learn more about this issue at my blog.


It is absolutely essential to reverse the homophobic law that has deprived millions of American from serving their country in the military. To make the greatest impact, I decided my efforts would best be targeted towards the members of the senate who still oppose the law even after the pentagon’s report. Historically, senators have continuously voted along party lines, with the exception of Joe Manchin. Therefore, I deemed it appropriate to target Joe and the Republican Party.

Contacting the Representatives - Lobbying for Smaller Schools: Educating all of Philadelphia

Our goal: have at least one SRC rep to report back to. This person will guide us through this process, answer all questions, show support, lead us in the right direction, and help us get the job done so we can reach across to all schools.
Our plan: Spread the word.
We are recruiting other SLA students to be part of our team. (Sinnea Douglas, & Amirah Burkett thus far) The more minds, the richer the ideas and arguments.
We are going to be interviewing important individuals who have experience and knowledge in various aspects of education. Their experiences can give us input on the different sections of our broad issue. They will lead us on a path toward finding the right answers for this local, but national issue. They will be able to shine a light on our road to success.
Questions for Bach Tong:

1. From your experiences as a former pupil of a comprehensive high school, how do you feel the transition was to an smaller academy?

2. Do you feel that your career interests are being met by the various programs that are offered at Science Leadership Academy? Did you have that at your old school?

3. Was your individual needs as a student met by the teacher and or programs at your old school? Are they met now? (Mention Class Size...)

4. What are the biggest differences in the education you received at the comprehensives and that of SLA?

5. How do you think the comprehensives schools can change their mission statement to make their education richer?
Along with the various interviews that we will conduct, we will go into an alternative school to conduct a short survey.  
Survey Questions

Please circle yes (Y) or no (N)
Are your career goals being met by your school now? Y N
Do you like going to school everyday? Y N
Do you receive individual attention from your teachers? Y N
Have you been in any other type of learning environment? Y N
Do you feel your education needs are being met? Y N

Please answer to your best ability
What would you like to see change about your school/education?

What do you like about your school/education?

What made you come to this school?

We are sending emails to the SRC reps to let them know what we are looking for. We are asking questions like “What can we do? How can you help? What is the process of this like? Who can we talk to next? Is this realistic? How do you feel about this issue?”
To whom it may concern,

My name is Cody Nichols, a senior at the Science Leadership Academy located on the corner of 22nd and Arch. We are a project-based and inquiry driven academy, that accepts students from all different types of backgrounds varying in the different counties in Pennsylvania. We abide by 5-Core Values that are the foundation of our school; Inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. These 5-Core values are embedded into every single project we complete in this school. We are an Academy that believes "as 21st Century Student we need and deserve a 21st Century Education." Which brings me to the reason for composing this e-mail.

We were assigned a project for our senior American Government Class which required us to lobby for an issue either Nationally, Statewide, or Locally. Taylor Tomasco, my partner on this project, and I felt strongly about our views on education. So we deemed it necessary to find an issue relevant to the topic of education. We decided on the belief that we need smaller neighborhood schools, and we need to not segregate misbehaved pupils into alternative schools. With this belief we would hope to break down the barriers between pupils who behave vs. pupils that misbehave, so that all may have the opportunity to receive a good education in the 21st Century.

Would you be willing to help us accomplish our goal by guiding us through this process and/or providing contact information of individuals who would be interested.  

We believe the breakdown of academies would be beneficial to all students because it would focus solely on them and only on them for their specific area.

If possible with the greatest interests, could you respond with answers to the following questions:
1. What is your take on separating pupils who misbehave into large institutions to receive the proper education with more of the same "bad students"?

2. Do you feel that the breakdown of larger schools into academies would be beneficial to the greater good of students, given the success rate of others?

3. If deemed necessary do you feel this issue needs to be taken to a higher power? And if so, could you please provide the contact information to do so?

We really would like to thank you for your time in reading this e-mail, hoping that one day, a good education can be provided to all students.

With Thanks,
Cody Nichols (11') & Taylor Tomasco (11')
We are making phone calls to schedule face time with the big boys and spread the word.
We are trying to become larger.
So far we have not received any responses. Until we do, we will keep sending emails. We are starting small and hopefully we will soon enough be able to contact Arne Duncan, Bob Brady, Mayor Nutter, & Arlene Ackerman directly.

Blog post

Plan for communicating topic.
Rallies and demonstration, and getting in touch with the National Youth Rights Association.
Current Promotions
Facebook page:

National Youth Rights Association Branch: In Progress.

3 step process to victory

Step 1: Attempt contact with the National Youth Rights Association
Raise awareness with posters detailing what we plan to accomplish as well as a set date for the rally

Step 2: Try to either start or join a chapter of the NYRA to support this cause.

Once the day is set (for the rally)gather a small film crew and shoot the entire rally from start to finish.
Step 3: Release the video showing the support we receive and send it to the proper government officials.
Contents of rally
State our message clearly that we want the drinking age lowered.
Show statistics
Guest speakers with stories that pertain to the topic

Send a petition around the crowd to be signed in support

It's time to lower the drinking age!

BBC 18 not 21 photo
BBC 18 not 21 photo
Plan for communicating topic.
Rallies and demonstration, and getting in touch with the National Youth Rights Association.
Current Promotions
Facebook page:

National Youth Rights Association Branch: In Progress.

3 step process to victory

Step 1: Attempt contact with the National Youth Rights Association
Raise awareness with posters detailing what we plan to accomplish as well as a set date for the rally

Step 2: Try to either start or join a chapter of the NYRA to support this cause.

Once the day is set (for the rally)gather a small film crew and shoot the entire rally from start to finish.
Step 3: Release the video showing the support we receive and send it to the proper government officials.
Contents of rally
State our message clearly that we want the drinking age lowered.
Show statistics
Guest speakers with stories that pertain to the topic

Send a petition around the crowd to be signed in support

Why Tuesday? - Post 4


Robbie and I have decided to lobby our issue on a state level, so we need to contact our elected State officials.  We each have different district representatives, but have decided to write an e-mail together to the Governor.  Ed Rendell is the current Governor, yet it has not escaped our notice that he will shortly be replaced by Tom Corbett.  We may end up contacting them both, as well as our district representatives, just to be sure.  

In a previous post I listed my District Representatives.  There has been a recent change:- Vincent J. Hughs- Pamela A. Delissio
I realize e-mails are not a very direct way of contacting officials, especially with everything they must get.  We might also form a facebook page for people to support and “like.”  That would draw more attention from other people.  However, I think an e-mail is a good first step, especially if we send a bunch.  Here is our e-mail:

Dear [Governor Rendell,]

We are writing to discuss the current voting system on both a National and State level.  As young adults, we are new to the voting process, and concerned with voter turnout.  We believe that voter turnout is significantly tied to voting accessibility.  Analyzing the PA voting system, as well as contrasting it with that of others, we have developed a few suggestions for improvement.  Respectfully, we hope you will take them into due consideration.  

State Elections are held on the same day as National election, the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November.  Most people are not aware why voting is held on this day, but we are.  Tuesday was nationally standardized as (Vice-) Presidential election day in 1845 by law, and smaller elections followed suit.  It was designated as such for reasons that are not applicable today.  That Tuesday was meant to be convenient for citizens of the time, and chosen because it would not interfere with any religious observances and was the day before market day.  Due to the fact that it took so long to travel, most people were already in town.  

However, this method is completely outdated and no longer serves the practical function that it did in 1845.  Voter turnout is suffering.  When a system allows for more lenience, people will respond.  In the 2002 general election, Pennsylvania was ranked 40th in voter turnout, whereas Oregon ranked 6th.  Oregon utilizes mail-in voting, a much more flexible system.  

Recently, several states have either adopted or introduced voting reform.  One example in particular stood out to us.  San Francisco just passed a piece of legislation, “Proposition 1,” which would enable polls to open on the Saturday preceding. Those who found it inconvenient to vote during the day Tuesday, could instead vote on the weekend. New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg responded enthusiastically with his own support and own proposal. He wants to include early voting to make the system more flexible.  Pennsylvania could work in a likewise manner.  If Pennsylvania adopted a similar policy, voter turnout would improve greatly.

It would behove our State to have a voter system like this, and it would make voting for both us and the general public a much easier process.  Consider suggesting this plan, and PA will be grateful.  


Sophia Moreno

Robert Glynn

Robbie and I are humorously wondering if we will receive an email back from a real person, or a generic “thank you concerned citizen.”  We’ll see.  Best of luck.

Inhumane Acts Blog Post #4

At this time, my main goal is to create a video on human trafficking. I have to gather information about the seriousness and combine  the statistics that I have already found into the video.  By January 9, 2011, I would like to send the video to Alpha Kappa Alpha head quarters in Washington DC. Once the video is their hands, I will try to send my video to Chris Smith and explain to him in a letter along with the video, my goal. With these goals accomplished, it should be the catalyst for the main work to begin. If these contacts have a good response to what I'm trying to accomplish, I believe that this can have a big impact on a many of people. 

In recent news: 

Anuradha Koirala  is a woman who is trying to end human trafficking in her home country. 

School Meal Enhancemeant Act and Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act of 2009

I am lobbying for two bills. The first act is the Healthy for Healthy Schools Act of 2009, sponsored by Blanche Lincoln. This aims have nutritious school meals that meet dietary guidelines. I have emailed Blanche Lincoln the following message.

To United States Senator Blanche Lincoln:                                 Hi I’m Emma Connell. I am currently attending Science Leadership Academy and for my American Government class I have been assigned the task to lobby for an issue. I decided to lobby for something that affects me and many other kids all across the nation: this issue is school lunches.  I currently focused on lobbying for the Healthy Food For Healthy Schools Act of 2009, proposed by you Blanche Lincoln. So far the Act has been introduced on September 8th, 2009 and reviewed by the committee and has been referred to the committee of agricultural, nutrition, and forestry. But even if the Bill does get passed many schools aren’t up to date with kitchen standards. Although, the United States Department of Agricultural can offer nutritious foods, schools  still won’t have the materials to cook nutritious food and instead unhealthy food such as chicken nuggets and pizza will continue to dominate school meals. How do you plan to fix this problem? Are there any issues you are having with this bill?

I also emailed people supporters and non-supporters of the School Meal Enhancement Act, which strives for a higher percentage of kids to receive free or reduced school meals. I focused on this act because if the Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act of 2009 gets passed this will allow for nutritious food to be available to a larger percentage of kids. I emailed supporters of the act such as Joe Sestak and Robert Brady. I also emailed representative Jim McGovern who is against the bill. In my email i asked him why he is not in support of the act and if there is anything that can be changed in the bill, that would get him to support the School Meal Enhancement Act.

To Joe Sestak and Robert Brady:                                                 Hi I’m Emma Connell. I am currently attending Science Leadership Academy and for my American Government class I have been assigned the task to lobby for an issue. I decided to lobby for something that affects me and many other kids all across the nation: this issue is school lunches.  I currently focused on lobbying for the School Meal Enhancement Act proposed by Joe Sestak.  So far the School Meal Enhancement Act has been introduced,  referred to committee, reported by committee, and has been presented to the House of Representatives who earlier proposed voting on a Senate-passed version of the child nutrition bill. However, 106 House Democrats addressed Speaker Nancy Pelosi  and said they were no longer in support of the Senate version. Instead they called for their own House bill, which does not contain the food stamp cuts. Further debate and discussion on the bill will not take place until winter 2010.  I was curious if you knew anything about the date( s) for debate and discussion of the School Meal Enhancement Act. I was also wondering if you have enough support of the Act and if you do need support, how do you plan to gain support of democrats against the bill. Would it be by reducing how the act cuts into food stamps? If there is anything I can do please let me know.

-Thank you

Not only did I send out emails but I also made fliers and posted them around the city. On the flier the two bills pending for legislation and the issue of unhealthy school meals is addressed. I have links for people to go to and vote in support of both bills.

Below is proof that I emailed people and pictures of my fliers posted.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak
RObert Brady
RObert Brady
Jim McGovern
Jim McGovern

Blog post 4

Today I emailed PA state representative, Daryl Metcalfe and asked about his views on anchor babies. This is the email I sent to him:

Daryl Metcalfe,

My name is Kristina Chiev and I am a student at Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia. In my America Government class, everyone was given an assignment to pick a topic that interested them the most. I came across "anchor babies" while researching and became very interested in this issue. I've found your name as my state representative and was wondering if you can tell me your stance on the issue of children born from illegal immigrants and their effects on America financially. 
Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to hear from you soon.
Kristina Chiev

And the reply was:

Thank you for your email.

I personally receive and read the communications that are sent to this address.

I appreciate the time that you have taken to contact me. 

If your message expresses your view on legislation or a specific policy, please be assured that your input will be considered.

You will be contacted by one of my staff if you have sent a constituent service request or have shared a concern that requires further action by my office.

Serving the 12th District,
Daryl Metcalfe
State Representative
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Then a 2nd reply:

Dear Ms. Chiev,
Representative Metcalfe asked that I e-mail you regarding your interest in researching the anchor baby issue. Please see the below press release sent from his office October 19th.
For additional information and press releases please visit and

If Representative Metcalfe can be of assistance to you in the future with any state-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact his office.




Samantha Clarke, Legislative Assistant

State Representative Daryl Metcalfe

12th Legislative District

At the end of the email, he sent a press conference release document on his opinion of illegal immigrants and I found it very helpful

I think I will email him again soon on the steps of making this aware to others and also how would I effectively present this information to others without starting a fight or arguement

Blog post 4

In the middle of this week I had sent an e-mail to The Humane League on December 8th and got a replied today (December 9th) and got really wonderful news on being volunteers to help notify the public on animal cruelty which was the issue of Aj and mine lobbying project. 

Here the emails: 

“Good Morning, My name is Leeann Nguyen and I am a student at Science Leadership Academy and I was wondering if you had any projects available for volunteers coming up? I know that this email is a little surprising because it came out of nowhere. I'll give you a little background to why I am asking, I’m a senior and I am taking an American Government class and as an assignment we have to do a lobbying project, I am lobbying about animal cruelty and I had came across The Humane League and saw that you are a project coordinator, and so I was wondering if it was possible to attend a project or a meeting? I’m really dedicated to this issues and hope that it is possible. Thank you for the time and consideration about this email and have an amazing day!


Leeann Nguyen  


Hi Leeann,

“Thanks for reaching out to us! I have sent your email along to our volunteer coordinator, Lydia. She can help you learn about the different volunteer opportunities that we have. Lydia is CCed on this response.”

Take care,

Sally Andersen

Now this is Lydia

Dear Leeann,

“I coordinate volunteers for The Humane League of Philadelphia. Thanks so much for expressing interest in The Humane League. Below, I've listed our most common ongoing activities for which we need volunteers; perhaps one or more of them would be of interest to you for your assignment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

 (By the way, consider attending our upcoming Holiday Party this Sunday, December 12th! It would be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the Humane League and its work to help animals)”

Thanks again!

Lydia Chaudhry
Volunteer Coordinator, The Humane League of Philadelphia. 

Amazing right! The projects that she had suggested to me was getting colleges, high schools and restaurants aware of vegetarianism, promoting vegetarianism of MYSPACE and the holiday party. So, as of now I am going to discuss with my partner in going to see them and actually get hands on with this issue. :]

Communication Tactics

Though there comes a time to become active, I don't feel  educated enough to immerse myself into specific levels of action. I want to cover a wide array of aspects when attacking this issue. I feel that communication tactics that are on a more personal level such as making an appointment for a meeting with a representative or even phone calls and emails are something that shall come after the "smaller" or more publicly involved forms of communication. 

I plan to: (in order) 

- Start a Facebook or some form of popular media campaign spreading awareness. (Kind of like the so- called Child Abuse Awareness Campaign on Facebook, or the Breast Cancer Awareness situation with the posting of the color of bras.) 


- Start a petition. 

- Send

- Possibly arrange rallies or demonstrations. 

- Send emails, fax, and make phone calls to the senators and governor. 

- Set up a visit with senators and/ or the governor.   

Water Preservation

Qianna Nelson

To inform more people about water preservation I want to let every one know about all the places that are helping with water preservation and I also want to help them tell the world what they are trying to do. Over the summer my job went to Tinikim national park to learn how they are helping water preservation. I wool like them to help me inform people about our water problem and hopefully they will tell ore people about the parts we are all playing in destroying the little water we have.

I will then try to get into contact with Chaka Fatah to tell him about what I have been doing and try to persuade him to also be a advocate for water preservation. I also wish to inform him on the problem that we are now living with. 

There are many other organizations that are involved in helping with water preservation all over the US and it is my wish to get these organizations more well known also because they to have the same goal I wish for everyone to have. To save our water because before we know it our water will be gone.

Virtual Child Pornography #4 Communication

Tajh Jenkins

December 9, 2010

Blog Post #4


The process for banning virtual child pornography has become somewhat stagnant over the last couple of years. When I contact an organization, I want to be able to have an impact on making virtual child pornography, or child pornography in general, a topic that the government takes more notice of. In making my first approach, I want to start off making direct contact with local organizations in Philadelphia or in the state of Pennsylvania. In order for me to meet people and start speaking with them, I have to find them. The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare is a good place to start. I can come in contact in the DPW in a variety of ways. They already openly welcome feedback, questions, comments and concerns, through their “contact us” hyper link on their website. So, being able to express myself to them should be easy.

            I am willing to communicate with them, my concerns, plans and actions that I would like to take against virtual child pornography. If I can get their attention, then I would like to openly discuss solutions to make it illegal, and too make stricter laws against it. Since 2005, the DWP has released a “Child Abuse Annual Report” each year. The 2010 edition hasn’t been released, but the 2009 edition has plenty of information for me to begin with in terms of contacting the many organizations across the state that have a say on virtual child pornography and child porn in general.

             After I start becoming more familiar with organizations locally about the topic, I might be able to start reaching people on a more national scale. In blog post before, I talked about wanting to contact the authors who wrote the “Guidelines for Policy Makers on Child Online Protection”. The authors of these guidelines are people from across the country who have attempted to ban virtual child porn, and who are well instilled with everything that is related to online child safety. Rather than contacting the authors, I might want to take it a step further and write a letter to Dr. Hamadoun I. Toure. He is the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

 I’m not really much of an outspoken person. To come in contact with these resources I could send emails, create a Facebook page, make phone calls, write letters and start a petition. If I’m am lucky enough maybe my efforts could get me to take it a step further and make personal visits with these resources and other decision makers. If I could find other people who are passionate about putting an end to this situation than I would be in a better position to succeed, Hopefully I can effectively use my tactics to a great advantage and put virtual child pornography on the governments radar.  

#4 Communication

  Recent News: The DREAM Act has recently passed the House but was put to on hold until possibly next week or maybe longer in the Senate because the fear of a filibuster held by GOP.

    To help lobby for my legislation I am going to write a personalized letter to GOP explaining why the DREAM Act is important and why they should vote. GOP is the Republican National Committee with the chairman being Michael Steele. A personalized letter will truly show him how important the DREAM Act is from a student's perspective. 

             Along with my personalized letter I would hope to get some of my friends involved with this topic as well and for them to write letters to GOP in order to persuade them more because many students are writing about a topic in a way related to them. Hopefully the letters will be mailed out before the next week. If I can’t get the letters mailed out my alternative would be phone call explaining instead.

       I also plan to keep updated with the Senators who are not going to vote using the DREAM Act twitter. I will try get in contact with them, whether I am able to meet with some of them in person or send them letters. It might be a little bit difficult to convince most of their minds at this point in time but it never hurts to try!

Lobbying Against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Blog Post #4

For Blog #1, click here
For Blog #2, click here
For Blog #3, click here

A lobbyist can spend months researching the issues they feel strongly about, and weeks researching the representatives that can make a difference, but until he or she gets involved, their actions are useless. 

 During the last week, I’ve attempted to make my own voice heard in the mess that is the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal attempt.  As I have made calls and written emails, I have realized that gaining recognition from large organizations and politicians is much more difficult than the democratic ideal would have you believe.  

I began the process by contacting Equality Forum, which, according to my research, had yet to take a strong stance and make its voice heard on  DADT.  I sent the following email to Chip Alfred, Equality Forum's Communication Director:

Dear Mr. Alfred,

My name is Taylor Valentine and I am a senior at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia.  I am currently working on an American Government lobbying project focused on repealing the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.  I’ve spent months following the news, researching the issues and learning about my representatives.  I am now tasked with actively getting involved.  

I recently discovered Equality Forum and realized it has yet to make its voice heard on DADT.  With the number and willpower of your members, a rally, petition or joint-letter could foster public awareness and garner massive media attention on the issue.  The American public is not against repeal, they are simply unconscious of the current effort to allow it.  Any action involving Equality Forum would have a critical impact on Senators Bob Casey and Arlen Specter, encouraging them to proactively seek repeal.     

As you may know, time is of the essence.  The end of Congress’ lame-duck session will mark the end of the possibility for repealing this blatantly discriminatory law.  I hope to hear from you soon and look forward to any future collaborative effort on this issue. 


Taylor Valentine    

While I hoped to receive information detailing ways the organization planned to get involved and ways I could help, instead I received a rather brusque response.  Mr. Alfred informed me that they had, in fact, taken a stand and discussed it at their annual Equality Forum, which took place in May.  After digging through the website, I finally found a reference to the panel he mentioned. Honestly, I was disappointed in the lack of recent action.  As the largest LGBT issue debated in recent years on the federal level, it should warrant a more public response.  I then replied, asking how I could get involved. I’m still waiting on a response.

Next, I focused my attention to those with the most direct influence on the success of the repeal: my senators.  I drafted a very pointed email for Senator Specter, only to find that his contact page had been shut down since he will relinquish his post in January. When I called his Philadelphia office, I left a message with a secretary, who thanked me for my comment.  Although it was satisfying to voice my concern to an actual human being instead of a computer, I doubt my comments will go much further than the notepad they were recorded on. 

I then directed my email to Senator Casey, who will continue after the lame-duck session ends:

Dear Senator Casey,

I am writing in regards to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the current attempt being made to repeal it.  It appalls me that such a blatantly discriminatory piece of legislation has withstood 17 years of criticism and remains in place today.  This is not the example that should be set in a country of such high moral character.  

Furthermore, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has impeded our military process. In a time when our troops are deployed around the world in attempts to protect our own freedoms and those of others, what benefit can be found in discharging able and willing troops? Will it improve military readiness and cohesion, a claim that so many senators have made?  The Pentagon’s study found that it would not.  Will it improve the public opinion of America’s military? Absolutely not.  In fact, polls have shown the opposite. So I ask you Senator, why have you allowed this policy to continue?

I ask not only for your vote, which I know you’ve already pledged, but your voice as well.  In order to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Republicans must be convinced that it is the morally appropriate and necessary decision to make.  I do not need to remind you that time is of the essence.  If next year’s Defense Appropriation bill does not pass with language allowing repeal, you will have failed your fellow Americans, who only wish to serve with the same dignity and respect that all other troops are granted.  This is not too much to ask.


Taylor Valentine 

I am waiting for a response from his office, hoping that it will be more than a generic “Thank you”.  I’ve realized that it is almost impossible for one citizens to make an impact without the help of others. In the coming weeks, I plan to gather support and send more emails and phones calls to my senators.  I also hope to start a Facebook page about DADT, encouraging others to get involved as well.

Democracy Restoration Act

My lobbying assignment has much to do with the federal law making and a federal law would have to be made for my bill to become effective. After researching for the past three months it is evident that their is not a particular person against this law or their is not a particular person for this law. It is being handled on a schedule that would allow constant revising and opinions to be involved in the decision making.

As the process of this bill continues a person who may have been for the law may not be in another setting due to revisions made.


Sending out emails to me is not effective. I would have to send out hundreds of emails to people who would not have the time to personally message me back in time to finish this project or not knowing if the person that replies to it is actually the person written to. Instead I would like to create a 30 second PSA or commercial with people from all ages and race groups that have been convicted served their time but cannot vote to say "I made a mistake but Ive changed" with a quick profile of the person running by on the screen with their age, race, what they did and how long ago. 

After making this video I would then:

  • Publish on a public blogging site.
  • Share the link with a News Station.
  • Publish on SLA's blogging site.
  • Send the link to the Washington Post
  • Send the link to the congressman who introduced the law.

Blog Post #4

In the middle of this week I had sent an e-mail to The Humane League on December 8th and got a replied today (December 9th) and got really wonderful news on being volunteers to help notify the public on animal cruelty which was the issue of Aj and mine lobbying project. 

Here the emails: 

“Good Morning, My name is Leeann Nguyen and I am a student at Science Leadership Academy and I was wondering if you had any projects available for volunteers coming up? I know that this email is a little surprising because it came out of nowhere. I'll give you a little background to why I am asking, I’m a senior and I am taking an American Government class and as an assignment we have to do a lobbying project, I am lobbying about animal cruelty and I had came across The Humane League and saw that you are a project coordinator, and so I was wondering if it was possible to attend a project or a meeting? I’m really dedicated to this issues and hope that it is possible. Thank you for the time and consideration about this email and have an amazing day!


Leeann Nguyen  


Hi Leeann,

“Thanks for reaching out to us! I have sent your email along to our volunteer coordinator, Lydia. She can help you learn about the different volunteer opportunities that we have. Lydia is CCed on this response.”

Take care,

Sally Andersen

Now this is Lydia

Dear Leeann,

“I coordinate volunteers for The Humane League of Philadelphia. Thanks so much for expressing interest in The Humane League. Below, I've listed our most common ongoing activities for which we need volunteers; perhaps one or more of them would be of interest to you for your assignment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

 (By the way, consider attending our upcoming Holiday Party this Sunday, December 12th! It would be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the Humane League and its work to help animals)”

Thanks again!

Lydia Chaudhry
Volunteer Coordinator, The Humane League of Philadelphia. 

Amazing right! The projects that she had suggested to me was getting colleges, high schools and restaurants aware of vegetarianism, promoting vegetarianism of MYSPACE and the holiday party. So, as of now I am going to discuss with my partner in going to see them and actually get hands on with this issue. :] 

Public Transportation Safety Concerns_ Communication Plan

I would like to directly contact organizations that deal with the public transportation safety issue. First, I will deal with the smaller organizations. Then, I will learn more about the more influential people who have the authority to alter and initiate laws. I would sit in on public meetings, if there are any regarding the issue. I will ingest the plans/topics/concerns, and discuss solutions. Currently, I consider discussing the issues with Philadelphia School District students a necessary step. I stated in an earlier lobbying post, “Police have determined that most crimes that occur on SEPTA transportation usually take place during afternoon hours especially during school dismissal time. Therefore, most of the crimes trace back to high school students.” It would be helpful to contact and collaborate with people who have been working on the issue and who share concerns similar to mine.

In my previous lobbying posts I mentioned some groups that are essential to resolving the issue and have been working in communities to raise awareness. I do not necessarily see myself speaking in front of a group of people to express my take on the issue. However, I am more than willing to work “behind the scenes” and help to organize a public event or the like. My next step in this process is identifying the members of these community groups, their group goals and initiatives, etc. My hope is that collaborating with these groups will lead to a set proposal.  The proposal might be viewed and considered by Mayor Nutter, Commissioner Charles Ramsey, and anyone who takes this issue seriously. Mayor Nutter and Commissioner Ramsey are officials who I do not think will overlook the issue.

The first organization that I will attempt to collaborate with is the SEPTA Community Affairs Unit.

The Community Affairs Unit Address & Contact Information:

1234 Market Street
4th Floor
Philadelphia PA 19107

Email the Community Affairs Unit
(215) 580-5747 | Telephone 
(215) 580-5789 | Fax

Considerable Communicative Tactics:

·      Letters to the editor, editorials, and commentary

·      Phone calls to the targeted decision maker

·      Faxes to the targeted decision maker

·      Emails to the targeted decision maker

·      Personalized letters and postcards to the targeted decision maker

·      Personal visits with the targeted decision maker

Communication Blog #4

I am now at the step of communicating with Dwight Evans. He has been working on  strategies for reducing violence, which are very similar to mine. We both grew up in Philadelphia, so we know what it is like to be surrounding by violence. We both want to focus on children. If children learn about other ways to solve issues without violence it will be reduced. Providing children with education and activities will allow them to stay occupied. Without an education there is a low chance in becoming successful because with no education, there will be no jobs and with no jobs comes along poverty and at the end of the chain poverty leads to violence. One of his solutions was a bill called Philadelphia's gun ordinances. The bill was created so that:

• The city is allowed to force its citizens to report a lost or stolen gun within 24 hours.

• Police are allowed to seize guns from those “considered to pose a risk to themselves or others.”

• Those subject to a protection-from-abuse order may not own a firearm within the city.

• Need to purchase more than one gun a month then you can.

There isn’t much that I can do to increase the process of this bill being approved. So I thought about working with him on another solution. Which is improving education opportunities and conditions, and working to reduce violence in the City Of Philadelphia & reaching out to children and discussing violence and violence prevention.  To start this I will e-mail / write a letter to him with my ideas:
    •    Interventions for teens to educate them about violence and create a way for them to feel safe when they feel in danger of uncomfortable.
    •    Creating more after school programs for teens rather than just younger children.
    •    Create another organization similar to Work Ready but make it more accessible so teens can have more job opportunities.

    •    I will also make a Facebook page and an anonymous survey to ask my friends if these things above were to happen do they think they would be a part of it.

Lobbying Post #4

My Email:

Hi. My Name is Kimberly Yarnall, and I currently attend Science Leadership Academy. In American Government class we had to choose a topic in which we wanted to lobby. For my topic I picked transparency in food labeling. The changing of names and making it sound like it's healthy just with a different name, can lead to obesity. The diabetes rate is five times the average in Philadelphia than the national average. Diabetes and obesity link together and the change of food names can have a significant impact on the civilians of Philadelphia and their health. I was wondering if you'd consider getting involved in the issue. Making people more aware of the issue of transparency in food labeling and making people aware that changing food names, doesn't make the food any healthier. If more people get lobbied into this issue, I think it will help the health of the people in Philadelphia. It would really mean a lot. Please get back to me, thanks.- Kimberly Yarnall


Thank you for contacting me via e-mail. This is an automatic response to let you know that your message was received.Your comments and concerns are important to me. Due to the high volume of e-mail I receive, it may take some time for me to thoroughly review your comments and respond. If your message was of an urgent matter, you may contact my office via phone or fax. Thank you for taking the time to write.Sincerely,Rep. Jewell Williams


I can't tell whether my strategy was effective or not since I haven't received a response from my representative. I thought that the email I sent was straight to the point, but did a good job at explaining what I was trying to get Jewell Williams involved with. I chose the email approach because I feel it gives him more time to think, instead of bombarding him with questions. I hope he answers me so I feel like I'm making some progress.

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Communication - Blog Post 4 - Stop Funding Abortions!

Taniera Reid

Stop Funding Abortions: Communication - Blog Post #4

My Issue: I am lobbying to stop the prodigal spending of government dollars on abortions in the United States.

Communication: The ones I will be in contact with throughout this lobbying process will be the senators Joe Sestak and Pat Toomey, as well as Obama’s administration at a later date. The people listed above play a role in the issue I am lobbying against.

Tactics:  The tactics listed below are the tools that will aid me in the journey to getting my message across to someone of a higher authority.

  • Letters to the editor, editorials and commentary.
  • Petitions.
  • Phone calls to the targeted decision maker.
  • Faxes to the targeted decision maker.
  • Emails to the targeted decision maker.
  • Personalized letters and postcards to the targeted decision maker.

Steps: I am still in the researching process. I believe in knowing and understanding the law to its farthest extent before taking my issue to someone of a higher authority. One mishap in my evidence/documentation/information can make or break my argument. Having facts, details, dates, names and supporters will help my argument.

After the necessary steps are taken to gain all information,

I will begin to:

1.     Write up petitions

2.     Send emails

3.     Organize rallies.

My tactics will be executed effectively with the assistance of my teachers and mentors with substantial knowledge regarding politics and perhaps marketing.

My next step would be to recruit members to join my fight against the wasteful funding of abortions in the United State and enforce the Hyde Amendment across the nation. Recruitments will consist of others that believe in and are as passionate, if not more passionate about this issue as much as I. With more than one voice fighting for a good cause, we have a greater chance at being heard.

Using social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and making groups regarding the funding abortion issue will help start off the recruitment process. This is an easy way to find out who in the world stands firmly behind the issue. 

Commucating out the bill

  The progress for my bill (for those who forgot it is S.3921 for helping stop animal testing as well as testing on humans) has been nothing so far which has been very complicated in helping me. I have been thinking of ways to help communicate out this bill to help it get progress. After thinking for a while I was able to think of ways that work with today's world to help get this bill progress.

 Way number 1 is to start a twitter account made to get this bill support. Because twitter is a constant live feed it is easy to get information out there. It will also help get in contact with organizations and people who could help get the word out. This in turn can help build up a good following to help.

 Another way to help connect with people would be to link the twitter to a facebook page. On  there I could have information about the bill, why it is important and how to help. There would be a link out to a petition to people could sign if they are from Pennsylvania and also for the districts. For other areas I would have a area where they can create their own petition to send to their officials. 

 Lastly is trying to get through with more officials and people who could help. For this I simple need to arrange a better list. Also is figuring out the best ways to get through with each person or combination of ways to get through with people.This might be easier one the twitter and facebook are done because there will be more help with getting through. Hopefully this will all go through without a hitch to help.

#4 - Communication

I'd like to begin communicating my message by writing a letter to Larry Farnese and inviting him to discuss education policy in Philadelphia. I think he'll be able to answer some of my questions about the state of the public education system. In particular, I'll ask him about the success of the Imagine 2014 plan. Larry Farnese is involved with education funding, and helps decide which programs get the most money, but he's not directly involved with designing the curriculum. Hopefully, conversation with him will lead me to other people in power who have more to do with my particular cause.  I'd eventually like to pinpoint a specific piece of legislation that I can petition to have changed. If I'm successful, I may also write a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer. I'll probably draw on anecdotal experience based on my time at SLA to encourage people to get involved with education reform.

Lobbying Assignment #4 - Communicate with your representative

Detail your plan for communicating and report in on the steps you conducted, reflect on the process, effectiveness, etc.

I planned to communicate with my state rep and then I had to honor of meeting him through my church. State Rep Ronald Waters was highly interested in my plan and asked me to draft a doc to explain the details I wanted to focus on for my lobbying assignment. 

Attached are screen shoots of a e-mail I've sent Mr. Waters and I am a waiting a response from him momentarily. Mr. Waters expressed interest in helping a young man of my stature and hopefully including multiple other state reps and senators in my lobbing assignment to contest to my change.  

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Blog Post #3

We do not have any specific elected officials that support this cause. But their is a ton of public support from people who report it and the SPCA. For every animal in danger, there is a news story on it. The people who are pretty much opposed to this are thous who could care less about a animals life. The was an act made for animals it was the AWA (Animal welfare act). We need an official who will listen but also for the SPCA to try hard in the animals defense. The biggest allies we have in this are the SPCA who have been helping animals for a while now. We can coordinate with the SPCA to help us talk to officials so we get animals better treatment. Everyone has the potential to be influenced since this is such a big topic the easiest to influence would be people who are willing to listen or people who are already trying to protect animals from such cruelty.
We need to protect animals like this dog from being abused, this is what influence us to notify the public and volunteer to help care and fight from there freedom and their love. These animals want to be love and we want them to love us.
It difficult to volunteer under the age of 18 but we are determine to find a location. There are many locations that people can choose to help like Morris Animal Refugee, SPCA, PAWS, Pet-smart, and some many others. Their are a number of points in which we could try to rally people with us. For example we could try “writing letters to the editor”. See what we mean is a person could write to a news firm and ask them to help spread the word.They might just put a post in the paper if a person bugs them to death with it they may even us this blog it self.
But a person cloud also write straight to the top at the government and they could be nice enough to give what they are writing a chance and actually state it at a meeting. “Phones and Faxes to the top” are basically just like.And are even more alike the letters because their all doing the same thing. They are asking to get to someone who has the power to help them get their point across. Same with an e-mail they have the same point making plan just go straight to the top and evade all the boring parts like the waiting. “Personal visits with the targeted decision maker.” that help because person good straight to the head, state his case, make it convincing, and see what the head person thinks.
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