Patricia Parker
Alexis Beckton
Finding the images and coming up with the ideas to tie them together with globalization was by the hardest part of the project the second hardest part was trying to locate the places I wanted to go to after I found them on the internet. My process of selecting photos was the easiest part I just went to Chinatown and started taking random pictures the only hard about that was finding places like the school. My favorite image is the culture picture, mainly because it was food and I got to eat the food after I took the picture. Philadelphia could use a little more evidence of globalization, all we is Chinatown and little Italy, I think it could be better if there was more sign of different cultures all over the city.
Inquiry: What is the probability that a person can win three games of “Skip-Bo” row.
Collaboration: This was a solo project, I needed three or four players, that actually know how to play the game well.
Presentation: I presented this project on a iweb that will teach people how to play the game.
Reflection: After doing the project I understood that it is hard to really tell the chances of a person winning three times in a row.
When the benchmark was first assigned I thought that it would be very easy to do and I would be able to finish in no time, but as I started and looked into different branches I saw that it would be hard to find how they affect my life. I would say that finding different court cases that affect my life negatively was the hardest part of the project. I knew right away which cases affect my life positively but thinking about ones that had a negative impact was hard. Before doing this project I didn’t think my life was really affected by the government but after doing the project I learned that a lot of my life is affect by the government for example it has a input on the time I have to be in my house and when I can start drinking.
The task that we had to do was reorganizing the original flow chart for the Juvenile Justice System in Philadelphia. The process I took to do this project was first understanding what they were trying to say in the original chart, then organizing in a way that I would understand it. If I could change anything I would have started the project on time and would have been more organized. One reason I think that the systems are so complicated is it is meant to show a lot of information and sometimes wording it can be a little hard.
When I went to polls I talked to several people, I asked many of them the same question...."why are you voting?"Some of them said they wanted a change, others said they wanted things to stay the same. I was kinda hard talking to some of the people, most of them were in a hurry to get to work and could only give me one word answers for example telling me who they were voting for or why they were voting. Overall I kinda got an idea as to why some of them were there, most where there because they wanted to change the health bill or taxes and others wanted it to stay the some.