Tytianna Broadwater Public Feed
Final Podcast
Podcast 3
Podcast 2
What your club discussed: We discussed chapters 4-7 and answered the questions given to us by Mr. Miles
How you discussed it: We discussed the chapters first then the questions
Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion: N/A
Questions that came up as a result of the discussion: How did we feel about companies lying in graphs for their company to make a bigger profit.
Tytianna Broadwater's Capstone
The finished products for my capstone included 3 leotards, 3 dance costumes, 2 bags, 10 hair accessories and something to work out in. I am proud of my final product because my original goal was not that much. However, I wanted to present the work in a magazine and just 6 things would not have been enough for a magazine.
I plan on becoming a fashion designer after college and completing this capstone I learned a lot about what I would be doing in my future career. I did the process of making sketches come to life. I had to learn to make things on a deadline. I learned how to pose models, how to talk to a photographer and how to make a magazine in a way that would compliment the clothing while being appealing to the eye.
Liukin, Nastia. "NEW Nastia Liukin Collection." Issuu. GK Elite, June 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
I found this source useful because its a gymnastics magazine and all designs were designed by a former gymnast. It also gave me an idea as what I wanted my magazine to look like. After looking through the magazine I was aware of what kind of paper they used. I also looked at the order. I really liked the layout. The first page had a picture of Nastia, a picture of her with a model and a short explanation of her work and her partnership with GK. She had one picture on each page of the model, and then the clothes on mannequins with the price. At the end of the magazine she had a quote from a famous designer and her in the work room. The magazine opened my eyes to different ways I could lay out my magazine.
Colgrove, Debbie. "Basic Sewing Techniques for Sewing a Halloween Costume or School Play Costumes." About Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source was useful because it gave me new ideas and a different way to do certain techniques. Some of the the techniques I never heard of before, which helped a lot because it gave me more options in ways I could go with my designs. Some of the techniques on the page I already knew about, however they executed differently than what I would have done. It really helped with one costume in particular. I was having a hard time finding a specific type of material and the website had a step-by-step tutorial on how to make the fabric myself.
"Kellé Company - Dance Costumes, Dancewear, Dance Clothes, Dance Apparel,." Kellé Company - Dance Costumes, Dancewear, Dance Clothes, Dance Apparel, Jazz Costumes, Lyrical Costumes, Kids Costumes, Competition Costumes, Recital Costumes. Kellé Company, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This website was my biggest inspiration. Kellé Company is one of the biggest dance costume distribution around. When I was a dancer this is where all of my costumes were ordered from. They are cute and they are different. Their costume designs are not like other costumes but they don't go too far. Due to the difference in their costumes they helped me design my costumes. I noticed their techniques and what they did to keep their company number 1. I still have some of my old costumes and I looked at the fabrics and how the costume was sewn.
"GK Elite Gymnastics - Special Order Women's Long Sleeve Leotards." GK Elite Gymnastics - Special Order Women's Long Sleeve Leotards. GK Elite, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source was useful because of their popularity in the gymnastics world. At every competition if not all, almost all teams are wearing GK leotards. The good thing about GK is they have a feature on their website where you can design a leotard based off of templates. That feature helped when designing my leotards because I was able to see what looked good and what didn't before I put it n paper. Another good thing about the website is they do more than just one kind of leotard. They also have a partnership with Under Amour and Adidas. That was helpful because I got to see the difference is what the two companies thought and how they came together to make something.
Vogue, and Butterick. The Vogue/Butterick Step-by-step Guide to Sewing Techniques. New York: Prentice Hall, 1989. Print.
This book was helpful because of the year it was made. Over time the teaching and techniques of sewing has changed. The book was written when techniques were different and its better to have more than on way of doing something. I was taught how to sew at an actual sewing shop by younger people. Im not sure who they were taught by but the techniques in the book were different than the techniques I was taught. Not all were different and some were a little different. Everyone has a different way of doing things, sometimes one way is better than another way. With me having more than one technique is better because If I don't like how to do a certain thing it may not come out as well as it could have.
Kensington. "How to Make: See-through Sheer Leotard." YouTube. YouTube, 16 June 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This video was useful because I have never sewn with sheer before and I was a little hesitant and nervous to do so. Leotards are extremely hard to make and they take time and you have to keep a close eye on everything you do. Sheer is also extremely hard to work with because of how thin it is and the texture of the fabric. Sheer rips very easily and If I didn't know what I was doing I could have ripped it and wasted money. In the video she goes step by step. She starts by drafting a pattern and goes all the way to the end.
"Six Secrets to Create a Budget You Can Stick With." Six Secrets to Create a Budget You Can Stick With. HSBC, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source was useful because fabric and rhinestones and all other accessories a person needs to sew an article of clothing can be very expensive. Due to the fact that I have not figured out how I'm going to pay for these materials I had to create a budget. Creating the budget will make sure I don't spend excessively and end up broke. My goal is to use nice fabrics and accessories but not spend too much money. The website was about sticking to a budget for everyday living. However, it still helped because it talked about savings and how to keep your plan.
"50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine."Smashing Magazine. N.p., 21 Apr. 2009. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This article was useful because I will be displaying my work by making a magazine. The most important thing in my magazine will be the pictures. I have not decided who will be taking the pictures. However if its me or a friend I need to make sure the pictures come out the best quality they possibly could be. The website was so helpful because they gave 50 tutorials and techniques on how to take good pictures.
"Baum's Dancewear: Dance Apparel & Shoes, Costumes & Costume Accessories." Baum's Dancewear: Dance Apparel & Shoes, Costumes & Costume Accessories. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source has a website but also a store in Philadelphia After school one day I went to the store and I looked around the store to see what the costumes and leotards looked like and i looked at the stitch lines and the accessories. I was also able to talk to the people who work at the store and talk about the process of ordering and selling. That was really useful because it gave me a look at what I was in for and what it would be like if I owned my own store one day. I also purchased a costume and took it apart to get a closer look at the detail.
"How to Sew Lycra Without Puckered Seams : Clothing Accessories Crafts."YouTube. YouTube, 2 Nov. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This video was useful because I have made leotards before but she sews her leotards differently than how I do. Her technique and tutorial was immensely helpful. Puckered seams make an outfit look really cheap and unprofessional.
"Sewing Barefoot: Flower Headband." Sewing Barefoot: Flower Headband. All Things Crafty, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
This website was helpful because I wanted to make a flower headband however I didn't know how to. The website told me what materials I needed and how to make it.
"Pretty Pansy Fabric Flowers." Martha Stewart. N.p., 08 Apr. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
This source had an online pattern as well as a tutorial on how to make the flowers I wanted to.
"Wonderful DIY Flower Hairpin." WonderfulDIY. N.p., 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
I was able to use this source because it had a tutorial to more than one way to make certain flowers.
Podcast 1
Tytianna's Q3 Art Work

Tytianna's Q2 Senior Art Work
Mini Banana Cream Cookie Pie
One cookie pie was 13 calories, one teaspoon of banana cream is 10 calories, one banana slice is about 8, the whip cream topping is 5 calories. The total amount of calories for this snack is 36 calories. The sugar content of this dessert has 10 grams of sugar in the cookie pie, the banana cream has 4.5 grams of sugar, one slice of banana has 2 grans of sugar and less than 1 gram from the whip cream. There are less than 17.5 grams of sugar in this dessert. The only ingredient that contained fat was the cookie pie and that was less than 1.5 grams.
The body will breaks done food by mixing it with fluids. When your stomach digests food the carbohydrate in the food breaks down into a different form of sugar, glucose. The glucose then gets released into the blood stream and stored for energy. Some possible health issues that could arise if you ate nothing but this meal everyday would be your body isn't intaking even protein. The only ingredient in this meal that contains protein is the banana and it isn't enough to power a human body. Another risk your body would be experiencing is not eating enough calories a day. It only contains 36 calories. If a man 30 years old 5’10 and 165 pounds needs to eat approximately 1550 calories a day. That means he would need to eat 43 desserts a day. That would result is weight gain and less energy.
My bananas came from Guatemala, the pudding mix is from Illinois, cookie mix came from Utah and the whipped cream traveled from Indianapolis. The banana traveled the farthest, more than 1852.7 miles. The bananas were organically grown from guatemalan soil.
This meal to make 24 cost 9.16. Fast food restaurants don’t sell that many desserts. Some fast food restaurants, McDonalds for example sell chocolate chip cookies 3 for $1. In this case it would be cheaper to buy McDonald cookies by $0.14. The Pillsbury Factory, Del Monte Factory, Reddi Whip and Jell-O Factory all made a profit off of this meal. They are all large corporations.
Mini Banana Cream Cookie Pie
To make mini banana cream cookie pies I used 5 ingredients to make a total of 24. About 90% of my food is a whole food. A processed foods mostly have along list of ingredients. The ingredients I used consisted of bananas, whipped cream, ready to use cookie dough, milk and banana cream pudding mix. Some sugars can be processed, however none of the sugars in my ingredients had high-fructose corn syrup in them.
One cookie pie was 13 calories, one teaspoon of banana cream is 10 calories, one banana slice is about 8, the whip cream topping is 5 calories. The total amount of calories for this snack is 36 calories. The sugar content of this dessert has 10 grams of sugar in the cookie pie, the banana cream has 4.5 grams of sugar, one slice of banana has 2 grans of sugar and less than 1 gram from the whip cream. There are less than 17.5 grams of sugar in this dessert. The only ingredient that contained fat was the cookie pie and that was less than 1.5 grams.
The body will breaks done food by mixing it with fluids. When your stomach digests food the carbohydrate in the food breaks down into a different form of sugar, glucose. The glucose then gets released into the blood stream and stored for energy. Some possible health issues that could arise if you ate nothing but this meal everyday would be your body isn't intaking even protein. The only ingredient in this meal that contains protein is the banana and it isn't enough to power a human body. Another risk your body would be experiencing is not eating enough calories a day. It only contains 36 calories. If a man 30 years old 5’10 and 165 pounds needs to eat approximately 1550 calories a day. That means he would need to eat 43 desserts a day. That would result is weight gain and less energy.
My bananas came from Guatemala, the pudding mix is from Illinois, cookie mix came from Utah and the whipped cream traveled from Indianapolis. The banana traveled the farthest, more than 1852.7 miles. The bananas were organically grown from guatemalan soil.
This meal to make 24 cost 9.16. Fast food restaurants don’t sell that many desserts. Some fast food restaurants, McDonalds for example sell chocolate chip cookies 3 for $1. In this case it would be cheaper to buy McDonald cookies by $0.14. The Pillsbury Factory, Del Monte Factory, Reddi Whip and Jell-O Factory all made a profit off of this meal. They are all large corporations.
Senior Art Portfolio: Tytianna Broadwater
In my Skin
“Waaeeyooooowaaeeyoooooo” “Get out the way, I'm going to save a life” “
“Jimmy get that truck from under the table, sit down and eat your breakfast. The bus will be here in 10 minutes!”
“I don't need school, mom! Im going to be a firefighter like daddy!”
“Daddy went to school and he liked it just like you will! Get to the table and eat those pancakes”
Jimmy sat down with his toy firetruck and began eating his pancakes. His school bus pulled up and he sprinted out the house with his firetruck instead of his book bag. His mom ran out behind him screaming, “JJ give me that truck and come get your book bag!”
“Mom, come on, you're embarrassing me” Jimmy said as he swapped his firetruck for his book bag. His mom leaned in to kiss him and he scurried away saying he didn't want to be late. She walked back into the house and cleaned off the table and did the breakfast dishes. It was 9:00 and she had 45 minutes before she need to leave for work. She poured herself a cup of coffee and went and sat on the front porch. Heather, the next door neighbor was out watering her plants.
“Good morning Heather! Your flower are growing in quite nicely.”
“Thank you Taylor. When are you going to start yours?”
“I’ve been so busy!” Taylor said. That was the best excuse she could come up with
“Chasing around after that little boy of yours, huh? I saw the chaos that happened this morning. If you were smart like me, you’d get a nanny. You’d barely have to deal with him”
“Im sorry but uh, I gotta go get ready for work!”
Taylor walked back into the house trying not to think about what Heather just said. She got dressed and drove to work. While she was driving she was thinking about what she had to do. Then she remembered, it was Wednesday. On wednesdays her and Jimmy go out to lunch.
Before she knew it, it was 12:30. Jimmy was waiting for her outside. They drove to their favorite restaurant, Bistrot La Minette. Taylor ordered the same thing she always gets, Jimmy wanted something different. He skimmed the menu for about two minutes before he realized he wanted the same thing he got last time. They’re lives aren't very exciting, they have the same routine everyday. Wake up, get the kids up, make breakfast, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, go to bed. Sometimes they do family things on the weekends, but for the most part they do the same thing everyday.
“Oh yeah, uhhh you're not going to like this” Jimmy
“My brother called this morning, they need to stay with us for a couple of days”
“A couple of days?”
“He didn't say how long,”
Taylor never liked Jimmy’s brother, Shawn. He was always jealous of Jimmy and you could tell. He would only come around for special occasions and not bring anything. He would say, “well Jimmy’s the big shot, right? Can't he handle everything”
“I don't like him”
“I know, but he's my little brother and he needs me”
“And don't get me started on his wife, or their kids. They treat their daughters like they princesses but if you ask me, they're little spoiled brats!”
Jimmy chuckled
“Its not funny!” Taylor whined
“Its not funny!” Jimmy mocked
They laughed. Jimmy leaned in to kiss her and they were interrupted by Taylor’s phone.
“Uh oh, its the kids school”
“I bet its about JJ.”
Taylor answered the phone speaking with a concerned voice.
“Good afternoon”
“This is she”
“Is he okay?!”
“Thank god, I’ll be there shortly!”
Taylor hung up and looked at her husband.
“He got into a fight..”
Jimmy just stared at her for a second. He didn't know what to say.
“Did he win.” he said chuckling
“This isn't a joking matter!”
“I know, come on. I have to go back to work. I cant go with you!”
“You have to, I need you”
“Sorry. You’ll be fine.”
He kissed her forehead
“Shawn should be there before I get home. I’ll handle everything when I get there, okay?
You could hear the disappointment is Taylor’s voice.
“I love you, sweetheart” Jimmy said while kissing her again
“I love you too. Be careful”
Taylor drove to Jimmy Jr.’s school, running red lights and barely stopping at stop signs. When she got to his school the principal was in her office with Jimmy. He had an ice pack under his eye and was holding tissue on his nose. She ran to him and hugged im so tightly his nose began bleeding more. “Baby, are you okay?” She asked as she examined his black eye.
“He was fighting, Richard King” Principal Tyler added in
“Rachel’s brother? Why”
“Because his friends kept calling her my girlfriend and telling me to kiss her. But I don't like her mama, she's my best friend. And then Richard said if I thought about it he’d hurt me and I said if you do your going to get in trouble. I guess he didn't care that he was going to get in trouble because he punched me right in the eye.”
“Jimmy go ice your eye outside so I can talk to your mom.” Principal Tyler said
Jimmy walked out of the office and Taylor sat down. Ms. Tyler’s face gave Taylor a bad feeling about what was about to come out of her mouth.
“Jimmy has been suspended for three days, Ms. Adams
“THREE?! He didn't start the fight!”
“No but he did encourage it and he hit one of the boys who was picking on him.”
“Three is still a lot!”
“Im sorry, but thats policy.”
Taylor was in so much shock all she could do was thank her grab Jimmy and leave. When they got in the car Taylor told Jimmy they would discuss what happened later when his father was home.
When they got home it was a mess. Shawn had pizza boxes all over the coffee table. Mia and Maya spilled juice on the floor and no one cleaned it up. You could tell Monica made coffee because the house reeked of burned coffee beans.
Taylor was so close to losing her temper. She was already pissed off because Jimmy left her, then Jimmy Jr.’s suspension, and now her house.
“Jimmy, go to your room and dont turn the T.V. on!”
“But mom!” Jimmy whined
The look in Taylor’s eyes told Jimmy her answer. Taylor asked nicely as she possibly could, walked over to Sean and Monica and asked them to clean up the mess they made and to not let their children eat or drink on the floor.
Taylor walked to her room and just laid on the bed. She was so angry she wanted to cry. She turned the lights off and tucked herself into, she set an alarm for when she needed to go pick up Melanie and quickly dozed off.
She woke up to what she thought was her alarm. Mia was in her room and turned the T.V. on to Fast 5 and turned the volume all the way up. When Taylor realized why she was awake she couldn't help but yell. Monica and Shawn flew into her room.
“Don't yell at my daughter, she's only 4!” Monica screamed
“Even more of a reason you should be watching her!”
“You dont have the right to tell us how to raise our kids, look at your son!” Shawn added in
“Get out my room, NOW!”
They all left and Taylor quickly grabbed her phone. She called her husband, thinking in her mind he better pick up. When he answered the phone, he didn't even finish saying hello before Taylor started venting. She was talking so face he couldn't even get a word in. When she finally stopped he told her he would handle everything when he got home and she needed to relax. Then he tried to bribe her, It didn't work. She was so angry she just wanted them out of the house!
“Honey, I have to go. I’ll see you when I get home. I love you!”
Taylor didn't even say anything back. She just hung up. It was time for her to go get Melanie. She was too afraid to leave JJ home with her in-laws so she took him with her.
After she picked Melanie up she told her how her day was going. Melanie agreed to make dinner so her mom could rest after the long day she's been through.
They got home and Shawn and his family wasn't there. They wrote a not and put it on the fridge. It said, “went out for dinner. bbl” That put a smile on Taylor’s face. We’ll have a nice family dinner tonight, she thought to herself.
As soon as dinner was ready, JJ set the table. Jimmy walked in a few minutes later with flowers. He kissed Taylor’s cheek and handed her the flowers. She didn't really show much emotion. She was mentally drained. They sat down and Jimmy looked at little Jimmy. JJ was too afraid of what was going to happen so he wouldn't look at his father in the eye.
“Pick your head up, son. Thats a sign of weakness.”
“Im sorry, daddy! I didn't mean to get In trouble!”
“I know son, that still doesn't make it okay! I wont happen again, do you understand?”
“I promise!”
They continued their dinner. Taylor was starting to feel a little bit better but then she remember her in-laws were coming back.
Jimmy had to do the dishes as his punishment. Melanie was in her room doing homework and Taylor and Jimmy Sr. were on the couch watching a movie. They were talking about what he was going to tell his brother when he came back.
Taylor went upstairs to shower before they came back. The twins were already sleeping so Monica went up to bed too. Jimmy and Shawn were sitting on the couch. Jimmy really didn't want to tell Shawn what to do because he was a grown man but he had to do. He set the rules and Shawn agreed to follow them. The Jimmy did something he really didnt want to do. He asked him if he would watch JJ for the rest of his suspension. Of course Shawn said yes because he was staying in his house for free. Everyone went to bed after that.
The next morning Taylor was really scared to leave Jimmy but she had to go to work. Shawn made everyone breakfast and packed Melanie’s lunch. That made Taylor feel better about everything. Once everyone was gone Jimmy went back to his room to play firefighter. Shawn and Monica were outside on the porch and Mia and Maya were still asleep.
Jimmy put on his fireman jacket, boots and hat and pretended like his driving. He drove into the kitchen and turned on the stove to pretended like that was his fire. First he threw water on it. The he turned all the burners on. He remembered when his dad came home with bandages because he got burned in a fire. So he stuck his finger into the fire. He realized his finger didn't look normal, but it didn't look burned. It also didn't hurt. He was shocked and confused, so he stuck his whole hand in the fire and watched as his hand lit up.
Jimmy had just learned something a bit scary and different about his self. When he touched fire he didn't burn, his skin glowed. At first he thought that was the coolest thing ever. Then he realized that meant he couldn't be a fire fighter. When he would have to go into fires his skin would glow and he wouldn't be able to save people. Instead he would scare them and wouldn't be able to help him.
He didn't know how to handle it so he cried. He called his dad’s cell phone, begging him to come, “Daddy, I need you! Please come home.”
Jimmy Sr. didn't know what was going on so he flew home. The whole ride he was saying I knew I shouldn't have trusted Shawn. He got to his house and saw Shawn and Monica sitting on the porch.
“Where’s my son?! Are you watching him?!”
“He’s in the house, relax!”
“Well, somethings wrong. He just called me crying!”
Shawn looked shocked and confused. They ran into the house. Jimmy was on the kitchen floor crying. His fireman jacket and hat were sitting next to him. His dad grabbed him, Jimmy cried even more.
“Son, what happened.”
“Watch” he said as tears rolled down his face
He turned the stove.
“Jimmy you are not supposed to touch the stove!”
Before his dad could turn it off he stuck his hand in the fire. His hand glowed, just like before. Shawn and Monica didn't know what to say, they just stood there. So did Jimmy Sr. Tears continued to run down Jimmy’s face.
“Daddy, look at my hand. Its glowing. And it doesn't hurt.”
“JJ I don't know what to tell you. I've never seen anything like it before.”
“Does this mean I can't be a firefighter?” Tears streamed down as face as he barely got that sentence out.
“Don't worry about that now. We need to go see a doctor.”
“Can mommy come. I need her!”
“Ill call her on the way there. Go get dressed”
Jimmy turned and looked at Shawn and Monica. They looked just as shocked as he did. “What am I going to do.”
“Relax, take him to the doctor and see what she says.” Monica said in a quiet calm voice
“Ill go help JJ get ready, go call Taylor.”
Jimmy walked slowly outside while trying to figure out what he was going to tell Taylor. He dialed the number hoping she wouldn't answer. She did.
“Hey baby, we got another problem”
“Oh god”
“I have to take Jimmy to the doctors. Can you meet me there. Ill tell you whats wrong when I get there.”
“Uhh wha never mind I'll be there.” Taylor stumbled over her words
Jimmy walked out slowly carrying his firetruck in his hand. You could see how angry and disappointed he was. His dad pulled off, trying not to speed. If he went faster than normal Jimmy would know his dad was scared.
Taylor beat them to the doctors. JJ ran into his moms arms, tears streaming down his face, holding on to her for dear life.
Taylor and the doctor could believe what she was seeing when Jimmy put a liter to his son’s arm. Taylor started crying, she was scared. The doctor immediately started typing scaring Taylor even more. She started rubbing her son on his back, trying to comfort him. Jimmy hugged his firetruck tighter.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.” the doctor said
“Is there anything you can do about.” Taylor asked
“I-ummm” the doctor stumbled over her words
That made Taylor cry more.
“I dont think I can.” that time her words were a little bit better
“I wanna be a firefighter, like my daddy! Can I still be a firefighter?!
“Jimmy, your health is the most important thing. If every time you get near fire you glow, thats a problem. If we can find a surgery, then there might be a chance.”
“I’ll get surgery!”
“Its not that simple. I’ve never even heard of this.”
Jimmy put his head down while tears dripped from his face onto his truck. He knew this couldn't be the end. Someone would have to find the answer.
Later that night he asked his mom if they could go to another doctor. His dad told him no. Even though they’ve been planning for Jimmy to be firefighter before he was even born, things changed. His dad knew he had no one to carry on the family tradition. JJ was in his room thinking of a plan. Jimmy was also in his room, working on a different plan. Jimmy and Taylor were planning another baby.
Creative Piece
One of the most popular teen girls clothing store is Forever 21. They have cute clothes for reasonable prices. The only problem with the store is the trends they come out with. They just recently came out with their spring line. The spring line consist of floral prints and bright colors, which is normal for girls to where in the spring.
The one thing about the line is the clothes are very appropriate for teen girls or the spring. The clothes are very revealing and sexual for girls my age. They are made where girls bellies and a lot of their legs are showing. For example they have tops that look like bathing suit tops and very small shorts.
During this project I put my self in two different positions. One as if I was a designer for Forever 21’s spring collection and the other was as if I was designer for Kohl's. I made one outfit that could be transformed into another. Both outfits are made for teen girls in the spring but both give off different meanings.
The outfit designed as if I worked for Kohl’s is a dress that shows her back and legs below her knee. The outfit demonstrates as a teen girl its okay to show skin but not too much. The other outfit, made for Forever 21 is a crop top and little shorts. The crop top shows from just above her belly button to her waist. The shorts stop right under her butt and show all of her legs.
The message from both outfits show the difference between how girls can change from looking 16 to 26. Wearing certain clothes can change how old you look. It can also change how people view you. Over time girls have changed how they dress because they are trying to fit in with the new trends.
Nadir, Tytianna, Hezekiah
Parents & Marriage= Nightmare
Parents & Marriage= Nightmare
Comparing “Taming of the Shrew” to “Baggage Claim”
As "The Taming of the Shrew" proves, parents being involved in their child marriage doesn't always end well. In "Shrew," Baptista says some pretty hurtful and demanding things to Katherine which makes her not want to get married. It also makes her resentful of her fathers wishes. In the 2013 movie "Baggage Claim," the main character’s mother sets out to do the same--only this time it's harder for her to find a husband.
Baptista and Catherine share similar thought processes. They believe pushing their child into marriage is what's best for them. The parents have full support by both character’s younger sister and other family members however, Katherine and Montana show much resistance. Both eventually give in to please themselves and their mother and father.
Montana becomes so sick and annoyed by her mother and younger sister, who is engaged to be married, she embarks on a thirty-day, thirty-thousand-mile expedition to woo a potential suitor into becoming her fiancé. Katherine goes about dealing with this by resisting Petruchio’s offer to marry but giving in because she wants to make her father and sister happy. The two situations are very similar but give off different effects on each family. These texts reflect that parents have a hold on their child life even when they are an adult, but because of this, it makes the child feel resentment towards their parents.
Baptista is speaking to Bianca’s suitors and they are talking about how much they love Bianca and wish to marry her. Bianca and Katherine enter and Baptista continues the conversation with the suitors. Due to the fact that Bianca is younger she has to wait for Katherine to wed before she can do the same.
“If either of you both love Katharina,
Because I know you well and love you well,
Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure”.
(Act l, Scene i, 52-55)
When Baptista says this to the suitors he’s downgrading Katherine right in front of her face. He has just said I know you love my youngest daughter but my oldest daughter also needs a husband and because I know and love you very much you can just take her. He didn't ask if she wanted to marry either of them or even get married at all. Baptista was forcing marriage upon her.
Bianca, Katherine and their father are in their home talking about the marriage situation. Bianca has made it clear that she really wants to get married and Katherine is in her way. The three begin to argue about. Baptista is taking Bianca’s side and is telling Katherine that she has a devilish spirit.
Montana was at her little sister rehearsal dinner and one of ex-boyfriends, Langston came in. Montana was in the process of making an announcement. However, she was stalling because she didn't have anything to say because, she wasn't engaged. When Langston walked in she was in complete and utter shock. He begin talking and she was still in shock she didn't say anything. After he was finished his speech he got down on one knee and proposed to Montana. Her family cheered in the excitement they had for her. Her mother stood up and said of course she accepts. Sadly, Montana had no desire to marry Langston and her and her mother begin to argue.
Catherine downgraded and embarrassed Montana a tremendous amount by saying she should marry Langston. She had never met Langston before yet, she was ready to marry her daughter off to him. When Catherine did that she made it clear that she wanted a husband for Montana and she didn't care who it was,
Bianca, Katherine and their father are in their home talking about the marriage situation. Bianca has made it clear that she really wants to get married and Katherine is in her way. The three begin to argue about. Baptista is taking Bianca’s side and is telling Katherine that she has a devilish spirit.
“What, will you not suffer me? Nay, now I see. She is your treasure, she must have a husband;"
(Act l, Scene ii, 75)
Katherine is feeling so low and pushed to the side its caused her to fight with her father. She tells him what shes feeling inside and she’s not a “devil.” Baptista thinks hes doing whats best for his daughters but he’s really doing whats best for just for Bianca. He’s not taking the time to figure of what shes acting the way she does or why she has just said that she feels like Bianca is her treasure. Not once does Baptista ask Katherine if she wants to get married or if she wants Bianca to get married first. Baptista is pushing Katherine away by forcing her to marry and she will continue to angry with him or resent what he’s forcing her to do.
Much like in “Shrew” Montana’s younger sister was big on marriage and just became engaged.
Montana was in her apartment when her mother and sister barged in with “big news.” Sheree was only a sophomore in college and she was engaged to the star football player. Her mother told her because he had so much money and such a bright future she had nothing to worry about so she accepted the invitations.
When Montana saw the ring and heard the announcement she knew her mother was going to pressure her into getting married. Montana’s mother knew her youngest daughter was ready for marriage she told her to do it for the wrong reason. If she continues to push Montana the same way as she pushed Sheree none of their marriages will last and both daughter will be full of anger with their mother.
In both “Shrew” and “Baggage Claim” a lot of themes were introduced over the course of the book/movie. The themes ranged from parental interference, societies attitude towards courtship/dating, honesty and deception in relationships and more. The main focus was parental push. Parental push in dating and marriage will mostly likely always end in disaster. Mainly because parents will pick a person that will make them happy and not their sons or daughters.
Shakespeare, William. The Taming of the Shrew;. New York: Washington Square, 1992. Print.
Talbert, David E. "Watch Baggage Claim Online | Watch Full Baggage Claim (2013)."Baggage Claim. Watch32, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.
Othello Benchmark Q4
Journal #1
Act 4, Scene 1, Page 5
Now will I question Cassio of Bianca,
(Bianca and Cassio’s relationship is being questioned.)
A huswife that by selling her desires
Buys herself bread and clothes.
(Bianca buys herself food and clothes with Cassio’s money)
It is a creature,
That dotes on Cassio, as ’tis the strumpet’s plague
To beguile many and be beguiled by one.
He, when he hears of her, cannot refrain
(Cassio is truly in love with Bianca)
From the excess of laughter. Here he comes.
(Even with people talking about how bad Bianca is he still loves her)
Journal #2
An important scene Emilia was in was Act 3 Scene 3. Another one was Act 5 Scene 1 and Act 5 Scene 3. In Act 3 Scene 3 Emilia experienced Cassio telling her to betray her friend. Emilia experiences first hand that she's stealing a handkerchief and she also saw Desdemona die. Emilia experienced her husbanding screaming in pain after he was stabbed second hand. Second hand she also experienced walking in on Othello killing Desdemona. Emilia's character motivation was to do good by her husband and be a good friend to Desdemona.
Journal #3
Before Emilia was in the play she lived with Iago her husband. They got married when they were 18 and 19. There wedding day was the most amazing day of her life. It started at 5 o’clock in the morning. Emilia woke up and went away with Desdemona. They went into Desdemona’s house to get ready. And Iago was with Rodrigo. After everyone was ready they had the wedding. When the wedding was over Iago and Emilia moved in together. Emilia began to work for, Desdemona and Iago begin working in the office. But because they were always working they never saw each other. They began to have issues within there marriage and always got a divorce. But then they made up and promised to each other that they would find time to spend together. Emilia always promised to do whatever Iago asked her to do no matter how evil or hard it would be.
Journal #4
My character is Emilia. The actions I have to do in my play is pick up a handkerchief and try to get it back form Gabe (Iago). Emilia has to speak with a joking voice when she first finds the handkerchief then she has to be shocked that Iago wants to take it and make Othello and Desdemona sad. My character is going to bring a tissue for the handkerchief. My groups performance is going to stick out because we added some real life things like Will is going to take aspirin for his head ache.
Journal #5
My scene was Act 4 and my character is Emilia. Act 4 is when Iago asked Emilia to steal the handkerchief. Something important she said previously was, “If it be not for some purpose of import give’t me again: poor lady, she’ll run mad when she shall lack it.” This quote was important to the play because Emilia knew her husband was wrong for taking the handkerchief however she didn't try very hard to get it back. Desdemona and Emilia are friends so Emilia knew how special it was to Desdemona but she took it anyway. Emilia was trying to be a good wife but at the same time she was being a bad friend. I delivered this line with trying to sound worried but I spoke a little bit too fast therefore it did not come out as worried as Emilia actually was.
My groups performance did go as expected. Im proud of how well we did with bringing the scene to life. I think the props we used made it help it become alive. I think if we would change how we did the performance we would practice more on how to define the relationship between the characters. For example when Desdemona was trying to make Othello feel better we should have made her rub his head and be really sensitive.
Performing the play changed my understanding because it made me realize how much they all betrayed each other. It also changes my understanding because I saw how much Desdemona actually loved Othello but he didn't see that she was faithful. I also saw how much of a bad temper Othello had. He never gave people the chance to talk he just yelled and grew angry quickly.
Casa Del Árbol Burton y Broadwater
Babies Having Babies
My definition of crossing boundaries is to go through a rough time or struggle to do something. Some factors of crossing boundaries is family, friends, relationship, race and gender. The causes and effects of crossing boundaries can either be good or bad. If your boundary is finance issues the cause would be you don’t have a job or your spending money too much. A good effect could be you get a job and get back to be financially stable. However a bad outcome could be you ignore the fact that you aren't financially and keep spending money you don’t have or not get a job and make the problem worse.
My crossing boundary was teen pregnancy. While I interviewed a did learn a little but I was previously very familiar with that topic. But some things I did learn from interviewing. I kinda knew it was hard to do and it made you grow up a lot faster. But when the interviewee talked about how his girlfriend and daughter lived with him it shocked me a little because he’s just a child and they’re living like a married couple and they didn’t even finish high school yet. Another was how when he got home from school the first thing he did was go take car of his baby. That scared me a little because It made me realize that his whole life had change and that he has to go straight home and when he gets home he cant sit down and relax and he has to do homework while holding a baby.
While editing this some things were a little hard because I never used Audacity before and I kept scrolling the wrong way and I thought i lost my project about 12 times and because this is a benchmark I was beginning to stress but then I realized it was still there. The feedback from my peers was pretty good. I did agree with a lot of it and it helped me.
Carmen, Pablo, Rosa, Ricardo Revista
OMG! Only 10 minuets, I cant do this! Melanie calm down, you’ll be fine. I cant calm down at a time like this. I’ve waited 10 years for this moment. If i don’t win I dunno what I'm gunna do. Ok stop, breathe in, breathe out.
I guess, Its just i’ve dreamed of this moment everyday and its finally here and (pause) I'm scared. I never excepted I would feel this way. I thought I would come in here with no fear and just win! But its different when your just dreaming. I used to lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling and my picture my self in this moment. I mount the starting block, squat, sit up a little, listen for the whistle and I just go!
The second I hit the water its like Its just me and the water. I don’t think about anything, not the clock, my competitors or anything. I just swim. First lap i kinda don’t go as hard. I lay back a little bit so I don’t get tired. Second lap I start to pick up a just a little speed. Third lap a little bit more to put me back in the top.
But then the last, I’m gone. The second I turn into the last lap, as soon as my feet hit the wall to push off of its like, I go into another world. Its so fast its like lightning struck. Im so close to the end I could just feel the buzzer. Only a few more strokes then BOOM! I won. A new world record, 8:13:09. I did it.
(pause) But this time is different. This is the most important race of my life. If I don’t win my life will be so different. Ok, Melanie you can do. Focus on the positive. UGH! This is so nerve racking. I want to win so much but there are so many good people here, this sucks. I dunno why I agreed to this. I cant do. Im not good under pressure. This race is too big. I like the small ones where its just me and like 5 other girls. I cant race against like the 25 thats out there. I just wanna go home. This is too much!
800 meter freestyle relay, 2 minutes (commentator)
WHAT!?! 2 minutes. I need like 2 years! Melanie just relax. You’ve trained for this.
Well here goes 10 years of training...
Quin eres t? Carmen Broadwater 2C
La Casa Perfecto
Las Cazuelas
Opinión: Bueno
Unos Ingrediantes: Pollo
Opinión: Picante
Unos Ingrediantes:
Comentarios: No me gusta nada
Opinión: Muy Bien
Unos Ingrediantes: Arrroz
Comentarios: Muy delicioso
Opinión: No Me Gusta Nada
Unos Ingrediantes: Leche
Comentarios: Mucho Leche
La Casa
2) La cocina tiene la nevera
3) El baño tiene el lavamanos
4) No tiene la tele
5) Hay el piso
6) El baño tiene El espejo
¡Lindsay Lohan A dieta!
¡Peru es fabuloso! (Tytianna y Natasha)
El Secreto del Cuy
La cuy le dice al papá, " camina la parque con tu familia." La familia camina hacia la parque con la cuy.
Tytianna y Marcus iChat
Mis Actividades
Mi Escuela
Clase: Inglés
Profeser: Señor Kay
Actividades en la clase: Hablamos, Leemos y escribimos
Responsibilidades: leemos, prestar atencíon y tomar apuntes
Materiales: El libro, unas hoja de papel y una computadora
Opinión: Me fascina porque es divertido y intreesante
Profeser: Señor Sherif
Actividades en la clase: Bailamos, cantamos y experimentar
Responsibilidades: prestar atencíon y hacer la tarea
Materiales: una computadora
Opinión: es muy facil
Mis Seres Queridos
Tyra Banks
I chose this picture because it defines what i like the most in this world... gymnastics. it doesn't have a lot of words so its short and simple. The quote is my favorite quote becuase its exactly how i feel.
Nastia Liukin
Basic conversation in Enspañol
- Chart
- Video
- puzzle
here is a link to the puzzle
Real life situation: Your meeting a person for the first time and your asking them questions in Spanish.
English |
Spanish |
¡Hola! |
Hello! |
tal? |
How are you? |
(Muy) Bien, gracias. |
(Very) Well, thanks. |
Más o menos. |
Alright. |
¿Y tú? |
¿And you? |
¿Cómo te llamas (tú)? |
What's your name? |
Me llamo |
My name is |
¿De dónde eres (tú)? |
Where are you from? |
Soy de |
I'm from |
Yo también. |
Me, too. |
¡Adiós! |
Bye! |
¿Qué hora es?
Knowing how to say what time it is.
Knowing quarter after, quarter of, on the dot, :05, :15.
Knowing how to answer people when they ask you what time it is.
- flashcards
- video
- worksheet
Here is a link to the flashcards
Real life situation: You need to know what time it is but the person your speaking to only speaks spanish. You need to remember how to ask what time it is and what they are saying!
¿Que tiempo?
Learn the temperature words
How to convert from celsiuis to fahrenheit
- A video of Marcus and I translating the words
- A song of how to say the words in spanish
- Crossword puzzle
- Flash cards
Here is the link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aszXrnocJY0&feature=related
Link to the crossword puzzle: http://puzzle-maker.com/cgi-bin/wswo.cgi
Here is the link to the flash: http://quizlet.com/7613469/%C2%BFque-hora-es-flash-cards/