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Rifah Islam Capstone
The idea for the Being Fair project started right at home for me. Growing up watching Bengali television channels, I would always see commercials for skin lightening products. I never truly understood the big reason for these products and brushed off its massive impact. However, after doing research on how advertisements shape our lives and help spoon feed us ideas about the world earlier this year, I realized how much skin lightening commercials have affected my life. Subconsciously, they did impact my ideas about beauty and its connection to skin color. I wanted to learn more about the products, how they work scientifically, how it impacts skin around the world and why skin lightening is a multi billion dollar business today. However, I didn’t want to just state facts. Anyone can look up the negative effects of skin lightening creams.I wanted to share stories. After talking with fellow friends and students from SLA, I realized I was not alone. Many of them have also experienced ups and downs when it comes to loving their skin color. I wanted a platform and safe space where these stories were told and their voices were amplified. My website focuses on personal interviews and roundtable discussions accompanied by classic “Humans of New York” style portraits of the interviewee to go along with their words. This is a project about people’s relationship with their skin color and how they have or are coming to terms with loving it.
Shadeism. Directed by Nayani Thiyagarajah. Documentary. Refugee Productions, 2015.
This documentary identifies the issues that skin lightening brings upon communities, showing that the ideas of beauty and consequences of the ideal severely impact the relationship that one may have with their skin. This is a documentary that uses the voices of those who participated, all women of color who have realized how much their dark skin affect their daily lives. The stories drive the film, which is exactly the route that I want to direct my capstone. Through this documentary, I was able to see how a director and writer weaved in different stories, backgrounds and experiences to create a cohesive and compelling argument that makes the audience walk away with passion to change the issue.
“The Unfair and Lovely Campaign Is Embracing Darker Skin Tones.” Self, 14 March 2016,
This is a campaign, called Unfair and Lovely. They are working to actively change the narrative of what it means to be a darker skinned South Asian and also promoting self love. It is run by a community of darker skinned South Asians. They use their instagram account to share photos and stories of women who have suffered through oppression, hatred from others or just self confidence issues. This is an inspiration to me because they are South Asian women themselves, who have experiences similar situations to me. I want to use this resource in order to learn how to not just look at the negatives about this issue, but to see how other women are using this to grow as people and help others learn and evolve. In my project, I want to show how people are working to change the mindsets and how they stay positive.
Norwood, Kimberly Jade. Color matters : skin tone bias and the myth of a post-racial America. Routledge, 2014.
This book goes in depth, with some of the latest research on the issues of colorism and the discrimination that follows it. It talks about why this discrimination occurs, why lighter skin is preferred over darker skin and what implications this has for society and how far we still have to go. There is history, psychology and personal narratives weaved into this book. In my project, I wish to incorporate the issues of colorism that exist in America too, so it’s not just written off as another country or another community’s issue. It exists here, is very prevalent and will continue to affect us for years unless we take a stand. I want to use this resource to learn more about where it exists in our society and why it’s so well hidden. Then, in my project I want to expose the taboos of this topic and maybe even incorporate how media plays a role in our beliefs.
Women of Worth. She Leads. 2015-16.
Women of Worth is an organization based in India which through different workshops, conferences and seminars throughout schools and colleges in the country, tries to promote media literacy, redefine beauty, leadership development and more. One campaign, “Dark is Beautiful” specifically targets the issues of colorism and how to combat that in everyday life. On their website they have a blog that anyone can contribute to, with their own stories along with their events at different schools. They are partnered with She Leads, an organization that promotes confidence and leadership among women. This is an inspiration for my project because as a South Asian, even I want to know how they have been combating stereotypes and what different techniques they have been using to actively change the narrative, especially in a country so obsessed with light skin. I will use this source to give me ideas of how to reach out to different women about their stories and how to make sure their voices are heard.
Saint Louis, Catherine. “Creams Offering Lighter Skin May Bring Risks.” The New York Times, 15 Jan. 2010,
This article in The New York Times addresses the health risks that come with using skin lightening creams. Most users don’t know about the ingredients that are in them or what kind of damage they can cause. The idea that their skin can even be lightened overpowers any harm it can do. By the time they see the negative affects on their skin, it is often too late to turn back. Through my project, I don’t just want to state the issues that skin lightening can cause to one’s self esteem. I also want to prove through hard facts that these products are not healthy and will not even help one achieve what they are promised. Facts can be an extremely persuasive force, which is why I am so interested in adding it to my project.
Gabler, Roe Sam. “Dangers of skin whitening creams.” Chicago Tribune, 2010-15,
This group of articles and studies show the different type of ingredients in the most popular skin whitening creams throughout the world and how they affect our skin. Specifically, they have a study that focused on the mercury levels in these creams. There is also an article on a bill in the U.S that calls for tighter restrictions on the ingredients that can be put in cosmetics. Again, I want to incorporate this information in different blog posts and weave it into the narratives. I also want to ask people if they know about the ingredients and what they can do to their skin and see how they feel about that. I mainly just want to have a big blog post that analyzes all the ingredients and prove with facts why it’s not healthy for our skin.
Dhillon, Komal Kaur. Brown Skin, White Dreams: Pigmentocracy in India. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2015.
This source is a dissertation about the pigmentocracy that exists in India. Pigmentocracy is the preference to lighter skin in a society, which leads to privilege for one group and discrimination for another. In this paper, the author shows research of how this began during colonization and how it still exists in modern day India. With the help of this paper, I want to figure out the root of this issue and where it actually started. I also want to see why after so many years of independence, pigmentocracy still exists today and what that means for Indians and others around the world. I want to use the research in this paper to back up my narrative. This will be included in my personal blog post.
Ghose, Tia. Indians and Europeans Share 'Light-Skin' Mutation. Live Science,
This article talks about how Indians and Europeans share a mutation that can cause light skin. They also found that this gene is more prevalent in North India, rather than South. The study also branches out to 54 other ethnic groups in the subcontinent and finds that some groups like people from Tibet do not show this gene at all. I want to incorporate this information along with more factual information in a blog post. I think it will be interesting to incorporate this into the interviews that I do to see how many people know about this/how much genetics influence skin color.
Jones, Trina. “The Significance of Skin Color in Asian and Asian-American Communities: Initial Reflections”. UC Irvine Law Review, 2013.
In this paper, the author explores the pedestal that skin color is put on in Asian and Asian American communities and how that affects the relationship that people who are a part of those communities have with their skin. This paper also talks heavily about the role media plays in continuing to hold this message of fairer skin being “more beautiful” high and strong. It also focuses on how women are more likely to be held to these standards than men, especially when it comes to marriage and expectations of elders. I want to use how different Asian communities deal with this issue and how it exists today in a blog post about this issue exists in different communities. I will also weave it into different narratives that people share with me.
Hunter, Margaret. “The Persistent Problem of Colorism: Skin Tone, Status and Inequality”. Mills College, 2007.
In this paper, the author focuses on the different struggles and dynamics that exist in the United States in terms of skin color. It touches on a wide range of communities, such as African American, Hispanic and Asian. It does a detailed analysis of the history, why it still exists today and how it continues to shape the way we view our world. It also talks about the economic and political advantages that come with being light skinned. In my project, I want to incorporate this with any interviews I get of people who have been raised in the U.S and have immigrant parents, so I can compare their experiences and see if there are any similarities in their experiences.Alicia Jones Capstone
For my capstone I held weekly discussions every Tuesday during Y-band titled, Makeup Conversations. The slogan for the weekly discussion was, There is Diversity in Beauty. In order to cultivate these discussions I created lesson plans to research the origins of makeup. Inclusive of the historical connections of cosmetics to geography and related concepts we live by in the makeup artistry realm. Additionally, examining the conceptualization that makeup has on society today, both positive and negative. Also, including the social implications of using makeup and why we follow certain trends. The evidence of these discussions were my blog posts which are uploaded on my website.
The most challenging process of my project was completing the research. Furthermore, to come to an understanding of how we have transformed certain ingredients into our cosmetics. My goal for holding these discussions was to learn more about the significance and role that makeup plays in the life of an average SLA student. For clarification, anyone was allowed to participate in my capstone, whether they wore makeup or not. We discussed a range of topics, from the new “natural” look with using filters and touching on cultural appropriation: hair and beauty. Although, there were some difficulties with staying consistent with conversation dates, when the group would come together there was a highly resourceful amount of information to take away. My final presentation for the Makeup-Conversations is linked to my personal brand, Face By Lí, where you can find more details on my website.Annotated Bibliography:
Britton, Ann Marie, "The Beauty Industry's Influence on Women in Society" (2012). Honors
Theses. Paper 86. Accessed February 2, 2017.
I found this source useful because it provides connections between women and the cosmetics industry. There were many scholarly resources such as experiments referenced by the author such as studies done between the influence of cosmetics and self-esteem. This source was highly reliable. Furthermore, the findings in the document were insightful, believable, and easy to understand. There were both positive and negative relationships explored in the research that were referenced. Providing an excellent scope on how cosmetics, women, the consistent use of makeup, and most importantly self-confidence are linked. In addition, the statistical result data given at the end of the paper.
Davis, LaPorchia C. "African American women's use of cosmetics products in relation to their attitudes and self-identity." Graduate Theses and Dissertations, 2013. Accessed February 1, 2017.
This source was highly reliable to my research because it explored a number of theories and issues within their cultural indifference that could connect to self-image issues. Using the source struck out to me as important because all of the other sources I researched were surveying white women and there was no cultural range that could be a variable in the results. It provides information about the subjects memories and early experiences of using cosmetics. Which was highly unexpected to find in a graduate level research paper I thought. This made me want to continue to read and understand the text even more.
Dootson, Kirsty Sinclair. "“The Hollywood Powder Puff War”: Technicolor Cosmetics in the
1930s." Film History 28, no. 1 (2016): 107-31. Accessed Feb 1, 2017. doi:10.2979/filmhistory.28.1.04.
This source was very reliable because it details how the art of makeup being both on and off screen was complex to make sure the models were correctly shaded. Reading this also helped me understand the unpleasant shade range we already have and how it’s still expanding. It is a complication of being more than just a technical problem but a “ideological” one. Using this source provides a better understanding of what Max Factor and Elizabeth Arden were working on, rather competing to accomplish. When reviewing this I didn’t think it would explore so much such as naturalism in cinema, Pan-Cake Make-Up, nor provide so many examples of movies that has this problem.
Factor, Max. “How to acquire Sylvia Sidney’s Beauty Perfection,” Hollywood Magazine (Jan-Oct 1934), May 1934, 44. Accessed 1 Feb 2017.
This source helped me learn more about Max Factor’s techniques when it came to television productions. This source was reliable because it was written by Mr. Factor himself. Also, it has a example of what eye makeup should look like on different shaped eyes. In addition, this source is in a magazine about the trends of fashion and makeup in hollywood. One limitation of this source is that it is focused solely on Sylvia Sidney’s application of makeup. This article however does not exactly serve as a guide to “Beauty Perfection” because of the small window of certain styles look best on different eyes. Yet, considering the time period the application of makeup was still fairly being figured out.
Kaplan, Alyssa. "SiOWfa15: Science in Our World: Certainty and Controversy." Makeup and its Affect on Self Esteem. October 5, 2015. Accessed February 01, 2017.
Using this source helped me look deeper into more social experiments. I don’t think this source was completely reliable but it was helpful in understanding the social ramifications of wearing makeup in different environments. Plus, the anxiety that can follow with wearing a full face to certain places, such as school, over elsewhere such as a party. Also, it can make a woman feel like she isn’t pretty enough but this experiment draw conclusions to acceptance after not using makeup for a while. Although, there was no exact answer to have confidence effects makeup this study was made very similarly to the Ann Marie Britton honors theses paper on “The Beauty Industry's Influence on Women in Society”.
Poitevin, Kimberly. "Inventing Whiteness: Cosmetics, Race, and Women in Early Modern England." Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 11, no. 1 (2011): 59-89. Accessed 2 Feb 2017.
Using this source helped me identify how the art of makeup circled into Europe in around the 1500s. It also assisted me in understanding the crucial work of “whiteness” and how lighter shades were always over other shades (ignoring the aspects of racial disparity when it address class). However, when considering other races such as the Welsh the reasoning behind skin darkening were solely for entertainment. This source is highly reliable and serves as a timeline of the art that comes to whitening and darkening skin. It also provides specific terms for the products used back in history to “paint” their faces.
Korichi, Rodolphe, Delphine Pelle-De-Queral, Germaine Gazano, and Arnaud Aubert. "Why women use makeup: Implication of psychological traits in makeup functions." Journal of Cosmetic Science 59 (September 27, 2007): 127-37. Accessed February 2, 2017.
While reading this source I found it to be very scientific, with the use of its language and the structure of the article was set up much like an experimental paper which I did not expect. This source was helpful because reading the text may have been difficult but examining the tables of data results made it easier to follow along. Although this document was a a little more advanced than expected, it provides a clear conclusion following all of the data. One additional piece from this source that was also helpful was the evaluation of the subjects on their experience with makeup and how they gathered their qualitative data. Using an interview and different scales with a generous number of subjects provided a large range distribution of their data.
Schaffer, Sarah. "Reading Our Lips: The History of Lipstick Regulation in Western Seats of Power." 2006. Accessed February 2, 2017.
This source when first reading it did not come across as being completely reliable. Yet, as I continued to read it I understood the language being used about the purpose of regulations in different regions of the world with the connections to the time periods. It provides as a document that explains the objective of regulations in makeup. I selected this source because it provides a clear timeline of what was happening around the world with lipstick useage. In addition, it details the laws and acts that were passed or even failed in making the the mandates of what could be in lipstick.
Silverio, Lauren. "Makeup's Effects on Self-Perception." OTS Master's Level Projects & Papers, 2010. Accessed February 3, 2017.
I selected this particular source because it was a graduate level paper and I was curious to how the author’s findings compared to others that I have already read. Some limitations of this source compared to others I have read was that the author left out a guiding question on how confident the subject feels not wearing makeup. Also, they all attended the same university in The Fashion Industry course. Without comparing this source to the others, it is more specific in its language. This source provides a precise definition of terms section which is different than what was expected. The findings in this source were very reliable to my research.
Russell, Richard . "Why Cosmetics Work." In The Science of Social Vision. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 2011. Accessed February 3, 2017.
I chose this source because it provided a very specific context in the introduction. This source also provided paradox of cosmetics which is something I’ve also wondered about and wanted to touch on in the discussions during my capstone. Also this chapter goes in depth about sexual differences within facial recognition. In which, to draw connections and conclusions on how makeup is to facial attractiveness, not much by sex. However, the relation can still be made because of women using makeup over men. This source wasn’t all that I expected it to be but it was highly useful and very reliable to understanding some paradoxes in cosmetic usage.
Isabel Medlock Capstone
Over the Summer and Fall I wrote a research paper on the access to mental health care of undocumented immigrants as part of the Drexel Student Fellows program and presented my research at a conference. I became pretty invested in this subject so I decided to continue on this topic for my Capstone. My goal was to raise awareness of the issue and to try to find someway to alleviate the issue in my community. Throughout the year I continued my research and I thought about what would be the most effective way I could create a positive impact on the undocumented community. I had some trouble figuring out what my final product should be and my ideas went through several stages. First I thought I would create PSAs to raise awareness and then I thought about hosting an event. I finally decided to create an online resource guide for young undocumented immigrants that would help lead them to information that could assist them with any issues surrounding mental health and the college application process. Most of my process was spent on the research on the subject itself as well as finding relevant resources. It was hard to find resources meant for immigrants concerning mental health which made me even more aware of the change that needs to be made. Overall, the Capstone process taught me about what it is like to lead your own independent project and difficulties that come with it.
Annotated Bibliography
Baker, Bryan, and Nancy Rytina. Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2012. Rep. Homeland Security, Mar. 2013. Web. 1 Nov. 2016. <>.
This report from Homeland Security provided me with information on the numbers of undocumented immigrants residing in the United States and the specific demographics of these undocumented immigrants. This report provided me with a more formal definition of what it means to be an undocumented immigrant. I will be using this source to create a brief overview of the population of undocumented immigrants and what the current state of affairs is in my resource guide/website. This source provides very detailed and comprehensive statistics that allowed me to better understand where undocumented immigrants come from and how that might affect their experience with health care services. This source also analyzed trends within recent years in the population, which was pretty useful in understanding the general status of the undocumented population.
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2015). Behavioral health trends in the United States: Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 15-4927, NSDUH Series H-50). Retrieved from data/
This is a government report that details trends in drug use and mental health disorders in the United States. It gives statistics of mental health disorder for various different demographics. I used this source for basic statistics of mental health prevalence in the United States based on socioeconomic class and ethnicity. This source also allowed me to have a general understanding of mental health disorder prevalence in the United States. I chose this source because it contained a lot of statistics that will allow me to establish to others the general landscape in regards to mental health and then compare that to the mental health of undocumented immigrants.
Estrada, Sheryl. "Children of Undocumented Immigrants Face Mental Health Crisis."DiversityInc. N.p., 6 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Nov. 2016. <>.
This article discusses two studies which I couldn’t gain access to. The first study is about anxiety and PTSD in undocumented children. The second is about mental health in general in undocumented children. This source is limited in that it isn’t the direct source for the data and just cites parts of the studies but it allowed me to gain a general understanding of mental health disorders in undocumented children. It also provides quotes from experts in the field that I could perhaps use in my project. I used this study to gain a general understanding of mental health in undocumented children to be able to compare that to mental health in the United States in general.
Hacker, Karen, Maria Elise Anies, Barbara Folb, and Leah Zallman. "Barriers to Health Care for Undocumented Immigrants: A Literature Review." Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (2015): 175-83. PMC. Web. 12 Aug. 2016.
This is a paper that provides a general overview of previous research within my topic, health care access for undocumented immigrants. The paper cites several studies that provide information about barriers to access, lists these barriers, and analyzes them. I chose this source because it provided me with a comprehensive understanding of what exactly prevents undocumented immigrants from getting general health care. The paper also provided a comprehensive list of recommendations to solve this problem. These recommendations could definitely be included in my resource guide. This source doesn’t really talk about mental health specifically and is limited in that regard.
Nandi, Arijit, Sandro Galea, Gerald Lopez, Vijay Nandi, Stacey Strongarone, and Danielle C. Ompad. "Access to and Use of Health Services Among Undocumented Mexican Immigrants in a US Urban Area." American Journal of Public Health 98.11 (2008): 2011-020. Print.
This paper is similar to the Hacker paper in that it also is centered on access to general Health services for undocumented immigrants. However, this paper presents original research and gives specific statistics of the number of undocumented immigrants who have access. It breaks down this information by different demographics such as income and education. It is also gives statistics about instances of discrimination. It analyzes this information and specifies which characteristics mean less access to health care. I used this study to gain an understanding of what types of things stop undocumented immigrants from gaining general health care. Like the Hacker paper it does not mention mental health services in specific so it is not useful in that regard.
Perez, M. Carmela, and Lisa Fortuna. "Chapter 6. Psychosocial Stressors, Psychiatric Diagnoses and Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Undocumented Immigrant Latinos." Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Services 3.1-2 (2005): 107-23. Print.
This paper posits that undocumented immigrant latinos face a unique set of circumstances that increases the likelihood of certain mental health disorders while also lessening their opportunities to gain access to mental health care services and adequate treatment. This is one of the few sources I could find focusing specifically on mental health and not just general health care. It provides specific statistics on the mean number of mental health related appointments those who gained treatment planned as well as the prevalence of specific stressors and psychiatric disorders. I will be using this source to explain the general situation of mental health care for undocumented immigrants.
"Prevalence." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <>.
This is a collection of statistics compiled by encompassing the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and the demographics with higher risk of psychiatric disorder. Although this website is not the original source for these statistics I feel confident in the reliability of the information due to the number of citations from other reports and papers. I will be using this source for its statistics regarding the disparity of treatment opportunities between white children and minority children as well as the difference in prevalence between these two groups. Additionally, this source reveals disparity in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders between children from families of different socioeconomic status which I will use to further prove how income greatly affects access to treatment.
Pumariega, Andres J., Eugenio Rothe, and JoAnne B. Pumariega. "Mental health of immigrants and refugees." Community mental health journal 41.5 (2005): 581-597.
This paper reflects on the mental health of immigrants and refugees in general, providing an overview the stressors this population faces, the process of acculturation, the needs of the population, and the current access to mental health care services. Although this paper does not focus on undocumented immigrants it does offer insights into feelings all immigrants feel, whatever their legal status, such as alienation. The paper also talks specifically about immigrant children who may feel alienated from their native culture. I will use this source to provide information about the stress immigration can bring and how children are affected by this in particular.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2012). Mental Health, United States, 2010. HHS Publication No. (SMA) 12-4681. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
This report details trends in mental health service use by demographic. Although this source does not have data on undocumented immigrants specifically it will still be useful in creating a comparison between normal use of mental health care services and that of undocumented immigrants. I am using this report to provide information on my resource guide as to how many people use mental health services, how many people who need to use mental health services actually do, and how long their treatment time usually is. I will then compare this information with the data I learned from the Teunissen paper and the Fortuna and Perez paper.
Teunissen, Erik, et al. "Mental health problems of undocumented migrants (UMs) in the Netherlands: a qualitative exploration of help-seeking behaviour and experiences with primary care." BMJ open 4.11 (2014): e005738.
This paper details mental health of undocumented immigrants in the Netherlands and contains an analysis of a series of interviews conducted with this population. This paper has information on the common psychiatric stressors as well as barriers to treatment. I will be using the clips the paper provides from the interviews in my project to showcase the fears immigrants have in regards to health care. Although this study was conducted in the Netherlands were the situation for undocumented immigrants is not exactly the same as it is in the United States I am sure that many of the same feelings and fears are present in the US.
Warren, Robert. "US undocumented population drops below 11 million in 2014, with continued declines in the Mexican undocumented population." J. on Migration & Hum. Sec. 4 (2016): 1.
This paper analyzes the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States. It breaks down the recent trends into separate demographics such as country of origin and population by state. This source does not discuss the reasons behind these trends but does mention that perhaps the decrease overall in the undocumented population is due to immigrants becoming legal citizens. I will be using this paper to explain the status of the population undocumented immigrants in the United States and explain where a majority of these immigrants come from. This will allow me to connect the origins of the undocumented population to potential cultural barriers to mental health services.
Zamosky, Lisa. "Healthcare Options for Undocumented Immigrants." LA Times. N.p., 27 Apr. 2014. Web. 1 Nov. 2016. <>.
This article tells the story of an undocumented immigrant and her experience with mental health care. I will be using this source as an example of one person’s experience as an undocumented immigrant in the United States. I can perhaps link this to my website for guidance counselors to read so that they can better understand the issues undocumented immigrants face when contemplating health care and the future. This isn’t the most reliable source but it is useful for creating an emotional appeal to those who don’t have a full understanding of my topic.
Tahmidul Bhuiyan's Capstone
Coming from a developing country, child marriage was always something that I couldn’t fully understand. For years I’ve believed that it was appropriate and if it was not, rules and regulations should have protected it somehow. But no, I was wrong all this time. To correct myself, I started designing my capstone during the month of January in 2016. It all started from an average research project from Mr. Baird’s American History class. From there, the overall idea escalated as time went by. During April of 2016, I was chosen as one of the candidate for Internation Conference on Urban Education. This conference advanced my capstone by making me eligible to hold a seminar on the topic of child marriage and introduce other civilians to this idea that many are not aware of. After the conference, I began to do extensive research and plan out a literature review on my topic. Soon after, one of my close friend was pushed to edge to get married early without her will. Tis set me back a little while not knowing what my next step should be. So as an advocate of child marriage, I decided to stick by her side and help with any necessities to recover from that position. So my capstone highlights the educativ site I’ve created to help others understand this issue and also write the journey of my closest friend who went through child marriage. Many things were learned through my capstone but the most important one was how helpless and vulnerable the younger generations are.
Brides, Girls Not. "About child marriage." Girls Not Brides. Idea Bureau, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017. <>.
The website, Girls Not Brides, carries a historic explanations of child marriages and it has/is affecting both the past and the present and even maybe the future if the problem continuous. In addition to that, the website also carries bunch of statistics that can come in handy while I prove my point about child marriages. In a broader sense, this website is a building point for carrying statistics. In my opinion, I believe this website have a strong stance point on child marriages and how it will continue to affect us and the environment if this epidemic is not immediately prohibited. I wish to incorporate this in my project by pulling out interesting and informational statistics which I can easily implement in my future paper. In addition to that, I wish to draw out their hypothesis and compare with my hypothesis to draw out differences.
2. "The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006." The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. State of Himachal Pradesh, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017. <>.
This website clearly portrays the act of banning child marriage in india in the year of 2006 and forward to follow. While clearly listing what counts as child marriage, it also portrays punishments one much receive from the governmental side if anyone has committed or is willing to commit the act of child marriage. In addition to that, the website also portrays the girls as reducing social power and empowering them so the ideology of child marriage can be banned. In my opinion, I believe that even though this website clearly portrays lots of good news, the society lacks the capability of capturing that information and implementing that in real life. I will be using this website as a source to inform my reader that the prohibition act for child marriages exists, but lack of consideration are being played by it.
3. Huda, Taqbir. "The Problem with the Child Marriage Act." The Problem with the Child Marriage Act | Inter Press Service. The Daily Star, Bangladesh, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
This source provides informations regarding to child marriage act and how there’s some severe problems behind the act that are unknown. In addition that that, this source provides several example behind the nonsense of child marriage act. I selected this source because it empowered the negativity behind these acts and how they are not promising by any sense. I believe that if a act have to be implemented by any means, it should have the capability to hold enough waters to ensure itself to be yourself. One limitation of this source was that it wasn’t so in depth that I was looking for, but rather gave brief explanations which can work I believe. I will be implementing this in my project on the sources section and my research part as well where I explain the downside of these acts.
4. Raphael, T.J. "The US has a forced child marriage problem, too." Public Radio International. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
This source provides reasonable understanding of how child marriage is not a problem in the developing countries, but in a country like U.S. as well. Many interviews and talks were collected from researchers about the child marriage and many had the same opinion; being unsure about the growth of marriage. I selected this source because it shows the uncertainty and the unknown of why child marriage is actually a problem in our society. I feel as if the uncertainty about the child marriage is not discovered soon enough, girls at U.S. will have have to face the same problematic as other third world countries girls. I found this source useful because I can potentially use this source to explain my hypothesis that there seems to be a hierarchy that is controlling these kinds of problematic situations and the average public is surely unaware about them.
5. Reiss, Fraidy. "America's Child Marriage Problem." The New York Times. Op-Ed, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
Significantly different from other sources but with a similar concept, this source provides the reader with necessary information behind the law systems that protects child marriages in the U.S. specifically how that seems to be one of the biggest issues. I selected this source because it goes in depth behind the systematic of law and “parent consent” which gives the judge permission to conform marriages for anyone under the age of 18 in U.S. This source will be critically helpful when I explain the reason behind child marriages in the U.S. and how the parents plays a HUGE role behind this issue. One limitation of this source is the lack of example but I believe it is already strong enough with the interviews that it carries.
6. Male, Chata, and Quentin Wodon. "Basic Profile of Child Marriage in Bangladesh." Open Knowledge. The World Bank, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
This website provides couple of significantly important infographic that goes to show the percentage and the prominence of child marriages in Bangladesh. In addition to that, it also provides good useful informations about the reasons behind the marriage while highlight the poverty rate that lasts there. I selected this source because it can be useful to see the number and analyze them in my research paper. One limitation of this source might be the actual information of how these numbers were gathered but I believe this should not be the problem since it was published though CDC. I wish to use this on my project while I talk about my country, Bangladesh, in general and explain the main base which still holds child marriages up.
7. Raj, Dr. Anita. "Prevalence of Child Marriage and Its Effect on Fertility and Fertility-control Outcomes of Young Women in India: A Cross-sectional, Observational Study." Science Direct. RELX Group, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
The website provides information behind the issue of healthcare in child marriages. To be more in depth it specifically talks about the non fertility rate than can occur in addition to the problematic situations with abortions. Abortion rates rises as the marriage is happening at a much younger age. I selected this source because it clarifies any confusions behind the scientific path of a child marriage, abortions and fertility rates. I found this source useful because it empowers girls by inputting their health consequences while stating the medical side effect behind early marriages. There seems to be no limitation to this source since it clarifies any confusions readers might have while understanding the consequences of health issues and early marriages. I will be using this source to empower my research paper and I mostly plan to out this informations under the medical side of this paper.
8. Larsen, Dana. "DIVORCE IN ETHIOPIA: THE IMPACT OF EARLY MARRIAGE AND CHILDLESSNESS | Journal of Biosocial Science." Cambridge Core. Cambridge Press, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
The source provides useful informations regarding child marriages and the divorce rate that carries with the marriage, Which immediately brings up the topic that child marriage is not something that is sufficient or guaranteed for lifetime, but the marriage can easily break anytime. In order to stop that, many forces the couple to have a child at their early ag which immediately puts the girl in danger of harming her internal body systems and putting herself in great danger. I specifically chose this source to use in my project because it shows and aligns with my hypothesis and my beliefs. In addition that, the sites COX models analysis would come great in handy when I show my reader the downside of child marriages and how the divorce, abortions come to play with it.
9. Vikram, Patel. "Poverty and Common Mental Disorders in Developing Countries." Poverty and Common Mental Disorders in Developing Countries. World Health Organization, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
This source provides tons of information about poverty, education and other necessary details regarding developing countries. It also does a well job with giving several example of scenarios where a person or a family in developing country have to go through those poverty situations. I believe that this is a strong website for my project because I can use this to show that child marriage doesn't automatically happen, but here are many different factors that are related to the marriage, and most important one is poverty. I will be also able to portray how child marriage destroys the child's education, income and future career in general since they are early at an young age which can automatically take their freedom away. I hypothesize that education is one of the biggest issue of child marriage since loads of children miss the chance of receiving a proper education and this website will help me aid that goal to portray on that paper.
10. Ravallion, Martin. "Can High-inequality Developing Countries Escape Absolute Poverty?" Can High-inequality Developing Countries Escape Absolute Poverty? Elsevier B.V., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
I selected this source because it provides the background informations that someone needs to know to understand how economic situation and poverty in developing countries actually work. This website and the article followed will be one of the main resources to which I can refer back to and understand the economic and political side behind developing countries which can aid me to better understand the development of child marriages and its roots. I found this source useful because this can eventually teach me the politics behind child marriages in developing countries especially. One limitation will be that it directly doesn’t count child marriage by any chance but it gives broad understanding of the economic positions and questions the great inequality that pay exists to create the poverty situations. I hope to implement this in my project by explaining the broad field and remove the main facades that relates to child marriages in developing countries.
Ben Fink Capstone
For two weeks during the summer of 2016, I volunteered at Project HOME, a Philadelphia-based homeless advocacy organization that provides homeless people with food, housing, job training, medical care, and education. While my work was largely shredding old documents in the medical clinic, my experience working with Project HOME inspired me to do more to help combat homelessness in Philadelphia. Thus, I took it upon myself to dedicate my CAPSTONE project to supporting the organization. For two weeks in a row, on Wednesday after school hours, I had set up a clothing drive, wherein I had my fellow students bring in any new or gently used clothing for me to donate to the Project HOME boutique. I managed to get them to know about my clothing drive both by pasting flyers throughout the school and writing about it on facebook. In the end, I ended up donating more than a dozen bags of clothing to the boutique, both from my fellow students and from friends outside of school. While I worked on my clothing drive and frequently checked in with my CAPSTONE mentor, Margie Winters (who was the director of the two-week program I was working for last summer), I also did some research and learned many interesting (and very disturbing) facts about homelessness. For instance, I learned that in Philadelphia, an average middle-class worker has to work 81 hours a week at a minimum wage of $7.25 just to pay the rent for a single-bedroom apartment. I also learned that at a national level, 800,000 more children were in poverty in 2004 than in 2003, with 1.2 million more living without health insurance. This research helped me to realize just how horrible a problem homelessness is, and strengthened my conviction to lend the homeless a helping hand in any way I could. I realize that my clothing drive may be very small (and only works at a municipal level), but I am confident that every little act of kindness can help to end the problem of poverty once and for all.
Sources Cited
"About Us." National Coalition for the Homeless. National Coalition for the Homeless, 2014. Web. 28 Dec. 2016. <>.
The National Coalition for the Homeless is another organization that advocates for the rights of homeless people. This one is composed of currently or formerly homeless people, activists, and community service providers dedicated to ending the problem of homelessness. The "about us" section of their website will help me to demonstrate how people are working the solve the problem of homelessness at a national level, rather than simply in Philadelphia. It will also encourage them to donate to or support more than one organization that helps the homeless.
"Criminalization of Homelessness Increases in U.S. Cities." National Low Income Housing Coalition. November 21, 2016. Accessed February 01, 2017.
This resource will help me to show my viewers just how horribly homeless people are stigmatized in the United States. It demonstrates how people in certain cities can be arrested for no reason other than that they are homeless and can't find food, clothes, or shelter. As a matter of fact, over 187 United States cities criminalize homelessness and the prevalence of laws that disenfranchise and criminalize the homeless have been increasing since 2006.
"Facts on Homelessness." Project HOME. Project HOME, 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <>.
This source will further help me to get some concrete, numerical information on homelessness in Philadelphia. It lists annual rates of homelessness in the city, the age groups of the homeless, and the primary causes of homelessness. My audience might not be able to grasp a complete national scope of homelessness, so this source will help them to get a good idea on how much Philadelphia is affected.
Gambrione, Andrew. "A New Space for Homeless Youth Quietly Opened in a Church Downtown." Washington City Paper. Washington City Paper, 8 Sept. 2016. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <>.
This article is meant to show the light at the end of the tunnel of homelessness. In it, we are given information about a new space for homeless youth that has been opened in an old church in Washington D.C. This center for homeless people of all ages offers free meals, HIV testing, counseling referrals, recreational activities, and movies.
Groves, Martha. "VA Unveils Housing for 65 Homeless Veterans." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 8 June 2015. Web. 31 Dec. 2016. <>.
This semi-recent current events article will be meant to add a silver lining to the dark cloud of homelessness in America. While I'm trying to stress how big a problem poverty is in the United States, I don't want my project to be entirely doom-and-gloom. What better way to keep people's hopes alive than to inform them about an ingenious way of keeping homeless veterans happy, healthy, and comfortable?
Kneebone, Elizabeth, and Alan Berube. Confronting Suburban Poverty in America. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2013. Print.
This is one of two books I ordered off of Amazon for my bibliography. In this book, we explore the conditions of suburban poverty, as well as diving into some statistics on American Poverty, the causes of poverty, and what solutions the American People have come up with to solve this problem.
LaMarche, Pat. Left out in America: The State of Homelessness in the United States. Portland, Me.: UpalaPress, 2006. Print.
While the other book I ordered from Amazon explores statistics and causes of poverty, this book will serve as a way to connect me to those suffering the effects of homelessness. The author, Pat LaMarche, spent fourteen days exploring the United States and living in homeless shelters in order to connect with the homeless. This way, he was able to know exactly what types of problems homeless people face in different states.
Lombardo, Paul. "Social Origins of Eugenics." Social Origins of Eugenics. University of Virginia, 2014. Web. 29 Dec. 2016. <>.
In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, many regions of the United States began an unethical population control method through the use of eugenics. This was the theory that certain personality traits or physical taboos could be genetically passed down through the blood. 1914 was the year wherein geneticist Harry Laughlin proposed a law that forcibily sterilized the "socially inadequate." This basically meant that all of those who lived "outside" of the social order or on the fringes of society would be forced to have their ability to reproduce removed. The umbrella term "socially inadequate," included the homeless, orphans, mentally challenged people, insane people, physically handicapped people, and alcoholics. This article will come in handy because it will show readers just how much homeless people have been stigmatized and persecuted throughout history.
"Our History." Project HOME. National Healthcare for the Homeless Council, 2016. Web. 28 Dec. 2016. <>.
This article is located on the website for Project HOME. In it, users can take a look at some of Project HOME's premier accomplishments from 1989 all to the way up until 2016. This source will come in handy because it will help me to demonstrate to my audience how old Project HOME is and how it has been helping to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty.
Scullion, Mary. "Commentary: In Philly, Memorial Pays Tribute to the Homeless." The Philadelphia Inquirer, 21 Dec. 2016. Web. 27 Dec. 2016. <>.
My project is centered around Project HOME. Sister Mary Scullion was one of the principal founders of this non-profit homeless aid organization. I'm gathering research on homelessness and what we can do to help solve the problem, so who better to ask than the founder of Project HOME herself? As an added bonus, the first three paragraphs are about three formerly homeless people who Project HOME presumably helped get back on their feet. They would continue to help advocating for the homeless to the end of their days.
Scullion, Mary. "Commentary: Philly Nurtures Pope's Seeds of Justice and Mercy." The Philadelphia Inquirer, 27 Sept. 2016. Web. 29 Dec. 2016. <>.
In this article by Sister Mary Scullion, readers are given information about how Pope Francis' visit to Philadelphia caused advances in homeless advocacy. The Holy Father is a well-known advocate for social justice and a firm believer in God's mercy. In honor of this visit, Project HOME helped raise more than $1.4 million to address the needs of the homeless. The U.S. Senate also introduced some new proposals to assist homeless or at-risk teenagers. This article is useful to me because it will help reassure my audience that despite all the problems homelessness entails, there is still hope for humanity.
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- 2016-17