Q4BM Trosario
Be careful because the video is fast!
These goals define what success means for our project. Because our
video teaches about the past verb tense, our viewers should be able to add
another dimension to their conversation. Also, our video demonstrates some
basic conversation skills that will allow viewers to start a friendly
conversation. They should be able to use the past tense for talking about what
you did over the summer. One should be
able to hold a “small talk” conversation. We made this project to help teach Noah how to use some Spanish.
This will teach him the past tense verbs and other familiar words. This project
is basically a tutorial so Noah will be able to adjust to life in Spanish
culture. We are proud of, firstly how well we worked together. Everyone
took a part in producing the video and accompanying parts. The group all kept
up with the check points and introduced many creative ideas. If we were to do
the project over again we would have liked to have more time to polish over
some of the filming in terms of pronunciation and camera quality.