We discussed chapters 3,4,5 and 6. In chapter 3, we discussed the cavities lower with the doakes toothpaste and the tests they did with the pennies. For chapter 4, we discussed about peter and linda different IQ scores and how they think if they have a higher IQ, they are smaller but if it is lower they are retarded. We also discussed the different sampling methods and their outlooks on that. For chapter 5, we talked about the gee wiz graph and the way it is drawn and what it means. For chapter 6, we discussed the pictoral chart.
How we discussed them was by summarizing each chapter and then picking out what we think was the most important points or just certain things we liked in the chapter. We didn't have any conflicts during the piece and also did not have any questions either.
For our third podcast my group mates and I discussed chapters 8, 9 and 10. We discussed, correlation without causation, different ways of creating graphs and the impact of rounding decimals and the other concepts discussed in these three chapters. We also obviously input our opinions on the chapters and their content.
This is the group's final podcast. Every member of the group (Sattera, Nashay, Amanda, and Adowa) spoke throughout the entire podcast. We all enjoyed reading the book and working together for our final benchmark of the year. The book taught us all plenty of valuable information that we will be able to apply to our own lives. As we were reading chapters seven through eleven we talked about many tricks and deceptions that people use through statics. One of those topics were semi-attached figures. That was about how people use figures that seem alike to trick people into thinking that they're the same thing. For example, in the book they said that nostrum cures colds because it killed 31,108 germs in a test tube. People unknowingly thought that since it killed so many germs in a test tube that it would be able to kill germs inside of humans. However test tube germs and human germs are two completely different. Another thing we talked about was the "before and after affect". Advertisements tend to use before and after pictures to prove how well their product works. However, they use different lightings and filters to make items seem better. I hope you enjoyed all our podcast. Thanks for listening.
This is our final podcast that is a combination of all four of our podcasts, that is 42 minutes long!
For this podcast, we mainly focused on what the book was trying to portray to us through the authors confusing writing, the illustrations, etc.
Our shortest podcast was the one about the Introduction, where we discussed what we thought the book was going to be talking about, and what was going to happen.
In our first "official" podcast, we focused on chapters 1 and 2. We mainly pointed out what we read about collecting data sets and how we go about them. We talked about examples used in the book about choosing samples, being bias, collecting data, and other statistical things. For the most part, what we were reading was familiar to us because we just learned about the things talked about in class.
In the second podcast we talked about advertisements, coin flips, IQ's, and how we interpreted different illustrations in the chapters. We compared what we read to the things we learned in class. One spefic thing was the coin flips. When we learned about coin flips, we thought it would always be 50/50 when flipping, but that wasn't correct.
In our last podcast, we focused on the rest of the book (to chapter 10). We mainly focused on the titles of the book, and how they correlated to the writing. We also talked about the "bigger picture" which was, what we each thought it meant what the author meant by "How to lie with Statistics".
Speakers: Isabella Blackwell, Jada Terrell, and Kadija Koita
We were speaking on the last 4 chapters of the book. We were basically trying to understand the meaning of the title. What we each thought it meant what the author meant by "How to lie with Statistics". One thing we all thought was very interesting to talk about was the use of statistics in media and public broadcasting.
This post included Sattera, Amanda, and Adowa. The group covered chapters 3 and 4 and analyzed a recommended article about how graphs are used to help lie in statics. The main topics were sample size, sample quality, types of averages, and reading graphs.