SPANISH 4 TAREA: Prueba de Peru 23/02/11

SPANISH 4 AHORITA: "SE" 23/02/11

¿Qué se hace?

Practice using SE to form the impersonal in Spanish. Construct impersonal sentences in Spanish by describing what one does in each place.

Los Lugares

    * Por ejemplo: la biblioteca / leer – Se lee en la biblioteca.
    * el café / beber
    * la discoteca  / bailar
    * la escuela / aprender
    * la piscine / nadar
    * la playa / tomar el sol
    * el restaurante / comer
    * la tienda / comprar ropa

Learning to form the impersonal se in Spanish is necessary for Spanish language learners to make general statements with unspecified grammatical subjects.


​"This just in! we are getting a news update from the studio, being sick sucks." There is nothing cool about it, when you miss school your too sick to enjoy your day off anyway, and you feel horrible the entire day. I bring this up because I spent yesterday and a good portion of today in bed crying, and coughing there was much coughing. 

Never ending cycles

​Once upon a time, there was a boy who was easily entertained by the internet. He would wake up in the morning and go on the internet. He would stay glued to the screen until he was hungry. After a quick breakfast it was time to go back on the internet. This cycle was repeated the entire day: internet then food then internet then food, until it was dark outside. Then he realized he had responsibilities that needed to be fulfilled, chores that needed to be done, and homework that needed to be completed. He decided that, while important, these things could wait. So he went back to the internet, a very comfortable place, until he could no longer keep his eyes open. He woke up the next morning and relived the previous day. 

What a great life.

3 Inches of Snow

My alarm went off at six-o-clock playing Goodmorning by Kanye West from my ipod dock. I woke up a took my ipod touch off the dock. I touched the facebook app to see my new notifications. As I looked at my feeds I seen people statuses saying that there was no school today. I turned my ipod off, and stared at my melon painted wall for a couple seconds just to fall back into bed and drift to sleep.

"Racial Boundries" By Callie Monroe

For my podcast I interviewed my grandfather and my mother about experiences they have had regarding their race. Both of them have a very pale complexion but are ethnically black. I wanted to see what it was like growing up in their shoes and if their racial experiences differed because of the time periods in which they grew up. 

Poppy Interview
Poppy Interview


She wanted Him, he wanted some other girl.
She thinks about Him all of the time, she wants Him more than anything, so she wastes her time on distractions.
She liked a boy named Michael and he liked her too. Too bad too late she found he had a girlfriend that wasn't her. Not that it mattered because even in her most flirtatious times she thought of Him not Michael.
She moved along, still liking Mike but knowing it would never work.
She liked a boy named Billy.
Billy was nice, single and lied a lot. She ignored it for a while. She still missed Him anyway, so what was a few lies, disappointments, and broken promises? Nothing.
She decided he was a distraction she was better off forgetting because she had enough pain to deal with without Billy.
She stopped everything.
She severed her connection with Billy, who really only wanted a relationship and not a friendship.
She finally got a hold of Him and found that he had always been thinking of her, dreaming of her, and loving her for as long as she loved Him. But it would never be enough, it never had been.

Relationship between power and language #4

Unfortunately my message didn't get across to others. When I got more comfortable with my speech I dared to say longer sentences and talk more but I still stumbled across words and would sound dumb.  When a group of people came to inspect our school I was one of the students chosen to talk to them.  We had an intelligent conversation about parenting of today's world and physhcology. our chat went smoothly, but right after I stepped out of the room my friends who sat close by said I sounded dumb even though I was saying smart things.  I was devastated. I had just started talking more and gaining confidence in my speech but i was smothered the instance my friends told I sounded dumb.  There wasn't much I could do but just keep on talking; it was the only way I would get better.  Days, weeks, and months went by and each day my lisp would fade away more and more, until I reached a point were my lisp was barely noticeable.  When I look back at my experience I realize how much power my voice gave me. I used it to win arguments, to express myself, and to show who I am. When I'd stopped talking as much because I got made fun of or sounded dumb a piece of my dignity was lost.  I let my power be swept away. This meant I lost my arguments, my self-expression was lost, and people didn't see who I was as much.  Although there were sometimes when I stumbled across words and be teased I learned that the only thing to do was to talk more therefore making my speech better.