My Home Network

This is my home network. Every device I have is connected to my network. The devices that are connected to my network are, my phone, parents phone, Ipad, video game, TV, printer, my laptop, and my dad’s laptop. These are all the devices that are connected to my network. All the devices work by WIFI connection. Our provider is Verizon. We have a combination router. The cord we have is Ethernet cord. Lastly we pay $35 a month.

I didn’t have an OMG moment learning about my network because I already knew from beforehand.

What I would tell other people is that it’s very important to know how your network works. You never might know when there will be a problem in your network.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

-My modem router with the ISP being comcast. Connected to HOME-0E0F-2.4 is more of the mobile devices. I have my PS3, my mothers Android phone, My brother and my IPhone 6’s. Connected to HOME-0E0F-5 is the two mackbooks in my home.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.

-I was already knowledgeable about ISP’s, Routers and things like that, it was fun to find out more about the WWW and looking deeper into what was going on behind the scenes.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

-I would tell them that they need to know, like what a L.A.N is and the devices connected to your Wifi. Also the cost of your internet because that is important in knowledge.

My Home Network

  • All the devices that uses our internet are computers and phones. then there are our tablets, Apple TV, and gaming consoles.
  • I didn’t really have an OMG moment when researching on this topic, but I guess I learned more on how my internet works (like how it is distributed).
  • I would tell other people that it will be very expensive and should be wise on what they do on the internet.

My Home Network

The devices on my internet connection are: my iPhone and chromebook, my sister’s iPhone and chromebook, an iPhone an Macbook, an iPhone, our Wii, a Sony Blu-Ray player, our HP printer, and a chromecast.

When learning about networks, I did know a lot of what I learned already, such as knowing that the black wire in my kitchen brings internet into my house. But, I also learned something new, that my network is run through Fiber Optics, which uses light to make the network run “faster”. But in reality, it doesn’t run that fast, and my devices still run really slow on wifi. This is most likely because there are so many devices connected.

I would tell other people that when having a Home Network, they need to know how the internet gets into their house, what their ISP (Internet Service Provider) is charging them, in case it is too much, and how many devices are connected wifi, because that might slow the whole network down.

Enjoy my Home Network Chart!

My Home Network

As you can see in my network web, there are 13 devices on my home network. I have 4 laptops, 2 desktops, 3 cell phones, two ipads, an xbox and an apple tv. All of these things in my L.A.N. While I was creating my web I learned that internet doesn’t just appear in my house it goes through a long process to get there. When ever there were wifi shortages in my home I thought it was my isp slipping up but now I know that its difficult to get super fast internet into my house and that there is a good reason if its not as fast as usual. I learned a lot from doing this project and here’s some advice I would give others about their isp or home network. Its really important to know where your internet comes from and how much you are paying per month because a lot of times isp’s rip you off. Its also important to keep track of how fast your internet actually is and how fast your isp said it should be, another way you can get ripped off. The last thing I would tell people is to be patient with your wifi because it takes lots of time and effort to get a network you are happy with.

My Home Network

During this time in Tech, we were ask to explain our home network. I have a Modem/Router that is connected to the World Wide Web(WWW) by a ISP Fiber Optic. I get my wifi from Verizon, which goes to the Modem/Router. Every device is connected to that wifi, except for my printer, which is connected to the Modem/Router by a printer cord. What I learn out of this is that the network is more connected than I thought. Just looking from my own network told me that we really are connected more ways than we can think of. My advice to people, is to do your research when picking a service provider. They can play you real dirty.

My Home Network

My network is Verizon. I have three tablets, one is Windows and the other two are androids. I have two computers, one is PC and the other is Windows. I have one DELL laptop. Lastly, I have five cellular devices, two are LG phones, and the other three are iPhones. I didn’t know anything about networks until I had this class. I learned that everything is connected to a network no matter what device you use. I don’t recall having a OMG moment. I would tell other people to be careful with what you do online because anyone can access your ISP/Home network and find out all the little things you do.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if no Write about what you learned. What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

  1. I learned that a network connects us to the web that is just like a bunch of internet connections connected to each other that connects all of us, it’s crazy.

  2. I learned that our internet service provider could give us free internet but won’t because they suck. I also learned that without internet we would probably be stuck in the stone ages.

  3. Something that some people should know about their ISP is that your service provider has access to their history… be careful.

Home Network Digitized & Blogged

My L.A.N. (Local Area Network) contains computers, phones, and gaming systems. Some are wired and others are wireless, but they are all connected by the router.

I learned a lot about networks. I learned about the importance of I.S.P.s and routers, and how everything is connected, even though you cannot see it. I also can see that if the router is not working, nothing will work at all.

Having an ISP/Home Network in this time is important. Many tasks done in the present need a computer or phono to complete. It is becoming more and more important to have.

Maya Kohl Home Network

1) My networks are four phones, five computers and two ipads.

2) The network is very intricate and complicated, what i learned from it is that nothing is gone. If you take a picture you didn’t mean to take or didn’t like and delete it its not deleted. It’s gone from your reach but it’s still on the internet, it will be forever. So i learned to remember this and be safe with it.

3) One thing to know about having home network is that you should write down all your passwords on actual paper, and put it somewhere very safe like a bank account. I said actual paper, because a picture is on the internet. It could go missing very easy, and all your information could be gone and/or unsafe to public. People could log into your accounts and it could escalate badly.

My home Network- Jack Eagen

Jack Eagen 10/14/16

  1. Go home and look for the wire that brings the internet into your home.

    a. What does that wire look like? The wire is black and thick.

b. What room does this wire come into? The wire comes into the Modem

  1. Do you have a modem and a router or a combination modem and router?What is connected to this router/modem? Name all the devices that use wiFi in your home- I have a modem and a router. The Router the Wi-Fi, and the house phones. The Wi-fi connects to 5 phones, 2 computers, 3 ipads, a printer, a tv, and my xbox.

  2. Who is your ISP( Internet Service Provider) Comcast

    1. how much is does the internet cost per month? *multiply the monthly cost by 12. What is that dollar amount? $180 dollars per month, $2,160 per year

My Home Network

My Home Network

  1. Go home and look for the wire that brings the internet into your home.

    a. what does that wire look like?

Answer: The wire is a white long cord.

b. what room does this wire come into?

Answer: The wire goes into my office/computer room.

  1. Do you have a modem and a router or a combination modem and router?What is connected to this router/modem? Name all the devices that use wiFi in your home

Answer: I have an combination modem. All the devices that use this are my aunt’s computer, my computer, my PS4, my phone, my mom’s phone, my cousin’s phone, my aunt’s phone, and Mr.Paul’s phone.

  1. Who is your ISP? (internet service provider)

Answer: My internet service provider is Xfinity.

  1. how much is does the internet cost per month? *multiply the monthly cost by 12. What is that dollar amount?

Answer: My aunt would not tell me how much it is per month…sorry :(

My Home Network

There are 8 devices on my internet connection. My phone, my mom’s phone, my dad’s phone, my brother’s playstation, my computer, my dad’s computer, a Roku media player, and a printer. I was surprised to learn that my ISP is really expensive. I would tell people that they should know that if you put your router on the top floor of your house, the connection will be better.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

My internet service provider is Verizon, and it costs roughly 60$ a month. It comes through copper wire. Then it goes through my modem and then is sorted through my router and then goes to my family’s devices wirelessly: Brother’s ipod, sister’s ipod, mom’s macbook, dad’s PC, my PC, my phone, my sister’s phone, my dad’s phone, and my mom’s phone.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting?

I thought it was interesting how the internet travels through a wire. I never really thought about how it got to my house.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

The people should know how much their internet costs and how it gets into their house.

My home network

  1. explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. On our connection we have 2 desktop computers, my brother’s laptop and our printer.

  2. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I was very fascinated about the wires connecting to our house. I learned that we has an ISP Fiber Optic wire. Our wifi also comes in from our basement.

  3. what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? The ISP is what connects the internet to you house through your router.

My Home Network

My L.A.N expands to a ton of devices. Basically, if you’re in the front area of my house and know the wifi password, you can use it. There are nine devices regularly connected to the internet including the Roku, WiiU, my mom’s iPad, Dave’s Nook, Mom’s iPhone, Dave’s iPhone, my iPhone, my 3Ds, and Dave’s computer.

While doing this project, I was kind of surprised by the shadiness of Comcast. I’ve always known the were unreliable from overhearing my mom deal with them, but I never realized the extent of it. Since we’ve done this too I’ve had a a lot anxiety about the fact that everything I do on the internet will always be there. It’s terrifying, and there’s not really a way to get around it.

If I could tell people anything based on what I learned, it would be to be more self conscious about who or what has access to your home network. Once they’re in, they’re in, and there’s a ton people could be doing with your internet proccess without you even knowing.

My Home Network

Q1: Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection?

Since my modem/router comes with 2 wifi channels, we split them up. I use the second channel for my computer, xbox, and my phone. The main channel is used for everything else, except the desktop hooked up through an ethernet cable.

Q2: Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned?

There wasn’t many new things I really learned, but I didn’t know about packets not being sent and having to be resent. I was surprised by the stages the packets went through. I didn’t realize how many stages there are to getting and receiving something from the internet, going through multiple routers and service providers.

Q3: What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

They should know that its better to get something that goes through fiberoptic cables rather than copper cables/wires. Its also good to make sure your getting something that won’t run slow or at least meets your needs and requirements.

My home network

1) In my L.A.N (Local Area Network) there are quite a few devices. There are three Iphones, one for each family member, two desktops (owned by my parents for work), two laptops (one for my mom and one for me), one Ipad (my father’s), and a WiiU.

2) Throughout this project, I was surprised to learn about how complicated the process of information transfer in. There are many more steps than I ever imagined. Firewalls, codes, sorter things, it’s way more than a few button clicks and some code.

3) I think I other people should know how complex home networks are, and not take them for granted. They really are incredible, but we’ve gotten so used to using them that they seem less than the amazing pieces of tech they are.

My Home Network

Zeke's Diagram

My Local Area Network Consists of three separate wifi connections coming from the router/modem. The first connection connects an android phone a cable box and 2 laptops. The second connection consists of an android phone and a iphone, 2 laptops,and a cable box. The last connection has a PS4, Desktop, and an android phone. I had learned that the connections have to be separate to have a better connection than others and to always know what you have in the internet provider. I would tell people to put their router above things and always know what you’re signing up for.

I Don't Belong Here - Andora Robinson

My mother’s voice woke me out of my sleep. ¨Get out of bed Andy. It’s time to go to church.¨ ¨Okay mommy.¨ I said with the innocence that only a 7-year-old could have. I was always excited for Sundays. I got to put on my best dresses and see my bible school teacher who always smelled like cookies. But today was going to be different. Today I was going to sit in the pews with all the adults. I was a big girl now.

As we were getting ready to leave the house my mom fussed over the collar of my dress and made me put a scarf on even though we were in the middle of spring. She looked me deep in my brown eyes and said ¨You’re a big girl now so make sure you behave.¨ Today I wish she gave me a better warning of what I was about to walk into.

As we stepped in the door of the church where the preaching happened. I immediately felt a mixture of being uncomfortable & uncertainty. This was so much different that the environment I’m used to. There are no children’s pictures to cover the walls and no one to read bible stories to us on the reading carpet. Instead, all of my comforts were replaced with hard wooden pews, cold air, and stained glass.

In the midst of all this confusion, I immediately calmed down when I saw my favorite pastor step up to the podium. I had never heard him preach before but he always stopped by during bible school to say hi. He greeting the church members and lead in morning prayer. His next words shocked me.

¨Today we’re gonna talk about the ultimate sin. Liking someone of the same sex is not holy. God does not love or accept fags.¨ The people in the audience gave their approval of this statement. Shouting ¨Amen.¨ at these ridiculous claims. While I just sat there shocked. This isn’t what I learned in bible school. I was taught that God loves everyone but apparently I was wrong.

As months went by and I continued to listen to his sermons. I found myself disagree with what he was preaching. Eventually, I just stopped going to church at all.

Now that I’m older I question what religion really is. Because there are so many stories and beliefs, not all of them can be true. Maybe even none of them are true. The system of religion I believe was to bring people together. To make them have something in common. But, throughout the years I think the system has been tainted. Mostly with our own opinions. We use religion as a way to discriminate and be cruel to people all because of what they believe in.

By no means am I saying that you shouldn’t be religious. But, don’t treat people differently because of it. If you know something is wrong then acknowledge it. Instead of just accepting it.

Since my experience at church, I study different religions and follow what I feel is right. I am aware in my decisions and I refuse to follow things blindly.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

The devices that are connected are mostly portal devices, such as phones, laptops, and tablet.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting?

I learned that wifi and the internet are two totaly different things. I then also learned that there are two kinds of routers, a router and modem combination router and a modem and router (not together)

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

i would tell people that believe it or not, your home network and the internet are totally different.

My Home Network

-The devices I have connected to my internet connection are 3 cell phones, a tablet, and a laptop.

-At first I didn’t really know much about my home network, now I have a better understanding of it. The coax cable connects to the modem router which gives an internet connection to all of your devices. Also, I would like to mention that creating an actual visual diagram is very helpful for you.

-I could tell other people to actually pay attention to everything that goes on in their own Home Network so they can have a better understanding and to be aware.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. 3 androids phones, 3 laptops and 1 iMac.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I had an OMG moment when I learned that the WIFI connection goes down ( I thought that was like magic ), also when I learned that all the snaps sent went to a server uncontrollable and that some people were pay to find some pictures about us when we will looking for a job!

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? They need to know that could be expensive (even if in my case that’s in my location…) and they should put their modem high to have a better connection.