Jaime Christmas Public Feed
Jaime Christmas Capstone
Jack Mackie Pictures. Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. Prod. Scott Fellows and Apollo ProScreen GmbH & Co. Filmproduktion KG. TEENick. Santa Clarita, California, 07 Sept. 2003. Television. This source provides me information about how a directional piece is written and how it might actually benefit people. It provided people with a service from their peers; someone that they were comfortable confiding in which is very important at this age. I selected this source because for people coming of age they're at that time when they "hate their parents" or they feel no one understands them and there's a lot of stress because you constantly hear how you have to be molding your future at this point and time. I found this source useful because it's essentially what I was trying to do with my capstone. One limitation of this source was for one it's fictional but again that doesn't mean the situations always were.
Barber, Bruce. Web log post. Bruce Barber's Real Life Survival Guide. Cindy Papish Gerber, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. < http://reallifesurvivalguide.
com/ >. This source is a great example of how I might want my blog to look. Not only does it have different recorded observations from all aspects of life but provides great advice in reference to other people's. It's a blog with a question component so it can always be adjusted to fit people's needs if some may arise. I selected this source because it provides a good reference point for how I want to create my website. It's extremely useful because it'll give me a range of ideas of topics I might want to cover. Although this is geared towards an older audience it's still very relevant information that comes in handy which is what I want to provide people.City of Philadelphia. "Phila.Gov | Office of the District Attorney : R. Seth Williams." Phila.Gov | Office of the District Attorney : R. Seth Williams. City of Philadelphia, n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <http://www.phila.gov/
districtattorney/ >. This source is the program that I represented while on the Youth Safety Task Force. The Philadelphia Youth Aid Panel's purpose is to help juvenile offenders avoid trial by providing them services and directing them to a more productive lifestyle. This is a very important program especially in Philadelphia because of all the budget cuts kids turning to negative lifestyle choices is a serious concern. This source provides me with more information on what the panel does and what my participation looked like. I selected this source because it's a huge issue when it comes to young kids in schools that aren't funded as well as they should be. Kids who make a mistake shouldn't immediately be thrown into the system, no one benefits from that. Everyone deserves a second chance, but my blog or whatever could help deter them from that in the first place.crimeprevention_youthaidpanel. html "Rookie." Rookie. Say Media, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. < http://www.rookiemag.com/ >. Rookie Magazine is an online magazine with dozens of young women writing about the everyday quandaries that girls face. It isn't all bad they cover so many topics that it's hard to define Rookie in one word. They empower young women by honestly discussing different aspects of life from love to school to friends and everything in between. This source provides me with a way to construct my blog and things that I may want to write about that are more relevant to people my age. I selected this source because I found it really interesting and raw. This source was extremely useful because it gives great advice on certain situations that isn't always easy to discuss with your parents. Rookie Mag is a great source that really embodies everything self help and lifestyle.
Lattanzio, Vince. "Thousands of Students Walkout, Protest Budget Cuts."NBC 10 Philadelphia. NBC 10 Philadelphia, 18 May 2013. Web. 21 May 2015. <http://www.nbcphiladelphia.
com/news/local/Philly- >.Teachers-Protest-Budget-Cuts- Student-Walkouts-207850051. html
NBC 10 Philadelphia is an extremely trustworthy news source. It specializes in current events that are directly correlated to Philadelphia. This source provided me with a more in depth idea of what we were fighting for during the time budget cuts in the Philadelphia School District were creating a very strong public response. This source helped me become more aware of how drastic the situation actually was and what that meant for students around the city. This source allowed me to appreciate the education I have received in the past four years.
J.R. Masterman. "Our Mission." Masterman School. J.R. Masterman, n.d. Web. 20 May 2015. <http%253A%252F%252Fwww.
mastermanschool.org%252Fpages% >.252FMasterman_Julia% 252FGeneral_Information% 252F9164831668580819890% 252FOur_Mission%2B
This source is the mission of Masterman High school and outlines what they look for in students in one simple sentence. This source helped me see the similarities and differences in the students taken there compared to SLA and how the learning styles differ as well. Because school has obviously been a huge part of my life seeing the differences in how I’ve been taught over the years helps me learn more about myself. I chose this source because it was important for me to analyze how education differs even around the city.
Lehman, Chris. Family Night. 2006. Guide to SLA. Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia. <https://dl.
dropboxusercontent.com/u/ >388597/ Classof2016FamilyNightGuide. pdf
I chose this source because it clearly outlines how things operate at Science Leadership Academy. This source helped me analyze what really makes SLA unique which was pretty much what my whole project entailed because of the things we do here. The Family Night Guide talks about what to expect when you start school here and explains the different themes for each grade and core values. This helped me extremely while doing my capstone project because I wanted to go into depth about why we do these things and how I’ve learned by answering the theme questions.
Lehman, Chris. "Science Leadership Academy Learn · Create · Lead."Mission and Vision — Science Leadership Academy. Science Leadership Academy, 2006. Web. 20 May 2015. <http://scienceleadership.org/
pages/Mission_and_Vision >.
The mission and vision is a critical part of SLA because it differs greatly from a regular institution within the district. This source helped me because at times it was difficult for me to put into words in what ways we were different from others by the way we did things and this helped explain why we do things the way we do at SLA. This source provided me information on the technicalities of how we are taught here including the rubric and what is expected of us and how we reach those goals every quarter.
Nichols, Shawn. "Theorizing on the Role of the Individual within an Organization." Saybrook University Posts. Saybrook University, n.d. Web. 20 May 2015. <https://www.saybrook.edu/
rethinkingcomplexity/posts/03- 01-12/theorizing-role- individual-within-organization >.
This source was about how individuals operate within an organization properly when integrating different beliefs, cultures and people. It went on to talk about how people are motivated, their attitudes and behavior and how that affects their day to day. This source provided me information about collaboration in the workplace and how group work and organizations have evolved over the years. This source helped me with my capstone project because it gave me a better idea of how I’m going to continue to collaborate with people well into my college years and so on. This is one of our five core values so learning about this was vital to completing my project
Thwink. "Systems Thinking." Thwink. Thwink.org, n.d. Web. 20 May 2015. <http://www.thwink.org/
sustain/glossary/ >.SystemsThinking.htm
This article or whatever you would like to call it, journal article, talked about the study of systems thinking and everything that goes into it and what aspects you have to look out for to be a critical systems thinker. This source gave me information about systems and what it means to think about systems. This was important information to have because one of the key themes is systems, how you interact with them, how they change and how you maintain their change. This source helped me a lot because I was able to answer a lot of the questions listed under grade 10 very effectively and efficiently. Without this source I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer the questions as meaningful as I had.
Quarter 2 Benchmark
- 3 zucchinis sliced long
- 1 jar of tomato sauce
- 1 pound of ground turkey or beef (optional)
- 1 can of tomatoes
- 1 onion chopped
- 1 12oz container of ricotta cheese
- 16oz various shredded cheeses
- 1 bunch of basil
- 1 beaten egg
- 1 pinch of nutmeg
- Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.
- Sauté onions until golden over medium heat.
- Then brown ground beef or turkey in the sautéed onions.
- Then add the sauce and tomatoes and let that simmer.
- Mix the ricotta, the beaten egg, nutmeg, 4oz mozzarella and parmesan cheese together.
- Grab dish for lasagna.
- Place the sauce at the bottom for first layer
- Begin layering the zucchini layer (salting slices to draw out moisture if wanted), then ricotta mixture layer, sauce again, then the shredded cheese.
- Repeat this process until you have completed 3-4 full layers.
- Place basil on top.
- Cover the dish with foil and bake for half an hour then let rest for 15 minuets and serve!
Although a lot of this meal has pre-packaged ingredients can easily be considered processed you can find organic non GMO versions of these ingredients. All of the packaged ingredients besides the meat are either vegetable based or dairy. You can also find organic meat that wasn’t injected with growth hormones. I’d say depending on your availability the meal could be partially processed or not at all.
This meal would not kill you if you attempted to eat it everyday. For many of the products including the cheeses and the tomato sauce the one problem that is seen is high sodium. But there are many other pros that come along with them such as low sugar, vitamins and no cholesterol. If you were to eat this meal everyday I would’t include the ground turkey or beef in it all the time because that is high in cholesterol which can lead to stroke and diabetes. Although cheese is a great source of protein if you are going to take the vegetarian route for this dish. The one thing that makes this dish healthy is by substituting the lasagna noodles for zucchini strips instead. It cuts down the carbs by a plentiful amount.
I think pretty much every ingredient was made in the United States. I think if you were to find organic zucchini that would have to come from somewhere that’s able to sustain it’s growth. I would be using Barilla pasta sauce in my dish. They advertise that it is imported from Italy. This means that there is an extensive process that goes into keeping it fresh and getting it here in a reasonable time.
I think this meal is especially economically friendly because many of the ingredients can be stored again to be used for another time and making lasagna comes with a lot of servings where you’ll have leftovers that you freeze or refrigerate for a later date. Compared to fast food it’s definitely a better choice, the preparation is quick and easy and it will go a longer way than fast food ever could.
If you were to chop tomatoes instead of buying them in a can surely that’s the way to go if you have the time to spare but a lot of families don’t which is why they’re already buying fast food they feel as if they already don’t have time or money on their hands. Depending on whether the tomatoes were organic or not they would be grown either in a field or industrially. While at home you have your Oprah Winfrey styled garden and the vegetables are as fresh as can be because they still don’t need to be packaged and shipped.
Personal Reflection
I've learned a lot about this unit that isn't just knowledge to harbor in my brain but is knowledge that can be applied to my everyday life. I liked it a lot because of this reason. My perception of what I think about food has changed dramatically from doing this unit especially when we relate it to certain diseases that can arise from eating poorly.
I think a lot of people are familiar with the typical diseases that come along with having an unhealthy diet like obesity and diabetes but suffering from strokes is never something that I even considered to be dietary related. I think the negative effects with eating poorly is something people so easily overlook. They say that they’ll change their habits constantly but the promise is never followed all the way through. I think my role in the larger food system would start with me promoting a healthy lifestyle and also following through with it. The fact that the way American’s eat has a specific name for it that has such a negative connotation is a huge wake up call for me. So I’m going to continue to try and eat as healthy as a I can and encourage others to do so as well.
I think some of the biggest problems with our food system is that they’re only priority is money and efficiency. They more stuff they shuffle out in a shorter amount of time means more money. This is all about the the means of production. The big businesses that control how most of the packaged food in America is produced are using such little expenses but making a huge profit from it. This is one of the problems with the systems; actual lives are not being accounted for.
There’s nothing necessarily wrong with my food choices but I could definitely benefit from eating less candy. If I made these changes I’d be sad but healthier I guess.
Adolescent Development Podcast
Tiny y Ginger
Una vez, fuiste dos gatos llamados Tiny y Ginger quien estaban muy enamorados. Ginger era un muy gato bonita y Tiny era un guerrero muy amable y noble. Los gatos eran amigos desde que eran los gatitos. Porque porque sus familias eran ambos reyes famosos de la ciudad dos diferentes Tiny and Ginger entendemos. Aunque, esto es un problema porque estabas en las pandillas rivales. Ginger era de Chiraq y Tiny era de Filadelfia. Hace mucho tiempo entonces las dos ciudades fueron a la guerra uno contra el otro debido a un ataque terrorista. Chiraq enviado los gatos para herir a la gente con el fin de apoderarse de la tierra, pero la lucha continuada durante mucho más tiempo de lo esperado. 100 años más tarde Tiny y Ginger nacieron y la guerra todavía estaba pasando. las familias tenían mala sangre con los demás entonces sus familias nunca podría sobre acerca de su amor prohibido. Pero porqué los gatos es muy persista construimos una cueva con un muy complicado laberinto solo entendamos.
La cueva tomó meses para construir. los gatos trabajaron día y noche para terminar la cueva. era muy importante que ellos mantuvieron un secreto porque Si no lo hicieron ellos serían enviados. Ginger and Tiny fueron capaces de ver uno al otro en paz y por un tiempo nada era mal hasta que alguien descubrió la cueva. Los rebeldes de Chiraq tropezó con su cueva mientras uno de los enemigos de la ciudad de seguimiento. siguieron el enemigo dentro de la cueva, pero resultaba casi imposible navegar. Resultó que como has viajado más profundo dentro de la cueva los diferentes caminos empezados a cambiar cambiando completamente el conjunto ponen fuera de la cueva.
Esto sorprende Ginger and TIny, no sabían por qué o cómo esto sucedía. Estaban todavía capaz de conseguir a través de la cueva sin perderse. Las personas que entraron en la cueva nunca se escucharon de nuevo pero había problemas más graves a mano. Padre de Tiny luchaba contra Chiraq muy dura en la guerra y decidió que era hora de Tiny para probarse a sí mismo. Padre de Tiny le enviaba al frente. Cuando Ginger escuchó la noticia corrió inmediatamente a la cueva para reunirse con Tiny. Cuando Ginger escuchó la noticia corrió inmediatamente a la cueva para reunirse con Tiny. Cuando llegó allí sólo una emoción es la ira. Esto causó Ginger para perderse en la cueva y se dio cuenta que sólo el amor es lo que puede guiarla para la cueva a Tiny. Esta fue la última vez que se vieron antes de morir en la guerra. Ginger Estaba tan harto de todo lo que ella puso fin a la guerra y combinado de las dos ciudades para hacer uno ahora conocida como Tiny.
Powtoon: http://www.powtoon.com/p/eZ3w0jWndhz/
"Ofelia" por Antonio Santin por Richard Nixon
Mi nombre es Richard Nixon. Yo fue presidente durante cuatro años de 1969 a 1974. Aunque soy un republicano yo creo en muchas de la cosas los demócratas apoyaba como duchando por los derechos civiles y el entorno. Yo tenía muchos planes en oficina, pero se pusieron todos en espera cuando mi la carrera y vida fue en la línea. Cuando “The Watergate Scandal” ocurrió muchas personas fueron enviado a prisión. Porque de todos los rumores la gente terminaron mi presidencia. Durante la tarde 1960’s y el temprano 1970’s la guerra de Vietnam fue en oscilación llena. Se efectúa personas de Vietnam y el Estados Unidos.
En la pintura yo ve un mujer. Un mujer quien es muy desperado. Desperado por aventura. Por una vida nueva. La mujer está rodeado muchas cosas. Cosas ella no necessita. La mujer se pierde entre todos sus cosas. El nombre de la pintura es “Ofelia”. El significado Griego de la nombre “Ofelia” es “ayudar”. La nombre “Ofelia” o “Ophelia” es también visto en la obra de Shakespeare “Hamlet”. En “Hamlet” la joven mujer se pierde porque muchas personas diferentes trate de decirle qué hacer. Esto lo vuelve loca causando su muerte. Los colores en la pintura son apagados, aunque la vestido de la mujer es ligeramente brillantes. La escena es muy natural porque yo creo se supone parecen un foto. El tono de la pintura es triste pero también la calma.
En el año de 1973 muchas cosas sucedían en La Casa Blanca que Yo no sabía sobre. En el año pasado yo fue re elegido por el presidente pero la gente no tan emocionado como mi. Yo fue acusado de sabotear la campaña de Demócrata por enviando a hombres en oficina de Comité Nacional Demócrata encontrar información en O’Brien. Yo fue también acusado de poniendo cintas el Despacho Oval a plan el robo. Esto por supuesto no la historia completa, y si la gente decir algo diferente no es cierto, es muy falso. Yo no soy un delincuente. Duramente el escándalo de Watergate Yo estaba bajo mucho presión. Alguna memorias que surjo es cuando mi colega y mi amigo G. Gordon Liddy fue a la prisión. Yo estaba muy triste. El mensaje la pintura trae es la sensación de teniendo cosas que no importan. Yo creo que el pintor pintado el pintar mostrar cómo se sentía. Los conexiones yo puedo hacer entre mi vida y la imagen es el hecho de que perdimos todos y se quedaron con las cosas que es no importas. Me siento vacío. Hice un error y perdí muchas amigos en el proceso.
Yo creo que la pintad es muy interesante y no es como otros obras. Que es por qué yo escogí la pintad, porque no es como otras pintadas. No me gusta arte mayoría del tiempo porque es muy raro. Hay demasiado espacio para la interpretación. Me gusta la obra yo escogí porque es simple. Yo estoy de acuerdo con la pintora porque yo creo que hay solo uno mensaje en la pintad. La solédad.
Tres Obras
Interpretación de "Guernica"
¿Qué ves en la obra? ¿Cómo son los colores? Describe el tono. Yo pienso que el arte es muy aburrido y muy triste. No me gusta pero me gusta Picasso.
¿Qué quiere decir el artista? El artista cree Bangerz. También al vida.
¿Qué comunica/significa la obra para ti? Este trabajo significa nada para mí. Yo no de España.
¿Te gusta? ¿Por qué la escogiste? No me gusta porque no dice Bangerz. Pero yo escogiste porque no me gusta y quiero a Yo desafío.
Los Tigres del Norte "La Jaula de Oro" Análisis de Canción
Nombre de la canción es La Jaula De Oro. Artista de la canción es la banda llamado Los Tigres Del Norte. La banda primero empezar con Jorge Hernandez y sus hermanos y sus primos. Después la banda mudarse de California se inició la grabación la música en 1969. La banda era ayudado por un hombre llamado Art Walker. En la primero La banda sólo era conocida localmente pero después estrenaron de la canción llamado “Contrabando y traición” en 1974 es inspiró muchas películas y hizo famoso. La canción se basa en la película llamado La Jaula de Oro. La película se trata de tres chicos quien viajando desde Guatemala a Estados Unidos. La canción habla sobre una familia de México pero quién está el modo de vivir en Estados Unidos. La familia de hombre no recordar y no quiero México como el hombre. El hombre es muy triste porque se siente solo.
La instrumentación es muy rápido y optimista aunque la canción es muy triste. Instrumentos usados en la canción es unos guitarros, un acordeón, y el canto. El tono en la canción es un pequeño feliz pero las letras es muy triste. El hombre en la canción es sole en Estados Unidos a pesar de que su familia es con lo. El hombre es muy deprimido porque él usado soñar con sobre Estados Unidos pero él pensó la país es muy falso. Los temas en la canción incluye El sueño de Americano y cómo el hombre no le gusta. Un frase que repiten es “Aunque la jaula sea de oro, no deja de ser prision” “De que me sirve el dinero, si estoy como prisionero”. Un mensaje en la canción es aunque Estados Unidos, los oportunidades no tiene sentido si no eres feliz. Otro temas incluye familia. Una línea que me llamó la atención fue “Aunque la jaula sea de oro, no deja de ser prision”. La línea llamó mi atención porque es muy verdad por algunas personas. Cuando te mueves a nueva país toma tiempo acostumbrarse a el lugar. Yo entiendo quien el hombre se siente esta forma.
Yo muy me gusta la canción. Yo creo que la canción tiene mucho verdaderas cuando es hablando Estados Unidos por un inmigrante ó una persona no familara con el país. Yo no tengo conexión exacto con la canción pero Yo sobre lo que es ser un forastero a una lugar. Yo estoy de acuerdo con mensajes en la canción porque los Estados Unidos promete mucho por muchas personas pero deja que la gente. Yo aprendí que tienes que hacer tu propia felicidad y no confíe en dinero.“Arrastrarse de Arte”
Yo vivo en el barrio llamado Fairmount, ó el área Museo de Arte. Yo tengo viviendo 16 años en mi barrio. No me gusta donde vivo porque no tengo muchos amigos de mi edad. Algunas temas importantes para mi comunidad es mantenimiento limpio. Cuando yo pienso sobre mi barrio, un imagen que viene a la mente es el Eastern State Penitentiary porque es en el corazón de la comunidad. Eventos significativos en mi barrio son “Dia de Bastille” y el “Arrastrarse de Arte”. Yo no cambiaría en mi barrio porque yo creo mi barrio es muy creativo y aceptando.
Para mi, el arte puede tomar la forma en papel o en de diversos materiales o se puede hacer con su propio cuerpo. Una característica que yo creo que el arte tiene es la comunicación. La gente hace arte que son capaces de hablar a la gente a veces sin usar palabras, pero sólo con las expresiones. El propósito del arte es criar una emoción, aunque puede ser positiva o negativa. Depende de la persona mirando al arte, alguien podría gustarle y algunos no. Todas son opiniones. El arte no tiene que tener un mensaje, podría ser una bonita foto. Sí porque están tratando de comunicarse con la gente.
Mi mural sería ubicado en el Eastern State Penitentiary. El propósito y motivo para crear mi mural es para representar la cultura de mi barrio por celebrando la fiesta eso pasara todos los años. Las temas de mi mural son el arte con muchos colores, porque todos los años hay un “Arrastrarse de Arte”, cuando personas visitan el barrio para comer, escuchar música y mirar muchas piezas de arte. Yo quiero que mi mural representa todos las personas en mi comunidad. Yo quiero que mi arte simbolizar la arte en la fiesta entonces las personas puedan recordar el mensaje del arte de todo el mundo. Las imágenes que quiero en mi mural es la gente de la fiesta teniendo un buen tiempo con muchos niños, ya que muchos niños viven en mi comunidad.
Para mi las partes físicas del barrio Fairmount , como las tiendas, no son más importantes que la música o el arte que rellena la comunidad. Desde mi punto de vista mi mural tiene arte del festival y las personas en el festival por lo que es muy creativo porque muestra la vida real. Mi parte público es el arte visto en mi barrio. Mi mural representa las personas y su trabajo. Como lo veo yo mi mural representa las personas, pero también el trabajo puesto en la comunidad que dio la gente la oportunidad para tener el festival. Celebra el barrio. Yo creo que mi mural es único y es abstracto.Técnicamente mi mural es creado por la comunidad porque incluye arte similar para la suya. Me gusta mi mural y creo es muy creativo.
Manuel Mondragón
Pictures: https://docs.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/document/d/1HjN6YwW9MvXaTOlDdtlzZrmjz0kS-kJJVT6fuXHvg5E/edit
Mi nombre es Manuel Mandragón. Los militares era muy bueno por mí. Durante la revolución me alié con Victoriano Huerta. Luego me nombraron Secretario de guerra y la Marina de guerra. Esto duró no mucho tiempo porque la gente creía que planeé mal para la revolución. Finalmente estaba exiliado en México, así que me mudé a España.
Ésta es una buena pared poner un mural porque está al lado de una estación de policía.
Una Oda de Pancho Villa
Pancho Villa fue importante en la Revolución porque ayudó al ejército con armas y transporte.
Una Oda a Pancho Villa
ráctico, populares y exitosos
Cuando yo te veo pienso en hizo la revolución moderna
Me haces se sienten inspirados y confiado en mí y lo que podría hacer
Tú es mi el héroe
Mi Marca
"It Was All a Dream" Por Unknown
Matt Ferry
Yo sería va ir a todos lados y
Yo comería mucho mas
yo hablaría con mis papas amigos y
yo viviría con los animales
Si Matt Ferry sería mi papa
Yo no sería triste
En lugar de, yo tendría nueva personalidad
Si Matt Ferry sería mi papa
Yo vendría más que antes
Q1 Benchmark: Book Review for The Martian Chronicles
Above is my alternate cover to the novel The Martian Chronicles. I decided to do it from the point of view of the Americans before they're even able to travel to Mars, when it's just an idea that some can't even fathom, and when it's finally a dream that's able to come true, the sky becomes a little brighter.
Jaime Christmas
D Band
Book Review
Ray Bradbury’s novel The Martian Chronicles was inspired by some of his favorite writers, including L. Frank Baum, Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs. As he was growing up he spent 3 days a week for 10 years in libraries, investing his time there immensely because he didn’t have the funds to attend college, for he was growing up during the time of the Great Depression. Being a fan of magicians and adventure as a child, sheds light on his style and genre of writing, which he described as “not science fiction, but a piece of fantasy, the depiction of something unreal”. Other pieces of work by Ray Bradbury include, Fahrenheit 451, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Dark Carnival, a series of short stories. He later went on to win the 2004 Pulitzer Prize.
The Martian Chronicles was more than just a story of martians and space exploration but the analysis of man kind and human nature. The novel is set on Earth and Mars, starting in 1999 and ending in 2026. It begins with various expeditions to Mars, which all end in peculiar and mysterious ways. Soon after all of the expeditions prove to fail, people being migrating to Mars looking for work or a better life, because it’s almost like being “halfway to heaven”. They’ve learned that they can completely reconstruct their entire existence with a simple one way trip. As more people arrive on Mars and embark on colonizing different parts and turning it into essentially, a second Earth, Mars starts to lose its values that it once had when the original Martians inhabited the land. Ray Bradbury tackles the idea of mankind with such brutal honesty by showing how destructive humans can be when it comes to their personal comfort levels. He cleverly displays the act of the Earthlings going to these extreme lengths to move their entire lives millions of miles away to create exactly what was on their previous home. This makes you wonder why they would even leave in the first place. If they basically recreated what they already had, whats the point? Well, the two paragraph segment that separates the book in two sections, space expeditions and immigrators, explains it all. It states how everyone is leaving something behind on Earth and looking to replace with something grander on Mars. These men were experiencing what is known as “the Loneliness” which occurs when you finally realize that you’re most likely never to return what you no longer call home. Ray Bradbury makes this connection with his own life because, even he was born in a small town in Illinois. He goes on to discuss how even though the numbers of the men traveling grew, it was understandable for the first men to be traveling to slightly frightened because “There was comfort in numbers. But the first Lonely Ones had to stand by themselves...”. I had never experienced such vivid descriptive writing until I encountered this one chapter in this novel. Even though it was in the middle of the book, it tied together everything that had happened and everything that was to come. There are magnificent sections in the book where the writing certainly makes you question and really consider who we are as a human race, but in spite these significant ideas there are a couple of gray areas where you wonder how it ties in. An example would be when they’re in America during June 2003, set in an incredibly racist town somewhere in the south. I was obviously confused why this town seemed so underdeveloped compared to the rest of America in 2003, and why a man who was an employer of a couple of young African American men could blatantly say the N word. Usually I would just pass it off to them being apart of their time, but that was just not the case here. I think because Ray Bradbury was writing this from his perspective during the 50’s that had some influence on his writing but it was kind of sad to see how he perceived our country would look in 50 years. There was absolutely no growth in his eyes, and that was slightly disappointing.
Although there is a lot of adventure and excitement in Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles, it’s not the upbeat, one shot that some may be looking for. It’s a constant build throughout the entire novel. Every chapter is about a different person; it’s a different story from a different perspective following the same path, slowly completing the tale. I would recommend this book to people who are more focused on the actual people themselves. What their motives are and what influenced their personalities and decisions. This book would be great for anyone who’s looking at the more philosophical side of things, because when considering mankind as a whole, there’s a lot that has to be taken into consideration.
All and all, The Martian Chronicles had everything I wanted in a book, and I would read it a thousand times over, but since I don’t have the time to do that, I’ll let my peers discover the secrets and fears that lie within this novel.
Book Information:
Title: The Martian Chronicles
Author: Ray Bradbury
Publisher: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Date of Publication: May 1950
Number of Pages: 181
Genre: Science Fiction
Yo y Mi Máscara
Me nombre es Jaime. Yo soy imaginativa y también un poco extraña. Yo juego voleibol para la escuela. Nos llevamos bien. Me gusta a pensa yo soy muy graciosa pero mis amigos no piensa así. Yo inteligente y es tipo de segura pero sólo yo esta solo. Yo soy algo alta y mi pelo es negro y mi ojos es café. Me de verdad va a escuela porque no me gusta completa mi tarea, pero Yo tengo a. Me gusta toda clase de musica. Ahora mismo, mi favorita grupo de música es Purity Ring o Anillo de Pureza porque es levanté mi el ánimos. A veces me siento yo tengo a impresio mis amigos pero Yo justo abandona la idea. Yo tambien nervioso cuando a da el primer paso porque yo intentado a soy menos huraño. Me encanta a leo también yo es doble articulado. Mi color de favorita es murado.
Mis relaciones con mis profesores y mis compañeros en la escuela es muy diferente. Me cae bien Ms. Echols porque ella me da risa y me entiende y es fácil a habla con. Ms. Rami es muy simpática pero me molesta ella. El libro que escribió me inspira pero nos llevamos bueno. Ms. Rami y Ms. Echols son tanto muy excéntrica. Mis profesores y me caen así así. Mi mejor amiga es Emily porque ella es muy gracioso y mi y ella es uña y carne. Todas las veces que yo y ella juntamos nosotros pasarlo bien. Mi y ella la confianza en el uno del otro. Ella no es falsa. Yo orgullosa a llamo Emily mi mejor amiga. Mi otra mejor amigo es Max. Porque él es muy gracioso y seguro ese hago mi más seguros. Él también justo hago mi río. Mis profesores de favoritas es Latimer y Pahomov porque yo adoro ellos. Ellos es ambos muy excelente en la enseñanza y tienen gran la habilidades de comunica y ideas de impresionante. Yo tambien enamorado mis gatos. Ellos es muy inteligente y siempre trata de mantenerse en contacto, incluso cuando ellos pasarlo mal en mi casa y decide a escapa. Ellos es muy inteligente porque es gatos es siempres muy inteligente y no atrae la atención a se. Mis gatos es mi otra real amigos.
Yo tengo dos gatos. Los gatos son muy loco. Yo asisto la escuela con sus amigos. Soñé se enamorará porque esta muy tradicional. Quiere va a la Brasil para los Olímpicos de 2016 pero ella es muy nervioso. Me gusta convertirse en más culta a apreció más. Algunas cosas personas no se sabe sobre me de buscando en me es ese yo convertirse muy agobiado por la cosas un poco. Si es mi escuela o mi casa o mis amigos, yo convertirse muy enojado muy rápido. Algunas cosas personas se sabe sobre me es yo un poco tacaña. No me gusta dando mi la comida o comparto mis amigos y mis libros, aunque yo presente la materia de todos modos porque yo es simpática. Porque yo obtengo enojado muy facil, me gusta a discuto con las personas no me gusta. Yo avise mucho mi la calidades muchas personas no sabe por me es negativa porque yo muy bien en escondiendo ellos. Es grande el compromiso esta muy simpática todo el tiempo. Yo soy en realidad creativo, es justo yo no bien en el dibujo o la escritura pero yo tengo muy ideas por unas programas de televisión y cines. Me siempre pregunto como diferente personas opiniones por me podría afecto me pero no es importante porque yo sabe quién yo soy.
Diario 4 Las Relaciones Amistades
Evidencia: Todas las veces que yo y ella juntamos nosotros pasarlo bien. Mi y ella la confianza en el uno del otro. Ella no es falsa.
Conclusion: Yo orgullosa a llamo Emily mi mejor amiga.
Diario #3
Diario Dos
Diario Numero Uno
Español 4
Jaime Christmas- Othello Journals Benchmark
Gold Stream
Journal 1: Soliloquy Analyzation
Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 70-79
“Bade him anon return and here speak with me,
The which he promised. Do but encave yourself,
And mark the fleers, the gibes, and notable scorns
That dwell in every region of his face.
For I will make him tell the tale anew
Where, how, how oft, how long ago, and when
He hath, and is again to cope your wife.
I say, but mark his gesture. Marry, patience,
Or I shall say you are all in all in spleen,
And nothing of a man.”
In this soliloquy Iago is speaking with Othello. Iago is setting up the plan to prove to Othello that Desdemona is in fact sleeping with Cassio. During this entire speech Iago is quick and on his toes. Othello and him are both awaiting Cassio’s appearance with evil intentions for him. In the first sentence Iago’s eye contact with Othello is direct. He continues to speak low and swift so Othello can hear everything that he is trying to say, and understand it without giving away to Cassio that they may have been speaking previously. Starting at line 77, Iago slows down the pace of his speaking greatly and lowers his voice slightly, so it will require Othello to listen closely. Iago tells Othello to keep himself calm, because not only will his cover be blown by his outbursts caused by his anger towards Cassio, but Iago will think that Othello has no self control, therefore he is not a real man. This is a point that Iago didn’t want to lose through communication, and a serious point he wanted to get across.
Journal 2: Character Analyzation
In Act 3 Scene 1, Emilia comes to Cassio with bad news about his chance of being reinstated into the military. First hand Cassio sees nothing, he only has a brief conversation with Iago about how he wants to clear his name with Desdemona, by getting through Emilia. By this point in the play, the only person Cassio has spoken with about his job is Emilia. He only hears what Emilia has told him which is what Othello supposedly said. When concentrating only on what Cassio knows and what he says up to this scene, we can clearly see that he's not trying to start any trouble. Cassio just wants to clear his name so he can get back to work, and out of the dog house with Othello.
In Act 4 Scene 1, Iago and Othello are plotting against Cassio, so Iago can prove to Othello that Cassio was in fact cheating with Desdemona. When talking to Iago, Cassio thinks that they're going on about how pathetic Bianca is because he thinks that she's in love with him. The thought is so ridiculous to Cassio that he stifles a laugh. Cassio then hears second hand from Iago that there were rumors of him marrying Bianca and he says that he would never marry a whore. While all of this is going on Othello believes that they are speaking of Desdemona. When only reading what Cassio is saying we know that there are just severe miscommunication between him and Othello, because they are talking about completely different people. If Cassio really knew who Iago was speaking of he wouldn't have said those things.
Journal 3: Character History
Iago’s entire life was already completely set up for him before he even entered the world. His cookie cutter lifestyle was to have no speed bumps or interruptions of any kind. His parents believed that “you get out of anything what you put in.” So, of course, he did as well. Iago’s parents didn’t want to hear of any other plan that he had besides what they had already came up with. If he even uttered a word of something different they shut him out entirely. He began to learn that, if he wanted a different lifestyle, he would have to lie to his parents so that they wouldn’t question what he was up to. If they thought Iago was at the library, he was probably somewhere trying to figure out a way to get out of trouble that he’s gotten himself into. The idea of rebellion was looking better and better everyday, but Iago didn’t know a way he could do that without disappointing his parents. He then realized they never had to know. Lying became a form of survival, a life source. There was no other way he could please everybody and do what he wanted except by completely manipulating the truth. But this habit soon became less of a tactic to do things that he really desired, and more of a game.
Journal 4: Performance Prep
For my scene, the very first scene of the play, I'm responsible for setting the tone of everything Iago is thought to be. Which is being sneaky, and conniving while creating the idea that he is the most honest man around. I will be bold with my actions and powerful with my voice because Iago is fairly confident in everything he does. I don't know if I'll have access to this, but I really wanted to use a cape in my performance. I always see the stereotypical bad guy in a cape, and I think it would just go exceptionally well with Iago's character. Something that's going to make our scene stand out from others is that we're starting from outside and going in to create the illusion that we are walking around outside, just going for a casual stroll. People in the audience will be able to get a better feel of where we are, and what our objective is, if we move around instead of just standing in place up on stage.
Journal 5: Post Performance
“Why, there’s no remedy, ‘tis the curse of service: Preferment goes by letter and affection and not by old gradation, where each second stood heir to th’ first. Now sir, be judge yourself whether I in any just term am affined to love the Moor.” -Iago Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 36-41
This quote is important to the play because it sets up why Iago feels cold to Othello. There is an insight on why Iago doesn’t feel the need to bend to every one of Othello’s whims. I showed the importance of this line in the play by having an accusing tone while talking to Roderigo, because although he is not blaming Roderigo for not getting the job, he’s still trying to show Roderigo why it doesn’t make sense for him to respect or do things for Othello.
Our groups performance did go as expected. There weren’t many stage directions so as long as our lines were okay, there weren’t many opportunities for mistakes. I’m proud that everyone had nice control over their lines and that they put in their greatest amount of effort to start off the play and set the tone for it. If we were to perform it again, I would change the way the room was set up and walk down the middle of the isle to a corner of a room this would create the illusion that we were walking down a path and arriving at Brabantio’s house.
The play didn’t really change a lot of my understanding of the play, though it made me get a better handle on the chronological order of things. But as far as the details of what everyone was saying, I didn’t really get a better insight of that with the performances.
"Crossing Career Boundaries" by Jaime Christmas
Language or Lack There of
“Oh, well I think that the when humans are put into environments where they are forced to activate their survival skills, they become desensitized.”
“Nicely put, but what does that have to do with Katniss’ love life.” She gazed at me with a perplexed expression.
“Nothing at all.” I responded underwhelmed.
The only time I’ve ever used language to my advantage is when manipulating them to the best of my abilities. Although others might view me as pretentious, I think it gives you the ability to feel professional or powerful. As though you have a chance in the “real world”. This is can be seen in the essay “I Just Wanna be Average” by Mike Ross, represented through the quote “He also loved words, enjoyed picking up big ones like salubrious and equivocal and using them in our conversations-laughing at himself as the word hit a chuckhole rolling off his tongue.” This quote shows how words and language can be articulated and used in a particular way to illustrate your dexterity. Although, just because you have a wide span vocabulary doesn’t necessarily mean you are a master of speech.
Unfortunately, language has the potential to make someone feel unintuitive, but despite this, it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.
People may think that when students don’t strive to be the best they can be, that it shows signs of a slacker, but some kids are just more aware of the fact that they’re not all going to be president. They don’t all have access to their intelligence because of the institutions that they attend, therefore they will not all be presented with the best opportunities. This, however, sits better with some students then it does with others. This is shown through a quote in the essay “I Just Wanna be Average” by Mike Ross, “Reject the confusion and frustration by openly defining yourself as the common joe.” This quote conveys how you are able to escape or avoid all of the nonsense of trying to be a perfect human being and achieving everything that you’ve ever wanted to do by accepting the fact that not everyone is going to make a massive, positive impact on the world with their actions. Although, not only is it the words that you use that come into play, but the way you pronounce it as well.
“Hi, I’m Jaime. I guess I like gymnastics.”
“Why you keep talkin’ like you white or somethin’?”
“Because I am.”
Well I thought that question was only slightly ignorant. My first day at Masterman was certainly one to be remembered. I had never been in such a diverse environment before, though it didn’t make a great first impression. I thought I was supposed to benefit from this, not be judged immediately when I first opened my mouth. I thought all of these kids were supposed to be accepting and open minded, thats why I began going here in the first place. I had never considered why I “talked white”, but it had also never been brought to my attention before. As I thought about it more, I realized it just the surroundings I grew up in. Seeing as how the neighborhood and the school that I attended in elementary school were both predominately white, I could see how that would have had an affect on me. As the school year progressed, people continued to ask me the same questions, constantly. I began to just say what I knew they wanted to hear.
“It’s because I went to private school” or “It’s because I grew up around white people.”
It seemed like the simplest solution. They would bring up the topic so much I would start to believe it. If they pushed further and asked if I was mixed, I would say something along the lines of “Oh, its because I’m Indian.” I hated these questions, because I felt almost ashamed to be African American. I always cringe when people use the word “Black” to describe the race because it never seemed natural. It sounded almost hateful.
What I’ve learned from my experiences there, about myself and this topic in general is that, you can’t act a certain color, period. In my opinion, every race was assigned a sort of quota by society that helps people associate and group others together. This doesn’t always have to be bad, but rarely is it a good thing. If you’re in the wrong setting, or you say something that doesn’t agree with the people there, then the situation could become very dangerous, which is something that I have also learned through personal history.
I’ve learned more about myself through writing this essay. When I first began it, I was hell bent against the fact that I had any personal experiences with language, accents, labels or identities, but now I realize that its something that literally everyone has a unique background with. I thought that I only spoke one language and my accent was the same as everyone else’s around me, which I realize now is not true. The language I speak with my parents is completely different from the language I speak with my friends; and with those different languages, comes different accents and personas. This has allowed me to create various different diverse friendships that I am proud to have.
The Pitiful Plight
This is ridiculous and just down right unacceptable. This has happened to many times this week. I don’t understand why they can’t just leave the food tin open. They’re inconsiderate thats why. They literally think of no one but themselves. ‘Lets let them starve’, they say. ‘I wonder if they’ll be alive when we get back?’ they question. ‘Probably not’ are their answers. Well I am sick of it! I am sick of their shenanigans. Ya know, one day they’re going to come back from their luxurious adventures on the town and I’m not going to be her. The girl will cry and I will laugh because I’m cruel and better than all of them. Psh, the Christmas’. YOU DON’T EVEN DESERVE THE NAME! I’m hungry and upset. The plight of my life. I bet they would leave the food tin open is this fat tub of lard didn’t exist. “It’s your fault!” Ugh he doesn’t care. Nobody does. Is it even worth it living here anymore? I mean, what’re the benefits staying here anyway besides; being able to sleep without worrying about getting clawed to pieces by an illiterate stray. But could I really go back to living on the streets? Would the gang even accept me after how I left on such bad terms with them. I mean theres a chance. I could call in a few favors, but that’s so much effort. I am a cat and cats are lazy. Its genetics. Besides living outside isn’t that great anyway. I don’t wanna go where the sun lives. The sunlight hurts my eyes and burns my skin. Of course I could always just live in the alley ways. That’s what all alley cats do anyway. Duh. What could really go wrong though if I left. I mean if I think about it realistically. There’re people out there waiting for me right this minuet. I know it! I mean besides the fact that I have no claws so I wouldn’t really be able to hunt for food when I’m hungry or defend myself when I’m being bombarded, and that I’m not the sexy cat I was 6 months ago, I could still make this work... Ya know the more I contemplate about leaving the more I realize how possible this is. And the more I realize you’re not actually listening. Oh, wait they’re home. Thank god I’m starving. Forget I said anything.
Positive and Negative
Slide Script
The dream world
Wizardry and mystical creatures
I guess I am a child at heart
A 5 year old
And I’m proud of it