Art - Freshman · Hull · d1 Band Public Feed
The Lion Print
Printmaking-Shaheed W.
Art is a special concept that existed since the early humans. Art is such a broad topic, that there’s so much variety. One particular art style is printmaking. Printmaking is the process of designs by printing them from specially prepared plates or blocks. There are many forms of printmaking like engraving, mezzotint, etching, etc. All of these forms have been revolutionized because printmakings has been around since 400 AD. Printmaking has been around so long that the Mesopotamians used it, they used round cylinder seals for rolling an impress of images onto clay tablets. Printmaking was important because it was originally used to reproduce religious texts.
Printmaking is still used today. I noticed that graffiti is unique printmaking. That’s why I wonder if graffiti artists know that what they are making is printmaking art? What if more than one type of printmaking was combined together to make a new type of category of printmaking.
(Stephen Alcorn's work)
This is my favorite print because it shows something respectable, a hand shake. It uses both negative and positive space to make a simple but intriguing image.
Why is printmaking important?/My favorite printmaking image
Printmaking - Kai Payton
I Have Infinite Layers
Payton's Printmaking Post
Printmaking is a type of art, which you transfer an image on a paper from a carved wood, metal, stone, or screen. There is different types of printmaking such as relief, intaglio, etc. Printmaking is important to the artist because it isn’t normal art. This art is made by transferring it to make a print. Printmaking apparently started after paper was made in China around AD 105. Printmaking had a its most success in the 18th century in France.
Lee Stevenson- Night Tide. Lino & Woodcut
This print is interesting to me because this seems like it’d take so much patience. I wonder how long it took. I noticed the detail in this is incredible. I love looking at oceans at night and the way this is done is what it actually looks like, which is a realistic sense portrayed. It’s very well done. The contrast of the dark brown and light blue works well together. The lines are pointing my eyes towards the right upper corner of the art.
Print Making

The Importance Of Printmaking
Printmaking is important because it lets us recopy images without spending a lot of money and without using a lot of materials. The google definition of printmaking is the activity or occupation of making pictures or designs by printing them from specially prepared plates or blocks. My definition of printmaking is taking a drawing that someone or you made and copying it on a prepared plate or block. Printmaking was discovered in the 15th century. The news of printmaking spread through Buddhism from India to China. Printmaking is so important because you don’t need a lot of resources to printmake. Printmaking is revolutionary because it was one of the first discoveries for copying a picture.