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Sydney Rogers Capstone
Cynthia To Capstone
For my capstone, I have realized this year a bunch of high school students including myself have been really stressed with the transition of a shorter school year, the college process, benchmarks/projects, work, SAT/ACT, and etc. I wanted to find a better way for us to relieve that stress and what is not a better way than Playful therapy. A playful therapy allows people who are stress to express their thoughts without having to speak while they are having fun. The goal of my capstone was finding the best ways for teens to distress and understanding why we stress.
For my process, I have interviewed people who were really stress to people who don’t even stress that often to see what they do to cool down the stress level and if that really worked. After that, I started to research for the best of the best ways teens can maintain their stress level and why teens stress so often. From the research, I have made my events: making slime day to yoga to walking outside and lastly to playing games with your friends. I was really surprise that the students who came to the events enjoyed it and said that it have helped them a lot and they will do this more often. Since the events have helped my clients, I wanted to also make a website for anyone can go to distress while having fun.
Here is the link my website:
Here is the Link the Annotated Bibliography:
Emily Pugliese Capstone
Jenkins, Jerry B. “How to Write a Book: A Proven 20-Step Guide from a 21-Time Bestseller.” Jerry Jenkins | Proven Writing Tips, Jerry Jenkins, 19 Dec. 2018,
While searching for sources and answers to where to start in making this dream come true. I came across this site and the first sentence said, “Becoming an author can change your life—not to mention give you the ability to impact thousands, even millions, of people.” That right there was all I needed to keep reading, for the main purpose of my book is to encourage others. I found Jerry Jenkins Blog to be reliable because he is a famous author that has approximately 21 New York Times bestseller novels.
This specific site helps me understand that it’s okay to take not see the full picture of the final product at first. The author even encourage not to see it that way, for a good book doesn’t have to be measured by time well spent or how many pages it turns. A good book can be as simple as having a completed beginning, middle and end. And personally that's the most encouraging thing to read because that takes unneeded stress that I’ve placed in myself, off my shoulders. Because in the end, we all have different views.
Bryan. “How Much Does It Cost To Self-Publish a Book?” Become a Writer Today, 15 Sept. 2018,
This website really helped me narrow down on how much money I will need to spend. It really opened my eyes to see how little I know about how to publish a book properly. Based on the website it showed me that I need to do more research on how much my typical story will be. I really didn’t like that the writer didn’t really specify how much it would be, they didn’t really give me a small range at all. This was a very informative read, however now I am left with many questions.
Swets, Paul W. The Art of Talking so That People Will Listen: Getting through to Family, Friends, and Business Associates. Simon & Schuster, 1992.
While reading through some of the chapters, I was sad to find that this source wasn’t as resourceful as I’d hope. Although it showed me how to be a more vocal person and stand strong when trying to speak to people. It didn’t really share much about writing so people will listen. However, some of the things that the book mentioned could be implemented in my book. Some may beg to differ, but the way I interpreted the writing was useful to an extent.
“How to Use Real People in Your Writing Without Ending Up in Court.” Helen Sedwick, 24 Aug. 2016,
This website was written by an attorney. Which I consider to be very reliable because out of all people, they’ll know the most about the ins and outs of writing a book that are similar to mine without getting sued. This site was very useful for me because it gave me hope that it is still possible to have my book officially published allowing people around the world that they aren’t alone in their tough situations and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The site was a little confusing at first hand because the writer was trying to explain that no matter how you word specific things it's best that you don’t say it at all or that you change not only the characters names but also their characteristics and tweak some of their history.
Henneke. “5 Ways to Make Your Words More Powerful (and Get People to Listen).” Enchanting Marketing, 4 Aug. 2017,
As a writer and person I always found it hard to share something with someone without them getting distracted or spacing out. I found this website very encouraging because it listed the things that I’m doing wrong. For example, the writer says that it is very unpleasant and unrealistic to read a really long sentence (run-on sentence) they encouraged to break it down. Instead of having a 43 word long single sentence break it down. That right there will be easier to read. Also the website helped me to understand how to word things properly. It gives a quote by Albert Einstein “If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself.
Treasure, Julian. Ted, Ted,
Like the book I read, this Ted talk was more about speaking to others in the present rather than writing. However the one thing that I felt was very intriguing about the Ted Talk was H.A.I.L At first I was very hesitant to follow through with the video but as I watched and listened I realized that HAIL should be applied to my stories so people find it more believable and relatable. H-honesty be clear and straightforward. Implying don’t go on a rant about one specific moment for 3 pages. A-authenticity be yourself. I-integrity be your word. L-love wish them well. Although Julian Treasure was directing it more to conversations between people, it can also be implied for stories.
“How to Publish a Book: An Overview of Traditional & Self-Publishing.” How To Publish a Book: An Overview of Traditional & Self-Publishing | WritersDigestShop, Writers Digests,
This website opened my eyes to what the process of publishing will really look like. It taught me the difference between self publishing and having an agent. Though there is a major difference between the two, I never really thought that I could make money off of my project for that was not the point for it. However I was really hoping to be able to publish in some sort of way. From the article, my best option would have to be self publishing. Although that may cost some money, I am willing to either use my own cash or have fundraisers to help fund what I believe to be a good cause.
Bittner, Lauren "Best Ways People Tend to Relate." Personal interview. Jan. 2019.
I believe that Lauren is a great source that is available to me because she has a masters degree in psychology and has recently started her own practice. Although she wasn’t allowed to share much about her patients specifically. Lauren was able to share with me things that worked and didn’t work with talking to some clients. She shared with me that people are coming to her in a vulnerable state. Hearing her say this reminds me that I also have to keep that in my mind while reading my co-authors stories. Not also them but those who might be reading my book as well because they will be coming to my book most likely looking for answers and support.
“Learning to Relate.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,
Psychology today wasn’t as hopeful and informative that I hoped it would be. Although it did talk a lot about relating to people. It talked mostly on the foundations of relating and how it originated from when we were children. The site was talking about how we developed the skill of learning at young age due to our parents. Although it is a very interesting idea to learn about, it doesn’t actually help me with my developing project. I was expecting a lot from this sight however was slightly disappointed.
“Create, Publish and Sell Your Book for Free.” Journal of Camus Studies 2013 by Camus Society (Paperback) - Lulu,
This website is a publishing sight. Although I might not necessarily use this site specifically. I found it interesting to look and scroll through for it informed me more about what I will be getting myself throughout the process of creating this book.
Ethan Larrabee Capstone
Naima DeBrest Capstone
In SLA I have seen teacher in almost every class find a way to use film in the curriculum. Film can serve as a way to make a concept more accessible and fun to engage in for students. I took this as inspiration and decided to design an 8 week mini course called “Netflix and Learn” where I showed different types of media that taught about certain sorts of history. I pulled from some of my favorite pieces of art like Billy Joel's “We Didn’t Start to Fire” and “The Untouchables”. I was able to assess what the kids already knew about the topics by giving them a mini quiz before we watched and then asking them the same questions after we were done. I really took for granted how much the students knew a about certain subject and I feel like they really learned from the classes. So often student get a bird eyes view of how world events affected countries but these movies and tv shows showed them from a regular person's perspective. The fact that the media also had some elements of comedy and drama, the students were able to stay engaged in the content. The last skill that I wanted to teach them was how to fact check these movies that we watch because some of them dramatized certain events for hollywood appeal but were then factually incorrect. I think that I sufficiently passed in making them well rounded critical thinkers when is comes to historical media.
Annotated Bibliography
Crockett , Ross. “Movies in the Classroom: Teaching History With Film.” Global Digital Citizen Foundation, Global Digital Citizen Foundation, 26 June 2018,
This source was written by a teacher who wanted to show that scientifically is has been proven that student retain more information when they were presented in the form of a movie. She also talks about how much she has learned as a teacher. She stated, “Watching the films did clearly help the students learn more, but only when the information was the same in both text and film…But when the information in the film and the reading were contradictory — that is, when the film was inaccurate — the students were more likely to recall the film’s distorted version.” So in contrary to other articles she says that is it actually ok when movies have historical inaccuracies because it makes the students ask more questions and think deeper.
Everding, Gerry. “Historical Movies Help Students Learn, but Separating Fact from Fiction Can Be Challenge | The Source | Washington University in St. Louis.” The Source, 13 Jan. 2016,
This source is a educational article written by a professor at Washington University in St. Louis, Gerry Everding. This was published in 2009 and it chronicles his experience in trying to teach student to use movies to learn historical event. He thought that this way of learning would be fool proof but then he saw the children were not retaining information. He said, “In contrast, when information in the film directly contradicted the text, people often falsely recalled the misinformation portrayed in the film, sometimes as much as 50 percent of the time.” This means that there need to be a more comprehensive way to separate fact from fiction so that student know what information is true and what they should remember.
Hughes-Warrington, Marnie. History Goes to the Movies: Studying History on Film. Routledge, 2009.
“Can films be used as historical evidence? Do historical films make good or bad history? Are documentaries more useful to historians than historical drama?” These are the essential driving question that Hughes-Warrington wanted to answer in her book History Goes to the Movies. The ting satta makes this citation different from the other ones that I have used is that she tried to take an intereantil view on this query. Movies from other countries on their own countries and how they portray themselves and how American pre trays other countries and their history. This makes me question some of the pieces of media that I have chosen for my project because I only have American perspectives from the late 20th century. I may need to proden the counties or even the eras that I will use.
Masterman, Len. Teaching the Media . 1985.
This source was a book written by a man who felt at there needed to be more guidelines for comprehensive medei that can teach people things like history and science. The chapter that I read focused privatization of information. He stated that many companies and organization are starting to move more quietly there fore less and less content about them will be coming to light. It is now up to us to do the hard research and compile accurate information and then put it into form or media that children can understand and that will be most beneficial to them.
Murray, Kathleen. “Introduction: Gender and Genre: The Woman Detective and the Diffusion of Generic Voices.” Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction, 1995, p. 41. George Mason University , doi:10.3138/9781442623088-002.
This source is an essay that was written by a woman named Kathleen Murray in order to inform people about how media portrays women and what need to change about it. I specifically focused on reading a section that she wrote called “Woman’s Picture: The romance and the weepie”. In this she talks about the stereotypes that are put on women in various movies like Fargo and other horror movies. She states, The way that looking is thematized in the horror film and the relationship between the hunter and the hunted makes it critical to understanding the investigating woman. The shift from active investigator to object of investigation, from the one who looks to the one who is looked upon is always threatening the female detective.” I saw this as an opportunity to think that not only can film be used to show history events, but that it can be a commentary on how people of certain gender, races, and classes are portrayed and how those parties are taking action against this.
National Film Study Standards, National Film Study Standard ,
This website it a teaching resource published by the National Film Study Standards Association. The are an organization that you have to be a registered member of and they show teachers how to pick out important parts of movies to show students. What makes this source so good it that they have their information broken up into three categories, Basiuc, Intermediate, and Advanced. It tells teachers what to ask for from different level of student by the time that get to the college level that should have immense knowledge of information like film vovoplay, allegorical messages, and author and viewer bias. One example is how to connect film and history to culture. In the first level ,basic, student should be able to identify what time period the movies was made in and explain how it is different from today. In the last level, Advanced, student should be able to identify what propagande gods and marketing technique were popular then and ho that could affect the movies telling.
Sdifilmfest. “How to Analyze a Movie: A Step-by-Step Guide.” San Diego International Film Festival, 22 July 2015,
This source has definitive steps on how to watch a movies as a critical thinker. The first step is to try to come into the movie with no biases. Try to put yourself in the mind of the time period and view it at face value. The next step is to take notes about what interest you and shocks you during the viewing. The third step is to analyze objects luke tone and cinematography and how it played a part in the film. The last step is to try to condense your feelings in to a comprehensive review that they can understand and want to learn.
“Teaching Tutorials .” The Story of Movies ,
This source was cited from a presentation from the company called The Story of Movies. In the presentation that document steps on how to effective leach Cibem Literacy. It states that in order to do this in the correct format you have to know lot of information about Film Study and Visual Literacy and then you must combine them. The method that they have “perfected” is known as the SOM Method. This method focuses on Composition, Pace and Continuity, Cinematography, and Soundtrack. It also states that teacher must acknowledge to students that films are combination of History, Literature, Art, Music, and STEM.
Gerald Lesser (1972) Learning, Teaching, and Television Production for Children: The Experience of Sesame Street. Harvard Educational Review: July 1972, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 232-272.
This source is a essay that was written by a man named Dr .Gerald Lesser who wanted to show how shows like Sesame Street has efficiently found the formula to teach kids important information that they retain. He served as chairman of the National Board of Advisors to the Children's Television Workshop. In this he talks about experimental tool that Sesame Street used in its beginning stages such as narrow focusing and cross model reinforcement. He also talks about how humor has played a big role in how children process the show and its success. The show uses sound clues that spike children's attention and allows them to recall letter that they have associated with these sounds.
This website is resource for educators and socially music teachers. This specific article shows teacher how to use music to teach musical history. It asked the reader to try and imagine the world without music and how it has influenced history. Zukas makes an example of how things like Jazz can be used as an introduction into the lives and history of Louisiana and how certain types of Rock n Roll music can be credited towards England and the time period that they were going through. I will try to use some of the tactic that he has employed when Introduce “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel to the kids in my mini course.
Matthew Milligan Capstone
For my capstone, I wanted to do something for student mental health. I feel very passionate about mental health amongst students because I struggle with my own mental health and some mental illnesses. I was lucky to be able to get help, but I knew that not every kid had the same access to the help that I received. This upset me, but also led me to envision a resource in the form of a website for struggling kids who felt that they had nowhere else to turn to. I wanted to be able to provide information and advice about the things these kids were facing and point them to where they can get further help with their problems. To do this I completed extensive research on mental health and some of the most common mental illnesses that kids face. I also gathered some outside resources that people can use to find further help. My final product is a polished website that I am extremely proud of. While it is no substitute for professional assistance, I feel that my website could provide some basic information and comfort to any kids (or parents, guardians, and teachers) that need help. Throughout the process I learned a lot more about how mental illnesses can affect people. I also think I learned how to better treat myself and others who are struggling with poor mental health or a mental illness. Additionally, I improved my time management as this project spanned several months.
American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is the official website of the American Psychiatric Association. It is a great resource to find information about various types of mental illnesses and mental health in general. Specifically, I used this source when writing the about mental health section of my website to distinguish the difference between mental health and mental illnesses. I also used the source to gather some more information on depression. As the source comes from the American Psychiatric Association, the largest psychiatric organization in the world, it is safe to say that it seems credible.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is the official website of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. It provides people information about depression and anxiety, and it also directs them to where they can get help. I used this resource when I was working on the anxiety section of my website. It was able to give me information about the symptoms of anxiety as well as how it can be treated. As the source comes from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a nonprofit organization, it seems pretty credible.p
Anxiety vs. Anxiety Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is an article from a website about college mental health. The article talks about the differences between normal feelings of anxiety and the feelings a person has from an anxiety disorder. I used this source when working on the anxiety section of my website to explain the key differences between anxiety as an emotion and anxiety as a mental illness. The website ends in .org and contains no ads, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Borges, A. (2016, July 02). 10 Tips For Talking To Your Parents About Your Mental Health. Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This article uses advice from professionals in the field of psychology to answer questions kids may have about informing their parents of their mental health. An issue that is common for youth struggling with mental illness or their mental health is that their parents are unresponsive to their claims. This website addresses that issue by giving advice on preparing the conversation, holding the conversation, and what to do afterwards. In addition, I liked how this source presented the information in a way that was easily digestible to younger readers. As I want my website to do the same, this will serve as a good model for how to relay the information I gather to my target audience.
Coping Mechanisms. (2018, September 26). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This article presents information about the coping mechanisms people use when struggling with mental illness and mental health. The source is a website that people use to to learn more about therapy and to potentially find therapists. It sights all of its references so the source seems credible. The article describes what a coping mechanism is and why people use them. In addition, it differentiates between negative and positive coping mechanisms, which is an imperative distinction to make. Knowing this information will allow me to help my target audience identify negative behaviors they use to cope and to guide people towards better alternatives.
Default - Stanford Children's Health. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This article presents information on teenage suicide. The website the article is on is ran by a hospital affiliated with Stanford University, so it seems like a credible source. The article goes in depth on multiple aspects of suicide. Besides defining suicidal behavior in teens, the article also talks about why teens commit suicide, warning signs of suicide, risk factors of suicide, treatments of suicide, and suicide prevention. Particularly, I appreciated the different sections dedicated to parents and teens for helping teens at risk. This information will help me to address suicide, which is an issue prominent amongst teens struggling with their mental well being.
Interested in becoming a mental-health friendly classroom? (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This website presents information to help teachers make their classrooms more mental health friendly. The program comes from the University of Michigan Depression Center, so it seems like a credible source. The website gives information for building a classroomate climate that focuses on wellness, communication, stress reduction, and the removal of stigma. In addition, the website offers ways for teachers to identify a struggling student and to get them help. It even has a section dedicated to communicating with parents and families of the affected child. The information gathered from this website will help me later when constructing the part of my website dedicated to teachers helping and understanding students in need.
Lyness, D. (Ed.). (2014, March). Anxiety Disorders (for Teens). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is a website that gives a bunch of information on anxiety disorders. I used it when working on the anxiety section of my website. The source talks about normal anxiety, what anxiety disorders are, how anxiety disorders affect people, why people have anxiety, how anxiety can be treated, and things one can do to help themselves or others with anxiety. The website comes from a nonprofit organization, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Mental Health America. (1970, March 01). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This website is the homepage for Mental Health America, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in need with their mental health and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. As the source comes from a nationwide nonprofit organization, it seems safe to say that the source is credible. The website offers various programs and advice on ways to help yourself or to get others help. In addition, the website answers frequently asked mental health questions along with offering multiple articles dedicated to specific mental illnesses. Besides gathering useful information for my own website pertaining to anxiety and ADHD, I will use this source as a model influencing the design of my final product (though I will make mine more specific to adolescents).
Mental Illness vs. Mental Health: The Difference and Why it Matters in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is a website that explains the difference between mental health and mental illnesses. I think this source does a great job of explaining the differences between the two, and I wanted to include that distinction in the about mental health section of my website. The source defines what mental health and mental illnesses are and even explains how they overlap. Plus, it stresses the importance of mental health just as much as physical health. The website comes from an official counseling program, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Nichols, M. P. (2013). Family therapy: Concepts and methods. Boston, MA: Pearson.
This source is a textbook used to study Family Therapy. As it is a professional and college level textbook, it seems safe to say that the source is credible. Particularly from this text I plan on using chapters 3 and 10 to gather information. This text presents unique information on psychology in relation to things like gender, family dynamics, family violence, multiculturalism, race, poverty/social class, and LGBTQ+ rights. Knowing the different ways those aspects affect mental health will be key to helping my target audience. In addition, I wanted to use this source in order to ensure that I was gathering information from a diverse set of resources.
Rooney, M. (n.d.). ADHD in Teenagers. Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is a website that explains the difference between mental health and mental illnesses. I think this source does a great job of explaining the differences between the two, and I wanted to include that distinction in the about mental health section of my website. The source defines what mental health and mental illnesses are and even explains how they overlap. Plus, it stresses the importance of mental health just as much as physical health. The website comes from an official counseling program, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). (2018, May 17). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is an article that explains SSRIs, a commonly prescribed group of antidepressants. I used this source when working on the depression section of my website. The article explains what SSRIs are, how they work, the different types of them, the side effects of them, and any safety concerns that usage of them entails. The website ends in .org and has no ads, so it seems safe to say that it is credible as a source.
Teen Depression. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is an article that explains teenage depression. I used it when working on the depression section of my website. The article gives a great general overview of how depression affects teenagers. I specifically liked that it included questions one could ask themselves to see if they are depressed in addition to giving advice on steps a person can take to help themselves or others. The website comes from the National Institute of Mental Health, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Understanding Self-Injury/ Self-Harm. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is an article that explains self-harm amongst teenagers. I used it when working on the suicide and self-harm section of my website. The article does a good job of explaining what self-harm is and why people do it. I also really liked how it gave advice to both people who may be harming themselves and to the people who may know someone who is. The website ends in .org and has no ads, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
What’s the difference between mental health and mental illness? (2015). Retrieved April 29, 2019, from
This source is an article that explains the difference between mental health and mental illnesses while also debunking the misconceptions about them. I used it when working on the about mental health section of my website. Specifically, I liked how this source explained that people with mental illnesses can still have good mental health. The website comes from the BC Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, so it seems safe to say that it is credible.
Deja Winfield Capstone
For my capstone, I researched what made a community and what made a community moves forward. SLA has always been a school that believed in community-based learning. In the past four years we have built a community in which we have learned to rely on. Throughout this capstone I have spoken to students on how they felt about the move to Benjamin Franklin. I have thought much to the burden of what is going to become SLA @ BF. I created a community wall, using a piece of drywall we gave the opportunity of anyone and everyone who considered themselves part of the SLA community. I learned and wanted to explore the impact that artwork and community meant to students, because we all need something to lean back on. Art work is a big part of the world of SLA, it posted on walls and on the ceilings, you can not walk more than five feet without seeing a piece of artwork, and that is something I would liked to see continued as a tradition to the new school . And I wanted them to have something that they as a community could carry with them in the next years at the new school.
Hamidou Doumbia Capstone
The senior capstone was stressful, exciting and went well. My original plan for my capstone was creating my personal capstone but since our ultimate team had a lot of tournament. It was an option that opened up and I was allowed to become a director of an ultimate tournament. I had to spend lunch and after time with Mr. Lehmann. Overall, we spend a lot of time figuring out how to get the following items like trophies, food, and water Jugs. We had ask a lot of favors from Pada ultimate organization. There were 18 teams from D1 to D3 and Girl, the boy division. The tournament raised 2,000 dollars for SLA ultimate community and the teams had a lot of fun. The varsity boy had a very successful weekend with making the finals. The capstone was a great learning experience for sports management which would be my major in college. I want to give thanks to all teams that participated in the tournament and also Mr. Lehmann and Jereme Mason
Annotated Bibliography
USA Ultimate: “USA Ultimate.” About Spirit of the Game,
These are the requirement of each team need to host the ultimate frisbee tournament. Also, helps with SLA ultimate show the USA ultimate their improvement.
Jereme Mason:
Gather information from one of the heads of PADA ultimate organization who orgzaine summer ultimate team and even host . He helped with getting field space and steps which would make the process is easier.
Chris Lehmann:
Mentor and a follow coach how would help with organzied the project. As well gather information on how to break the pools for the team be set up to play for first place.
Kristi Wolf:
She had a lot of information about the fields. I email her about the field and she sent back a doc for a permit which is used to have the clear for the field. She will help me updates with tournaments and space.
“UltiPlanning.” UltiPlanning,
This website that helps with information which east gather and personality help on planing an ultimate event. If you create an account and email them and ask them a question they will email feedbacks.
“Ultimate I Registration I Ultimate Frisbee College & Youth Tournaments.” Ultimate I Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments I College Ultimate I Play,
This a google form that has been sent out and helpful on how to organize the teams and gathering information. I was kinda confused on how could I create a form that fit the tournament to be sent out to invite teams.
“USA Ultimate.” About Spirit of the Game,b
This website gives the details of an understanding of what is Ultimate frisbee and how you could understand the full rule and how it's cool you could be self-ref and being fair.
“Home.” Philadelphia High School Ultimate Education League,
Phuel is another organization of Ultimate and they have been huge on how to plan the huge tournament. The Phuel has a lot to do with youth ultimate and how they make the qualification to states.
“PHUEL Teams - Coach/Captain Access.” Google Docs, Google,
I gather information about contacts from all the head coaches and captain in the Ultimate community. This will be very useful because I will use to create the forms help people to understand.
“YCC U20.” US Open,
This summer travel group which I usually attend has a website putting every player and have info about how a player from any ages are having hard fought ultimate.
Taylor Green Capstone
For my capstone, I wanted to explore how music had an impact on the lives of people in Philadelphia. I knew that for this question, I wanted to somehow document the connections that residents of Philadelphia had to music or the industry. I conducted many interviews with aspiring musicians, songwriters, or people who wanted to be in the production part of music. At first, I thought I wanted it to be anecdotal and just small blurbs. But transcribing a full interview was much more insightful. In order to present these interviews, I made a website titled “Music of Philly” where people could sign up and read the articles. I also made an instagram page for the site to promote the articles more and I posted on snapchat every time there was an update. For me, working on my capstone has been an exuberant process and overall I’m proud of the work that I have put in. You can visit the website here.
Annotated Bibliography
Xu Bing: Square Word Calligraphy Classroom - The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University. Libraries. Digital Program Division,
This source is from Columbia University. I will use to think of ways to prepare for my interview, such as writing my questions out beforehand and trying to get the person that I am interviewing to tell a story, while still staying on topic. However, if I know the person I should try to familiarize myself with their background as much as possible. I can do this by listening to their music before meeting them. This can also open up a conversational atmosphere. The source also talks about how you should try to read the person you are interviewing body language to try and see if they are open or more secretive, that way you know what questions to ask without being too evasive.
Employment, Small Business and Training. “Creating a Website.” Business Queensland, CorporateName=The State of Queensland; 2 Jan. 2019,
This source is reliable because it is from a government site. The source explains that before you finalize your site, you should organize your content in a way that is designed easily to navigate through but also stands out to people. I want people to be able to know what content I'm posting and how to find it quickly. It suggests that you should have a professional make your site, however, I'm going to be the professional in this case and structure the content myself. The source also talks about finances, explaining that most companies that let you make a website make you pay a monthly fee. I will try to find one that is free, however I don't mind paying a fee.
Green, Taylor K. “Interview with Sofian Zapf.” 8 Feb. 2019.
Although this interview hasn't happened yet it is planned for the future. Sofian Zapf has an extensive musical background and has been in a few different bands over the years. Not only does he create music, but he has experience with playing shows in front of a vast number of people and his music has accumulated a good following on Spotify and Bandcamp. He is currently trying to plan a small tour with his band. He will be one of the first interviews that I include on the website and this will give me experience on conducting interviews and what I can do differently in the future.
Green, Taylor K. “Interview with Isaiah Vargas.” 26 Jan. 2019.
Although this interview hasn’t happened, yet I will use it on my website in the future. Isaiah Vargas is a Senior who attends Benjamin Rush High School, which is a public magnet school that specializes in the arts. Vargas has been playing drums for over seven years and he wants to pursue a musical career when he is older. For school, he has to complete projects that correlate to his major (music). I will use this interview to write a column on Vargas and include how going to an art school helps him pursue what he wants to do in the future, which is become a music producer and the difficulties that come along with it sometimes.
“How Does Music Affect Your Brain?” Ashford University, 7 June 2017,
This source was posted by Ashford University. It explains how music impacts humans, most importantly our brain. Whenever we listen to music, we become happy because our brains are releasing dopamine. The source also included information about how music is good for your health, saying that music is an effective treatment for many conditions ranging from premature birth to Parkinson's Disease. Music even plays a key role in the early development of the brain. Musicians have improvement in memory, learning, and auditory processing. The source also provides good ways to find new music or even instruments for people to buy. Maybe I can use this advice to find new music to review.
“How to Create a Website.” Free Website Builder, Wix Photography Blog,
This is Wix. It is one of the sources that I can use in the future to create my website. It also includes tips and advice if this is your first time making a website like this. It got me thinking about what I could potentially use the website for. It also got me thinking much about the design. Since I'm writing about something that's art and entertainment I should try to use an eye-catching website template. In the "Get in Touch" section of the source, they talk about how you should include social media icons so that people can get in contact with you. I thought about doing this for the people that I interview and maybe even including a link to their work/music.
Jacke, Christoph, et al. “Editorial Introduction Music Journalism.” IASPM @ Journal , Journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, 2014,
This research paper talks about how music-based journalism tends to be an "unexplored" part of the profession. It talks about the initial emerge of music journalism over 100 years ago and how it's almost become a separate form of writing and organization. Over time, magazines such as Rolling Stone has globalized music based journalism and has made it more of a norm. This source uses information from books such as "Inventing Pop Culture" and "Popular Music in Theory", and it talks about the impact of music on culture and culture's impact on music. These sources explain that the relationship that links together industry and audiences are based in consumerism. I will take this research paper into consideration when not only writing articles, but when it comes to interviewing people as well.
Negus, Keith. Popular Music in Theory: An Introduction. Polity Press, 2012.
This book was written by Keith Negus, someone who has a higher education and experience in the musical field, having played the guitar and keyboard in a variety of different bands over the past few years. Throughout the book, he is explaining the theoretical components that make popular music "popular". He talks about the history of music not only in the United States but the UK as well, and the emergence of "popular music" begins with the creation of rock and roll in the 1950s. This source is important to my research and the way I will conduct my interviews because it provides insight on what music people tend to enjoy more. This will affect who I interview and how I will go about interviewing them.
Spencer, Megan. “How to Interview an Artist || Learn: Storytelling.” ABC Open, ABC Online Services, 1 July 2015,
Although this source is similar to a blog post, it is from a network organization, meaning that it is reliable. The creator of this source has a background in freelance writing, broadcasting and is a critic and media arts professional. She offers a lot of advice and interview techniques that I'll take into consideration, such as being polite and being yourself. You can be honest with the person that you are interviewing and if you're feeling nervous about the interview, you can tell them that. Sometimes people lose track of what they're talking about, so you might have to prompt them to speak on a certain topic more throughout the interview.
Varriale, Simone. “Music, Journalism, and the Study of Cultural Change.”, University of Warwick, 2012,
This source is a paper from a student from the University of Warwick who is describing the impact of music journalism and criticism over the decades and how it affects culture. Criticism provides useful data to study cultural processes, such as the tie between arts and pop culture. This got me thinking about how the music that I'm going to be listening to and reviewing is going to have a cultural impact, and that I should take that into consideration as I am writing. The source also uses an example of one of Sam Rivers' works/performances and the political engagement that it has.
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- 2018-19