Physics - Echols - C Public Feed
Septa Project
By: Chaveliz Nieves, Marteena Johnson, & Wendy Tepoz-Pacio
In this video, you will see what happens in a Septa Trolley and why it happens.How to Stay in One Place on Septa
SEPTA Hero vs the Pathogenic Poles
In this video, Amani Bey, Donesha Lee, and Imani Holness explore the physics behind certain SEPTA movements and give advice to the "germaphobe" who refuses to hold on to the poles when standing on the bus.
How To Prevent Yourself From Falling On SEPTA !
In this project, our group had to design a way to show how physics works on SEPTA. We had to choose a particular audience and 3 specific scenarios in which those people were affected by physics but did not have prior knowledge of how to react in those situations, so that the outcome would be positive. We decided to choose elderly people with canes that don’t have any tips (for extremely reduced friction) as our audience. By doing this, we could show how the canes will not serve much use if a person falls compared to grabbing a pole or knowing in advance where to stand/lean/sit prior to a possible turn or stop. We also wanted to show the correct way to stand/lean/sit on SEPTA to ensure that you don’t go flying and smashing your hand into someone’s face. Because no one likes to see an elderly man or woman falling and embarrassing themselves and or the people around them, we created this helpful guide that includes explanations for why these events happen and the forces that occur within them, comparisons between what you may have initially thought versus what is really going on (it’s deceiving, we know) and demonstrations for these scenarios so that you don’t keep remembering that time when you crashed into that lady, spilling her groceries because you were texting and didn’t see the turn coming. Created by : Ashley S ,Alex H,Jeremiah C. and Katie N. .. ENJOY !
Septa project Spells from ashley s on Vimeo.
Q2Physic: SEPTA Project
By: Melanie Harrington, Thomas Jeffcoat, Amy Chen, Reginald Simmons
This quarter in physics, the junior class was assigned a project hat applied their knowledge of forces and Newton's Laws of Motion to educate a selected audience about how they could use this knowledge to their advantage while taking public transportation. Our group decided to give advice to other people who don't like to come in physical contact with those around them on the bus. We came up with three specific scenarios and supported our advice using Free Body Diagrams, System Schemas and acted out skits. We hope you enjoy our video and gain some insight into the physics of SEPTA.