Blog Feed
Q2 Sumario 3
Sieanna Williams Q2
Srta. Manuel
Brian de "Family Guy"
volvió a la vida
“Los creadores de la serie animada estadounidense "Family Guy" revivieron a Brian, el perro de la familia Griffin, tras las críticas recibidas por la audiencia del programa por la muerte de uno de los personajes principales.” Yo no puedo estar de acuerda más con la frase primero del artículo. Yo soy una admiradora grande de la serie Family Guy. Yo podría verlo todo el día, todos los días y yo hago cuando yo puedo.
Porque mi familia no tiene el cable o el internet no más, es difícil ver mis series. Es por eso que no ví ninguno de los episodios nuevos de Family Guy. Un día, sin embargo, mis amigos estaban hablando sobre Brian (el perro) de Family Guy murió. ¡Cuando yo oí esto, yo estaba enojada inmediatamente!
“Qué dijiste?” Yo recuerdo diciendo.
Nosotros tuvimos reacciones como, “Eso no tiene sentido.” “Eso es ridículo, que pasa con Seth McFarlane?”
Family Guy empezó en 1999. Eso significa que para catorce años, Brian estaba un carácter principal. Lo no tiene sentido matar de la serie porque Seth McFarlane hace la voz de Brian, por eso, ¿por que mata él? También, el modo que Brian murió no estaba aún honorable. Brian murió de un carro. He podría murió en su sueño. Eso escucha como un modo bien para un carácter morir.
Soy feliz que Brian es vivo otra vez. Yo entiendo completamente porque personas estaban enojado sobre la muerte de Brian. Yo solo puedo esperar que Seth McFarlane no mata otras caracteres de la serie.
BBC Mundo. "Brian De "Family Guy" Volvió a La Vida." Http:// BBC Mundo, 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2013
Edgar Allan Poe't
Edgar Allan Poe’t
I am.
Art defines me.
It defines my being and when I’m gone my art will live through the people who thought the most of me.
Poet, they say. Favors asked upon misconception. They said I am not who I say I am but in fact I am who made me. Rappers are just rappers but I was put here to create.
Create, they say. They ask for the old me back. Though I am a futurist. 2023 they ask where will I be. I am Edgar Allan Poe, no “Edgar Allan Poe’t”, I have been longing to present a piece with this title. I am all my grandmother taught me about art.
Art, they say. They ask for Picasso not realizing Poe was an artist. Words are expression. Expression is me. I express that I am not perfect I long for perfection. I lost my ambition at a point when my mentor was taken. At that point I was awakened, then I began a journey to turn my art into more than visual; but instead turn them into the words and paint the painting in your mind. These painting have a home.
Home, they ponder. (the nonbelievers) of course. This is a sport, the paintings live where you believe. I live where my mentor passed, in the same place where I keep those paintings that these paintings from my mind. I am my mentor in the flesh.
Deep thought, they know nothing of. 4 years and counting my mentor has been above not where I keep the paintings but paradise. This is the paradise. Cairo Casanova is the new reformed me, I am writing this with tears in my eyes knowing you could not read this to you.
Application, I tell. I apply my philosophy to life and my life to your teachings to my day to day. This is a genre itself. A reflection into the horizon I am looking at just looking back. I cannot pretend that I have it all figured out. Though I am looking at myself from the outside there’s two of me; the reformed me.
Genre, they only know hip-hop. Not the origin just the modern. Color, is expression, which is deep thought. Application to the art itself makes a home, there you will learn to create they know nothing of it. If you cannot grasp this you simply have not the right mentor as I. My mentor is in the sky, she is awake like I, I think of her everyday and won’t forget the AY. Deeper meaning behind the things I do if you have influence this piece will be more to you than a rant but a different look on life.
Edgar Allan Poe lost his mother, he was influence, genre, application, deep thought, home, art, he did create, and he was a poet.
Art defines me.
Sincerely, TJay The Poet or Cairo Casanova
For Edgar Allan Poe’t
The Paradox of the Internet
Hello my name is Ian Fay and I am a freshman at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am currently working on an assignment known as the You and The World Project. What I will do is I take a very pressing issue and try to be an "agent of change" for the issue. Then I am to create a series of three blog posts for the issue (this one being the first). The issue that I chose to tackle is Internet Privacy, the issue of companies invading the online privacy of many online customers.
The issue is interesting to me because the Internet is a big part of current technological history. It is a very reliable resource that most of the world has access to for information, entertainment, and many other things. However, It seems to lend itself to have perfect anonymity. If you have seen companies ask for your personal information then it is very wise to keep it a secret. All of these websites that you use are very susceptible to hacking. Over the years many insurance, video game, and entertainment companies have been hacked allowing the hackers to have access to personal information. This would lead to many crimes such as identity theft, hacking bank accounts of customers, and in a few cases stalking and murdering innocent customers. This is the reason why this is such a hard and murky issue to solve. The internet is an open tool usable by many of the world’s population but, these hackers can be camouflaged by the internet allowing for complete ambiguity. The issue itself is mostly seen as a paradox.
What I and the many others who fight this issue hope to achieve in this issue is an idea known as net neutrality. Net neutrality is the idea of everyone having equal access to the internet. With it, nothing stops anyone from having a lesser connection or having inferior virus software than someone that is richer, smarter, a better job, etc.. That one principle is the keystone to having total equality in the internet. Unfortunately companies are planning to violate this idea of equality. While conducting research I stumbled upon a website that I found to be quite alarming. The site had a video that explained how these companies are doing this. Imagine a street with cars going at the exact same speed, this is how the line that cable providers such as Verizon, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable is visualized. Everyone has the exact same connections whether they may be people living in apartments or business tycoons with gigantic salaries. That line isn’t allowed to be interacted with by these companies, so what do they do? They create a separate line that has a better connection than the standard line. The only people who have access to this line are those that are willing to pay more money to use it while the rest are left with the worse connection. This discriminatory act is defying the very principle I and and those who fight this hope to uphold.
While this may all look grim, many people have not given up this battle. The website that provided that video was a site named These freedom fighters have created a big following that have voiced themselves to the world. Also a affected by this issue, minorly or majorly, then we can finally be rid of this problem for good. website named helps employees manage their online lives to ensure that they do not face the same fate as other unsuspecting workers. This is where these people and I see hope. If more people join this cause we can once again achieve perfect net neutrality.
The invasion of Internet Privacy is a very difficult issue to solve. There are many differing points of view, multiple technological snafus, and the notion of something as open as the internet allowing for complete anonymity is very paradoxical. It doesn’t seem to be feasible to achieve. However we cannot give up this fight. If everyone who feels
States Laws pertaining to online privacy
Q2 Reflection #3:“7 maneras de escapar a la Navidad”
Audrey Pham
Melanie Manuel
Word Count: 200
“7 maneras de escapar a la Navidad”
Algunos personas realmente odian Navidad. Algunos personas piensan Navidad es una pesadilla. Hoy el mejor manera a deja las vacaciones es dejan el país. Ve a nueva Zelanda, visita un país no cristiano, visita un país comunista, ve a un retiro, ve a una ciudad fiestera, trabaja, piérdete. Billete de avión a nueva Zelanda es barato. Van a un país no cristiano con no tiene Vanidad porque es otro religión. Van a visita un país comunista sin embargo, China y Vietnam tienen árboles de Navidad porque comercializa Navidad. O haces yoga o meditación de silenciosa. Hacer ejercicio o haces yoga o meditación de silenciosa puede ayudar escarpase desde personas especialmente Navidad. También, usted puede trabajar. La hora pasan rápido. Sin embargo, mucha gente quisieren no tenían trabajar. Mi madre debe ir a trabajar en Navidad y mi familia no le gusta. Hay maneras más a escapar a la Navidad sin embargo este artículo no tiene no más. Es agradable a celebrar Navidad porque es mágico hora de año. Me gusta navidad aunque no soy cristiano. Más, los niños les encantan Navidad porque presentes desde relativos y amigos. Nueva palabras de vocabulario aprendí es evasión, helicóptero, ardiente, azotada, salir, y conexiones.
Article Response #3 [Q2]
Lauren Thomas Q2
Senorita Manuel
Secuestrados en Siria dos periodistas españoles
Secuestrados en Siria dos periodistas españoles. Desde dieciséis de septiembre dos mil doce, dos personas, Javier Espinosa y Ricardo García, que hayan sido secuestrados. El grupo que los secuestra Javier Espinosa y Ricardo García es una organización radical conectada con Al-Qaeda. El grupo es el Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria (ISIS en inglés). Javier Espinosa y Ricardo García son periodistas. Javier y Ricardo fueron en Siria por un semana de trabajo. Ellos fueron capturados en Raqqa, una provincia del norte de Siria. Ellos fueron liberados tras 12 días.
El director de El Mundo, Pedro J. Ramirez, dijo el último contacto con los secuestrados fue hace un mes.
Yo decidí escribir sobre este artículo porque este artículo es triste. Eventos como este necesitan que se hable de más para que todos sepan lo que está sucediendo.
Yo aprendido nueva vocabulario de este artículo. Yo aprendido que abandonar es “to leave” en Inglés. Yo aprendido que secuestrados es “kidnapped” en Inglés. Yo aprendido que retenidos es “retained” en Inglés.
Deseo y espero que los secuestros de personas en todo el mundo se detendría. Es triste cuando se toman las personas. La gente tiene familias y vidas y la gente los ama. Es triste cuando están tomadas de la vida cotidiana.
Articulo #3: Qr. 2
Word Count- 206
Este artículo hablando de la reciente tifón en los Phillipines. Specificamente, este artículo hablando de los niños en los hospitales.
En un hospital, todos los personas en la hospital aplaudieron cuando una niña nacieron. Por fortuna, el nacimiento no tenía problemas. El nacimiento era en la zona Tacloban. El tifón golpeó de Tacloban con muy fuerce. La nacimiento es una pequeña victoria, por que en la área, hay mucho muerte ahorita.
La área está recibiendo ayuda de muchos países. Por ejemplo Singapur, Alemania, Noruega, y otros países está dando ayuda de está y otros áreas en los Filipinas. Los países está dando ayuda porque en la semana pasada, un tifón impacto los Filipinas.
Yo creo que es muy importante por otros países ayudar los Filipinas ahorita. Es una problema grande. En el mes pasada, Este artículo hablando de la reciente tifón en los Phillipines. Specificamente, este artículo hablando de los niños en los hospitales.
Tambien, yo piense que mientras los Filipinas es en una crisis, otros países es un una crisis tambien, porque Los Estados Unidos es antipatico. Todos los situaciones que tienen personas que mueren es triste.
“Sobrevivientes del tifón Haiyan luchan por proteger a los niños en medio del caos”
Dos barcos caros: Articulo #2 Qr. 2
Word count - 214
Este artículo fue sobre dos barcos caros destruidos por un incendio grande. El daño fue Doscientos cincuenta mil dolares. El fuego comenzó de un corto circuito. Fue un barco, a la otra, y me dolió la cubierta. Nadie resultó herido. La policía y los bomberos llegaron en buen momento porque dejaron el primero justo antes de que estaba a punto de conseguir más grande. No hoy partes del barco izquierda.
Este artículo estaba triste porque los barcos eran muy importantes en ese lugar. También me recordó cuán caro barcos son debido a los daños. Me gustaría que saber más información sobre cómo el corto circuito provocó el incendio. También el artículo no dice que estaba en el barco y lo hicieron.
Además, se trataba de la pérdida de algo. Quería leer más sobre lo que se llevaron y cómo sucedió. Nunca he estado involucrado en algo como esto antes y espero que nunca estoy. Me pregunto por qué los dos barcos fueron tan importantes para la ciudad. ¿De donde vienen los circuitos? ¿Que les hizo un incendio? ¿Los barcos fueron históricos? Espero que traen nuevos barcos porque fue una gran pérdida para el medio ambiente
Los nuevos vocablos que aprendí son 'barcos, pérdida' y mucho más.
"Se Queman Dos Botes En Marina De Fajardo." El Nuevo Dia. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. <>.
Es Mortal Qr2 Reflection #1
En dos mil diez, 223,000 personas murieron porque ellos tiene cáncer. La aire tienes contaminación cuando personas juegan con tecnologías. El contaminación es muy peligroso para el contaminación es en la atmosférica. Muchos personas tiene cáncer y es muy mal. En científica, tumores son en pulmón y vejiga. Las personas respirar la aire y es difícil limpiar la aire. En China, hay muchos fábricas y el contaminación es súper mal y hay más personas van a respirar el humo. Es importante cuando el mundo tiene calor. También, Agencia Europea del médico dijo 90% personas respira mal aire.
En Estados Unidos, muchos gentes conducen un carro. Es importante cuando personas no caminan. Nosotros come muchos y somos gordos. Yo pienso, personas deben montan un bicicleta.
Mi familia en Iran tiene carro y nosotros vivimos lejos. A veces mis hermanos y yo usamos bicicletas en la parque. Necesitamos un carro ir a ciudad y es rápido. La gasolina es muy cara. Yo sabo muchos personas tienen cáncer. Hay diferentes cáncer y gentes debe ir a hospital. La doctor ayudó mi amigo pensar bien. La aire en el mundo es horrible. Es triste cuando personas muere porque la aire. Personas usan muchos gasolina y electricidad.
"La OMS Considera Comprobado Que La Contaminación Atmosférica Causa Cáncer." - N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2013. <>.
Media Fluency
I am a big time chocoholic. I like chocolate candies, chocolate pretzels, and even chocolate covered chocolate. Whenever it is in my presence I literally go “coo-coo for cocoa puffs.” In my family I have always been known as a chocolate lover, knowing this as it still shows today brings back precious memories. In my slide it views a picture of chocolate shreds in the shape of a heart and quote on top. The picture on my slide includes empty space. After reading the 7th lesson (“Empty Space”) on the presentation zen website I decided to design it this way so it wasn't viewed as extremely serious. My slide also includes large sized text. I decided to include this in my slide so that it stands out. I also got this idea from the presentation zen website, which is talked about in lesson 3(“Make Type Big”).
YATW Blog Post 1: Efficient Energy
“Hey, you put that non-recyclable plastic into the recycling bin” or “Hey, you put that recyclable plastic into the trash bin!” These are scoldings that are heard frequently. “Is it really important? Do I really have to care about where this ends up? How will my life change?” These are retorts often thought but seldom uttered. In this first blog post for my You and the World project, I seek to answer those questions, and talk a little bit about poop (which will make sense soon, I promise).
To start, let’s establish that things can’t be recycled infinitely- every iteration of an item can’t be used as the thing it was last, as quality is lost every time something is reconstituted. A prime example from HowStuffWorks is paper. Paper’s second life will be of a lower quality, meaning it might be lined instead of copy paper. After that, it might not be able to surface as paper at all, and someone might take personal initiative to turn their paper into art or furniture, at which point it has reached the approximate end of its lifecycle. Americans mostly know their job in this (even if they don’t follow through); recycle plastics, papers, and metals, throw out everything else. But is there a point at which it isn’t worth recycling something? Is there a point at which something isn’t a resource, it is merely garbage? Michael C Munger thinks so. He believes that if any item can’t be clearly and efficiently turned into another useful item, it may be just as eco-friendly to shift our focus entirely off of reusing trash and onto turning real, usable materials into energy.
Materials like cow feces (see now?). I’m not limiting the terms “real” and “usable” to poop, but it certainly applies. Here is an interesting infographic on the subject- the most interesting thing it points out, however, is this: “Two adjacent dairy farms in Rexville, WA produce enough methane to provide electricity for about 1,000 homes.” That’s twelve-hundred cows fueling one-thousand homes. That’s incredible. That raises a very important question: why is this not more widespread?
These guys make lots and lots and lots of gas. Like, a lot.
I’m not trying to refute the usefulness of recycling-bin type recycling- whether or not that’s truly effective is not an easily answerable question. Some say recycling isn’t even really followed through with. There is no debate on one front, however: green energy is good. I can’t imagine anyone could disagree with saving the environment and saving money.
Recycling is more than just putting things in a bin (though that can help). Recycling is reusing materials, ideally in a way that makes the repercussions tangible. That means composting, and solar panels, and turbines. In a world where so much money is spent on creating energy in processes in which so much exhaust is output while we have the capabilities to cut that price and to clean those emissions, why do we continue? For my You and the World project, I want to help people (my own family included) meaningfully recycle.
Check out my annotated bibliography here.
YATW Blog #1: Kitten Neglection in Philadelphia
In the article The Story of Bramble: A Story of Neglection A cat Bramble always wandered around the streets. People wanted to help him and then one night he somehow he got trapped in a random family's kitchen. The poor cat was so skinny the family thought his legs were broken, but it was his shoulder blades giving them that impression. Someone finally came to his rescue and decided to take the cat into her home, She gave the cat necessary essentials, but she knew he was slowly slipping away. She rushed him to the hospital where they tried their best to help him survive to live a good healthy life, but he died the second day of being in the hospital because his breathing collapsed. This right here is a tragic story that brought tears into my eyes for quite a while. Now the article Justin the Kitten, this cat went through just as much as Bramble did with the only difference that he actually... lived. Now Justin suffered from heinous physical abuse at only five weeks old. When he was found he had been set on fire by his owner. He was rushed to the hospital for immediate recovery. Both his ears were lost because of dead cartilage ( I know this was to happen because my kitten lost an ear due to a similar situation where only hers was an accident ) but he still has his hearing. After his recovery he was sent with a family that actually cares for him and being with that family helped him become healthy again.
Now people need to learn to care for these cats. If they tend to bad habits they are worth making them change instead of throwing them out onto the streets because you can’t take what they are doing. Give them a chance to change or at least help them change instead of leaving them alone to have no one to depend on. They are innocent creatures, if you have the courage to do that to an animal who knows what you can do to a child. An animal is another version of a child it’s like seeing a baby try to survive the terrors of the city. If you wouldn’t want to see a child in the same position don’t do this to a small creature who has as much feelings as a child.
Well my question why do people do this? Why do they decide to get rid of a precious animal who is in need of help? This project will help me get into the community to do something about this issue. Kitten Neglection is critical and it needs to come to an end.
Click here to see My Resources and Annotated Bibliography
Media Fluency
Jamilah Woodards
Tech Slide Presentation
When making my project, I first used my online sources. I initially went to the “Design Slide Website” link. One of the first things I read basically said Color is the first thing that is seen. My original slide consisted of a black and grey New York themed background. I completely changed everything and went for more appealing colors. I used a bold red font to make the words eye catching then put a thin black shadow behind the text.. I next went Presentation Zen and utilized their sources as well. I used the rule of empty/blank space isn't always a bad thing. The background that I used had a black&white color scheme. Therefor in my opinion, it gave somewhat of an empty space/spacious setting on its own. With that being said, I wanted the text to stand out like the two website links that were provided said. To make the pictures my own, I edited them using two apps on my phone and iPad. The first app; Color Splurge, allowed me to enhance the black&white color background. While the other app; A+ Signature allowed me to watermark my picture by writing my text. Finally I used tips that I read offline which included; bold text makes the work more appealing, make sure the text stands out, have a statement in your presentation, and etc.
YATW First Blog Post - Financial Education
Hello, my name is Felix Schafroth Doty, and this is the first of three blog posts for my English You And The World (YATW) project. For this project, we are to choose an issue in the world, anywhere, and combat it with some form of volunteering. I have chosen Financial Literacy and Education, and the fact that not nearly enough people have the knowledge to live a financially savvy life.
This problem came to my attention when I read a book on teenage finance and education. This book is called The Motley Fool Investment Guide For Teens, written by David and Tom Gardner, owners of a stock investing site. However, this book isn’t just on investing in the stock market. The Motley Fools, as they call themselves, teach you throughout the book about how to be smart and safe with money, and ultimately use it to your advantage. Their website is here.
But anyway, back to the problem at hand: Financial Literacy. This is a definite problem in America, as shown by a recent survey:
The 2012 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey, released in April, Financial Literacy Month, found that despite the recession, Americans still lack basic money skills. More than half of the 1,007 adults polled for the survey admit to not even having a household budget.
Also revealed in the findings:
33 percent, or more than 77 million Americans, do not pay all of their bills on time.
39 percent of Americans carry credit card debt from month to month.
Only 59 percent of adults say they have savings -- a 5 percent decrease from last year.
More than one in four adults say they are now spending more than last year.
42 percent of respondents give themselves ratings of C, D or F on their personal finance knowledge
This means that some of the most fundamental financial tools are not being taught to people, which brings me to the issue I want to address with my project. Financial education is not something that is routinely taught to children, either by parents or schools. When I googled, “Financial Education” and “Lack of Financial Education,” (google search, google search, and other google search. As you can see, just by skimming these searches, there’s an issue.) I saw a lot of programs funded by banks or government branches, but all of these programs are only for people who can access them. People who aren’t members of these banks, or don’t take advantage of their own banks’ education programs, aren’t getting their education from their bank or financial institution. As a side note. some of these bank programs are taking advantage of this advertising opportunity, and teach kids what they want them to know (our bank has the best rates, other banks will cheat you out of money, etc.) Additionally, some neighborhoods don’t have access to a good financial institution, or even a financial institution period.
In addition to the mentioned problems, some parents don’t want to teach their kids about financial education, either because they themselves don’t know about it, or are embarrassed that their kids will find some fault in them. Talking about money and finances is a big taboo in American culture, and frankly shouldn't be. Financial independence and the benefits that come from it can only be achieved if financial education is actively taught in America, both by parents and schools. This is something that has been supported by many sources, including the aforementioned Motley Fools.
This means that action needs to be taken. To me, Health classes (and similar programs) should include a section on financial literacy. In ‘the real world’, something these programs are supposed to prepare you for, money is one of the biggest assets you can have, but only if you know how to use it right. If you don’t handle things like debt, loans, and credit cards correctly, you can be in a lot of trouble. The same goes for sexual education. It’s a big taboo in American culture, but it is also one of the things we need the most. That’s why I think that there needs to be more abundantly accessible financial education programs out there in ‘the real world.’
As a solution to this serious issue, I'm hoping to have talks at my old school and in some advisories here at SLA. That way I can teach more kids about how to be safe and smart.
This is my Annotated Bibliography. You can find plenty more sources there, and some statistics, too.
Quarter 2 Reflection 3
Zack Hersh Quarter 2 Reflection 2
12/15/13 Señorita Manuel
“Clemente y Yo”
El autor de este artículo admira Roberto Clemente, un jugador de béisbol por los Piratas de Pittsburgh en la década de los setenta. Su familia visitando Filadelfia la semana pasada para para promocionar su libro, que es sobre el fenecido patriarca de Clemente, le hizo recordar. Aunque Clemente está muerto ahora, (él se murió en la treinta y uno de diciembre, en el año mil novecientos sesenta y dos, en un accidente de avión), su familia está promoviendo su libro. Porque de este, el autor, Will Gonzalez, se recordaba recuerdos de la infancia sobre Roberto Clemente, y cómo Gonzalez le admiraba y como Clemente fue su hero. El recordaba cuando todo el mundo pensaba que el carrera de Clemente terminó cuando él golpeó en un doble juego con un out y las bases llenas en la parte baja de la novena entrada, en un juego muy importante, pero Gonzalez todavía creía en el. Clemente continuó para firmar con los Piratas, y ayudarles ganar el Serie Mundial contra los Orioles de Baltimore. Ademas, Clemente fue el Jugador Mas Valioso del serie. Gonzalez nunca se rindió en él, y la Famila Clemente visitando Filadelfia volvió todos de estes recuerdos a él. Este artículo fue conmovedor.
Palabras: 203
Gonzalez, Will. "Clemente y Yo." Ponte Al Día. Ponte Al Día, 26 11 2013. Web. 15 Dec 2013. <>.
Reflection #3
¡A celebrar la navidad en Filadelfia!
15/12/13: Andrew Roberts
Este artículo describe algunas características de Navidad en Filadelfia. Muchos lugares públicos tienen espectáculos de Navidad que son divertidas a ver o hacer. El Please Touch Museum tiene su famoso villa navideña colonial. Esto ya es una tradición para muchas familias. El Franklin Square tiene un programa nueva en este año llama “Electrical Spectacle: A Holiday Light Show.” Tiene cincuenta mil luces y una programa especial cada treinta minutos, 4:30 pm a 8:00 pm todas las tardes, con música navideña. Penn’s Landing tiene, para el vigésimo año, el Blue Cross River Rink en su programa “Waterfront Winterfest,” que cuesta tres dolares para aceptación o trece dolares para aceptación y patines. La torre Comcast tiene una programa libre llama “ The Comcast Holiday Spectacular.” Es un video de quince minutos que tiene música y muchos imágenes clásicas navideña. He visto este programa, y es muy divertidas. ¡Yo lo recomiendo!
Todos de estas programas son divertidas, y son lleno de espíritu navideño. Es cosas como estos que hacen Navidad excelente. Es por estas cosas que yo y muchas otras personas disfrutamos mucho este temporada. Yo elegí este artículo porque disfruto cosas que son sobre el temporada navideña, y yo quiero compartir.
200 palabras
"Latino News and Opinion." ¡A Celebrar La Navidad En Filadelfia! - . N.p., 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 15 Dec. 2013. <>.
Why Did the Shrews Get Married?
Why Did The Shrews Get Married?In Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," A man named Baptista is searching for possible husbands for his two daughters but he has a rule; his eldest daughter must get married first, however, everyone wants the younger daughter, Bianca, because the oldest, Katherine, is a bad-tempered woman, known as a shrew. A man named Petruchio steps in to marry Baptista's Katherine, not for love, but for money. Once she is married Bianca is open to suitors . Throughout the book, Katherine and Petruchio's relationship is tracked as she becomes calmer and actually obeys her husband. In the movie, " Why Did I Get Married?" , marriages are put to the test when honesty is missing from relationships and deception is present. There are four married couples who go on a retreat every year to strengthen their relationships with their spouse and one another. When first arriving to the retreat, the couples' stereotypical titles are revealed. There's the strong couple, the crazy/arguing couple, the "normal" couple, and the distant couple. The couple most similar to Katherine and Petruchio's relationship is the crazy/arguing couple, Marcus and Angela. Angela is a shrew like Katherine, but she remains a shrew even after she's married. Marcus doesn't attempt to "tame" her as Petruchio does, for the simple matter of different time periods. All that Petruchio did to Katherine such as starving her is now illegal in America. Marcus on the other hand argues with Angela, only to let her get her way in the end. She whines and complains about her husband's baby mother, with whom he is still secretly sleeping with. If Petruchio cheated on Katherine, it wouldn't have been such a big deal. Katherine didn't love him initially in the marriage since she was forced into it , so she more than likely wouldn't have cared too much about his infidelity. Besides, in those times, a woman was supposed to obey her husband and that is what was mostly enforced, not vice versa. Although times have changed, deception in marriages always play a role in how strong the relationship is. "Marry me so I mean, sweet Katherine, in thy bed…. father hath consented that you shall be my wife, you dowry ‘greed on. and will you, nill you, I will marry you" (Act 2, Scene 1, 82-86 ) Petruchio deceived his wife. Before they were married he attempted to make her believe he was in love with her, and that was his reasoning for marrying her. He actually wanted financial power from their marriage, not her. Still a shrew at the time, Katherine turned him away but her stubbornness was no match for his persistence. His persona was presented as loving and admiral, but that’s not Petruchio’s actual characteristics. He also made Katherine believe her father already consented their marriage, which turn her against her own father for a short period. While Petruchio’s deception started before marriage, Marcus’ began after. Like Petruchio, Marcus also deceives his wife by lying to her. He tells her she's crazy and is worried about nothing with his mistress. He encourages the two to get along for the sake of the kids, but little did Angela know Keisha (the baby mother) was laughing in her face. Angela attempts to believe him ,but she had that “itch” that made her believe everything but what Marcus tells her. Similar to Katherine’s response to Petruchio’s lies, Angela snaps and crabs at Marcus, in an effort to be heard. The difference between Marcus and Petruchio is that Marcus lets it slide, while Petruchio is not afraid to put Katherine in her place of an obedient wife. "PETRUCHIO: I say it is the moon that shines so bright. KATHERINE: I know it is the sun that shines so bright PETRUCHIO: Say as he says, or we shall never go. PETRUCHIO:I say it is the moon. KATHERINE :I know it is the moon.” (Act 4, Scene 5, line numbers) As for Katherine, she deceived her husband into thinking he was right at all times. He tamed her to obey and respect him, but she was deceiving him to strengthen their marriage. Katherine knew her husband wouldn't stop forcing her to starve or sleep on the floor if she kept up with her horrible attitude towards him. What he said goes, so even when he was wrong, she would still tell him he was right. Petruchio's "taming" process proved to be efficient, as Katherine obeys him over all of the other wives to their husbands. Shocked, everyone watches her come to him the second he summoned for her; when she came, she announced in front of everyone how her feelings for Petruchio changed and she's in love with her husband, that's why she's obedient to him. She understands her wifely duties now, and believes Petruchio's actions towards her were out of love. As far as deception in their marriage, they used it to strengthen their relationship, unlike Marcus and Angela. Petruchio's deceived Katherine into the marriage, but overall made her a better person. Katherine's newly obedient manner caused her to stand by her husband and do as he pleases, even if it's not necessarily right. In the end, they are a happy couple and their deception in their marriage positively affected them. Petruchio and Katherine’s deceptive tactics had the purpose of strengthening their marriage, but it’s not the same for Angela and Marcus. It isn't revealed that Angela was cheating until her and Marcus contracted a sexual disease, and Angela admits she's already been treated for it. The two get into a physical altercation, but then settles their issues verbally. In this case, their deceiving was hurting their marriage as well as one another; their infidelity was done out of lust, not hatred. After putting all problems caused by deceiving on the table, they still decided to rekindle their marriage. Angela's shrew-like behavior is shortly paused as she shows her soft spot for her husband, admitting she only acts the way she does because she's scared to lose him. In order to be faithful to Angela, he demands his baby mother stops contacting him or visiting him unless it's for the sake of their child. She also talked about Angela in a degrading manner to the kids, which Marcus also demands for her to stop doing. With an attitude, his baby mother unwillingly agrees. In Taming of the Shrew, the purpose of deception was to strengthen and create a bond between two who didn’t have one prior to marriage. In the movie, “Why Did I Get Married?” , lust controlled the deception, and hurt the relationship more than anything. While many believe deception is a negative aspect, “Taming of the Shrew” proved otherwise. The portrayals in both the movie and play prove that the purpose behind actions is what is the deciding factor whether it is hurting or benefiting the marriage. As stated, while deception is often connected with negative actions, the purpose behind it could change the direction in what it does for the relationship. |
Reflection #2
Al menos dos heridos en tiroteo en escuela de Colorado
12/15/15: Andrew Roberts
El viernes, hubo un tiroteo en una escuela en Colorado. El tirador no mató a nadie, pero hirió a dos personas antes de suicidarse. Uno de los heridos está en peligro, pero el otro está bien. La policía está investigando el crimen. Escuelas cerca de esta escuela están cerradas hasta que termine la investigación. El tiroteo fue un día antes del aniversario del tiroteo en la escuela primaria de Sandy Hook en Connecticut, cuando murieron veinte niños y sies adultos.
Es muy triste que esto ocurrió. Espero realmente mejoren las personas que resultaron heridas. Esto ha ocurrido muchas veces en el pasado, y ojalá hubiera una manera de evitar que suceda. Podemos poner más seguridad en los lugares, pero no lo impide. También, me maravilla qué hizo el tirador hacer lo que hizo. Sólo una persona loca hice que él hizo.
La página web que yo lo obtuvo este artículo dice ochenta palabras sobre este historia. Pienso que este historia es muy importante, y ¡hay más a decir sobre que ochenta palabras! Este me enfada. Un página de noticias puede y debe escribir un historia que describe todos los hechos, no sólo unos pocos. Escribe historias muy grande para historias menos importante, pero una historia muy pequeño para este.
Palabras: 209
"Latino News and Opinion." Al Menos Dos Heridos En Tiroteo En Escuela De Colorado - . Ponte Al Día, 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 15 Dec. 2013. <>.
La Enseñanza Del Español Aún Es Una Asignatura Pendiente En Brasil
Aaron Tang
Q2 #3
Hay doscientos veinte y cuatro Centros de Estudios de Lenguas. El gobierno quiere llevar los estudiantes a Inglaterra y Francia. En dos mil cinco (2005), expresidente Lula queriá que todas las escuelas tener Español. São Paulo tiene cinco mil escuelas y 4.5 millón estudiantes por doscientos veinte y cuatro centros. Araújo, ellos tiene Ingles y estudiantes quieren tener Español. Estudiantes con no CELS, ellos pueden aprender otros lenguas. En Rio Grande do Sul, ellos no tienen que aprender Inglés. El gobierno piensa estudiantes cree los estudiantes aprenden rápido en Español.
En SLA, nosotros tenemos Español. Yo quiero otros lenguas porque estudiantes pueden escoger. En mi vieja escuela, yo aprendí chino y es difícil. Español es fácil. Yo quiero aprender italiano y francés. En la universidad, voy a aprender Italiano. Cuando voy a Italia, yo puedo hablar con la gente. También, yo puedo hablar en Español quien yo voy a Brasil. Me gusta viajar y aprender sobre la cultura. Yo no sé francés o italiano y voy a London y Liverpool. Yo pienso escuelas deben tener diferente lenguas. Escuela no deben uno langua. Yo quiero ir CCP y toma un clase.
"La Enseñanza Del Español Aún Es Una Asignatura Pendiente En Brasil." EL PAÍS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2013. <
The Taming of a Man
In “Taming of the Shrew” we learned that a man’s wife has to cater to his every whim no matter how trivial or important. In fact, some might say that they were treated as property more than a person. This was back then in the older times and now things have changed drastically. Women are very independent and some do not need a man to take care of them. And if they are in a relationship they take the role of a man in sense because they expect certain things in the relationship.The characters being analyzed are Petruchio and Katherine from the Taming of the Shrew and Jeremy and Kristen from Think Like a Man. The reason why is because of their polar opposite relationships. In older times like the Taming of the Shrew, the husband expects certain things from his wife whether if it was taking care of him or being loyal to him. Now in the 21st century, women want more from their relationships and they expect men give the same effort that they do. In the movie, Kristen was influenced by a book called “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man”. The book was written by Steve Harvey and its content include how men think and how to “manipulate” them into getting the most out of them. “She will not come. She bids you come to her.” (Biondello, Act 5 Scene 2, Line 103) This quote is from the part where Petruchio and a few other men made a bet on whose wife is the most loyal. The first two men lost the bet but when Petruchio called Katherine, she immediately came to see what he wanted. In those times, a man’s wife was seen as loyal; a king needs his queen. In this day and age, women feel that they should not be ordered around. They want to be respected and treated as their men would want to be treated. This scene is from Think Like a Man where the characters discuss their views on relationships. Kristen and Jeremy are having dinner and having a conversation on what they both want as a couple. This compares to the play because they are talking about mutual feelings and opinions. In the setting of the play, it was all about what the man thought and the wife would have no other resort. Even if the wife did not agree with her husband’s decision, it would not matter and there was a rare chance of them both agreeing on something, unlike in the movie. “Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign, one that cares for thee…” (Katherine, Act 5 Scene 2, Line 163) The following quote is from Katherine explaining how important women value their husbands. They view them as their sole caretakers and some women believe that without them, they will not be able to function. As said in my thesis, the independence of women is becoming stronger and now most women do not think like this. In this scene from Think Like a Man, the couple split up momentarily showing that the female character does not need her boyfriend but still loves him. Towards the end of the movie, Kristen finds out that Jeremy was lying to her about a job he applied for. The analysis is not directly focused on the lying but the break up. If one reads the sticky note, Kristen breaks up with Jeremy, stating her independence and her intolerance for a “boy who will not grow up”. This proves that Kristen does not need Jeremy because she makes a good living on her own. |
Times have changed in relationships and women and they believe that they should have the same rights as men and that they should respect that. In society, some men believe that women were put on this Earth to feel subservient to men, while others finds as a good thing that their women can handle things themselves. This portrays to us that society believes that everyone should have their own relationship status. If some women feel subservient to men or if some feel more independent, society believes that they can do any of these things. |
Fairytale Endings.
Boy meets girl. They fall in love. They live happily ever after. This has been the simple outline of peoples love lives since the beginning of mankind. They say that it takes two to be in a relationship, that the man and the women both dedicate an equal amount of time, and energy to make something work. In the early days, sexism and women rights was a big issue, they weren’t able to make decisions and choices for themselves and the male always seemed to have an upper hand on them and their lives. Today, in a completely time and era, we still see the old ways of men trying to dominate the female and their life choices.
In the Taming of the Shrew, a play written by William Shakespeare in the early 1590’s viewers come across the same story of the boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after, however, like many love stories, the boy is in complete control. Shakespeare starts the main story off with introducing two sisters, Katherine and Bianca. Bianca, who is described as sweet and kind with the potential to make a great wife has 2 suitors lined up for her, Hortensio and Gremio. Lucentio who comes into town to attend school, see’s Bianca and is immediately at a loss for words. Lucentio and his servant Tranio develop a grand plan to win Bianca. Lucentio dresses up and plays the role of a school master in order to get closer to Bianca, while his servant Tranio dresses up like him, and takes his place sweet talking Baptista, the father of the two girls, and going to school. This here marks the beginning of a relationship based on deception. Lucentio went as far as impersonation, in order to win the heart of Bianca. Bianca met and fell in love with Lucentio, the school tutor. Not Lucentio all mighty and powerful, wealthy man from a privileged lifestyle. In the 1590’s when this play was being written, men had an upper hand over women. Females relied on their father to choose who they were to be wed too, and the husband after that point to provide for them. This type of behavior isn’t unusual for that time and era. However, even though time has evolved, people still seem to follow the outline of the old era. Today, though times are very different, in romantic comedies viewers still see hidden traces of that male dominance. In a more recent movie called The Switch, starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman we see a different way the male uses and manipulates the females life. Both texts show how men feel like they have the upper hand in relationships and will doing anything to keep it that way.
In the movie, The Switch, Kassie our, female lead, is a middle aged women who is single and ready for a family. She decides she’s not going to find love so she sets out to find a sperm donor. Her best friend, Wally is against the entire thing, he doesn’t want to see her with another man let alone raising his kid. In an attempt to be supportive, Wally attends a party Kassie’s best friend throws the night she is inseminated. Throughout the course of the night, Wally somehow crosses paths with the sperm of Kassie’s donor. A drunk and heartbroken Wally then finds he an opportunity to sabotage Kassie’s pregnancy. Without thinking twice about it Wally destroys Rowland, Kassie’s donors, sperm and replace it with his own. At the point, Kassie’s future is written out for her. Her whole life and this moment is decided for her at the hands of a strong male character. Much like Taming of the Shrew, the female of the text doesn’t have a say in how her life turns out. The next day Wally doesn’t remember anything about the night, or replacing the sperm. The fact that the writers of The Switch made it so the male had no remembrance of doing the deed saves him from being the jealous asshole bad guy. Looking past that, we still see the same theme of the male in control of the women life, whether they are aware of it or not. In both texts the women of the book is still playing with the cards the male lead has delt out.
Old habits do in fact die hard, the modern day text and the older text seem to compare greatly. In the Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespear does not make any effort to cover up the fact that the women our powerless compared to the men. In Act 2 Scene 1, Baptista shows not shame nor remorse for auctioning off his youngest daughter, Bianca. Gremio suitor number one and Tranio a servant who is pretending to be suitor number two tells Baptista all they can and will offer his daughter if they are chosen to wed her. Bianca has absolutely no control over who her father picks. At the end of their speeches Baptista says, “Well, gentlemen, I am thus resolved: On Sunday next, you know my daughter Katherine is to be married. Now, on the sunday following, shall Bianca. Be bride to you, if you shall make this assurance. if not, to signior Gremio.”103. Baptista is promising his daughter off to Lucentio if his father will agree to give the wealth and riches offered on Lucentio’s behalf. In that moment, with one short conversation Bianca’s whole life is written out and decided for her without her consent. The time and era this text was written in suggests that this is normal and appropriate behavior. However, nowadays, where women have rights and the ability to speak out and for themselves, this would have caused an uproar in the female society. The writers of the movie The Switch seem to give the male lead a lot of authority and power over the females life, however the way the go about it is subtle and hard to detect. In the movie, Wally is able to writes Kassie’s future for her, similar to the way Baptista does with Bianca.
Watching The Switch and reading Taming of the Shrew you see subtle similarities on how men have always and still do have the upper hand on females in relationships. Whether its a friendship relationship as the two main characters in The Switch or a romantic relationship like Bianca and her many suitors, evidence of the male dominance society grew up of it still present. Society is trying to move away from a time where women were completely powerless, however from the looks of things it seems like things finding a more hidden way to stay the same.
Spanish Reflection Q2 #3
Chris Tran
Srta. Manuel
Halladay es Retiro
Este artículo se trata de un jugador llamada Roy Halladay. Roy Halladay es un jugador por los Blue Jays y los Fillies.Después 16 años de jugó béisbol, él anunció sus retiró con sus equipo de primero, los Blue Jays. Él es mejor en pitching. Él jugó bien en sus 16 años de béisbol. Pero el año pasado, Halladay era herido. Ahora Roy Halladay quiere un lugar en el hall of fame. Pero porque de PED era, jugadores tenía a esperó por un lugar por el hall of fame. Pero Roy Halladay, yo pienso puede obtenido un lugar en el hall of fame porque por 16 años, Roy Halladay es bien en pitching. Ahora yo pienso, él puede retirar el major leagues. El vocabulario que yo aprendí en el artículo es adolorida. La palabra de adolorida es un lesiones menores. Yo encontrado la palabra en esta sentencia en el artículo. “Para evitar una cirugía en su adolorida espalda y el deseo de pasar más tiempo con su familia fueron los factores que llevaron al pitcher Roy Halladay, ganador del premio Cy Young en dos ocasiones, a anunciar su retiro el lunes tras 16 campañas en las grandes ligas”. (Fox Deportes)
Word count: 200 words
Work cited:
"Halladay Deja El Montículo Luego De 16 Campañas." Fox Deportes. Fox Deportes, 9 Dec. 2013. Web. 14 Dec. 2013. <>.
Media Fluency
Hello my name Kayla Cassumba and I am in Mrs. Hull 9th grade Technology class.For this slide we had to implement lessons we learned on Presentation Zen on not only how to advertise but how we can make engaging slides. While working on my slide, I touched basis on a couple of designing principles. I tried to focus on the 8 concepts on the “ Presentation Zen” article. First, I wanted it to be eye-catching, making sure your mind goes on this image journey with me. I also played around with the font and font size. The text needed to be simple, yet large and legible. I also used a couple contrast rules. I used black and white even though different articles suggested not to. However Mrs. Hull always says, “You have to know the rules to break the rules.” And that is exactly what I did. I tried to ensure that the font did not clash with the actual image by keeping it simple and to the point.
Hello, this is my new and improved presentation slide! Through the critiques of others , a lot of valuable information was gained. The first thing that needed to be addressed was the font. After viewing my slide a couple more times I noticed that the two fonts clashed, so instead I made it one specific font for both words. I changed the color of the font to add contrast. For “fast” it was now a dark gray to resemble the light streaks, without hurting your eyes. “Life” was colored orange and moved closer to the word “fast”. This made the reader concentrate on the words written. I wanted the reader to read the words from left-to-right so I put an effect that has the words moving into the background which is appealing to the eye. Then I adjusted the alignment as well. I increased the size of the font to make the point get across in a matter of 3 seconds, just like a billboard. Last, deleted my name from the top right corner because it was just unnecessary.
The Diary Of A Shrew
The book “Taming of the shrew” shows a mans perspective on how to train his women to obey him. In the movie “Diary of a mad black women”, also indeps the idea of how a women should be tamed. The “Shrew” Petruchio married Katherine a young girl who was almost forced
into it. Katherine attitude was no where near the greatest and she was just this mean hopeless
girl. She had a sister who was younger then her who wanted to get married. Because
her father would not accept the youngest to get married before the older, Katherine
had to get married. Inside “Diary of a mad black women” the main character is going threw a
tough divors. The moving guy and her falls in mad love. He calls her this bitter black women
and if kinda makes her more angry. Her character and Katherine has the same personality in a way. Both has this hate and angry for something. Katherine’s is not known why, but brend's is.
"She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, my household stuff, my field, my barn, my horse, my ox, my ass, my anything"
(pg. 133 Act 3. sc.2)
50 First Shrews: How "The Taming of the Shrew" Influenced "50 First Dates"
A popular trend in today’s society is for a group of people, a set of ideals, or a style to return to it’s roots in contemporary culture. It is seen as almost original to bring back a popular catch phrase, wear a 1930’s style suit and tie, or own a vintage automobile. Many modern television shows and movies can be retraced back to their roots in contemporary literature as well. While they may not always directly reflect the plots, themes, or characters of their older counterparts, these pictures are heavily influenced by the works that have come before them. The 2004 film “50 First Dates” reflects Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”, using themes of love and romance, as well as the parental involvement in those affairs, inspired by the late playwright’s comedy.
“The Taming of the Shrew” follows a troupe of men seeking to woo a duo of sisters, one a sweet, fair maiden named Bianca, and the other a seemingly bitter “shrew” named Katherine. Lucentio, the son of a rich man seeks to win the hand of Bianca, but is unable to do so because of a rule set forth by her father, Baptista - Bianca cannot get married before her sister Katherine is wed. Lucentio goes undercover as a school teacher to woo his love, while a suitor named Petruchio takes a more forward approach in taking Katherine as his wife. In “50 First Dates”, a young playboy, Henry falls in love with a local girl, Lucy who is plagued by a mental condition; unable to form short term memories past a night’s sleep. Lucy’s father, Marlin, forbids her from forming any type of romantic relationship for fear that she may be hurt.
Shortly after Henry learns of Lucy’s mental condition in “‘Dates”, he follows her to her house to try to win her hand, however her father has other plans. In order to protect her from waking up next to a man she does not recognize for the rest of her life, he forbids her and anyone who wishes to be with her, from finding love together. “50 First Dates” reflects society’s need for a safe and comfortable life, just as “The Taming of the Shrew”’s Baptista does for his daughter.
“Gentlemen, importune me no farther, For how I firmly am resolv'd you know; That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter before I have a husband for the elder.”
(Baptista, Act I Scn I)
Baptista will not allow Bianca to marry for fear his eldest daughter will be alone forever. This fear is great enough that he is willing to sacrifice his daughter’s affections to calm his anxieties. Because there are so few suitors for Katherine, Bianca must also wait to be wed. Though this play was written hundreds of years ago, it describes perfectly today’s society’s need for certainty. As outlined by modern media like 50 First Dates, people today are unlikely to make a decision without near-complete certainty. Baptista is uncertain of Katherine’s future, and sacrifices Bianca’s, at least for the time being.
It is not until the plot of “50 First Dates” has progressed quite far that Henry is given permission by Marlin to court the forgetful Lucy. After Marlin realizes that happiness and security for his daughter can be found in Henry, he relinquishes his grip on her love life. Henry and Lucy begin to fall in love, and eventually become married with a child. The last scene finds Marlin, Henry, Lucy, and the couple’s child together on a boat in Alaska, a dream Henry has had for quite some years. The fact that Marlin is present at the end of the film says that he condones their marriage and had a large hand in completing their relationship, just as Baptista eventually finds a husband for Katherine.
“I know not what to say; but me your hands. God send you joy, Petruchio! ‘Tis a match” (Baptista, Act II Scn I)
A rich man, Petruchio, comes to the city where Baptista and his daughter live. Lucentio seize the opportunity and strikes a deal with the young suitor - Petruchio will marry Katherine, thereby freeing Bianca to be married as well. Baptista immediately takes to Petruchio and promises him his bride. Lucentio and Bianca eventually become married as do Petruchio and Katherine, all with the blessing of Baptista. Unlike Marlin from “50 First Dates”, however, Baptista’s rules never changed. He is a steadfast figure throughout the entire play, and holds his standards throughout the storyline.
The film “50 First Dates” by director Peter Segal was written hundreds of years after William Shakespeare’s play “The Taming of the Shrew”, yet it still draws heavily from ideas presented in the play. Both texts describe society’s reliance on control and dependence on certainty through their plots, characterizations, and scripts. Both follow a set of young lovers who need to find approval from the fathers of the women in the text. Though the fathers are reacting to different circumstances, they are doing so with the same intentions, and the same outcome. Maybe our society isn’t much different from that of years gone by. Maybe we’re just all trying to find love and approval for that bond.
Works Cited:
Shakespeare, William. The Taming of the Shrew. Pp. 84. J. Tonson & the Rest of the Proprietors: London, 1734. Print.
50 First Dates. Dir. Peter Segal. Perf. Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. Sony Pictures, 2004. Netflix.