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Macbeth Creative.
This is just a collection of short poems, a little like a journal, you could say. They're meant to be comedic, and I'm not that good a poet either. Enjoy. This a representation of my written piece, which describes the journey of Macbeth throughout the story.
Poem one:
I’m a soldier, better than the rest
Until every enemy is dead, I will not rest
They all know my name; they tremble at the sight of me
If anyone were to cross me, my horrible wrath they’d have to see
I’m not a bad person really, just got to keep people in check,
Can’t be afraid to grab someone by the neck, to me human life is only a dust speck,
Macbeth’s the name, being boss is the game
If you have a problem with me, that’s a shame
-Macbeth…( “For brave Macbeth -
well he deserves that name - Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel,
Which smoked with bloody execution...Till he unseamed him form the nave to the
chaps And fixed his head upon our battlements.”)
Poem two:
Lady Macbeth is pushing me
Pushing me to do something evil, something unspeakable
I do want the power; I do want to be royalty
But how far could I take it?
Could I really assassinate a king, could I really take Duncan’s’ life?
I consider doing it, I consider not doing it, oh what to do?
The decision has to be made tonight, and these daggers are sharpened
Poem three:
I have done the deed, Duncan no longer draws breath
I am now the king, but was my murdering worth it?
The crown on my head is a bloody one, but a crown nonetheless
There are still people who would take it from me; they must be dealt with
The only option I see would be to do to them what I did to Duncan
Or maybe to hire another to do my bidding, to keep their blood from my hands
To keep more blood from staining these hands
I must act fast; every passing day brings closer the possibility of them taking the crown
-Macbeth…( “How now, you secret,
black, and midnight hags, what is’t you do?” )
Poem four:
My heart has been wounded, wounded by the arrow of death
My wife, my child, both slain, not by the hands of Macbeth
But the hands of his minions, so his minions I shall kill
This does not mean that Macbeth is any safer from my revenge
He will pay for what he has done to me; he will pay most dearly, just as I have
I should have seen this coming; Macbeth has of late been a wrecking ball
Ending the lives of everyone he sees fit for his evil cause
Never had I thought he would go so far as to do something like this
But it will not go unpunished, certainly it will not
-Macduff…( “Not in the legions of horrid Hell can come a
devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth.”)
Poem five:
I have lived a life of violence and bloodiness
And now it is coming to an end
I have only myself to blame for my demise
I chose the path I took, and this is where it led
So now, not far from now, I will be dead
Macbeth Creative. This is just a collection of short poems, a little like a journal, you could say. They're meant to be comedic, and I'm not hat good a poet either. Enjoy.
Macbeth: creative writing piece, Reginald Simmons
Poem one:
I’m a soldier, better than the rest
Until every enemy is dead, I will not rest
They all know my name; they tremble at the sight of me
If anyone were to cross me, my horrible wrath they’d have to see
I’m not a bad person really, just got to keep people in check,
Can’t be afraid to grab someone by the neck, to me human life is only a dust speck,
Macbeth’s the name, being boss is the game
If you have a problem with me, that’s a shame
-Macbeth…( “For brave Macbeth -
well he deserves that name - Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel,
Which smoked with bloody execution...Till he unseamed him form the nave to the
chaps And fixed his head upon our battlements.”)
Poem two:
Lady Macbeth is pushing me
Pushing me to do something evil, something unspeakable
I do want the power; I do want to be royalty
But how far could I take it?
Could I really assassinate a king, could I really take Duncan’s’ life?
I consider doing it, I consider not doing it, oh what to do?
The decision has to be made tonight, and these daggers are sharpened
Poem three:
I have done the deed, Duncan no longer draws breath
I am now the king, but was my murdering worth it?
The crown on my head is a bloody one, but a crown nonetheless
There are still people who would take it from me; they must be dealt with
The only option I see would be to do to them what I did to Duncan
Or maybe to hire another to do my bidding, to keep their blood from my hands
To keep more blood from staining these hands
I must act fast; every passing day brings closer the possibility of them taking the crown
-Macbeth…( “How now, you secret,
black, and midnight hags, what is’t you do?” )
Poem four:
My heart has been wounded, wounded by the arrow of death
My wife, my child, both slain, not by the hands of Macbeth
But the hands of his minions, so his minions I shall kill
This does not mean that Macbeth is any safer from my revenge
He will pay for what he has done to me; he will pay most dearly, just as I have
I should have seen this coming; Macbeth has of late been a wrecking ball
Ending the lives of everyone he sees fit for his evil cause
Never had I thought he would go so far as to do something like this
But it will not go unpunished, certainly it will not
-Macduff…( “Not in the legions of horrid Hell can come a
devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth.”)
Poem five:
I have lived a life of violence and bloodiness
And now it is coming to an end
I have only myself to blame for my demise
I chose the path I took, and this is where it led
So now, not far from now, I will be dead
Q3 Benchmark: Serbia and Peru
For the quarter 3 benchmark, the countries I chose were Serbia and Peru. They're both similar and different in a lot of ways. Serbia and Peru both are friendly and good trading partners in the industry. They both also suffer from water pollution and mining problems. Something interesting but also shocking was that the waste in Serbia has increased from 68,000 tons to 176,00o tons in only 7 years. An interesting fact about Peru would be that the country isn't hostile with other countries but inside of Peru there's so much violence and the system is so corrupted.
The process for my project was a little complicated. It was complicated because the information was hard to gather. The first thing that I did was get all of my information for Serbia after that was done i got all of the information for Peru. After I got all of the information that I needed I got the pictures and started the google doc presentation format. I then laid out how i wanted my presentation to look and began to assemble it.
The 5 point framework was difficult to find in my opinion. I had to really dig into websites to even get a good sense of what something was talking about. It was also hard because there isn't a lot of information on Serbia. I got all of the information that was needed but it was not an easy process to me. It made me think and spend a little bit more time then I wanted to gathering the information for the 5 point framework.
If I could change my project, I would probably make a video. I would probably make a video because it might keep peoples interest more but then I thought about all the information that would have to be on it and I didn't know how to make it come across people with out having a whole lot of words on the video and people having to read it. That's why I chose to do a Google Doc Presentation. I thought that would be acceptable to have all the information on a slide and I got to design each one with pictures that went with the topic of the slide.
Some feedback would be to have different check points for the project. I thought that since I had the twelve days i would leave it and start it the week before it was do. I didn't think about all the other work that I was getting and I fell behind with the project. I think that check point would help me be more organized and help keep me on track. Other then that I found out some good information on Serbia and Peru.
English Benchmark: Macbeth
Jasmine's English Benchmark
English Benchmark - Macbeth
English Benchmark- Macbeth
Switzerland vs Ethiopia
Your Highness?
The artwork is based on Lady Macbeth. The sculpting is symbolizing Lady Macbeth’s important key in the book. The first sculpting is about power because at the beginning of the book, she became really obnoxious with the power. She wanted to take over the control and guided her husband, Macbeth to be the king. The next following sculpting is a knife. It shows that Lady Macbeth encourage Macbeth to kill King Duncan so both of them can get the power. There are quotes when she had talked about the dagger. The third sculpting is a crown. Lady Macbeth had the wish to take the crown as a queen to rule the power with her husband. This shows that the power had symbolized lunatic because she was scared that nobles would find out later. The power was too much for her where she had committed suicide. She didn’t really care about living than suffer in pain of killing. So the sculpting shows a memorial grave for Lady Macbeth’s death.
had created my arts and craft a castle because the theme sets off to royals and
highness. It shows that the time period is creating a non-fiction for people to
see. The houses are for the background are black and white because the colors
shows devastating period of time when there was a problem. The flags are
showing who is ruling the kingdom for Lady Macbeth and Macbeth ruling.
Malaysia vs. Slovakia - 5 point framework
For my quarter 3 Globalization Benchmark we had to use Jared Diamond "Collapse" 5 point frame work in order to asses the collapsibility of 2 countries; one that we focused on for an election project and one other that we chose. I compared Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia and Slovakia, located in Europe.
My process was all over the place for this project. I had a lot of different ideas when approaching what I wanted to do. I started out with the website, where I posted all of my information for Malaysia. By doing that, it made the process towards comparing them easier since half of the project was pretty much finished. I ended up making anorexic since I was much more familiar with that than iWeb. Also, I didn't want to have to depend on Dropbox. Creating the prezi was fairly easy. Trying to be as creative as possible was hard. I didn't just want to lay out my information, I wanted to make it a bit more interactive like with pictures and links that will take people to websites full of additional information.
My overall presentation for my project went well. I liked the way I was able to compare the similarities and differences of each of the countries. I was a little hesitant about using prezi, however I am proud of the way I could tell the audience what was happening and definitely have them understand what's going on.
Trying to find all the information I needed was SO hard. Most of the time I did not find anything. Working around that was really difficult just because I was kind stuck between a rock and a hard place tryin to find more information on my coutries. Something else I didn't know go as planned were the urls for my extended sources. I did not know how to embed them into my prezi do when looking at my information, there are these long urls that aren't so appealing.
I guess I would change the way I approached the project. I went in thinking "oh, I'll just google their hostile neighbors and all the information should pop up." But that did not happen, so getting around that made things harder. Next time, I would definitely keep an open mind when it comes to research and look for more outside sources in order to find the information I need to create an informative project.
Hammond - Macbeth BM
"Lich" King:Macbeth
Macbeth has been on a journey. A journey full of lies/deceit, blood, and greed. In the picture that I drew I wanted to show Macbeth’s path in one 2-face picture. Macbeth has gone from a noble man to a tyrant. I wanted to portray that in the drawing. I’m going to start with the right side (or left, from your view). This is Macbeth’s human face, I made him bald because that’s how he looked like in the movie and I thought it was better than what I was going to draw. This side of the face shows his valor, bravery, and honesty. It shows a soldier worthy to fight for his country and will stop at nothing for justice. The skull side has the crown because he turned evil and something so dead after he became king. The blood in his mouth is to show how bloodthirsty he was in order to protect his golden power. The eye socket shows how hollow and lifeless he has gotten and the cracks represent him wearing down to his final fall, the blue paper represents Macbeth’s lost soul hidden away and gone forever.
Bibliography for drawing the skull:
Macbeth Creative Piece
5 point framework-Sudan & Armenia Collapse project
Click here to view my project
This semester we’ve been learning about collapsibility, and what leads up to collapsibility. We’ve been reading a book called Collapse by Jared Diamond, we’ve been using his 5 point framework to measure the how good of a chance we think that a country will or won’t collapse.
My two countries were Sudan and Armenia. I chose Sudan because I had already looked up some information on Armenia and realized that they shared some similar problems. I wanted to make my project interesting and interactive, so I decided to create a website that looked at collapsibility as a whole and specifically for those two countries. I researched all of my information for Armenia first so that I would have a better idea of what to look for when I researched Sudan. However, it took me much longer to find information about Sudan than it did about Armenia. As I started to look for the same subjects that I had found for Armenia, each subject had at least two layers of information.
Again I wanted to make my scale interesting to look at so I used a Prezi to set up the scale for both countries with a brief explanation of why I gave this portion of the five point framework that rating. I used the 5 point framework multiple times because I though that it would be the least confusing for the format I chose. I was originally going to separate each portion of the framework into different pages but that might have been overwhelming for a lot of people, including myself so I decided against it.
I think that the five point framework is pretty easy for me to grasp after reading the book because its repeated very often so I knew what I was looking for when I had to apply it to other countries, like the two I chose. The harder part was justifying my rating, I had to weigh out consequences more than I had been so it felt like a little bit of a stretch at first because I wasn’t sure if I had chosen the right number or not.
If there was one thing that I could change it would be to work harder on this, time wise. I usually manage my time very well, because I like planning and I have steps for almost everything when it comes to schoolwork. But this time, because I had my capstone in 3 days with constant problems occurring I had to run back and fourth between the two and that left me less time to actually work on the project especially with multiple technical difficulties, I didn’t leave myself enough time. Therefore, I think I basically through myself off schedule, which resulted in a late benchmark.
Ray Albarouki_English Macbeth BM
France V.s Columbia
The 5-point framework was somewhat straightforward, however the stuff that was harder to find was the friendly trade partners or friendly neighbors. For example when I was trying to find friendly neighbors for France that was not straightforward. I had to keep searching for different for websites. What helped me answer this was Wikipedia and I found out that there were unfriendly trade partners in the 1900’s however after this time period France did work out their issues with them. As of now there are France is friendly with a lot of trade partners. The process that I took to do this benchmark was that I sometimes I used Wikipedia to gain the understanding to history and used other sites that branched off that site. Also what I did was that I had to read the heading of each website to see what was going to be useful. In order to complete this benchmark the countries that I used was comparing France and Columbia. France is my election country and Columbia was used for a previous project to I just decided to use that information that was gathered. I should have spent more time on this and made things more creative then I did.
Macbeth By Lala Doumbia
Macbeth BM- Stay Slayin
I kill for my crown dawg I kill for my crown... Stay slaying, people tryna get on to me, I kill for my crown
Uh, I'll kill for my crown
Dippin and slippn like Vick on 4th down
He’s down for whatever
His time is now
To kill king Duncan
It’s about to go down
Like keysha Cole, mac was heavan sent
“Naught had all spent here our desire without consent”
They overcame obstacles climbed em just like a fence
They were invincible, superman clark kent
He thought he was schooling these Boys, Macbeth Master Dean.
Now he lives like “A coward in thine with own esteem”
He was chilling with the jacksons “living the dream”
But quickly realized that reality wasn’t what it seemed
He tries to tell his wife but she Don’t understand
Saying that he should “go get some water and wash this witness from your hands”
Hours on end, macbeth was a little creeped
With Voices Vocalizing “Macbeth has murdered sleep”
Lady mac wanted the “Life” By Any MEANS.
But She accused him of hating the crown that he’s redeemed
Lady had the scoop like grave yard shovel.
Saying “Tis the eye of childhood that feared a painted devil”
But she was a Snake that kept Hissing when talking.
Until one night she was caught slipping, Sleepwalking.
I think the moral of the story is “For one to understand”
“All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this hand”
It was too late she did what she did
She was overwhelmed with the guilt that she hid
She couldn’t hide it anymore
No matter how hard she tried
Her innocence slowly drifted away
Like a 5’Oclock Ocean Tide.
Her ambtion was flawless
And done with such pride
Maybe that’s reason why she commited suicide.
Dylan Long Creative English BM (Magazine+Article)
Chris Tran Creative English BM (Poem + Video)
MacBeth’s Journey:
This is Macbeth’s journey…
A journey to his destiny…
A destiny where he could be King….
He believed that when he heard,
He heard the weird sisters predictions,
Surprise he said, “supernatural soliciting cannot be ill.
Cannot be good…”
As he said that his luck change
Yes change,
He became a noble guy to becoming a killer…
A killer who is greedy for power and
After that reflecting stating, “To know my deed
‘twere best not know myself”.
He was safely King,
Oh how coward of him to kill a guy
A guy who is a great king, to take his position from him.
Who is his next victim?
Who is it?
Well the next victim is Banquo
How could he kill his partner?
He had a suspicion that Banquo is a danger to him and states,
“To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus..”
Then this time he summon murder to do his dirty work
What a coward Macbeth has become from brave man.
Then after that murder of Banquo,
Macbeth has planned to kill Macduff because of his betrayal
He stated, The castle of MacDuff I will surprise…
Has Macbeth gone too far…
Even his own people yes his citizens have turned against him.
Even his own enemy said, “ Some say he’s mad : Others lesser hate him.
This proves that Macbeth has
Gone through a journey of his prophecy.
So he could just die at the end, his future was a total blowout.
Russia vs. Vietnam Collapsibility Benchmark
I had general thoughts, but as I began to make my presentation, I found the sources that perfectly proved my point. It was straightforward, it wasn't impossibly hard but it was more difficult than I expected. I wish I could have put videos into my presentation, however Google Docs doesn't have that feature. I want videos because it would make it more dynamic and interesting.
Kashif Ahmad- Vietnam & Guinea Bissau 5 point framework
For the 3rd quarter benchmark, the two countries that I did five point frame work was Vietnam and Guinea Bissau. Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia while Guinea Bissau is located in West Africa. Finding information on Vietnam was a piece of cake because of the major role it plays in the world. Major role such as importing goods to well developed countries such as United States, China and Japan. On the other hand I had to struggle a little to find information on Guinea Bissau. Since Guinea Bissau is a "low class" country, where the citizens have to struggle everyday to find living for them and their families, it's hard to find information because not a lot of people knows about it so therefore there isn't enough resources on countries like Guinea Bissau. In my opinion, the five point framework is straightforward and easy. It makes it easy to research on whatever country you're doing your research on. If I could change one thing I would provide more visuals such as picture to make it more interesting for the audience.
Macbeth's Castles And His Tragedy
I had read one of the masterpieces from Shakespeare. Macbeth is about a once royal thane named Macbeth but later he killed King Duncan and become the king. Macbeth change a lot during the play and it is worthy to track his changes throughout the play in order to conclude the significance behind this character. There are a written piece and a creative piece to this investigation of the changes in Macbeth's behavior. At the bottom are several pictures of my creative piece on Macbeth. One is the video that have the original quotes from the book and the quote analysis.
Tthe craft have the modern translation of the quotes that shows Macbeth's transformation in each Act.The craft shows Macbeth's transformations in the play to obtain kingship. Therefore, the "White Castle" that represent Macbeth's good side. In the front of the "White Castle', there is a silver bridge with the Macbeth dolls. Each doll have a quote that describe him in Act 1 and Act 2. The "Tyrant's Bloody Castle" shows the downfall of Macbeth and, the blood that stains he's heart. In the front of the "Tyrant's Bloody Castle" there is a red bridge that have Macbeth dolls on it. Each doll have a quote that describe him in Act 3, 4 and 5. The silver bridge is the starting point of Macbeth's journey toward kingship and the red bridge is the end point or the path to his own death.
The bridge never crosses into the castles because Macbeth didn't have the qualities to be the king and he died fighting something that he could only obtain by name. The glitters represent Macbeth's dark desires.
Davis: Palestine/Congo
The countries evaluated in this resource is comparison between the self-proclaimed arab state of Palestine and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Palestine was my assigned election country, which is combination of Jeruselum, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip. This area of the middle east is a self proclaimed state that for decades, since the establishment of the modern day Israel, has been fighting politically for land and independence. The Congo, politically recognized as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a sub-saharan African nation who for over the past 15 + years have delt with civil war and political un-organization. Though the government in the DRC has formed, the country still deals with a war on illegal mining of natural resources and mass poverty throughout the nation. In this presentation, I was able to directly connect Diamond's 5 Point Framework (Environmental Damage; Climate Change; Hostile Neighbors; Friendly Trade Neighbors; Society's Response to Environmental Issues) to the problems that these nations face. In the process, I took a more in depth analysis of how the influence of terrorism and propaganda taint the mission of Palestine, and can lead to their collapse before they're even established. I also drew connections between the deforestation of sub saharan Africa to outside nation's ability to trade freely through the region. I believe that this catalog can pose as a valuable resource for those wanting to know the severity of these issues within these nations. Although there aren't many connections between Palestine and The Congo, there are significant similarities between the current economic and environmental situations in these nations.