En qué mes estamos? (which month is this?)
In order to ask/tell someone what today's date is or what's the month you need to know
-The months
-How to pronounce the months
-How to spell the months
-The dates
Here is a site that will help you pronounce the months better and learn them.
*In Español the first letter in the months are always miniature they are never upper case. The first letter in the days of the week are also lower case and the week starts on Monday not Sunday. Also in Español the date is first then the month, then the year. (Ex. Date/Month/Year)
Here are some words you might want to know
-la semana=The Week
-el mes=The Month
-el año=The Year
The Months
To tell someone the date you need to know how to count to 31, what to say first day or month, and how to say the days of the week.
In spanish you always say the date day/month/year.
How to count to 31:
0 = cero 10 = diez 20 = veinte 30 = treinta
1 = uno 11 = once 21 = veintiuno 31 = treinta y dos
2 = dos 12 = doce 22 = veintidos
3 = tres 13 = trece 23 = veintitres
4 = cuatro 14 = catorce 24 = veinticuatro
5 = cinco 15 = quince 25 = veinticinco
6 = seis 16 = diez y seis 26 = veintiseis
7 = séte 17 = diez y sete 27 = veintiséte
8 = ocho 18 = diez y ocho 28 = veintiocho
9 = nueva 19 = diez y nueva 29 = veintinueva
Here is a game that can help you improve on your dates.