Blog #7

I've been staring at this clock for about 30 minutes and it has felt as though it has been thirty days.  I am so excited about leaving but my ride is taking forever, I walked down the hallway and walked back, same time.  Went into the kitchen and got something to drink, 30 seconds passed.  I made my bed, re-combed my hair, listened to a 7 minute song and still only 1 minute has passed.  This is going to be potentially the longest part of my night.  Tick, tick, tick, he said 3:30 it's 3:31 he's a minute late, I wonder if there's something wrong. Ding Dong, oh that must be him, I should probably get dressed.

Out of Focus

The assignment was to pick a random word and create a video using it. The word that the group of Teila Allmond, Harrison Talese-Rhodes, and I have drawn was "Out of Focus". So our video was based around the simple words of, "Out of Focus".

Valentine's Day

I have always loved celebrating Valentine's Day, regardless of my relationship status.  The candy, cards, small gifts, and over all joyous feeling has always had a positive impact on me.  The fact that I have a close person to share the holiday with this year makes things even better.

Tonight, Eric and I are going to the movies.  We have absolutely no idea what movie to see, but we have been planning on doing something for the holiday.  I kind of want to see "The Rite" directed by Mikael Håfström.  It's an Anthony Hopkins movie, so it will definitely be creepy enough for me.  I just saw two other Anthony Hopkins' movies, "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Hannibal".  Eric and I both enjoyed them very much so I hope that "The Rite" will be equally as good.

Today should be amazing!

Homework: Rewrite First Page

Napoleon's Bayou
New Orleans
August 1953  

     Two Italians walked into the Bayou, a nightclub in the French Quarter, like instant death, giving people menacing stares shooting bullets into the eyes who dared to meet their glare. Both men were dressed in gangster attire consisting of expensive dark suits, dark ties, dark shoes, and tilted fedoras. As they made their way through the crowded club of Negros who, just moments ago, danced lively to the Jazz band, a passageway was immediately cleared for no one had the temerity to stand in their way. Their names were Chicago Sam and Vincenzo Milano.
     Sam was a rumored Mob Boss and had a seat on the Syndicates's Commission, the board of directors of Gangsterdom. He held the power of life or death, god to all of those who feared his unpredictable and merciless wrath.


I just realized, I didn't post a story all weekend. AWESOME. This is definitely not as easy as I expected, and I don't think that it is fair that we have to post on the weekend, not everyone gets the time to do so..​

I'm so tired of school, it's unbelievable. I cannot wait to graduate and move on. Offically 120 days until I graduate.
No more worrying about storytelling on Saturdays and Sundays, no more doing pre-calculus in my head everytime I see a math problem, no more listening to annoying girls scream in the middle of the hallway, although I do that sometimes....

I went snowboarding at Bear Creek this weekend. Look.
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Rewrite first page of story:Hannibal

The Mustang jolted up the entrance ramp of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms on Massachusetts Avenue, it was rented by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the interest of the economy.

In three vehicles their were 3 strike forces, armed and waiting for Clarice Staring as she sped around the corner in her Mustang.  Along with the three vehicles , was a battered undercover van and a car of two SWAT teams behind it. The undercover van was disguised as Marcell's Crab House truck. Starling opened the door of her mustang and snatched the equipment bag out of her trunk before heading to the Undercover Van. Her small fatigue complimented her fast paced walk. When she arrived at the van a DC officer dressed in uniform was wait in the van. "Women are always late." he said.

Pardon Me, I Must Be Going.

"He will love me when the horns start to show. Mother says we should start to see them by next fall. He will adore me when my pigment changes and the color leaves my eyes. He will love me always. I know it. From the minute I saw on him on the subway car, staring  awkwardly at the weird stain in the corner of the neighboring seat, he was mine. Father thinks him odious, boring, and easily replaceable. I happen to oppose everything Father says, simply for the thrill of it, so his dislike is all the more evidence of our perfection for one another.
He will love me when others cower at my feet, afraid and broken. Mumbling of days long since past, begging for my mercy. He will stand unflinchingly by my side. He loves me in what some might call an "inescapable fashion". I quite like the sound of that. Inescapable. I suppose such devotion is upsetting for his house harpy, or "wife" as some know her. What a retched thing she is. Crying all the time about love lost and my cruelty as though I am to blame for his feelings. This is fate! The cosmos! Destiny! She was but a pit stop on his way to me and she has overstayed her welcome! I wish he would dispose of her. Perhaps I will make him do that tomorrow, proof of his undying love. Oh that is a grand idea! A perfect Valentine's Day gift.
He is mine, mine, mine… goodness, look at the time! Pardon me, I must be going. It has been lovely chatting with you."

They Always Ruin Things

You left the chat by logging out or being disconnected.
11:19 PM
James: how do black people mess up everything
11:23 PM
Me: ard so me malcolm and my friend bernard were skateboarding at acme up around germantown
then people in a car started driving down the block blowing a blow horn.
my friend was like wassup,( like a party wassup)
the people stopped the car and some tall big black bul got out and ask if there was a problem. we just stood there and he started running after us. He came like close to us and ask if there's a problem. We just stood there looking at him and each other confuse like.
Then the black dude ran back to the car saying "go get the rachet",  so we started to walk towards acme. I got a little nervous.
Some guy we saw earlier that worked there asked if there was a problem and we told him what happen and he told us to go inside.
The guys in the car started to pull in the parking lot while we were in acme.
We were just strolling around in there until the heat died.
The guy that worked at acme asked if we knew them.
We were said "naw".
We told him we weren't starting anything.
He walked us to the cars and my friends and I just sat in the cars until we thought of the next move.
A couple of minutes a random car that look similar drove into the parking lot but there was only one person visible in it.
He was on his cell.
He drove by our car and stopped near it for a couple of seconds, then he circled the street pole and stayed there for a couple more seconds, then he just drove off, so my friends and I decided to go somewhere else so we went to the C.W. Henry School parking lot to think.
We decided to end the night out and we went home.
Black people mess everything up.
James: dag.
thats really drawlin
Me:i kno
James: well im just glad ur ok
Me:yea, but I don't think it was about anything because the guy would have hit us if it was serious.

Last Friday Night

It started friday after school. I rushed to 30th street picked up his day pass, we had been waiting for this day for what seemed like and eternity. I rushed to that back where the regional rail trains where avoiding any type of conversation with the young girls selling cookies, or the young men trying to get me to learn more about how to save our planet. When I got to where they sold the day passes the line I saw made me want to scream. I just knew that this was going to make me late. To my surprise the line moved rather quickly and I was out of there in five minutes.
I then made my way to the el stop and waited for the fastest mode of transportation that would get me home so that I could get ready for this special night. When I got home my mom greeted me and told me that I needed to hurry if I wanted to be on time. I was in and out of the shower. I already had my clothes laid out from the night before. I quickly put my clothes on, but there was one problem. What scent would I wear? Would it be sweet pea, moonlight path, or japanese cherry blossom? I decided to go with moonlight path, I figured it was the rite scent for this special occasion. After I put on the finishing touches I said bye to my mom and headed out the door.
It took about 15 minutes to get to 69th street. As I walked up the steps I could feel my heart flip-flopping. I got closer and closer to out meeting spot, scanned the area but I didn't see him. My mood quickly changed from happy to annoyed. I sat down and texted him. I asked where he was he said he was on his way. I said alright and listened to my ipod. Periodically I looked up to make sure he knew where I was sitting, but each time I looked he wasn't there which made me get even more annoyed. Finally he came and some how all of my feelings of annoyance melted away when I saw his smile. There was no way I could be mad after seeing that.
We made our way back to the el and we were on our way to Dave and Busters. The el ride wasn't that long. We got off at Spring Garden station and walked to 325 N Columbus Blvd. When we arrived I could not hide the huge smile that was on my face. It was so big he could see it from behind me. He told me he was excited and my face told him the same thing. We walked to the back where the games where and we looked for a table to sit down that. We searched for about eight minuted before we found a table near the bar. Surprisingly they did not ask to see my I.D. (which made me feel good because they thought I was old enough). As we waited for our waiter we talked about all the games we would play and who would win which game. 
Our waitress came and she look so tired and annoyed by the amount of people there that night. I could tell she couldn't wait until closing time, but she had a long way to go. She took our order and said she would be back with our drinks. So we waited and as we waited we just observed everyone in the room and made little jokes about certain people we saw. The waitress came back with our drinks and left without a word. I was so hungry I could hear my stomach growling over the sound of games and laughter. A few minutes later she came with out food and we shoved it down so we could hurry and play games. 
After eating we began gaming. We played so many games and was having so much fun we lost track of time. We had to hurry and get rid of all of our points on our card. So we decided that anything we didn't play, we would play. We took out tickets to the back where the prizes where. I knew from the looks of the tickets we weren't going to be able to get much. He wanted to get me something, but I suggested he should get something for his nephew, and he did. Before we left and brought me a rose. He told me this was one of the best nights ever and he was glad he spent it with me. I could feel my cheeks turning red. He smiled and we headed home.
And every time I look at this rose I am reminded of last friday night.

Q3 Assignments

​I would like to honestly say that I put forth a lot of effort when it came to this assignment but ran into multiple road blocks along the way. Being the type of artist I am, a semi-perfectionist, time limits is something I tend to struggle with when it comes to my art. I'll put something down and it'll scream at me for days to fix something that just doesn't look right and , the sucker I am for making an art piece that I can make it instead of letting it be, I will. This happened quite a bit with a few of my assigned art pieces. For example, my own hand I had to repeatedly go back to and alter one or two times so even the slight fingernail would stop yelling at me. This would get in the way of the next project because I'd stop, go back, fix, straighten up and wouldn't finish the next art work in time of the deadline. I'm currently still facing that problem with the still life. I've worked multiple hours on this one picture without putting a date on the full product because I know that I am capable of making it as realistic as possible so in my mind 2 hours out of a week is not going to get me to perfection. Although it is almost complete with a few shadings to do here and there this has left me behind on other assignments that no doubt will make me run into the same idealist issues. I have started the full life drawing of another classmate but with little time for her to pose or me to put down that one nagging picture I've run into some problems there. If, at best, I can post half finished work I will but definitely to my disliking. I feel like messing up is a big part of the complete product but its a process that I prefer to keep private. My viewers should receive only the best that I can offer and being true to myself and my artwork I cannot, without a guilty conscious, put up something that I didn't truly put all of my artistic ability into. It's cheating myself out as a true artist. I feel like getting in an assignment late but perfected is better than meeting the deadline with little effort. I intend to get every piece up before the next marking period with haste but definitely not carelessness. 
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Photo on 2011-01-20 at 12.02 #2
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Photo on 2011-02-13 at 23.48
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Letting go of the past

When I looked back on all the memories that I have made with many people, some closer then others, I could not help but wonder why I can not recreate those memories sometimes? Why does it feel like the world can crumble down upon you at any second if you are not attentive to it at all times? The only reason I have been thinking about those questions is because thats exactly how I felt, not too long ago. Having mixed emotions about a subject, leaving me with a really hard choice to make, I just finally realized that I have to make a choice that would make me happy, not suffer at the cost of someone else's happiness. I understand making a sacrifice yourself to make someone you care about happy, but limits have to be established and not crossed. If you yourself fall into a depression and can not get that person you care about out of theirs, it just is not worth it after some time. In my case the time period was around 2 weeks. I tried and I can acknowledge myself for doing the best that I possibly could but in the end everything pretty much backfired. Now I can leave everything in the past, at least for now and hope that time will solve some problems. 


Sometimes, I hate the way you talk and talk and talk about nothing.
You have way too many opinions and to be honest, I don't really care.
At all.
Either you're really, really vain or you just love to hear the sound of your own voice.
And when you ask me for my take on things, you get angry if it's not what you want to hear.
Can you please just shut up?
Not to mention, you constantly put down all of my favorite things.
Ok, I get that you don't like the music or television shows that I like.

I never asked you for your opinion.

As a great mind once said...

"You don't deserve a point of view if the only thing you see is you."

Sunday short story

"Why are you talking like that?" asked the teacher curiously.

"Im aloud to talk any way I want!" snapping back was the student.

"Not in my room your not, im calling the principal."

"I dont care, do it!"

The argument shocked the class room, an arguement between the teacher and the valedictorian.  People gasped and sighed with questions popping up asking,

"did he really just say that"
"I cant believe out of everyone he would talk to her like that!"

Everyone was confused, how the arguement landed the straight a student in the principals office but alot of rumors came spewing out. Some people said he was playing on his phone, others say they found out he was being black mailed by the teacher or that she was going to mess up his record of straight A's with a b minus. It was to hard to tell and no one had time to ask him as he stormed out of the room. We assumed all day until finally he came into the lunch room. Everyone stared at him as he walked in since word got around fast about the little fight and then someone shouted

"what happened to ya smart ass, did she give you a 99 on a quiz"

Everyone laughed but him and he turned in the kids direction, smiled and walked to his table without saying a word. We still dont know to this day why he did it and he wont ever say why. But the only thing we do know was we had a new history teacher starting the next week.

Saturday Short story

No one understood what he was saying. It was if we had earmuffs on our ears. Does anyone understand this kid?

"dah dah dah boom!"

He kept on repeating himself in an alert manner that scared us. We were locked up in this elevator for only two hours and he just snapped. He couldnt take the close space and phobia that surrounded being in small areas with many people. There was enough room for the five of us but we were getting tired and it was hard to just lay down on the floor to wait for the rescue.

What my parents know about pop culture.

My parents went to New York to see Andre Bocelli. They got home a little early, so I'm watching the end of the Grammy's with them. While they were announcing the nominees for the best rap album, my mom finds it necessary to comment on everything. When they announced Eminem, and they show his face, my mom goes, "He's white! Wow! Look he's white!" Then Eminem is announced the winner. My mom says, "Look at that, the white guy won the rap one!" Then she procedes to say, "Now, is he dirty or clean?" My dad replies, "Oh he's dirty." "Oh he is? They should have more clean rappers." To this moment I'm not sure if they were talking about lyrics or drugs or what.

Mom: Is he wearing braces?
Me: No mom that's called a grill.

Dad: A red headed black girl, that doesn't make any sense. 
Mom: Rihanna is black!?

Incident Z(chapter2sec1) for 2/13/11

We arrived at johns just as Chris was getting there, “Jacob stay in the car drive around if you have to, run em over if they get to close, protect eve and Dan”

            “ok, and protect yourself as well” I nodded and got out, Chris also got out and we both walked up to johns front door together. I had my gun out and Chris had a metal baseball bat. Already stained with blood

            I looked at the baseball bat and back at my gun and smiled, he saw this” hey don’t feel so special I actually took my paintball gun and co2 and I have a crap load of ideas, the fps is already way up and I got marbles and such.” I laughed, that’s Chris for ya.

            “so you ready?” Chris nodded. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked and called for john. Then I herd a noise behind us, we both turned I raised my gun, and was ready to fire, but john was just getting  out of a parkour roll. He turned around and smiled.

            “come to save me? I was just about to get on the roof with my paintball gun and have some fun”  we all laughed. And then we quickly ran for our cars, so far so good I thought. Next stop was Teds house.  We pulled up and proceeded with the same procedure, just me and Chris at the door.  We tried to open it and this time the door opened. We found ted and his sister just sitting on the couch, we grabbed them and ran out. Quick and easy, with a little difficulty convincing them but eventually they came with us. It was the same way for rob, Jane ally and ant. By the time we grabbed everyone the cars were packed. it was impossible to fit everyone in a seatbelt.  We were driving around now and there were still next to no zombies on the road. But other then our two cars the streets were oddly empty. Every once in a while we would pass a zombie here and there, but not as many as we saw when we first got attacked. It was odd and somewhat scary.

            Chris called me. “now what? Where do we go?”

            “ I know!, B’js!”

            “no really”

            “ I’m serous man, they got tons of food, only one main entrance that we can close, we have the kind of power to thoroughly  make sure its clear. Its perfect.”

            “…well …ok fine”


            we were on our way to BJ’s. I picked up my phone and tried to call my dad. I tried several times. He never answered.


When we got to BJ’s  there were already a swarm of zombies in the parking lot, maybe about 5 or so directly in front of the store. I jumped out the second, the car stopped and ran for the doors, they slid open. Good they still work I thought. Then I turned to face what ever followed me. Two zombies were right behind me. I raised my dads gun and shot once for one of their heads. A loud blam went out and a popping sorta noise as the round put a hole through the head, I then quickly adjusted my aim and shot the other one. Both shots were dead on. I paused then and looked at what I had done. Chris ran up to me followed by the gang, everyone got out except for the drivers of the cars and came running to get behind me. More zombies were coming now, only me Chris, ted and john actually had any weapons, I had a gun, Chris had his bat, and ted and john used the paintball guns loaded with marbles.

            “Chris, go take everyone inside lead the way and hit any zombies in there you find as hard as you can, john and ted, I want you two to find the power or some way to stop the doors from opening, ill cover the doors so no zombies get in.” everyone went off, the drivers kept driving around avoiding zombies and running them over when there was a small enough number of them to avoid damage to the cars. I wondered how much gas was left in each of them. I then looked down at the two zombies I had killed. I was now ready to call them zombies, they were no longer just men, no longer just the infected. They were zombies, and I was afraid. There were four more zombies on their way over now, well there were a lot more, but four that were close to making it without getting splattered by the cars. i had 14 shots left in the gun. I took aim, took my time, and squeezed off 4 more rounds, and got four more kills. 10 rounds left, I counted. It was important to count shots. Every round counted. One bullet one kill.  It felt strange killing a zombie. It was a mixture of satisfaction, and yet something about it made me feel uneasy. I had to just tell myself, they were not human anymore. My phone went off and I answered. It was john.

            “yo Justin, we got the power switch get your ass in here

            “ok give me one second” I started jumping up and down, within a few seconds both the cars parked near me, both Nicole and Jacob came out and ran for the door, we all walked in together “ok now” the doors shut off, and then a metal gate started to shut. The doors were being locked up. “ok john send a text message to everyone I want us all to regroup by the front door.”


Keep Bleeding Love

The apartment was dark , light from outside leaked in through the blinds and casted themselves onto the floor.I sat in recliner contemplating.I know i should break up with him but something in me wouldn't let me. He was out , i was home by myself the clock on the wall seemed to tick louder and louder I had to get out here. 

I had finished packing, Right now i was taking my stuff to the car. I couldn't do this anymore waiting for him everyday was driving me insane.i was putting the last suitcase in the car when i heard footsteps i turned my head and saw him staring at me. it was raining and it had slicked his hair into thick strands he was also panting as if he had ran here. His coat was soaked and it's weight sagged his shoulders. He took slow steps towards me , i was paralyzed he got closer and closer not caring about the rain pelting his face. His eyes were fixed on mine , he reached out towards me. taking my forearm i pulled my eyes away from his gaze looking down. He took my other arm.

" Look at me"  it wasn't a command but a test and i knew it was. A test that asked me if i really wanted to leave. My heart pounded in my chest and i was afraid he would hear it. my eyes looked back at his, his are soft hazel brown but behind them they were desperate for an answer

"Do you really want to leave?"

Thunder crashed around us telling that the storm was becoming worse. my hair was matted against my face. My mind raced with possible answers to his question i didn't know what to say, i wasn't really sure if i really wanted to go. he pulled me into him hugging my close as if i was going to dissolve into nothing. i closed my eyes and drew in the chilled air 

"No" I replied and he held me tighter and we stood there .I cried. no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get away from him.I love him and he loved me i tried to cut it off cause i was afraid i didn't know why but i was. The vein that i kept closing he cut open every time. My heart will keep bleeding love for him wether i liked it or not.