Globalization Benchmark- News Artical
The most challenging thing about this project was actually coming up with what I wanted to do. I didn't know where and what I wanted to do until the example was given to us in class. I thought about how the media always reflects on the bad things that teenagers do in Philadelphia and how they never talk about all the good they do. I wanted to make a change to that and wanted to cover a story on two teenagers in Philadelphia and talk about how successful they are. Another challenging part about this project was actually having the time to find people who would be willing to get interviewed.
I found this story by my looking into my friends and seeing how successful they are. I asked for their stories to be shared for my final project and they were honored to share their stories. I don't think these kinds of stories receive a lot of attention because the bad things that teenagers do in Philadelphia outweigh the good things that they do. I don't think the story will get more attention because teenagers have always done good things but in the news its mostly for the viewers to see all the bad things that are happening in the area. Throughout this project I learned that their are many teenagers in Philadelphia being successful and its a shame that they are no't being noticed as they should be.