Keystone Monologue Project

​In my World History class, we were asked to create 3 monologues focused on the Keystone Pipeline and how it affected different people / environments. This pipeline will transfer crude oil across the united states from Alaska. What this will do is pollute our air, ruin our land, and soil much, much water. My first monologue is about a curious chimpmunk in a tree above the building of the pipeline. My second is about a police officer who decides that he needs to stand up for what he believes in, and my third one is about a small town farmer who's land is going to be destroyed because of the pipeline. I feel the most important one is the chimpunk, because it shows how this pipeline will affect other animals, causing many of them to loose their homes. I hope you enjoy! 

Monologue 1: Jacob The Baby Chipmunk
(Jacob is a baby chipmunk living in the trees above the construction site. He is unaware of what is happening and why.)

*Perched on chair, hands on cheeks*

When will this construction stop? All day long I hear these loud noises and they’re scaring mommy and daddy. Sister says not to worry, the colorful people with drums will save us. So far, they just sit around and refuse to move. I wonder why they’re doing that. Big scary cops try to pry them away, but they just scream and won't get up. I wonder if they’re glued to the ground...

Mr. Turtle told me they’re building a big giant scary pipe to carry gross oil for the humans to use. Why would they do that? They’re destroying my forest and draining the water hole. Are they thirsty? I would be willing to share with the men dressed in orange, but they’re too busy with the colorful people. All they do is fight and scream, I wonder if they’re hungry and grumpy. Mr. Owl told me that after it’s all done, we won't be able to grow any more food. The land will be something they called ‘infertile’. How do they know all of this? I’m just a little chipmunk in a big big world. Momma said the air will get all gross and we won’t be able to breathe it. Why would they do that?

*Peeks over chair as if looking down from a tree*

Right now I can see one colorful woman running around and screaming. She seems really upset. I should probably go try to calm her down.*Gets up and gasps*  Oh! Now a man in a blue suit is chasing her! I think she stole his berries. All of the colorful people are getting up now and going into a van but they’re being dragged and forced to. Why don’t they wanna go in? It looks nice and cool on this hot day. Ah, again with the loud noises! *Looks around frantically* Oh no, they’re tearing up my tree! Where’s momma?! I need to get out of here but I’m too afraid! Please Please go away! Go away!! Oh, I see a colorful woman escaped! She’s pointing at me and yelling something in human. Whatever she said made the men in orange stop. They look really mad. They threw her back into the van, and now they’re all looking at me. What did I do?! Why are they all leaving? She saved me! I can stay!

Monologue 2: Police officer John
(Standing with arms crossed at construction site, watching protesters as they refuse to move)

Some people ask me why I became a cop. My usual answer is  “to protect our public, of course”. But that’s not true. The real reason I became a cop is because my father made me. He was a cop, and wanted my whole family to follow in his footsteps. If I could go back in time, I would.

*Walks over to protesters, worries expression*
Hey! Hey you!
Get off there !
You’re going to get hurt !
*Walks away shaking head*
Damn kids. I agree with what they’re doing though. Stickin up for themselves and others. That’s good. Wish I could do that.
*Runs over and helps a man down from bulldozer*
Sir! Sir!
Stop that! If you fall, you’re going to get hurt and in trouble!
Gosh. Maybe if I acted more aggressive, they would stop. But I don’t have it in me. I have to think about my family. If I gave in and just agreed with them I’d lose my job. But then again..
This pipeline that they’re building could be even worse for my family than me loosing my job. I could always find a new one. But in this economy...
I’ve gone over the pros and cons numerous times. If this is something I feel passionate about, shouldn’t I stand up for it? Shouldn’t I make a difference too?
*Walks over to Chief*
Hey Chief can we talk?
Yeah, uh, I’m not standing guard anymore.
It means that I’m not stopping these hippies, er, activists. I agree with what they’re doing and I’m unable to stop them. If this means I lose my job, then  so be it.
I understand sir, I understand. This is something I feel strongly about.
Oh, wow, really?
You agree?! I mean, of course you agree sir.
Thank you sir. I’ll see you in the station tomorrow.
*Gets in police car and drives away into the sunset*
I can breathe easy now. I may only be one person, but I can still make a difference. I hope the other officers follow suit, if they’re not scared.

Monologue 3: Farmer Sean

(Ignorant small town farmer whose being affected by pipeline)
(Slouching on couch with beer in hand)

What am I supposed to do about this damn shit? Damn politicians thinkin’ they run this country. Well, they do, but I still don’t like ‘em! Talkin all their big talk, runinin’ our land. I hear em outside right now. They say I can’t be in my own house during construction.

*Screams out window to workers*
Bullshit ! I can be wherever I want! This is my land!
NO! I will not leave my house! I will not!
You think I care about that? Ha, fuck em!
*Goes and sits on couch, turns on tv*
Once they build this contraption, all our fresh air gonna be gone! The lil critters ain’t gonna have no water no more! All this land gonna be cut up and used, we can all say goodbye to fresh crops!
*Hears banging on door, gets up and grunts*
What does yall want now?!
Once again, NO!
*Sits down and ignores the continued banging, thinks to self*
If we all respected this earth we live on here, we wouldn’t have to be doin all this. I live here by myself and I’m perfectly fine! Raise all my own animals, grow all my own crops. Don’t gotta worry bout nothin. Simple livin. That’s what ‘mericas all about. Don’t need none of this big time construction.
*Cops break down door, grab him*
HEY! You can’t do that! Let me go!
*Gets put in cop car, looks at his animals sadly*
I’m gonna miss all of yall.

Here's my video! 


-Pipeline Promised Jobs, but turns out those jobs would only last a few months per person

-Project wastes tons and tons of clean water

-In a few years, this will make our air practically un-breathable 

-Many people are loosing their homelands due to construction

-Farmlands will become infertile

-All the pollutants will cause tumors in animals that live near the pipeline


"Red State Ranchers Vs. the Pipeline." YES! Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Occupy & Crash Boehner's Office over Backroom Attempt to Revive Keystone XL." Tar Sands Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Friends of the Earth." Friends of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <>.

The Keystone Pipeline Monologue Project

​intro : 
For this project we first watched a video that people  made to inform us what this Keystone pipeline project was. After we watched the videos we had a feeling of what it was all about so we got more information about it by looking it up. My first  monologue was about a young lady named Betty who lives in Oklahoma and is forced to work onto the Keystone Pipeline because she is jobless and needs to pay her bills. The Keystone pipeline puts people in different positons. For instance Betty does not support the Keystone idea because it raise global warming ,but someone like Mitt Romney wants to build it because it can increase jobs. With this topic you really have mixed emotions because you want people to get jobs but we will have to suffer in the end.

- can create more jobs :) 
-can increase global warming :( 
- when global warming increases animals such as penguins are in danger. :(
-  increase in pollution :(
- the oil can spill :( 
- Romney supports the keystone pipeline
KEITH, TAMARA. "Just How Many Jobs Would The Keystone Pipeline Create?." ©2012 NPR, 14 2011. Web. 18 Oct 2012.

"Keystone XL pipeline." friends of the earth, n.d. Web. 18 Oct 2012.

Minicucci, Daniela . "Pros and cons of the Keystone XL pipeline project Read it on Global News: Global News | Pros and cons of the Keystone XL pipeline project ." and cons of the keystone xl pipeline project/6442489765/story.html. © Global News. A division of Shaw Media Inc., 2012. Read it on Global News: Global News | Pros and cons of the Keystone XL pipeline project , november 6 2011. Web. 18 Oct 2012.


(slams newspaper down)
I’m so tired of looking at this newspaper everyday. I applied to many job for a long time and
nothing ever comes through!

Oh Hey, what’s this “ New job opportunity working for the Keystone Pipeline , call 405-346-7856 today!”
phone rings)
Hello? This is she … oh hey James.
Yes i know i’m five months behind on my rent. I swear when I get the money, I will give it to you, you know I lost my job , come on “brother” help a sister out. Okay James i’m going to  have your money. (hangs up the phone)
Oh gosh , I gotta find work asap , I can’t afford to lose this place.
(google’s keystone pipeline)
I can’t believe they are going to build this thing ; its bad for the enviroment , but then again I do need a job but do i wanna take a job that I don’t even support ?, then again James called acting all crazy and if I don’t have his money he will put me out! I don’t know what to do ! This pipeline can ruin peoples homes, oil can spill and it will cause a lot of damage that my state doesn’t need right now. It seems like it pays good money, I need this job badly ,
(sighs) I gotta do what I gotta do.  What’s that number again?

i hate humans!

Flipper the penguin:
(stands up on a chair)
I hate humans! They get on my damn nerves. They don’t care nothing about us, they just care about themselves. They don’t care if we live or not. They only think of themselves. Humans are disgusting I hate everything about them. All they think about is money and power! Your probably wondering why were having this assembly about humans , well there trying to kill us!because of these fucking humans the glaciers are melting. why ? because of global warming! My time and yours is limited on this here earth!  
(gets down from chair , stands up)
How are we suppose to survive in hot weather!?W
e CAN’T !! (get mad ,your in rage) for god sake we are penguins! We belong in the cold! Antarctica is my home! If the ice caps melt, my life is in danger and so is yours! my dad told me the humans are trying to build this thingy called the Keystone Pipeline.The Keystone Pipeline is a  pipeline system that  transports oil from Canada to Illinois and Oklahoma, this pipeline is going to kill us! why ? because of all that pollution it will cause This pipeline can … stretch that it WILL increase global warming! And do we need that!? No! live your life well! live it up because soon we will all die, all  because of those damn humans! I HATE HUMANS!

i’m not selling!
(turns channel on tv)
There’s never nothing on this damn tv. I guess i’ll watch family feud. Twice? It’s 10 times you idiot , people don’t know what to say on tv these days.
(knock on door). Who is ? who ?! Keystone .. what !? no I don’t want to damn health insurance ( opens door) ohhhhh the people from the Keystone pipeline , speak up I thought you said Keystone Mercy , you know that dern health insurance who won’t pay for my freaking meds , but anyway come in , sit down. Let me put my dentures in. ( puts dentures in ) Now you fellas say yall got to talk to me? what for? huh ? wait a min. I forgot to put in my hearing-aids. (puts in hearing aids).  Now talk. You want to do what ! Do you know how long i lived in this house !? (yells) do you!? 70 years I been living here , and now you bastards want to tear it down to build this thing called the Keystone Pipeline. what the hell is that anyway? a pipe that transfer oil ? Don’t you know this could ruin the environment you ass. Your trying to pay me to sell?! I be damned if I sell my house so you can build this thing , I dont care if I can get free beer for a year i’m not selling! This house is everything to me and yall just trying to tear it down to build a pipeline that can increase . . damn whats its called .. uhhh global something … global warming there we go. Yall money hungry people just care about yourselves. Well i’m not selling ! and thats final! Now get the hell out! But nothing , I told you i’m not selling my house now leave ! (slams doors). (talking to self) They really thought i was going to sell my house , so they could build this pipeline , that can pollute my air, and harm others. stupid people. (contuines to watch family feud) it’s car you dummy.

The Pipeline Monologue Project

For this project, my assignment was to create a monologue that states whether the person you’re playing is for or against the Keystone XL pipeline. But before we was assigned this I had to research the pipeline and discover what it was and what the pros and cons of it. My monologue was how God didn’t want the pipeline to take place for reason that it will destroy his creation and also harm the water supply and nature altogether. As I looked farther into the details of it I learned that a lot of people went to jail to prevent this pipeline from being built for good reasons but also it will be good for our economy as well.


This damn bulldozer is so loud I can’t hear myself think but I don’t care. At least I have a job now. “What about the environment? What about the environment?” They scream. Who cares? Creating this pipeline is opening 100,000 jobs. So why are you complaining? This will get you off your lazy asses and getting you to work. You won’t be act like this when you have money in your pocket.

Wait. Don’t get me wrong I care about the Earth and all but I need the money too. I know if I help create this pipeline not only will I destroy the Earth but I probably won’t have any friends left either. I know that it’ll also might cause climate change and damage our water supply but think about how much jobs will be available, the money that will be coming in, or maybe how rich the oil company will be.

You remember when Obama said he wanted to create more jobs? Well here’s his chance. What the hell is he waiting for? There’s people sitting home doing absolutely nothing but watching television and collecting welfare and food stamp. I know I use to be one of them people but there’s three types of people who do that. There’s the people who is looking for a job but not having success finding one, there’s the people who have been injured and can’t work, and finally I the people who is capable of working but is either too lazy to find a job or gave up on finding a job and decide to live off the government. Now see I’m the person who was looking for a job but couldn’t find one until now. If people did what I did (not give up so easily) then they would have a job. But no, they like staying home. In conclusion, if the stupid environmentalist sit there asses down and let the people who want a job help build the pipeline then there would be nothing to argue about. To help you think, my question is do you want to live in a world where everyone is naked?

Over 6,000 items, most of them are everyday used items are made from oil. So think about it. If we don’t create this pipeline to receive cheap, close oil then eventually you won’t have paint, trash bags, dishes, clothes, and lots more. I’m a not mad or angry or anything like that. I’m just trying to convince people that building this pipeline will be a good thing to do if we want to improve this economy. There are pros and cons are both important to this world. But be realistic, do you care about money more than the environment or the opposite?

God Dislikes the Pipeline:
Why?! Why would you want to destroy my creation?
It took me years to create a wonderful world like this and now you want to go and destroy it.
And the pools of my tears. What if the the black, liquid gold accidentally spills into my rivers,  my lakes, and my oceans?
Would it still be a good idea then?
The oil company and I is in the ring and I refuse to give up.
Money, money, money.
That’s all they think about.
(Calm down)
But they decide to look past the risk of climate change or the risk of our water supply.
My friends will lose their jobs too when this pipeline give off more greenhouse gases.
There’ll be more sun rays than that wonderful sign of Christmas.
The white soft diamond that keep you inside so you can drink that hot chocolate.
(Chuckle) But you’ll learn.
You’ll learn that this the worst idea America have ever thought off and I refuse to let this plan get put into work.
Not only are you disrespecting me by doing this, but you’re also disrespecting the people who don’t want the pipeline for the same reason I don’t.
So go ahead a try to build your little pipeline, but I promise you... (Pause) it won’t happen.

The Sister Phone Call:
(The phone rings and pick it up)
What's up girl, how you been? (Happy)
Really? Oh no she didn't. MMMM.
Oh I'm fine you know life is good and all but raising this teen is a pain in the ass.
Yes child. (Laugh)
So how's Texas?
Oh I know what you talking about. You talking about that uhh…. Keystone XL pipeline.
That’s going to make a huge affect on you ain’t it?
I understand but at least it’s going to create more jobs.
I know that it will have a big affect on the environment it’ll also have an affect on the unemployed people too. Is your husband still looking for a job?
(Get angry)
Pause. Nobody trying to be up in your business. I just asked that because this will give him a chance to bring home so bread and stop using food stamps.
Ok. I understand that it could be a good and bad affect on people.
Sure the pipeline might cause oil spills but it’ll also be cheap and closer too.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe the environment is more important than the oil but what about the things we use that have oil in it.
What you mean like what? Toothpaste, clothes, dishes, and others.
So to you these things aren’t important to you?
I’m not putting words in your mouth I just asked a question.
Well, I say if you don’t like it then move so you won’t be affected by it. To be honest I think we need this to happen.
Ok I know what you're saying but I still say we need the money and the jobs.
Alright, I got to go. I’m about to watch the debate and I don’t want to miss a minute of it.
Yea that one. So I’ll talk to you later.
I love you too Sis.
Bye (Hung up the phone)

Six Facts About Keystone XL Pipeline. It could:
  • Tar sand oil is from beneath Canada’s Boreal forest - Tar Sands


The Pipeline Monologue Project

For this project it was first shown to us a couple videos that give us a brief summary of what the keystone pipeline was about. Then after it was instructed that we explore more about it ourselves, done our own research, wrote down some notes and interesting facts that we found out on a table and share/discuss it with the class. Once we all shared and gained a full understanding of what the keystone pipeline was about, its pros and cons, and the background of it our teacher decide it was time that we create our own monologue from three different perspectives of characters that have an involvement with the pipeline. If working alone we were to pick three different characters (it could be anything you wanted.. ex. a teacher Australia, student in Kansas, a beaver up on a tree..exc.) that we would want to write about. My choices was a man named Maxwell a construction worker working on the actual pipeline, an unemployed autistic male named Sammy trying to make a living in this world for him and his kid daughter Alice, and my last character is a teenage girl named Kelly Stone who's mother is an environmentalist working on protesting against the pipeline. While doing this project I learned about a pipeline that is acting happening right now and this pipeline can affect the lives of many people in many different ways and perspectives. I enjoyed exploring those many different ways.

Monologue #1: I could say yes or no.
(The scene is maxwell coming to work signing in, taking to his co-workers, drinking coffee, then getting right down to business) he has flashbacks about the nes he had watched earlier with his wife about the pipeline, did a little research on it himself...)
(sits inside the machine while having his right hand on the lever) 
What am I doing? This isn’t in my decision to make. I could chose to move my hand up or down, continue on with the construction for this pipeline or not, lose my job and suffer or fight for what’s right. Right. What is right in this? I need my job for I have a responsibility to my wife and my kids but doing this will also affect the lives of many people and some don’t even know it.
(talks with anger)
What angers me is the fact that the people doing this don’t even care! Money, Money, and more Money is probably all they think about. Heartless bastards and I’m forced to follow orders or else. Else..
Nicole my gorgeous wife is probably watching the news right now seeing the this bulldozer knowing that I’m in it and to my left seeing the bunch of protesters by the gate chanting, forcing the words, “End The pipeline now or that means game over for the ozone” into our heads until it might actually find its way down our throats convincing us that this is wrong!
Alisha is probably in class learning about this in history; embarrassed to have me as a father... and my son sean as little as he is doesn’t even understand what’s going on.
Oh man, this is overwhelming! One push or pull of my hand can do so much I’m not sure if I can.. If I can
(stops and looks out the window)
Yeah, I’m alright. Yeah I’ll get to it. I think I drank some bad milk.
(covers mouth and pretends to burp)
But alisha, sean, and nicole. My family is all I have and jeopardizing their future is not an option. The thoughts of the risks of destroying their future probably is my bad milk that I “drank”. Well my decision has been made. I’m left with no other choice.
(yells out the window)
Ok. Lets get to it guys.
(pushes the lever)

Monologue #2: Sammy

(The scene is Samuel at work and is soon called in my the boss and is fired. He’s laided off. sitting on the couch sees a picture of his daughter and tears of the changes of losing will bring. His daughter Alice’s works on her homework with the other neighbors kids and he sits on the couch depressed, watching tv.)

(sits down on the couch looking at his daughter’s picture)

Got the eyes of her mother and my smile. Why has it come to this? Why me? I did nothing wrong. I followed orders. It’s not what people say a piece of cake finding a job when your autistic.

(looks aways from frame)

Dr. Browne is the only one who understands me. Yet she promised if I just followed the rules and look like everybody else everything would be fine. I did that. I know I did that.

(look back at frame)

Alice is all I have and all I want is to make her happy. I love my little pumpkin pie too much. I remember finding her on my doorstep with the letter her mother left. Sound asleep looking like an angel sent from God. God. I been so good. Now what am I going to tell her when she comes home from the neighbors. Um.. Hey honey, daddy doesn’t have a job right now. He didn’t do anything bad, he just had to be let go for a while. But don’t worry sweetheart everything is going to be alright ok? No, she’s only 8 and she doesn’t deserve that.

(looks around)

This little apartment is our life. All of our memories all started by that door

(looks at the door and back to the picture)

but this picture … this picture was taken on her 5th birthday and I promised her that I’d be there if she ever needed anything and I can’t fail now.


But what am I going to do?

(covers face and soon flips channel)  

Oh. the news -.- the channel on tv where people sit and tell you where you’re living sucks! Tell me something I don’t know

(listens closely for he hears sirens)

Example A, police sirens.

(shakes his head and looks back to the tv for he hears a word that catches his attention)

.. What?

(turns up the volume)

Keystone creates new job! and may destroy.. Whoow wait a minute, wait a minute! Create new jobs? *takes phone & dials* Doctor! Doctor! Can you please turn your tv to channel 6. Yes. Can you explain to me what are they talking about? Something about more jobs? The keystone pipeline? What’s that? What?! create 20,000 jobs in the U.S?! Well Dr. thats, thats a big number! But what? Can hurt the environment? They’re debating about whether to approve it or not. But those job can help the people. What’s the environment without helping the people in it first?

(looks at the picture and sighs)

We’ll find a way.. I promise ..

(listens back to what Dr.Browne is saying)

(Check the bottom of the page for the video of this monologue.)

Monologue #3: A new connection
(the scene is kelly in her room and flips the channel to new where it is said that the pipeline is being done in the area where she lives and is interrupted by the sound of her mothers downstairs. her mother is speaking to her associates about the pipeline on the phone kelly sits on the stair well and silently listens on.)
(In her room laying down when she hears voices)
What’s going on? Sounds like a crisis that needs to be saved? Wait.. I’ve never heard my mother so loud...
(moves and coches down to the stairwell and listens closely)
Let’s see. Might have to move? What?! No!!
(whispers to herself)
Oh, crap! I’m caught. Uh, hi mom. How’s .. you know.. stuff..
Are you okay?
Yeah, I figured. What’s wrong? The keystone pipeline? A little bit. I know that its a pipeline and that it can help create new jobs but at the same time hurt the environment. Its sounds pretty cool but I know since there’s an environmental issue that’s a big No No from us.  Oh wow, destroy. well thats a big difference from hurt. Well how? Wait, wait mom you’re talking way too fast! So, the mining of tar sands will worsen global warming, more polluted air and water, poisoned ground, a terrible climate, and extraction of our resources? But wait, if you’re aware of these things I’m sure the government is too so why are they still making this pipeline? Money! Of course! Like any of the other decisions made by the government didn’t involve money. Said to make many new jobs in construction? But only to polluted and hurt the people more right? There’s more? They’re mining it here?  Houston, Texas? Is that what you meant by us might having to move if things don’t work out? But that can’t be! Its not fair! ..  Oh Lord.
(walks over to statue and cracks as she begins to talk)
Dad’s dream was for us to live in a place that we can call home and not have to move around like he had to when he was child. He died working for us to have the “American Dream”..
(she pauses as she takes one last look at the birthday present statue that was given to her from her father and speaks with more strength within her voice
And we cannot fail him now!
(sighs and looks back to her mother)
Mom, I know I’m not usually all about the environment and your actions to pursuit its safety but this is much bigger than I thought.. So what can I do to help?
Some cool interesting fact about this pipeline is that it
-can help create 20,000 new jobs in the U.S.
- create a terrible climate
- create more pollution
- the oil that is being transmitted into that pipeline is tar sand oil which is the dirtiest oil of them all
- the U.S. is getting the oil from "a friendly neighbor" (Canada)
- It will be "game over for the ozone" when/if it is completed
-can help the jobless and unemployed but destroy the environment.  

This is my bibliography

538- 4321

      A large majority of the people believes that Obama will win around 300 electoral votes.
      Obama has a 60% chance to win the popular vote
      Ohio has a 41% chance on being the deciding vote in the election, and Obama currently has a 66% chance on winning that state
      The “Solid South” is appearing to become majorly Republican instead of it’s usual Democratic edge.
      Governor Romney has tied or even gained the lead on some of the polls on October 1 after trailing by 4 or 5 points, which apparently is the tell tale signs of a loss
      North Dakota, which is a predominantly white and conservative state is being won over by the Democrats, which has only been done 5 times out of 30 previous occurrences.
     I’ve seen many pieces of evidence that show Obama winning in a landslide, and others where Romney is right on his tail. The Electoral Vote Distribution chart for example shows that Obama has the greatest chance to win over 300 electoral college votes, which is more than enough to win, but the latest polls have Obama winning only by 1%
 Although Republicans have made modest gains in a few Senate races, the polls have been poor for them on the whole.” I don’t know if that’s right or wrong because at the top, Obama has only a 1 percent lead.
Lately, the reoccurring theme is that more states are starting to lean towards Romney, but it’s weird that Obama is still averaging more of the popular vote. Maybe Romney is on a comeback, but then how is the electoral and popular vote so far apart?
 How much does the popular vote really matter if they are all after the electoral college votes?