Joshua Berg Public Feed
Josh_Berg Capstone (Swat Team)
Haitian Aid 2010
Pre-Trial Article: ASA
Miles Davis
La Leyenda de Jeremy Spry y los Banqueros
Parte I
Érase una vez Philadelphia estaba en su esplendor y dominaba Pennsylvania. El líder de un grupo de banqueros, enemigos de los otros banqueros, cansado de la terrible opresión, decidió luchar por la libertad de su pueblo. El líder que tenía una hija, llamada Sue, era el contador más bella y se enamoró del joven Johnny, uno de los más fuertes tiburón del préstamos de su pueblo. Ambos se profesaban un inmenso amor, por eso antes de partir a la reunión de negocios. Johnny pidió al líder que la mano de el contador Sue. El padre accedió gustoso y prometió recibirlo con una gran celebración para darle la mano de su hija si regresaba victorioso de la reunión de negocios. El valiente tiburón del préstamo aceptó, se preparó para partir y guardó en su corazón la promesa de que el contador lo esperaría para consumar su amor.
Parte II
Al poco tiempo, un rival de amores de Johnny, celoso del amor de ambos se profesaban y de alta posición de Johnny en la empresa, le dijo a el contador Sue que su amado había muerto durante el combate de la reunión de negocios. Abatida por la tristeza y sin saber que todo era mentira, el contador murió. El rival aún no tiene un buen trabajo este día. Esto es porque todo el mundo sabía que era malo y antipático.
Parte III
Tiempo después, Johnny regresó victorioso a su pueblo porque los banqueros ahora propiedad la otra empresa, con la esperanza de ver a su amada. A su llegada, recibió la terrible noticia sobre el fallecimiento de el contador Sue. Entristecido con la noticia, vagó por las calles durante varios días y noches, hasta que decidió hacer algo para honrar su amor y que el recuerdo de el contador permaneciera en la memoria de los pueblos. Tuvo una idea excelente. Su idea era hacer otra persona. Quiso hacer una persona que podría ser un buen líder. Pensaba que esta persona debe entender dinero porque él era un miembro de un grupo de banqueros. Decidió que debería llamar a la persona que iba a hacer Jeremy Spry. Le gustaba esto nombre mucho. Usó cadáver del contador para hacer Jeremy Spry. Él Hizo Jeremy Spry con piernas muy rápidos porque él quería que Jeremy Spry pudiera escapar sus enemigos. Una buena idea. Después, Jeremy Spry se convirtió en un líder de Science Leadership Academy. Johnny todavía está vivo. Él está orgulloso de Jeremy Spry.
Exodus por Chagall, Father McEnroe
Yo soy el sacerdote Father McEnroe. Yo soy religioso porque soy un sacerdote. Vivimos en conflicto pero quiero la paz. Quiero enseñar a los niños. Quiero que ellos están felizes. Quiero enseñar Inglés y Dios. Vivo en el tiempo de un golpe de estado. Esto me da miedo porque quiero vivir en paz. Apoyo Salvador Allende porque él es bueno. Me gusta Allende porque él no es violento como Pinochet. Somos similares, Allende y yo. Los dos pensamos que los niños de la clase obrera tienen que aprender cosas buenas como los ricos. Pensamos que todos somos hijos de Dios. Estamos de acuerdo sobre muchas tópicas. En el otro lado Pinochet. No estoy de acuerdo con Pinochet. De hecho, estamos de acuerdo sobre nada. Creo que él es malo para tomar el poder de Allende con un golpe de estado. No estoy de acuerdo con muchos momios. No estoy de acuerdo con momios porque No creo que la guerra civil es una buena solución. Todos tenemos que ser amable con las otras personas. Quiero que todo el mundo van al cielo. Apoyo la gente de la clase obrera. Yo creo que ellos deberían poder vivir en sus patria en paz.
Yo puedo ver muchos colores. La mayoría de los colores son oscuro. La obra tiene un tono oscuro también. Los colores tienen un efecto en el tono de la obra. Yo puedo ver Jesucristo. ¡Él es mi favorito! Yo puedo ver un fuego. Los fuegos son peligrosos. Puedo ver las madres con niños pequeños. Veo un fantasma con un vestido de la boda. Esto me da miedo. Veo a las personas que están cayendo. Caer también es peligroso. Hay un hombre con un libro. Creo que es un libro sobre la religión. Para mi libros sobre la religión son el mejor tipo de libro. Las personas parece que son de la clase obrera. Me gusta la gente de la clase obrera. Me gusta la gente de las clases alta y media también aunque a veces son tacaños y antipáticos. Gustar una clase más que el otro… Eso es ridículo. Pero sobre la obra… Puedo ver una cabra y un cordero o serpiente a la izquierda y parte superior. A la parte superior derecha veo un pollo. Los animales son interesantes. Los animales están en la Biblia también, por lo tanto los animales son importantes.
Puedo ver muchas cosas en esta obra. Creo que muchos de ellos tienen significados importantes. El significado más obvio tiene que ver con Jesucristo. Jesús Cristo es bueno porque él representa la paz y la esperanza. Cristo es obviamente una figura importante. Significa mucho para mucha gente. Se está matando en esta obra de arte. Esto significa mucho en la Biblia. Veo todo en términos de la Biblia. Esto es porque la Biblia y la religión son importantes para mí porque soy un sacerdote. Pinochet no entiende la religión. Pinochet sólo le gustan los militares, soldados y los golpes de estado. Pinochet piensa que todo es una amenaza. Hay muchos animales en esta pintura. Como yo lo veo, el pollo es un motivo de Chagall. Estoy familiarizado con las pinturas de Chagall. Muchas de sus pinturas son sobre la religión. Para mí, la religión es importante, no importa cuál religión. Toda es la historia. Hay fuego en esta pintura. Desde mi punto de vista fuego puede representar el infierno. Yo miro el nuevo testamento porque es el libro que me gusta. En el nuevo testamento fuego significa infierno. El fuego me hace pensar que esta pintura es del infierno o un tipo de infierno. La gente que está cayendo representa desesperación y depresión. Ellos necesitan ayuda y probablemente no va a recibir ayuda. La tristeza de la gente en la pintura es como la tristeza de la gente en mi mundo en mi tiempo. Son como la clase obrera. Pero hay esperanza en los dos mundos.
La gente en la pintura parece triste. Están sufriendo y están enfermos también. Todo es triste. La única cosa que puede mostrar la esperanza es la luz encima de Jesús. Espero que esta luz puede ayudar a la gente triste. Jesús puede ayudar a ellos entonces digo: “¡rendirse no es una opción!” Estoy de acuerdo con el pintor que el mundo está triste. Creo que también hay esperanza en el mundo. Él muestra los dos temas en la pintura.
3 Obras
Insecto de Guernica
Una Canción Poderoso
Quiero escuchar a una canción bonita, que puede tocar las corazones de todo el mundo. Cuando yo escuchar a los otros canciones inmigrantes, yo puedo oír muchos otros tonos que existe para usar para una canción. Enojado, triste también feliz cuando yo buscar mucho. Quiero entender los temas de inmigración, porque son temas importantes. Para mi la cosa más importante cuando estás haciendo una buena canción, es la canción debe que ser emocional y tiene un mensaje poderoso. La canción que yo escoger se llama todos somos ilegales por Outernational. Los miembros son Nate Hassan, Leo Mintek, Jesse Williams, Miles Solay y mi favorito: Dr. Blum. La banda existe para hablar sobre este problema. Pienso que el tono es un poquito enojado. La canción se trata la guerra de los ilegales y sus problemas. Las letras tienen analogías interesantes como “Para que leas mi acento prohibido como la droga Ilegal como un nazi en una sinagoga.” Estas son palabras poderosas y interesantes. Las palabras son una parte interesante de la canción.
Como yo dije, la canción tiene un mensaje y tono muy interesante. Puedes decir que el tono es enojado, pero yo creo que tiene un tono más complicado. El tono de la canción tiene un elemento orgulloso de sus culturas. El coro tiene una melodía impresionante porque cuando yo la oigo, puedo oír música hispana. Esto es porque la canción usa la escala phrygian dominant. La escala phrygian dominant se utiliza en mucha música hispana. Pienso que la combinación entre los cuernos y las guitarras eléctricas podría representar una combinación entre nuevo y tradicional. Creo que esto es muy interesante y importante para la estética de la canción. Ellos usan las palabras “Todos somos ilegales, todos somos ilegales, The defiant ones, our time has come Todos somos ilegales, Fighting for a new way and a new day, Todos somos ilegales.” Pienso que esto coro tiene un mensaje de la esperanza y unidad. Me alegro porque su mensaje es positivo no negativo.
Los demás probablemente dicen, que Todos Somos Ilegales es violento y duro, pero para mi es al contrario, es orgulloso y tradicional, no más. El tono es un poquito extraño, pero esto es lo que podría hacerlo más interesante. Al principio pensaba como los demás y fue de acuerdo porque es una canción extraño con un tono también seguro de sí mismo. Ahora no estoy de acuerdo. para mi, escuchar a canciones como Todos Somos Ilegales por Outernational, es más que una canción es como una experiencia. Puedo oír la cultura y los mensajes. Es especial y me da la felicidad. Yo creo que la banda Outernational es muy valiente, porque ellos hablar de tópicos polémicos en sus canciones. Yo respeto eso mucho. Su valentía es lo que toca mi corazón la mayoría. Por lo tanto, es fácil para mi, cantar sus alabanzas. Así lo veo la canción tiene un buen mensaje, sería peor si ellos debilitan su mensaje. La gente le gusta el grupo Outernational porque los miembros del grupo Outernational son fuertes.
Mural de Paz, Allens Lane Arts Center
Mi Pared
Frida Kahlo
Me llamo Frida Kahlo. Mi marido piensa que yo soy equilibrio. Estoy herido pero me encanta pintar las pinturas mucho. Estoy en el partido comunista mexicano. Diego me pinta con armas. Soy fuerte.
Bias as an Entity, by Josh Berg
Josh Berg
Bias as an Entity
Even to the most well-read, the idea of bias in history textbooks from which we pull a lot of our information, is a controversial and disputable topic. Many people cling to the ideas that they learned from these books. Others cast them away as if they are worth nothing and nothing can be obtained from them, not even a moral lesson. Some cases are far more extreme than others. People who feel that they have been lied to by their textbook learning have gone to great lengths to let others know about this issue. Others on the opposite side have done the same: "The Japanese textbook authorisation system has the so-called "neighbouring country clause" which means that textbooks have to show understanding in their treatment of historical events involving neighbouring Asian countries. It is just ridiculous," said Nobukatsu Fujioka, a denier of the Nanking Massacre. People have very strong feelings regarding the issue of misinformation and bias in books of learning. It is impossible to write from a completely objective standpoint. That being said, it is possible to be aware of biases. It is important to be aware of places where the author of a text may show inaccurate information and gloss over certain events or information because of their biases. Bias is present everywhere in the world, but can do us little harm if we know our own biases and those of others.
It feels bad to be lied to or misinformed, that said there is a more material, surface level issue than feeling bad. The fact of the matter is that our younger years are some of the most impressionable years that will shape the rest of our lives. Having very important details changed around and bent to the will of others, to achieve some twisted agenda can often take a toll on us. Our beliefs for the rest of our small existences can be affected if our intellectual food is poisoned at an early age. Think; of it as a poison. Feed your baby rat poison with every meal during his early life and he will surely be a sickly baby and a sickly adult. The same goes for your child’s intellectual nourishment.
There have been some very prominent cases of people concerned with the quality and truth of the classic literary textbook. There have been two particularly prominent issues of misrepresentation that could be considered one in their connection. A criteria for being an example was that the issue(s) had to have some retaliation against it/them. There has been an upset amongst many of the Japanese because of what they feel is a general misrepresentation of their history in Japanese textbooks. This misrepresentation is generally in the sections that could contain information about acts of war, atrocities and crimes. A teacher in Japan noticed the subordination of these type of events to mere footnotes. Another example of this diminishing of important events is present in how textbooks address the issue of “comfort women”. Comfort women were essentially a prostitution corps made up of unwilling women created by the Imperial Army of Japan. Unfortunately a dark, important and revealing issue like this is glossed over in textbooks. There have also been issues with Japanese textbooks shady handling of affairs involving China, which the Chinese have been less than thrilled about. There have also been issues in Chinese textbooks, so neither nation is innocent. The same facts are taught on the other extreme in China. When it comes to Japanese war crimes, no detail is spared about the awful things that happened. There has also been an outcry over misrepresentation of facts about the Nanking Massacre. There have been claims on both sides. China does not cut any corners in terms of teaching about the things that have happened during the Massacre, while some people in Japan claim that pictures of the event have been fabricated by the Chinese. Others would even go as far as to fully deny the occurrence of the Massacre. There is so much being disagreed upon, it is difficult to imagine one side being right.
These are events of the past. It isn’t that these events are not over, although there are times when the masses are lied to about current affairs. Governments are like people but on a large scale, not only because there is more than one person in most governments. They are large in the way that they are a hyperbole of a normal person. Everyone wants to present themselves in a good way, but governments take it to an extreme in how they and the politicians that make them up rarely acknowledge that they have ever made a mistake. No politician will talk about their biases. Bias is a Huge imperfection that shapes how the world turns.
You don’t have to censor war crimes in order to convey information in a biased fashion. Bias is an invisible thing that you can see everywhere. Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player. Woodrow Wilson, a progressive leader. Misinformation isn’t always conveyed intentionally. Unintentional presentation of misinformation doesn’t make it any less harmful. You could argue that scientific textbooks with their semi-objectively true facts could be considered biased. There may be a hidden agenda lurking in every fact we read. The author may not even know about their hidden agenda. It is important to be able to see the bias in the world, and accept its existence. Be aware of situations where someone may have ulterior motives, but also see the value in biases. Our biases make us individuals. This is not to say that we should not try to remedy our biases, but we must acknowledge the fact that we and everyone else will never be completely free from our biases. Our biases can do us very little harm if we are aware of them and notice them regularly. Look at the way that we look at things, and we will be able to look at and see much more.
Works Cited:
Oi, Mariko. "What Japanese History Lessons Leave out." BBC News. BBC, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. <>.
French, Howard W. "China's Textbooks Twist and Omit History." The New York Times. The New York Times, 6 Dec. 2004. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>.
"Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Konoon the Result of the Study on the Issue of "comfort Women"" MOFA: Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the Result of the Study on the Issue of "comfort Women" MOFA, 4 Aug. 1993. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <>.
Loewen, James W. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Print.
Oda a Pancho Villa
Una Oda a Pancho Villa
Feroz, vibrante, violento
Cuando yo te veo pienso en libertad, flores, sombreros
Me haces saltar y gritar para libertad
Tú, mi… héroe
Mi Marca
"The Color of Your Voice" por Ernel Martinez, Keir Johnston
Tonal Twine
Here I am again. I am in the same place I always have been, but now I am somewhere different. I still ponder the same questions and have the same complaints. Why is it always the guy next to me? It just isn’t fair. I work all the time. No rest when you’re being pulled from both ways. Even when I get what I want, it still hurts. I don’t know what it is about it, that makes me desire it. I guess there is a sort of satisfaction when the vibrations start. As they progress it starts to hurt. Towards the end, every fiber of my being starts to ache. A lot of the time, when she wants to stop the vibrations sooner, she presses down on me, which hurts even worse, although I don’t mind, now that I am no longer zooming about. I just don’t like how that one part of me gets bent into the cold hard metal, causing that one part to sting. I hate it so much. Why do I desire it so? What an annoyance, to feel so mixed. I feel as if I am going to split in two if I get no release. An occasional whack on the bar below me and not much more to her technique. And what is this? I see it coming towards me, as if time has slowed down for a while. That thin piece of plastic. The use of it implies some difficulty in her what she is doing. Why me? Why now?
Suddenly I am hit, but not how I am supposed to be hit, there is some reluctance. This hit is more of a slip. There is no intention for such a thing to happen on her part. Such motion will grant me no satisfaction. I begin to vibrate at the plastic moves away from me. It hurts more than usual. Could this be because I have not been hit in such a long time? Or maybe it because of the awkward stiffness to her motion. The twist in her hand seemed to indicate pain, but this is different because it does not look like pain exactly. I cannot see anything that could cause her pain close to anything that I experience on a daily basis. Maybe she is just like me, being stretched out, long and thin. I cannot think of a way to know for sure. As these thoughts cross my mind over the time of a split second, something is happening in the world around me.
Sudden color comes back to the world as my sound emits. I hear a sort of groan come from above. She must be unhappy. I hope this is not the case. It is true that she is a cruel mistress, however I wish nothing but the best for her. After all, she may rarely pay attention to me, but when she does, is the best thing in the world to me.
I feel myself being lifted. I recognize this part of the cycle. It has happened many times before. I know what will happen next. The same thing as always. Nothing but darkness, however I am not alone, I will always have the guy next to me. It will not be long until I can see the light again.
Yo quiero ser un perro
Si, yo podría ser un animal, yo querría ser un perro.
Yo querría ser un perro porque me gustan los perros.
Los perros son útil en muchas situaciones y son animales muy simpáticos.
Yo sería un perro amable y siempre yo escucharía a mi maestro.
Yo iría al parque con mi maestro.
Yo Jugaría con los otros perros en el parque.
Yo comería la comida de perros.
Si, yo podría ser un animal, yo querría ser un perro.
Yo comería la comida de perros.
Ahora, yo quiero comer comida de perros.
Si yo comería la comida de mi perro, mi perro estaría triste porque ella le gusta comer mucho.
Unfit King
Unfit King
“I wish that you were dead! This country requires someone fit to be king, unlike you, you blubbery insolent trash!”
“Hoho!” The king let out a hearty and boisterous laugh, fit for someone of his stature. “Sure is brave of you to say such things when you already know you are about to die! Heads up!” yelled the king, and with that he turned his back. The crowd cheered as the man’s head flew through the air. The executioners bowed, basking in their temporary fame. None of the people, save for a servant perhaps could see the king’s face. If they had, they would seen a single tear fall from the king’s eye.
Later that night, during his evening bath the king remarked to his wife:
“Why is it always my weight? I’m trying to work on it!”
“Oh you look fine honey” the queen proclaimed. The king most certainly did not look fine, nor did his wife for that matter. Both were morbidly obese. It had run in the royal family for generations. Such obesity could have been the result of poor diets, but even more likely it was due to the royal family's tendency to keep the royal blood as pure as possible. Little did the king know that people made a bit of a joke out of speculating how the king’s ancestors had ever taken the land that was now the kingdom. It was hard to imagine the king winning any sort of physical conflict in any way other than getting his soldiers to do it, or just sitting on his opponent.
“Well something must be done then. I have done everything in my power to change things on my end!” This was a lie. “I also have the power to change things on their end!”
“Ok dear, don’t get too riled up now, I am sure that the people of the kingdom love you. Just a few bad apples as they say,” said the queen.
“Oh piss off, you miserable filth! I know what I want and I know how I am going to get it done.”
“I was only trying to help,” the queen screamed as she ran into her chambers, crying. She had observed a most unfortunate pattern in the king’s behavior. Every time that his feelings were hurt, he grew more cold and plain mean towards his wife, who could do nothing save for clench her teeth and roll with the punches. After all, he was the king.
The next morning as the queen awoke, late, tired from all the crying she had done the previous night, she heard familiar voices. These voices most certainly belonged to the royal advisor, a thin balding man who always seemed to be scheming some dirty plan and her husband, the king. Their tones seemed to indicate some tension. The queen prayed that there was not an issue that the king had to address. If there was, she would most certainly be yelled at in the crossfire.
“Yes, your highness, it shall be done,” said the voice of the advisor. The queen breathed a sigh of relief, the king must have obtained what he wanted. The queen picked herself up out of bed and slipped on a pair of her most comfortable and yet still royal slippers. She did not feel the need to change out of her nightgown for the advisor. She couldn’t have cared less what that sad excuse for a man thought of her.
“Good morning” The queen said as she walked into the royal kitchen. She had expected to see the advisor sitting for breakfast with the king, but he appeared to have been escorted out of the castle. On second thought, the king and his advisor did not seem to be on the best of terms.
“Great news m’lady!” Shouted the king, his voice filled with glee. “The words that people so unjustly and incorrectly used to describe me are now illegal, or will be in a matter of mere hours! This is but another step to my molding this harsh and volatile land into the the great and magnificent kingdom that my ancestors envisioned in their time. What a joy to be the king of this glorious land!”
“That is fantastic dear,” responded the queen. And she really meant it as well, although her motives for thinking were a bit different than his. Sure, she was happy when her husband was happy and she she knew that he would be in much better mood than yesterday’s awful mood. However, a better mood for him, meant less chance of abusive behavior towards her. Somewhere in her puny royal mind, she knew what he had done and had been doing for his time on the throne was wrong. He was not a good king. This fact was apparent almost everyone. However, with so much power, nobody could do anything to oppose or criticize his mighty reign in any way. “Yes, this is all very fine and dandy my love, however I require some sustenance. “Would a chef please fetch me an egg or four? I am practically dying of starvation.”
BAM BAM BAM! The woman lifted her tired head from her cleaning. Her child began to cry loudly. It was hard to tell if this was due to the sudden loud noise, or to hunger. She felt her own stomach let out a cry of protest towards its unintentional fast. Noise or hunger, there seemed to be no obvious solution to either. (Due to the small nature of the house, there was an unfortunately little amount of room for their cots to be placed anywhere to escape to noises of the door and the street outside.) The noise must have startled the poor thing immensely as the crying began to intensify to a ear-splitting volume. She ran over to the child’s cot and hoisted it into the air and quickly comforted it as she wondered where her husband could be. Had he had finally succumbed to the allure of the drink? The woman tiredly limped to the door, as quickly as she could so that the banging would not start again, wondering what the ruckus could possibly be about.
“Hello ma’am, we are the police and are here to notify you about your husband.” The woman sighed. She wondered if the world had finally got to him and he done something bad. They were not well-off, but the family got by one way or another. Both adults worked hard and honestly. She knew that a strong sense of right and wrong was shared between the two of them. What could it possibly be? Had he died? Had he been crippled in some sort of freak-accident?
“Due to a most offensive outburst of public indecency and vulgarity. Your husband has been taken into custody and will be executed tomorrow.” It felt like she had just been punched in the face.
“Executed for public vulgarity? Without trial?” Her shock quickly morphed into fiery hot anger.
“Yes ma’am, your husband in his most vulgar profession as a whale meat seller had quite the vulgar and disgusting pitch for his products. One so offensive that it was hurting the moral of the people and because of that he now shall be treated as a traitor to the kingdom.”
Her hot fiery anger morphed into cold despair. Panic overwhelmed her as she considered her possibilities. The woman crumpled to the ground as she thought about how she could possibly ever support her child with her husband dead.
The next day, at the time of the man’s execution, many people had gathered to witness the first of many executions at the hand of the king’s new laws.
“Obese humanoid lump of flesh,” yelled the man. The king cried once more as the subject was killed. The doctor would die the day after, after him the baker, and after a few years the king would die as a result of his own unhealthiness.
Una Máscara de Josh
Mis compañeros dicen que soy bajo y tengo pelo moreno. Ellos lo dicen y creo que es la verdad también. Bajo y moreno son descripciones físicas, mis compañeros no son mentirosos. Mis compañeros dicen que soy gracioso también. Yo tengo ojos verdes. Creo que yo soy normal. Yo soy flaco también pero mis compañeros no dicen que soy flaco porque ellos no lo ven. Sin embargo es un característica se puede ver. Yo creo que soy fuerte, pero mis mis compañeros nunca dicen que soy fuerte. Mis compañeros dicen que yo tengo orejas pequeños. Yo tengo pelo corto también. Mis compañeros nunca dicen que yo soy guapo, pero yo creo que es la verdad. Yo tengo diez dedos de pies y diez dedos.
En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da risa el señor Best. Creo que me cae bien Señorita Manuel porque ella me inspira. Ella me cae bien porque es permisiva. Cuando nosotros tenemos consejería, podemos comer. Me cae bien la señorita Garvey porque cuando una persona está agobiado o nervioso, ella hablar con la persona. Sin embargo la clase de matemáticas es difícil. Me cae bien el señor VK pero da miedo un poquito. Es un profesor un poquito autoritario pero es muy inteligente. El me da risa un poquito también.
Mis amigos me entienden. Es por eso que soy amigos con ellos. Cuando tengo problemas, siempre puedo hablar con ellos y ellos ayudan. Me caen bien con mis amigos porque ellos son tranquilos, cultos, y maduros. No puedo tener amigos agobiados, mentirosos, o falsos. Creo que es muy importante tener amigos. Además mis amigos me dan risa y me inspiro. Debes tener un buen relación con tu familia también. Mi familia y yo nos llevamos bien. Porque soy una persona un poquito nervioso, necesito amigos tranquilos y cariñosos. Creo que todos mis amigos son los dos. Cuando yo estoy teniendo un día difícil, yo tengo mis amigos para hablar conmigo.
Diario #5
Yo tengo una otra persona que tu no puedes ver. Mis compañeros dicen que soy bajo y tengo pelo moreno. Dicen que soy gracioso. Valgo mucho de mi familia y mis amigos. Además me importan mucho todas las personas del mundo. No creo en situaciones cuando personas morir. No es porque soy la persona mejor del mundo, es porque soy una persona también. Tengo un familia y nos llevamos bien. Mi familia me entiende. Cuando estoy agobiado, mi familia está conmigo. Mis amigos son igual a mi familia porque me entiende también. Creo que soy una persona honesta. Tengo miedo de los mentirosos porque también tengo miedo del desconocido. Yo creo que todo el mundo tienen miedo del desconocido. En el futuro, quisiera a tener un trabajo. También quisiera felicidad. Creo que todo el mundo quieren felicidad. Me siento pequeño cuando yo pienso en todo el mundo.
Diario #4
Mis amigos me entienden. Es por eso que soy amigos con ellos. Cuando tengo problemas, siempre puedo hablar con ellos y ellos ayudan. Me caen bien con mis amigos porque ellos son tranquilos, cultos, y maduros. No puedo tener amigos agobiados, mentirosos, o falsos. Creo que es muy importante tener amigos. Además mis amigos me dan risa y me inspiro. Debes tener un buen relación con tu familia también. Mi familia y yo nos llevamos bien.
Diario #3
En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da risa el señor Best. Creo que me cae bien Señorita Manuel porque ella me inspira. Ella me cae bien porque es permisiva. Cuando nosotros tenemos consejería, podemos comer. Me cae bien la señorita Garvey porque cuando una persona está agobiado o nervioso, ella hablar con la persona. Sin embargo la clase de matemáticas es difícil. Me cae bien el señor VK pero da miedo un poquito. Es un profesor un poquito autoritario pero es muy inteligente. El me da risa un poquito también.
¿Cómo soy?
Español 4
- Josh Berg
Josh Berg Indium Print
I did a lot of research to figure out key things about my element. I had to find out something to highlight in my printed piece.
I collaborated with my peers to figure out the best ways to print. We collaborated on what color combinations looked appealing and which didn't. We also figured out the best ways to have the prints come out clearer.
For presentation we all showed each other our prints and our carvings. We will eventually hang up our art in various placed.
I am reflecting right now on this moodle post. I am looking at what I liked that I did and what I did not like that I did or created.
The Girl Who Played with Fire - IRP - Berg
Josh Berg
Independent Reading Review
The Girl Who Played with Fire was written by Stieg Larsson before his death in 2004. The Girl Who Played with fire is the only novel in the Millennium series that has its title unchanged. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is originally called Män som hatar kvinnor before translation, in English, Men who hate women. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest is called Luftslottet som sprängdes, in English, The air castle that was blown up. A prominent theme for the series in general, is violence against women. This theme is quite visible and present in the plot of all of the books due to a gang rape that Larsson witnessed at a young age. He felt guilty for years after for not being able to intervene and it would seem that the books in the Millennium series were partially a form of retribution for Larsson. Not only did these books do well for Larsson on a personal level, but sold fantastically as well. The novel I read for this particular Independent reading, The Girl Who Played with Fire, is the first and only translated novel to be number one in the UK hardback chart. It spawned movies as well as graphic novels, which are for the most part still in the works, however I am in the process of trying to acquire The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo graphic novel which is the only one complete at this point. It is a shame that Larsson never really got to see the impact that these novels he crafted had on people.
I am trying to not divulge too much information that could potentially spoil this book if you have not read the first one, however you have been warned.
This novel follows the same main characters and introduces many new minor ones and a few new major ones. Despite how impressively crafted the main characters are, it is really the minor ones that make the book for me. They draw comparisons between themselves and the main characters in interesting ways, as well as provide sometimes quirky personalities, but most of all, they are human. These characters minor and major alike are not black and white. It is the minor characters more often than not that are the glue that holds the book. At the beginning of the book, Lisbeth has cut ties with her beloved journalist Mikael Blomkvist. This is most likely due to her inability to go back to the world where they did not know each other. It is most certainly difficult because Blomkvist has not had as hard of a time with the whole transition and has resumed his relationship with Berger. I am glad that Larsson did not just drop the whole idea of how difficult this is for someone, especially someone who is a bit emotionally imbalanced like Salander. Salander is strong in many ways, but as stated before, she is a human being and is susceptible to certain things which is really what draws her apart from many stereotypical female characters in stories. A fair amount of the time you will usually have a character that is very much a mere archetype. You might have the stereotypical vulnerable female character or a usually noble attempt to make a strong female character that often falls short due to exaggerations and falling into a femme fatal emotionless object. That is really what makes Lisbeth special, the details that do not pertain too much to the main story as they may be eventually resolved. These things make the characters and situations seem real.
Salander has left Sweden for Grenada. She soon establishes a relationship with a young boy named George. The relationship soon becomes a bit questionable and it is unclear if the author had the age in mind too much when writing about their relationship although I imagine he did. I think that this relationship was a bit of reminder about Salander’s disregard for the law for things that she perceives to be OK. Salander soon becomes aware of a scheme involving her neighbor Dr. Forbes. The Dr. wishes to dispose of his wife in order to take her wealth. She attacks Forbes and he is killed in a natural disaster. Salander returns to Sweden and purchases a new apartment with some illegal money. She gives her old apartment to her partner and simply requests that her mail be given to her. Meanwhile her legal guardian, Nils Bjurman, who hates her and vice versa with an perhaps stronger passion, due to events from the last book I shall not disclose, is looking for a certain item damning to him that is in Salander’s possession. Soon enough our protagonists meet again after Mikael manages to help deal with someone assaulting Salander. Who this is, or their affiliation with others will be important later as are many other seemingly small details mentioned here. Despite his efforts to reconcile with her, she wants nothing to do with him. She feels rejected by him, so it is only fair that he have a turn at being the rejected one. Mikael soon comes into contact with journalist Dag Svensson and his girlfriend Mia Johanssen. The pair speaks of research they have done about the sex-trafficking of underage women in Sweden. Interestingly enough, Lisbeth seems extremely intrigued by the repeated mention of the leader of the operation, “Zala”. All this information is made clear to Lisbeth through hacking. Soon the couple Dag and Mia are found murdered and Lisbeth will later find herself in a less than ideal situation. Why could these things have happened? What does it all mean? I suppose you should read the series and find out. Even after finishing this, there is still much that is impossible to understand. You should only read this given that you are interested in a series that from the two I have read, are not beach reads by any means and are dark. When I say dark I mean DARK. Unless you are prepared to read about evil things that are described vividly to a somewhat stomach sickening point. One of the biggest things made more clear at the end would have surprised me except for the fact that I pride myself in guessing twists for a reason.My favorite character despite my obvious enjoyment of the more minor characters is probably Lisbeth Salander. I feel like a bit of a plebeian writing that, but so be it. She really does have a lot going for her character that really makes her compelling. The hopelessness that she feels is a theme throughout the book that is only made to feel more real through the other times that she feels strong. She is a real person that could exist, but she still remains interesting in so many ways.
I did enjoy this book quite a bit, although I think it is only fair to note that although I enjoyed Larsson’s writing style throughout the book, it did lose a lot of its novelty and freshness that made the first book so amazing to me. It still has that complexity yet lack of stuffiness that I really enjoy. These books are the opposite of books that talk down to you in the way they talk to you. I recommend the first book to anyone who thinks they can handle a lot of the themes and the actual writing itself. I recommend the second to those who loved and hated the characters from the first with a passion.
For my creative piece I drew a book cover. The cover is supposed to have art that resembles the room Salander is in during the prologue as I found this part to be extremely powerful, not to mention well-written and important to the rest of the plot. I omitted many of the details for the sake of artistic interpretation and to make the rest of it pop and not have a lot of jumble. Not to mention I couldn’t draw the details so well and I had already put forth a lot of effort into other areas of the creative piece such as the flaps.
Josh Berg Agent of Change Post
For my Agent of Change portion of my You and the World project on alienation of the elderly, I played music at a housing facility for the elderly. More specifically I went to Wesley Enhanced Living at Stapeley, which was previously known to me as just "Stapeley" sans "Wesley enhanced living". I am not sure how long it was like that, or even if it changed at all. I do think they changed the sign however. I wanted to do something like this because playing music is something I enjoy doing as well as is something I am not abysmal at. I would be a subpar agent of change if you do something that ends up worsening the lives of those you are trying to help. I did went in to play on the 21st of April with my father playing bass and a friend of ours playing guitar and even singing.
I wasn't sure about what I wanted to do for a substantial amount of the brainstorming time we had to think about what we wanted to do for this portion of the project. My strategy to figure out what I wanted to do that could be beneficial to others, was to think about things I possessed some skill at. If I did something I was awful at, I can't imagine people would be able to get much help from what I did. In preparation we practiced songs that we might want to do. We kept in mind our audience and did song's that were catered towards them. This ended up paying off as many of the songs were recognized and interaction between musicians and audience was had, as well as reminiscence of times in the past. I called the facility and booking a date was easy. I imagine that finding free activities can be difficult. Overall, the idea stayed the same except for our having a guitarist was not true from the start.
This wasn't the first time I had played at a place like this, however it still felt good to do a deed where we could potentially be helping people. I really do hope that the people watching us at least enjoyed it, or it helped them not to be bored or something. It doesn't really matter how small. I think that I am still in the process of learning how best I can help the community, despite this experience, although, I am sure that I have also taken a step forward to realizing my full potential as a steward of the community. I think that I learned that everyone has the potential to aid their community if they make good use of their skill set.
BibliographyBlog 1
Blog 2
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Josh Berg Negative Space
Final Perspective Drawing
I learned about the way the vanishing point influences a lot of the lines of the furniture. It is interesting to think that one little point influences the drawing so much. I didn't really have that good of a grasp on the whole concept and I still have a ton to learn about it, but this project helped me understand the idea of perspective a significant amount more than when I started out.
This learning helped my drawing look like a real room. It popped out more than it would have otherwise. It would have looked unintentionally wonky, like some substandard, weird, second-rate Picasso imitation. As I looked at my lines according to the vanishing point, the whole idea of perspective was able to click a bit better. My room, although still at this point a bit bare-bones, looks like an outline of a room.
I would pay more attention while making my back wall. At the very beginning, and for the rest of the project as well, I felt a tad intimidated. I sort of hurried through making my back wall and it ended up costing me later. The wall was the wrong shape and I had to fix that. Restarting ended up costing me quite a lot of time. Next time I would also see Ms. Hull more for help as she was very helpful when went to her.
My advice to someone who has never drawn in one point perspective is to take your time, especially when making the foundations of the drawing. The details are much more easy to fix. However, if you mess up something in the foundations, this can take a large toll on the rest of your drawing.
The resource that helped me the most was Ms. Hull. When I went to her we talked about the different types of line relationships, if that makes any sense. We looked at the lines that are parallel to each other and the lines that go to the vanishing point. She also did some sketches demonstrating these concepts that I was able to look at later to be reminded of what I needed to do.
I would like to think that given another opportunity to do this, I could do better. I know that my current drawing is somewhat lacking but I am still proud of what I accomplished despite what I did being nothing to someone of a higher caliber than myself.
Josh Berg Macbeth Creative Piece
The process for me involved a fair amount of taping and writing. I think for a lot of people crafting something like this would not be very much of a challenge, however it took me a while. I
tried to keep the mistakes down by taking my time so this was a hinderance I am still glad that happened, as it was fully voluntary. I overcame the monotony of the whole affair by listening to some music while I worked which is something I do not normally do. I am proud of the things in the story that had certain effects on the game.
I think that I did a good job in terms of having each space on the board correlate well with the story and make the effect of this event reasonable for what the effect on the game would be.
If I were given the chance to do this project over again, I would have added more of a design. I think that the idea was there, however the artistic execution was not what it could have been.
Although I was out the day I would have reviewed others projects, I did get a chance to have a look at a few of them. I would say that I learned about looking at things you already like and see in your everyday life when making projects. I often have some difficulty thinking of things to do for pieces like this and I think if I took that lesson from other people I would have a far amount less trouble to go through when designing a project.
I learned a bit about myself as well. I think that If I take my time, then I will make a lot less mistakes. Although there are things I could have done better, I still feel good about what I did overall.
Alienation of the Elderly Pt. 2
For this second blog post, I gathered information based off of the real world. I looked at a care facility near me. I was able to gather data in how well people outside our monitored. I think there are grounds for concern that relate to my issue to be found here. In the past there have been some incidents and trouble caused by some of the people there. (Urination in incorrect places, trespassing etc.) There are many people there who are perfectly sane and fine, however there are others who have been reported to cause trouble due to some mental issues. This is no fault of those living there, but in fact fault those who should be monitoring people who need supervision.
I did some observation on how many staff there were versus how many clients outside of the building at certain given time periods of the day. I was not surprised and found it quite fathomable that someone without the best grip on reality could wander off and put themselves or other people in danger. This is somewhat disheartening.
I did less overall research in this round of researching. I tried to focus more on what the average care facility looks like. I wanted to be able to relate my research to the actual life scenario that I had seen. In order to say that something doesn't look right, you need to have a pretty good idea of what that thing is meant to look like in its best form. The research that I did from looking online and reading books, of a personal care facility in its best state, did not seem to describe the one that I monitored when doing my real world research. This means that there have been things going wrong on one side of the research, and I place a fair amount of faith in those who are choosing what the standard for personal care should look like.
I still wonder about ways that this issue can be addressed. I also wonder what it would be like to live in one of these places. I think that for my third blog post I want to do something that provides entertainment for people in a home. I am thinking about playing music for people in a home. Whatever I end up doing, I hope that I can make a difference in some way.
CLICK ME for a bibliography.
Independent Reading Josh Berg
Josh Berg
I think that it is difficult to incorporate all of the different themes of the book into music. Only someone who is a true master at such things could ever have an ability like that. I am no master so the purpose of this piece is to talk about the many themes and emotions that I didn’t really touch on. When I was making the music, I had to work with some new tools so I stuck to other things that I was more comfortable with. This unfortunately can be a bit limiting, however I conveyed as best as I could what I wanted to convey. I recorded some things I ended up not using, even whole entire songs that I didn’t actually choose to use because I eventually failed to see the connections to the book. It would have been possible to connect however I don’t want to make any stretches in terms of connections to themes in the book. I didn’t want to stretch because that defeats the point of analyzing if you are looking back. This is one instance where doing the steps in reverse doesn’t really work. Another issue that I encountered was that of not having enough music in order to convey all of the themes and emotions.
I wanted to have a song for the Vanger family. An easy way to convey how proper they are, as this is a big part of their family, they are very rich, is through something like classical. The issue is then became that I don’t really do classical so well. After a few attempts, I wasn’t satisfied with the sounds although the piece sounded OK, I am not Wendy Carlos so this proved a bit difficult with the options for sounds that I had. I don’t play any instruments that are used in classical a lot. I decided that the next best thing to do would be to do Jazz. I am still not sure that this was a good choice, as Jazz has a bit of a reputation for being seedy. However, in todays day and age, people perceive Jazz to be a classy genre of music, (how wrong they are). With that said, it seemed to be an OK choice to make and certainly one that I am comfortable emulating musically.
The other song that I wanted to do was primarily electronic. I wanted to make an ambient song like one you might actually find in a soundtrack to a movie. It is ambient and repetitive at times but in my opinion conveys the mysterious feeling of the island and just the general idea of mystery. It strikes me as very important to have a song that can convey the scene. I was very lucky in that the setting that the book takes place in strikes me as very mysterious, and the feeling of mystery is easy to convey in pretty much any art form. I find it actually quite ironic that something in essence, is the idea of not knowing something, is actually pretty easy to convey.
There are many other elements, emotions and other important things that I found hard to touch on. I think the idea of a sole shining ray of truth, being the Millennium, deserved a sort of heroic theme. It is actually a theme that is touched on a bit earlier in the book, and not so much later. This theme also appears in the next book from what I have read so far. This is something I wish appeared even more in the book, the idea that there is that one small journal with some of the best articles and doesn’t lie or suck up to anyone that has a very strong but small cult following. I think that Larsson based Millennium off of what he perceived his magazine to be like. If this is true or not, I don’t know, but I think that he did a good job of crafting an organization like Millennium that almost manifests itself into a character.
Although close to the theme of mystery, I think there was also a theme of danger, as there is in many books. Books are often about things that people will not experience in their lives, or they wouldn’t be very interesting. People are not usually having their life threatened in various scenarios, so there are many places where characters find themselves in a situation where they would not like to be. This book however does not have danger in the sense that many other books do. Although there are some times when characters are in peril I never really felt my blood pumping while reading it. I actually enjoyed it. It was much like in many mystery novels where you don’t really see it as danger, the situation sort of turns itself into another clue as you try to figure out the grand scheme of the mystery and what it all really adds up to.
Another theme that appears a bit in the book is the idea of generation clashes. Mikael is most certainly from a different generation than Lisbeth and they have very different personalities. I find that this can be a bit cliche as well so I am glad that this was not brought up too much in the book.
Overall I think that I tried my best, however the proper emotion is hard to convey. With more practice I imagine that this is something that I can improve at greatly and will certainly make more attempts to do in the future.
Head of footprints-
Wayne Shorter (for the song that wasn't erased)
Josh Berg Media Fluency
Josh Berg Blog Post #1 Alienation of the Elderly
The reason why I view this as an important issue is because of the fact that it is often overlooked. We as a society have this unfair mentality that when people reach this state in their lives they are not worth paying attention to anymore. We view them as often having already lived their lives and greedy to want to live more to their fullest extent. Everyone should be entitled to living their life to the extent to the want to for however long they live.
People need to be able to look upon the elderly, and be somewhat sympathetic to the fact that they have experienced the majority of what they will experience. Studies show that in general, many elderly people are not 100% happy with the life that they have lived. It is hard to imagine that this is not one of the worst feelings. This can only be made worse by the alienation many elderly people suffer. Some people feel even worse when neglected by people they are close with, this is especially hard-hitting and is referred to as the caregiver trap
The concept of alienation goes back a long time as it is an emotion all people feel at one time or another. Alienation was and is used as a tactic by higher-ups in the business world in places where labor laws are more lenient. People in alienated situations are less likely to rebel against the higher-ups oppressing them for the most greedy of reasons. Someone alone is weak, they say there is strength in numbers. Marx
We are obligated to provide the best service possible, especially for people paying for it. This is but another reason why the elderly are entitled to the attention they need to be happy and live in a comfortable manner. Even those who are in other personal care facilities that they do not pay for are entitled to as many provisions and as much attention as they need.
It is just common sense and common decency to pay attention to those who are in need of attention, they may have started to feel out of touch with society as it is much different for the majority of their lives, or have fallen from grace and lost touch with their religion because they wonder how such things could happen to people they loved. It may seem that everyone goes through these emotions, alienation and loneliness, however we must be aware of how people are feeling and seek ways for them to recover.
A local home
Tom Robinson's Unfair Trial
Josh Berg's Home Network
My home LAN consists of my Airport connecting to all of our devices. the devices connected include: My mother's phone, our computers, and an Ipod. These devices are the ones that make up my overall home-network and the chart you see before you.
I learned just how much more complicated it is than what I may have thought. There are a lot of different factors that go into in the long run, having working internet. I think that many people do not know how there internet works and why it works. It is difficult to appreciate something you don't know about. It is also important to be knowledgeable yourself so you may inform others and spread the knowledge about. This way we can all reach a higher plane of knowing and existence.
I think that people should take the time to learn about their home networks so that they can appreciate them fully. I was not aware of how much goes into it and I think knowing more about it made em appreciate that I have it more. The internet is a great tool that is important to know about in a more logistical manner.