Tarea 9/05/11
Rigoberta Menchú escribe un libro que describe la su vida durante el guerra civil y como ella se escapare durante. Ella también gane el Premio Nobel de la Paz.
1. Figure out text for Discussion in Chase class
2. Find thesis based on theory.
3. Write Rough Draft Essay
4. Write FInal Draft Essay
5. Figure out the key points that I need for my business plan
6. Write out rough draft timeline for capstone.
7. Tracking
8. Research For Thompson Benchmark
9. Research and understand structuralist theory.
Aprendí hoy que los Maya era los habitantes de
Guatemala, la gente torturó durante la guerra civil, un dictador controla la
país y hay celebraciones que ocurrir para más que tres calles.
Rigoberta Menchú escribí de su vida en Guatemala y la prejuicio...ella diga su
historia. Menchú escapó la represión del gobierno de Guatemala.
2) Aprendí que Rigoberta Menchú ganó el Premio Nobel de la paz para su lucha para derechos humanos en Guatemala. Ella es maya y habla quiché, pero aprendió español y escribió un libro. Estuvo perseguido por sus raíces.
A Day in the life
The life of a 12 year old in Honduras is similar to mind when I was 12 years old but there is a slight difference. There life is mainly based on there education level. In Honduras, when a 12 year old wakes up then they are expected to go to school but a lot of things get in the way of that such as, if the child's family is poor, there is limited food for the child to eat, there's a high percentage that there might not be running water (so no shower or teeth brushing), and transportation is "by foot". Because of the lack of schools, little staff members, and cost for material needed for school, the majority of children between the age of seven and fourteen don't go. If the child can not go to school he/she spends most of there day searching for necessary for the house. A 12 year old in Honduras has more to bring to the table then a 12 year old in America which is pretty much themselves.
2. 2002
3. una escuela no tiene dinero trabajar
4. la militaría esta dolé las personas eso no acuerdo con el presidente
5. un grupo de estudiantes de universidad esta ayudando reconstruir la país.
6. mas playas y montañas con arboles.
Be Concise: This makes sure that everyone you are presenting to knows and gets all the knowledge that you have.
Be Visual: If the visual is attractive then people will gravitate to your project and want to know more about it.
Be Smarter: If you think deeper about your topic then you will have more ideas and have a better project overall.
Be Transparent: If you can see your project how someone else would see your project then you can make your project that much better.
Be Different: People like different because it is appealing so you should always be different.
Be Accurate: If someone is reading your project it needs to be accurate so that people can know exactly what you are saying.
Be Attractive: If you project looks good it will make people feel good!
Be Varied: have some differences and some debates on you topic that is always interesting to a reader or viewer.
Be Gracious: The topic is a sensitive one depending on who's point of view you are telling it in so be mindful of the different types of people that will or may be reading it.
Be Creative: creativity is always is a plus because it shows how much time and effort you put into giving a good.