2 Weeks from today

Prom is two weeks from today and I just went to get fitted for my tux yesterday. It felt as if no one had what I wanted. I went to 11th and arch with my Aunt, they didn't have anything. Then we made our way to Cottman Ave, where they only carried one type of tuxedos. Finally we went to a Men's Warehouse and Tux farther down Cottman Ave where they had what I wanted. Tomorrow I'm going to get fitted.

Worst man made disaster in US history: Tennessee Coal ash spill

​This is a screen shot of our history project; our project consists of the governments handle of the situation, whats going on now and the who, what, where, when and why involved. Our topic was the worst man made disaster in US history the Tennessee Coal Ash Spill.


Our group had a slow start with this project but in the end we pulled through. I learned a lot about the Tennessee Coal Ash Spill and much about the disasters that other students presented. We had a few ups and downs, especially meeting deadlines we set for each other but we collaborated and found incredible amounts of information to learn from. I think if we could have been a little more organized if we practiced before presenting but it was a lot better the second time around.
Because most of us were doing individual research and it was all put together by one person, while presenting we were a little unorganized.  However by the second time we had everything together and could tell our story. 
I think that if everyone would be a little more creative during the infograph part it would have made our project much more attractive.  
Be Concise
Be Visual
Be Smarter
Be Transparent
Be Different
Be Accurate
Be Attractive
Be Varied
Be Gracious
Be Creative

I think we worked very well with being concise,  different, smarter, accurate,  visual, varied, creative, and attractive.  Maybe not so much in the transparent and gracious, because as I said before the first group we presented to was a little messy but got a lot better after the that. I dont think we put up enough information in order to be transparent and im not sure how we could have been gracious in this project.

By Marina Stuart
Group Mates: Elona M, Shi F, and Mustapha I.
Elona Myftaraj
Marina Stuart
Shakeelah Finney
Mustapha Idriss
Screen shot 2011-05-06 at 10.09.59 AM
Screen shot 2011-05-06 at 10.09.59 AM

Three Mile Island Infographic: Natalie, Barry, Tyrone

FINAL TMI Natalie Bear and Tyrone IMAGE
Natalie's Review:
I think that my group did a really good job of getting our information onto the graphic in a clean and attractive way. I definitely feel that our infographic is very C-R-A-Py. This is one of the things that we did very well: the organization and presentation of our infographic.  I think that we could have done a better job of communicating things amongst ourselves and getting things done in a timely manner. Next time, I would start researching our topic with my group a about a week before the visual is due. Though we did this individually, we had a hard time getting things done on time for the whole group because we were not working together when creating the infographics. This is because we divided the job up in three. Everyone in the group had to research one thing and create a visual with our findings. Though we completed these int he end, and were able to bring them all together on our final infographic, I feel that it would have been less stressful on all of us if we would have communicated a little more about our progress. 
Ten tips to effective infographics:
1.) Be concise: Try to represent your point through pictures/visuals more than you present it with your words. After a while, people are going to get tired of reading, so if you can get them to understand your point with a picture, this will be more interesting to them. 
2.) Be visual: Visuals catch a person's eye, so try to use pictures as your primordial means of presentation.
3.) Be smarter: Try to tell a story with your visual. If you can do this, you will have an effective infographic. 
4.) Be transparent: Tell the truth on your infographic. This is not the place to hide things or leave things out. Your should always put all of the most important information on your graphic. 
5.) Be different: Try to think of designs or visuals that other people have not thought of yet. Make it interesting and original. 
6.) Be accurate: Be sure that all of the facts that you put on the infograhic is correct. After seeing how professional your infographic is, people are going to believe the things on it, so make sure that the information you are feeding the public is true and accurate. 
7.) Be attractive: Though you want to use pictures as your primordial means of information, organize them in a neat way. You can't have too many or too little pictures on your infographic. You have to have a balance. Also, use attractive and bright colors or colors that mesh well. This will make your infographic pretty and enjoyable for other people to look at. 
8.)Be Varied: Use different kinds of graphics, use signs, and other kinds of visuals on your infographic, also, try to place the different visuals on your graphic in different locations to catch the reader's eye. This will catch their attention even more. 

9.)Be Gracious: Though you want to be concise with your information, you also want to give them enough information for them to know what is going on. Do this in a professional and
kindly manner. 
 Be Creative: Try presenting your information in different types of ways like with cartoons or placing your visuals in way that they form the shape of something. Be creative with your information. 

I think that my group did really well in giving the public plenty of information and making the visual look organized and neat. I don't think we were as creative as we could have been. I think this had a lot to do with the fact that we did not have enough time to have fun with the graphic and we were trying to place our visuals together on one whole infographic in the neatest and most professional way that we could. 

Anniston, Alabama PCB Poisoning

Group 7:
​Vichhay Roeung


Our project focused on the PCB Poisoning in Anniston, Alabama, that were caused by the chemical corporate giant Monsanto. For years corporate giant Monsanto have been dumping the toxic chemical (PCB) into the surrounding environment of Anniston. Infecting the citizens of Anniston’s livestock, food source, and water supply. Creating hazardous environmental issues the city of Anniston.  


During the project, the things that went well were the research aspects of the project. As there was a lot of information, most not so useful but still good background information to complete the story of the disaster. What did not go well was the amount of group collaboration as the final product was completed with only one member’s part of the project. What I would do differently is have better group collaboration and punishment for incomplete parts of a group member.


Be Concise - 9

Be Visual - 8

Be Smarter - 8

Be Transparent - 7

Be Different - 6

Be Accurate - 9

Be Attractive - 8

Be Varied - 6

Be Gracious - 7

Be Creative - 7         

Picture 5
Picture 5

Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown

What went well?
Our group worked really well together. We all did our share and kept our word during this project. There were no moments during the process where one person was holding the group up because of incomplete work. We all did research outside of class and we all produced quality work that resulted in a great poster.

What did not?
Honestly, I can not think of anything that did not go well. Although I ended up doing the actual construction of the poster visually, we all contributed and I did not mind to put in a little extra work out of class. We got our stuff done on time and did not have any issues.

What would you do differently next time?
Next time, I would spend more time trying to get the sizing of the text and pictures right. It was really difficult to visualize when putting together. Usually, an 8.5x11 piece of paper is simple to see printed because it is generally the size of our computer screen. When working with something feet long, it was much harder to actually think about how large each word would be. Next time, I would spend more time thinking about this so that it prints perfectly.

10 infographic tips
I think our group was very good at being concise; we spent a long time making sure our information was clear, to the point, and supported one idea the whole way through. As well as visual; we spent a long time making our chart visually appealing and using primary sources to make it further visual. We were different because we used a layout of a reactor and stars indicating faulty areas to represent what happened in the meltdown as well as using newspaper articles and comics from the time to help display the overall point. We were accurate by using all accurate information and using a layout of a reactor that has all to scale parts. This helped demonstrate how little or big each fault was to the machine. We were varied because we used a picture of the reactor as our background and used pictures and bubble to make it look interesting.
We could have worked harder at being 'smarter,' attractive, and creative because we used a lot of text in our infographic that could have been demonstrated in other ways. We also could have worked more at being transparent. Although we had many primary sources and took down all cites used, in the end we did not include this to our infographic because of lack of time to make proper citations.
env disaster poster2

Libby, Montana Asbestos Contamination : Nadif, Newon, Whitney

What went well?

Our group was really easy to work with. Everyone was ready to take on the task. Everyone carried there weight.

What didn't go well?

We had to start the project over because we didn't have the requirements for the infographic. I mean all the information I found is useful, but the we had to focus more on the government aspect and the aftermath. 

What would you do differently next time?

I would reread what the assignment again. My group went off track with what the Ms. Laufenburg asked of us. I would be more visual because I don't think we followed the directions still even though we started. 
Asbestos Contamination

Love Canal Toxic Dump

a. During our project, we found an amazing site: Love Canal Database. In it, there were fantastic pictures. The majority of the pictures on our inforgraphic were from that site. We also learned a lot about this disaster and we were able to explain it extremely well.
b. The issue we had as a group was explaining the disaster in only pictures, it was challenging to organize an aesthetically pleasing poster while still completing all the components.
c. Next time, I'd take more time to organize the poster to explain the who, what, where, when and how with pictures.
Be Concise
- We used a lot of pictures to explain the background.
Be Visual- We used a lot of pictures, but we also used words.

Be Smarter- We were smarter considering that we were the ones that knew about he topic and were showing it to other people who'd never heard of it.

Be Transparent-Since I don't know what this means, we probably weren't.

Be Different-We weren't that different.

Be Accurate- We were accurate.

Be Attractive-It could have been more orderly.

Be Varied- We only used pictures. The only variety is the graphic demonstration Thea made.

Be Gracious- We treated this topic with respect and didn't present it as a joke.

Be Creative
- We could have been more creative.

Sometimes, it's hard to consider all of these and still tell the story well enough. It's challenging finding the perfect pictures and the perfect spot for those pictures.
Love Canal

Info graphic-Markia, Sam S, Ayanna


a. What went well? 
We worked well on the initial research. It was a little hard to get started on the actual visualation but I though our final was a great effort if not lacking in a few visual elements.
b. What did not?

We had trouble collaborating at first because Sam didn't have a computer at home and we had trouble working at school. 

c. What would you do differently next time? 
Next time I think we will do drafts of the infographic so our final turns out much better. 
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

Be Visual

Be Smarter

Be Transparent

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

Which of these areas did you excel in? 

Visual, smarter, different, attractive, varied, creative

Which were not so well represented? 

concise, transparent, maybe accurate

Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product? 

It was difficult to include all the information because we had to focus on visuals yet info was still important. We chose to focus more on the visuals, taking out some knowledge elements but I still think for the most part we did well. Creativity was easy because we are all pretty capable of being unique with our ideas.

Kingston, TN Coal Ash Spill

During this project, we researched the happenings and government’s response to the Tennessee Coal Ash Spill. What went well in our group’s project was our ability to work together with one another despite some group members being absent, our ability to convey the understanding of the project in one simple sheet and in terms that were relatively easy to understand and were relatable.

While we wanted to have some more graphic-oriented information about the spill, we did not want to copy the New York Times’ infographic about the spill. As a result, the scientific explanations were explained in words rather than visually.

In the future, I would be sure that the project had more concrete data that could be visually represented on the chart. For example, a better way of explaining the amount of sludge could have been to list dots for a certain amount of sludge, followed by boxing some areas with the respective sizes of buildings. 

Overall, I feel as though our group did well in the areas of being concise, transparent, accurate, attractive, gracious, and creative. The areas that could’ve been improved include being visual, different, and varied. These were the harder tips to incorporate due to the fact that very little numerical data (for the effects of the spill) were able to be found. In addition, since our team did not have access to many graphics-making software (such as OmniGraffle), we were not able to produce a graphic that was as visually appealing as we had originally planned.

Kingston, TN Coal Ash Spill

E1 Tarea 06/05/11

A. Respuestas Breves

1)    ¿Qué pasa con Gómez?

2)    ¿Quién es Rachel?

3)    ¿Está interesado Martín en Hortensia?

4)    ¿Cocina bien Carmen?

5)    ¿Donde decide trabajar Carmen?

6)    ¿Qué noticias (news) tiene Yolanda?

7)    ¿Te gustó la película? ¿Por que sí? o ¿Por qué no?

B. Cierto o Falso

1)    Maribel y Andy se casan (get married).

2)    Carmen se va a Barcelona.

3)    Martin vende (sells) la casa para iniciar una nueva vida.

Just Great

So I was at my house just relaxing and all of a sudden my internet goes out. I think its fine and then if i restart my router it'll work but i look at the wifi symbol and I isn't even on. Turns out my airport card crashed and I have to wait until monday to get it done. This is ridiculious. It is going to be extremely hard to work now period wih the 5 foot ethernet cable that I have. *sigh*

E1 Ahorita 06/05/11

A. Respuestas Breves

1)    ¿Quién le escribe poemas a Leticia? (adivina quién es – guess who it is)

2)    ¿Dónde quiere vivir Carmen?

3)    ¿De dónde es Andy?

4)    ¿Está interesada Leticia en Orlando (el entrenedor de beísbol)?

B. Cierto o Falso

1)    A Martín le gusta correr.

2)    Orlando le escribió los poemas a Leticia.