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teen suicide
Almost a million people in the world commit suicide each year; many of these people are teens. Suicide is the third leading cause of death amongst 10 to 24 year olds today; in fact in the U.S alone 10.9 teens commit suicide every day. Sadly the actual number of suicides is actually two to times higher. But these numbers are not the only things we have to face because for every suicide there are 50 to 100 attempts. Isn’t it time to put a end to this.
But why is this happening, as I began to learn this information I found myself asking questions. Why is the number of suicides rising in today’s young people? And an even more important question is, are my friends and I at risk?
I think it is important to look into what influences suicides in today youth. I feel once we reach a certain age the entire world’s issues are pushed upon us and we are forced to see all the worlds’ issues and are not given the tools to deal with them. Since 2005 the rate of youth suicides has been rising this must have something to do with the worlds economic depression. Children are now being told that they have no choice but to do well and achieve in their educations because even that may not be enough to get them the jobs they want.
So many teens in America are diagnosed with serious mental conditions every year, it is these children that are most at risk. The problem is that many are not diagnosed with these conditions and are deeply trapped in their holds. So many teens want so badly for life to end so they attempt suicide, the truth is that many is 3 times the number of girls attempt to commit suicide then boys. But still sadly more boys die then girls. This is because when girls attempt suicide they use methods like cutting and starving. Boys however go for much more radical methods like guns, jumping, or strangulation.
Last year there were was a large rise in children committing suicide by train jumping. This I believe is due to the amount of media coverage on the suicides of two pa girls. They were two seemly normal happy teens when truly they were coping with extreme stress, anger and grief. The day that these two girls took their lives their fellow classmates were in shock. “Media reports that romanticize or sensationalize suicide can encourage copycats”, said Dr. Paula Clayton. In most teen suicides are committed in clusters. These are not pacts but many suicides that happen within weeks of each other.
The stresses of schooling are to much for many teens and young adults today. It should be the jobs of educators and schools to reach out to those who seem to be struggling. The golden gate bridge is the end of many lives in America; it has had an average of one suicide a every 3 weeks for the past 5 years alone. Many of these are students who have felt the stress has become too much.
I think that media should cover less of the violence and anger of teen and instead reach out to them and offer healthier options. I believe that adults should watch out more for the young and make sure they are okay. If you care for the future of are world stand up and fight for our youth.
"kill yaself'
"are you wearing fake uggs, kill yaself" or "all my haters can kill themselves".
But that shit bother me. My oldest cousin committed suicide.
Six Word Story
The Anticipation
Phillies win
A Monologue For A Mirror In Regards To My Present Productivity
Mirror, mirror
on the wall
why must I go
and wreck it all?
Such prosperity awaits!
A future pristine!
Tarnished and ruined
by my internal fiend.
This habit confines
all possible splendor.
Each acceptance shall be
returned to its sender.
Mirror, mirror
on the wall
Please tell diligence
to give me a call.
Great Night
-Travie McCoy
love & basketball
I should probably finish my history benchmark now.
Itunes Love Song
You know..
Rain boots!!!
Mails here...
Marshall's Q3 Globalization BM
The countries I used were Rwanda and Iran, two countries that have been in and out of wars for the last few decades. For each of the five points of collapse, I would research what the status of the issue had been for the last 40-80 years. If the problem was only getting worse, I would give it lower than a five, if it was steadily increasing, I would give it more than a five. How much more/less than a five I'd give the issue was dependent on the severity of the problem within the country. The only part of the five point framework which was difficult to analyze was the society's response to environmental damage. Friendly trade partners tied in with hostile neighbors, and environmental damage tied in with climate change. The societies response was always difficult to find because there are so many different opinions on the matter. If I could change one thing about my project, I'd make it more creative or visually appealing. I'm satisfied with the information I got, but visual appeal has never been a strong suit.
SLA Freshmen Featured on MIT's Scratch Website!
Sean McAninich and Daniel Tuveson designed the following game:
Both of these were featured on the front page of MIT's Scratch Website!!!!
Congrats to these 6 students, and thanks to Debbie Fields and Yasmin Kafai from UPenn for providing this opportunity!
When I got home, I fell right asleep. Around 6am, I awoke with a terrible migraine and a bad sore throat. I was also congested and coughing up a storm.
Around 10am, I ran downstairs to look for cold medicine. To my dismay, we were out of it. Now I am debating whether to get dressed and travel all the way down to South Philly to see my boyfriend and go to the movies. Even though I am as sick as a dog, I am probably going to go anyway because I really miss Eric and I want to see that new movie "Insidious" pretty badly.
What The Hell?
i cant wait until i get out this damn academy
this " leadership"
this "school" .

Those Fast-Talkin' Lasses Inspire
Purchased the collected poems of Dorothy Parker.
Searched craigslist for high speed wit.
Found none for sale.
Looks as though I must resort to theft.
Oh please let my next three posts redeem me for this one.
I gave up before,
everyones a whore
no one meant for me
as far as I could see
A call one day
someone coming my way
so I said hey
don't ever go away
Now I know
where I'll go
I go, with you
I know its true
and every word you say
reminds me everyday
how you love me so
so don't ever let me go
corny words
working towards
a beautiful smile
that lasts a while
and its all for you
and you know its true
this love for you
and you feel it too
so take my hand
I'll help you stand
protect you
form feeling blue
your beautiful
in every way
mind and soul
so come this way
I'll hold you tight
and never let go