Goodbye Music

In a world that was small the size of SLA of course
Music was special and kept everyone on course
People would play and enjoy the sound
The type of music didn't matter
It's ways or it's sound
But as our artist died
So did the music
Some of us cried
But it was useless
We tried to bring the music back
In ways that we could
Programs and courses
But what was the use
As the music fades 
So will those who adored it
So goodbye music
Sorry no one else truly enjoyed it

*"I wrote this thinking about the arabic music group.  It seems like no one truly enjoys learning about the music of different countries anymore.  I hope that the teachers find students who truly do love it someone else.  I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry we couldn't show our love for music to you.  I'M SORRY....*

My Cat Pecan

​Last post talked about my Cat, Smokey. This one is about my other cat, Pecan Swirl.

One day, during a break last year, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. The sound of the two cats was echoing though out the house and it was starting to get really annoying. It lasted for (oh I would say) a good 3 hours, but then suddenly it stopped. Joyful peace, it was nice but then It got too quiet. Then, I started hearing something odd...and then I heard something smashing and flopping around. I looked out..and saw...a giant fur ball. I thought "what the heck is that?" I go over.....the cat managed to get her back paw stuck in her ear. First I thought "Only I would pick a cat that could put her paw in her ear." I went and got my mom and she got her paw out. Now we make sure her claws aren't so long so it doesn't happen again, and everytime I tell the story, I just love seeing the look on their faces.

My Crazy Cat

Last post talked about my Cat, Smokey. This one is about my other cat, Pecan Swirl.

One day, during a break last year, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. The sound of the two cats was echoing though out the house and it was starting to get really annoying. It lasted for (oh I would say) a good 3 hours, but then suddenly it stopped. Joyful peace, it was nice but then It got too quiet. Then, I started hearing something odd...and then I heard something smashing and flopping around. I looked out..and saw...a giant fur ball. I thought "what the heck is that?" I go over.....the cat managed to get her back paw stuck in her ear. First I thought "Only I would pick a cat that could put her paw in her ear." I went and got my mom and she got her paw out. Now we make sure her claws aren't so long so it doesn't happen again, and everytime I tell the story, I just love seeing the look on their faces.

My Crazy Cat

Last post talked about my Cat, Smokey. This one is about my other cat, Pecan Swirl.

One day, during a break last year, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. The sound of the two cats was echoing though out the house and it was starting to get really annoying. It lasted for (oh I would say) a good 3 hours, but then suddenly it stopped. Joyful peace, it was nice but then It got too quiet. Then, I started hearing something odd...and then I heard something smashing and flopping around. I looked out..and saw...a giant fur ball. I thought "what the heck is that?" I go over.....the cat managed to get her back paw stuck in her ear. First I thought "Only I would pick a cat that could put her paw in her ear." I went and got my mom and she got her paw out. Now we make sure her claws aren't so long so it doesn't happen again, and everytime I tell the story, I just love seeing the look on their faces.

IncidentZ Chapter3 (for2.24.11)

In life there is pain, there is hope and love, and there is defeat, there is hate, and there is death.  There is also irony. It was ironic how the bullet that I fired at myself, the one that was supposed to kill me, the one that very easily could have been directed at a zombie, or at Nicole, it didn’t go off. the irony was most things getting shot at would hope that the bullet did not go off, but I was hopping the opposite.  Chris found me, and his sister. When he found me I was still shooting the gun in my hand. It was making a clicking noise, but no mater how many times I pulled the trigger it would not go off. I guess part of the reason that I didn’t just cock the gun back and try at it with a different round was because of my shock. I was not thinking I was just doing.  

Now I was alone, sitting in an isolated part of the bjs store that was now as far as we knew 100% secure. I was still in shock. Chris took it hard too, he took the gun away from me and gave it to Jacob. Neither me or Chris were in any condition to be carrying a gun. I was quietly thinking to my self about how I basically killed myself, sure I lived but that’s not what I wanted. I pulled the trigger, and in some other world that bullet went off, and I was dead. I was thinking now at an unhealthy level. About death and about the world, about god and my faith, if that’s what you wanted to call it. The room was dark, and I didn’t know what time it was, nor did I pretend to care. It had to be sometime in the early ams before the sun came up. I was not crying, and my eyes were dry, no I was beyond crying, I didn’t exist. That’s the best way to describe the feeling. I was not there. Sure my body was, but my mind was absent, there was nothing. I stared at the wall blankly.

Chris opened the door to the storage closet that I had got into. The light hurt my eyes. He walked over as the door shut behind him and sat down next to me without saying anything. For a time we just sat there, and really I didn’t even notice Chris. I mean I knew he was there, but I did not take note, it was as if I knew but I didn’t. its such a hard feeling to explain, simply because there is nothing there. I was feeling nothingness. “ I don’t blame you” words that broke into the nothingness and it became something. A phrase that came into my thoughts.  I sat and thought about it. “when your ready to come out…were all waiting for you…” he got up and left. Again the nothingness came on, but this nothing had something in it. The words that right now seemed empty. At least I had something in my mind. Something that still felt like nothing. I don’t blame you I thought, my thoughts were answered by a voice that was deep inside me

“but you’re the one who shot her, you had the gun, you let her go first” the voice said, it sounded shaky. I sat there and a tear finally came to my eye as feelings started to come back into my numb mind.  I sat there and cried

Love(lost)(poem for 2.23.11)

You say, that I have lost my mind
but you were the one, playing with it last
you say, I'm no longer as kind
but you were the one, that promised this would last

please don't leave me, I have nothing left to say
and I can't promise it will be better the next day
I can't promise that I wont lie, but I can promise
I will always try

I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am
I'm not confused, I'm standing at your door
Its raining, and I know you are with them
I wish you and him would stop dancing on the floor
I'm just going to wait, just gonna wait for you at this door

War Poem (for 2.22.11)

I got there, ready for this war
already missing my family
first days were a bore
with nothing to do

one day it all changed
gun fire erupted
the battle raged

I lost friends that day
and I was a killer
it felt worse then I could say

I wanted to go home
they gave me a metal
said I did good, go home

I felt out of place,
family could see it on my face
I went back to war
two weeks later
It had changed me, and now, this is what I was


Leave me, Leave me
I cant f#ckin stand you
Wish I had the courage to say everything I planned to
My girlfriend, My girlfriend
Calls herself my girlfriend
She say we sposed to be together till the world end.

2-23-11 TAREA

1. Nuestra
2. nuestros 
3. Nuestras 
4. Nuestros 
5. Nuestro. 

1. Ella es  Mejor amiga de Alison. 
2. La clase de Sr. Baird es divertida. 
3. La computadora de Allen es no esta. 

Spanish 1 2/23/11

A) "OUR"
Escribe: nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
1. . . .  familia es bastante grande      Nuestra
2. . . . profesores son bien simpáticos.     Nuestros
3. . . . novias son muy guapas.          Nuestras
4. . . . clases son demasiado dificiles.     Nuestros
5. . . . director se llama Sr. Lehmann.       Nuestro

B) Escribe en español. 'S NO EXISTE en español.
1. She is Allison's best friend.         Ella es mejor amiga Allison
2. Baird's class is fun.        La clase de Baird es divertido
3. Allen's computer doesn't work.        La computordora de Allen es no esta

A Baseball Story

My high school baseball team had never experienced much success, to say the least. In fact, up until last year, the team had disbanded because there had not been significant enough interest to drum together a team of dedicated individuals. However, last year we were able to assemble a team of novice players – most of them seniors – that would be able to lead the team to their first winning season. Shortly after preseason started, it was determined that the team needed a captain; somebody the team could lean to for direction, if the coach ever needed assistance. Since the seniors on the team were the most athletically superior, and possessed the natural senior swagger that usually demanded the respect of the younger students, one of them would make the best captain.


However, that senior swagger is usually aligned with lackadaisical attitudes and pure entitlement – some might call it “senioritis”— and it was that attitude that dismissed most seniors from attending mandatory practices and team workouts. That, and the fact that most of the seniors lacked the knowledge of the basic fundamentals of the game, and had never played baseball for an organized team, generally didn’t make them suitable captains.


That’s where I came in. Although I didn’t have the title as team captain, I had played baseball since I was six and I was eager to help lead my team to the success that I knew we were capable of. I was often put in charge of team workouts and spent most of my time instructing the less experienced players on the precise technique for fielding baseballs and getting more power behind their swings. We didn’t start truly playing together as a team until the end of the season, and although the team ended 4-6, a disappointing record by anyone’s standards, we showed improvement from the previous years, and I’m excited for next season.


This is sort of proof that you don’t have to have a title to make a difference. True leaders can inspire people to perform to their potential by simply putting forth their best effort, and leading by example. I was an effective leader because I never assumed I was better than any of them. Unlike my senior counterparts, I never thought I was too good for practice, and once I was able to gain their respect, I noticed a much more responsive attitude from most of the kids, that allowed us to play together as a team.

Old School Pictures

On Wednesday I  was on the train with perry when we started to talk about old school pictures. Like middle school or grade school. So we had the most hilarious pictures that ever happened to us.One of the pictures i remember was when i was about like 8 or 7 and my mom had left for work early. My dad had to do my hair for me and i put on this really bright pink sweater. turns out it was picture day and i took my picture smiling like usual not aware or caring what i looked like at the time. Looking back on it now i laugh at the picture because i look so ridiculous and i complain to my mom sometimes saying" Why did you let him do that too me" and we just laugh more. Old School pictures are hilarious. 

Book characters....copy cats!

Tonigh me and Evett randomly discussed our favorite book characters we are told we are like so I would take my mind off my current cold. She first sent me a picture of her character Nudge.

Me:​.....thats u
10:01 PM
E:more i look at her the more i see myself. lol but my hair ain't that long
Me: true -looks at the max one- huh my hair is naturally like hers but u know dark and bangs
E:i love max's hair.
Me:wait wait
E:and her wings
Me:oh heck no thats my bomber jacket!
E:i was just about to say that jacket looks like something you would wear
Mei swear thats the one i have been talking about
E:same color?
Me:yes, my collar is just bigger i think

I went and tried the jacket

10:12 PM
E: well?

I took a photo and showed her.

E:oh snaps they doo look the same
Me: lol told u

We Like Each Other.

So, I was sitting there minding my own business, yup  I really was.
And I get a text that makes me smile. : )
And its from my Crush, btw I really like him.

So, I was sitting there playing it cool, cause you know how I do.
And I get a text that makes me blush.
And its from my crush, who did I mention, I really like.

So, I was sitting there anxious, I know weird right.
And I get a text that makes me laugh
And its from my crush, He's really funny, I like him.

So, I was sitting there looking really crazy, You know form smiling, laughing and being anxious.
And I get a text that makes think, "Look Up"
And its from my Crush, He was standing right there, He likes me too. : )