The Old and New Slide

The first picture is my old Key Note Slide converted into a PDF.

The second picture is my new slide. 

     While seeing everyone's presentation, I realized that I could have made my slide a lot better. And so I thought of many ideas in my head. Here are my ideas:

     I changed my formatting for my pictures because Ms. Hull and the website said that people see from left to right first. So I made it easier by putting it the pictures on the left. Eye catching pictures!

     I also changed my wording and wasn't afraid to make my words huge and change the coloring.

     This is what I changed on my slide! I hope you like it! 

Q1_Presentation Zen Slide
Presentation Zen 2 [PDF] !

Ian Terway - Marking Period One

Artist’s Statement

Recently I have noticed a big change in the style of art that I create. I have been moving further and further away from illustration and moving into music. I have been playing the guitar since sometime sophomore year and it's practically possessed me. On my off time I spend hours upon hours practicing, learning new songs, tunings, chords, and techniques. I am intrigued by how the instrument works, and how different voicings and types of chords can invoke different feelings in the listener. I prefer using acoustic guitar when learning or performing music because it feels more personal to me, and I feel like I can put more soul into my work acoustically then if it was being distorted through speakers.

Bottle Cap Poster

When starting this quarter Miss Hull introduced us to the artist Aurora Robson. Aurora specializes in creating artwork out of plastic bottle caps and bottles. When she started creating these works they were made to reflect upon nightmares she used to have as a child. She connects these nightmares to the collective nightmare of the overuse of plastic that affects us all and is destroying the environment. We created posters to inform the school of a bottle cap drive; in this way we could keep some bottle caps out of our oceans and landfills and provide material for Aurora to use.



For our assignment we had to create a piece of art that revolved around the theme of recycling.  At first I had no idea how I could connect both music and recycling together, but then it came to me; last year for a physics project I built a three stringed guitar out of a cigar box, a piece of wood, and some odds and ends. Even though the guitar didn’t work very well as a conventional guitar, it worked perfectly as a slide guitar. My father also fairly recently discovered a beautiful guitar thrown away in the trash with some very fixable problems. After some cheap repairs he gave the guitar to me. So there I had two instruments that both had a relation to recycling, so all I needed was a song to record.

My choice song was “Loser” by Beck. There was no real rationale behind this choice besides it has a prominent slide guitar riff in it.

I recorded the song in three different parts, the slide guitar, the lead, and the sitar (which I arranged for guitar), and then pieced them together using GarageBand. I was going to record the bass in the song also, but my bass amp died on me during the recording process. Once I have the amp fixed I would like to go back and complete the song, and maybe add some drums with a drum machine.

MP3 and GarageBand File


Home Made Cigar Box Guitar





Trash Find


How Becoming Carnivores Changed the Evolution of Humans

How did meat eating begin?

Meat eating has been said to go as far back as 2.5 million years for humans. Fossils of tools used to butcher meat are found to have gone back that far. It is believed that we started eating meat because of the competition for food between other species. Craig B. Stanford points to an example of this in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. This forest is the only forest where mountain gorillas and chimps live together. Chimps eat meat while Gorillas don’t meaning that they can coexist together because they have two different diets.

 How meat eating affected the evolution of humans

Long ago when humans started to eat meat it triggered tons of evolutionary changes. For one thing, our jaws have gotten smaller so we can chew meat better. And because of our diets being chocked full of meat we have evolved to have an improved ability to process cholesterol and fat.  Also, scientist say that eating meat helped our brains to grow bigger and our figure slimmer. All these positives from meat though did not happen until we started cooking meat. To get the caloric energy you get from meat you have to cook it. So we really didn’t start reaping the benefits of meat until we discovered fire.

Being a meat eater isn't all positive

But everything that has evolved from meat eating was not good. Because our jaws are downsized are teeth cannot fit inside. So it’s rare to find someone who has perfectly straight teeth that did not have any dental work on them. Also us evolving to cooking and using forks and knives has made out big teeth useless because our food is so soft. 


Mayell, H. (2005, February 18). "evolving to eat mush": how meat changed our bodies. Retrieved from

Joyce, C. (Producer). (2010, August 2). Food for thought: meat-based diet made us smarter [Audio Podcast]. NPR Series: The Human Edge. Retrieved from

This picture from left is of castings of teeth from a chimpanzee, Australopithecus afarensis and a modern human


The Future of Human Evolution

It is no easy task to predict what the future of the human race will be. According to US News, “Humans are evolving faster than ever before, picking up new genetic traits and talents that may help us survive a turbulent future.” The human race, which is a quite intelligent, evolves everyday. Until recently scientists believed that the human evolution had slowed down, due to the lack of visual changes, failing to look deeper into the issue. Human are now evolving within their genomes and DNA, it has been scientifically inferred that with so many changes within the human body as opposed to the physical features, will one day start to change humans outer body.

A recent study in the news, (available on shows that speculation that changes in human mating patterns may be contributing to the increase in autism. Others track how humans have morphed in response to changing circumstances, including enhanced abilities to metabolize sugar and fight disease. One of the biggest changes within human DNA is that some humans are becoming more resistant to the HIV virus and it will become more common in the future, as well as changes in human body makeup. One of the factors of that is that it a new form of DNA testing helps parents choose the genetic makeup of their children, rejecting embryos with inherited flaws or embracing those with desired traits—such as being the right sex. The future of human evolution is based on the future of new testing techniques.

Sorry this is late, I thought I uploaded, but didn't...


Germantown 19144

Hello everyone, and welcome to Germantown 19144. What you are about to experience are a series of videos shot directly in Germantown Philadelphia. These videos include much of the areas information. This includes crime statistics, employment statistics, living statistics and more. The project itself was assigned by Douglas Herman to AIR stream, as a quarter one benchmark. The other activities in the benchmark included a timeline, participating and or volunteering with a local civic center in the community, and more. Our local neighborhood representative is Rosita W. Youngblood. Some background on Rosita Youngblood is that she was elected to serve as a representative on April 19, 1994. She created a variety of community outreach programs. She involved in College fairs, Thanksgiving and Christmas basket giveaways etc. She is apart of multiple committees to advocate for some of the issues that are dear to her such as Public Welfare, Domestic Violence, Personal Insirance and many more.Please enjoy the videos.
(The following videos have their titles listed below the Germantown Timeline from the order in which meant to be seen.)

Germantown Timeline Presentation


  1. Introduction
  2. Positive Story
  3. Community & Crime
  4. Businesses & Youth
  5. Conclusion

This project was brought to you by...
​Rashaun Williams
Simone Greene
Kyla Carden

Make Love Not War!

In my advanced art class we were assigned to recycle something and make something from it. To think of something that is used in everyday wasn't difficult at all. However I wanted to do something different, something that a lot of people wouldn't be quick to think of. Yet I wanted to use something that is used and should be by a lot of people. So I thought of condom wrappers and making a peace sign out of the wrappers.

Make Love Not War, was the first thing that I wanted to represent my art, but also I wanted to go a little deeper than that common phrase. So many people are caring std's and they are spreading so quickly because people are not protecting themselves. Over half a million have died of AIDS, and there are currently more than one people living with HIV and AIDS in America. It is true that not all people who have it, received it from being sexually active. However those who were sexually active that received it many of those were unprotected. Once someone has unprotected sex they are not only disturbing the peace within themselves but in their homes their loved ones suffer also.

Collecting the material for this project I would say had to be amusing. To actually get condom wrappers to recycle them was awkward, but there were some people that was able to donate to my project. I wouldn't say that this is just my art project it wouldn't be able to have it's meaning without the help of others. 

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Screen shot 2010-11-14 at 12.16.52 AM

Mental Disorders.

Mary Altamuro


When we think of the mentally handicapped or those with mental disorders, we instantly feel pity.  We usually do not stop to wonder why or how a person came to be stricken with the disability or disorder that afflicts them.   I find myself curious about why these disorders still exist generation after generation even after all the scientific effort at uncovering the causes and possible cures.  A great deal of time and attention has been spent on how these disorders came to exist and what might make them worse and how to make them better, but there is still so much we still need to learn.  Thankfully, scientists have given us a great deal of information that can be very beneficial in understanding, treating and hopefully someday curing or preventing mental and emotional issues. 

Recently, studies have shown that a genetic predisposition may be hidden in people that makes them prone to certain characteristics that when provoked, can create emotional or mental conditions.  This predisposition, in conjunction with a triggering event or simply by the quality in that person’s environment and upbringing can cause these characteristics to become problematic and spark a mental or emotional abnormality. This peculiar phenomenon is called the diathesis-stress model.

According to this theory, when provoked, a characteristic may go into overdrive, causing a person to have a legitimately diagnosable illness. Environmental stimuli that may cause such a thing to happen are social issues or trauma that may have occurred at a young age.

 One of the most common problems that can cause such a change in people would have to do with their parents. If a young person does not receive the right kind of attention as they are maturing, it can cause emotional and social problems for them later in life.  An overbearing or judgmental parental figure can cause a person to have low self-esteem, which could then inflict disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder, social anxiety disorder or even depression.   Parents who get divorced have also been shown to cause obsessive-compulsive disorder in as children of divorced parents tend to feel they have a loss of control in their lives and obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder driven by a person’s overwhelming need and drive for control. 

These disorders reveal themselves when people who are predisposed for the characteristics are triggered by an emotional or social stress. This ignites an inner need to balance themselves out, mentally. Sadly, they often emotionally overcompensate; leaving them worse off then they were in the beginning.


The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Initials. (2005, May 20). Narcissistic personality disorder. Retrieved from

Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, MD, Initials. (2008, November). What causes ocd?. Retrieved from

Amal Chakraburtty, MD, Initials. (2010, March 01). Causes of depression. Retrieved from

Rashmi Nemade, Ph.D., Natalie Staats Reiss, Ph.D., and Mark Dombeck, Ph.D., Initials. (2007, September 19). Current understandings of major depression - diathesis-stress model. Retrieved from

Cadena, Christine. (2007, November 16). How anxiety develops in children: the "diathesis-stress" model. Retrieved from

Picasso at the Lapin Agile: Y-band's Interpretations

​3 groups from each drama class were asked to perform the same scene from Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile in three different theater style: thrust, theater in the round and proscenium. These are Y-band's interpretations.

Picasso at the Lapin Agile: E-band's Interpretations

​3 groups from each drama class were asked to perform the same scene from Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile in three different theater style: thrust, theater in the round and proscenium. These are E-band's interpretations.

Picasso at the Lapin Agile: E-band's Interpretations

​3 groups from each drama class were asked to perform the same scene from Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile in three different theater style: thrust, theater in the round and proscenium. These are E-band's interpretations.

Picasso at the Lapin Agile: Y-band's Interpretations

3 groups from each drama class were asked to perform the same scene from Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile in three different theater style: thrust, theater in the round and proscenium. These are Y-band's interpretations

Morgan Craig-Williams-Q1 Benchmark

        As an artist I feel free. I know when I create something form my imagination it can't be criticized or re-explained but it can definitely be unwanted and that is fine with me. When I create something it always has a meaning behind it. I was extremely excited when I found out I had art this year, I've wanted ever since our required freshman class but never got it. I'm looking forward to continuing the year as it bring on new challenges and broadens my view as an artist.
        This quarter we went to see  Aurora Robson's work on bottle caps and what she does to eliminate some of the trash left on this earth buy humans. Her art as beautiful, what really amazed me was the time her and her team spent working on the project.


 Seeing this project in the making had inspired us to make bottle cap posters. Here's mine:
Photo on 2010-11-13 at 09.16

          My next project was to create something of of recyclable items, it could be anything. I decided to make ballerina because I've been dancing since I was three so, dancing is something that means a lot to me.  It took me a while to figure out exactly how I was gonna create my ballerina but I finally got it. Here is my finished work:

     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.39     Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.38
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40
Photo on 2010-11-12 at 17.40

La Cita Mi Verano

La Cita de Mi Verano

The purpose of this tutorial was to tach Noah the difference between conjugating preterite and present tense verbs. Also, how to use the phrase Qué tal?. Mostly to tach him that Spanish can be fun. Noah should be able to conjugate some words in the preterite tense and present tense, such as hacer. and ir. These goals are important to the group because we think that we would have benefited most from learning these things. So why not give the perfect advice for a Spanish student, from another Spanish student. I would really prioritize much more appropriately. Also, i am very proud of our final outcome. I know it could have been much better but i did as best as i could. 

How much Spanish have you learned so far Noah?

And How much did you learn from our video?

Link TO PDF-
Spanish 2- BM

Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Research Question: Like other initially controversial scientific theories, will evolution one day be universally accepted by society?

Evolution has been a controversial theory since the first day word reached out about it. But, this is not unlike many other theories which we consider true and indisputable today. For example, Copernicus' Heliocentric theory and Newton's gravitational theory. Copernicus' Heliocentric theory basically asserted that the earth was not the center of the solar system, but the sun. At the time, everyone believed in geocentric theory which said that the earth was the center of the universe. This theory was so novel and unprecedented, people were quick to scorn Copernicus and dismiss the theory as nonsense. The dissension around it did not end for later Galileo defended it. He was a supporter of Copernicus and was put on trial by the Catholic Church for defending something that they felt contradicted religion.They wanted the theory banned. This is almost the exact same scenario with evolution today. The Copernican theory gained legitimacy over time and became universally accepted. Newton's theory of gravity had similarly controversial beginnings yet no one contests it's admissibility today.

 If history has taught us anything, it's although initially controversial, theories with strong foundations such as Evolution do become universally accepted over time. There is evidence of evolution gaining more support today. Although just 39% of Americans believe in evolution, as indicated by a Gallup poll in 2009, that number has been on the rise, especially with the newer generations. 74% of people with a post graduate degree believe in evolution. There are some creationist museums today that include evolution in their displays. Perhaps one day even religious people can believe in the basic concepts of evolution while still holding faith in their religion at the same time. With the number of people who believe in evolution on the rise with newer generations, it is safe to assume that we will one day live in a society which almost unanimously accepts evolution as true. 
