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Vilma Martinez: Many Slide
To reflect on this, In the second slide of this assignment I edited a few things of what I was given feed back on. I darkened the gray of the background and then lowered the font of "Creative" and connected the c with the r. There was not much I had to change, just very small details to appeal to the viewers. I just reflected on what I was told and tried my best to fix those small flaws and the product is shown below
Slide Design
Slide about me
I made the slide look the way it does because it easily expresses who I am. What influenced my decision making was what I enjoy and a quote that is all about me and my lifestyle. I was being careful evening out the slide neatly. The point of this was to describe who we are our interests and a lot more.
Slide about me
Media Fluency Slide
The point of this project was to describe your interests in a efficient way and grab peoples attention. My slide is a picture of airplanes cockpit. Airplanes have always been a big influence in my life. My dad is a pilot and since then being a pilot has always been my dream. I want to travel the world and follow the path of my father. While designing the slide I used an image that doesn't take long to interpret. I wanted to make my slide interesting so I decided to make my image fade off the paper. I enjoyed this project and it taught me any things about presenting and advertising.
After this unit I learned how to design slides and make them interesting but simple. By using colorful images and bold letters my reader can now what is going on in my slide. On my new slide I took out one word and added color contrast to the background of my name. Ms.Hull set us up for failure because she did not tell us what to do with specific details or giving us specific details on how to design a slide.
Vaughn's Q2 Media Fluency Slide
Presentation About Me
For this project in technology class, my classmates and I had to design a slide all about us. With that slide we had to use methods of making a slide the best as possible as we had learned in previous lessons. That meant leaving some space, writing in large font, make it colorful and to use bleeding to make the slide strong. Using these methods I came up with this slide to represent me.
This presentation shows a example of glance media. There is one picture of the United Nations and my name. By there a reader would automatically understand my message with just one glimpse. There are only two words on the slide, “Gabrielle” and “Kreidie”, my name. This allows the reader to not have to read through a whole lot of words, only stare at the picture. The reader automatically gets the picture/idea. I was not being a wimp throughout this slide, I made things big. I made the slide colorful and I made the picture turned a bit showing a more flow in the wind of the flag. I allowed the picture to be bled, one did not have to see the entire pole from which the flag was flying across. There was some clear space around the flag not allowing the flag to take up the whole slide. This presentation, as I said earlier, shows the reader the ultimate message: I, Gabrielle Kreidie, have a admiration and love for the United Nations.
Fodie Camara
Shaina Keenan Q2 Media Fluency Slide
Ella Donesky's Media Fluency Slide
My slide represents my love of music, especially The Beatles and other oldies bands, and also my fascination with beetles and other insects. In the middle of the slide, is a quote from one of my favorite Beatles songs, that represents something I value.
The composition of my slide consists of decisions I made about the type, contrast, color, visuals, space, theme, and organization of the images. I knew which images I wanted to incorporate in my slide, and my main focus was to arrange them creatively, while also following the rules of composition. I chose a black and white Beatles image, and decided to tilt it on one side. This was mainly because I thought it was more creative than having it right side up, and because I didn’t think that you needed to see the image clearly to recognize who they are. Also, I didn’t want to have “floating images,” and I wanted to leave some space on the slide, so I pushed the image to the right side. I wanted to represent a single theme in my slide, so I decided to play on the word “beetle” and show the other side of what that word meant to me. I incorporated my fascination with beetles. I chose to put the images of the beetles on the left side of my slide, to balance the placement of the images, and to show more clearly the nature of the opposite meanings, but similar sounding words. There were no more images that I wanted to add, so I left it as it is. I thought of adding more, but decided not to, because I didn’t want to cram the space and give less attention to the images, individually. My last step was to add the text. I put the text in the middle, balancing the placement of all the pieces, while also following the rule of thirds. I chose the text size in the slide, because I wanted it to stand out, but not overpower the images. Originally, the text was black, the images were black and white, and the background was white, but I realized that I didn’t include any color in my slide, so it wasn’t very eye catching. When I thought about where I should add the color, I decided to add it to the text, because it contrasted between the color of the text and the color of the images, and the actual piece of text and image. The color I chose is orange, because orange is my favorite color, and it creates a visually appealing color scheme. I arranged the orange box, with the quote inside it, in the middle of the slide. Vertically, I placed it directly over Paul and Ringo’s heads, lining up with the ends of their heads. This creates an even and balanced composition throughout the slide.
Matthew Willson Media Fluency Slide
Q2 Reflection #2
Su tiempo de Navidad. Esto significa que las grandes empresas harán más cosas y los precios subirán. Para la gente de Venezuela, que no saben cuánto más las cosas van a costar o cuántas cosas el gobierno dejará que las hacen. Muchos juguetes y regalos se hacen en fábricas. Quieren controlar cuánto las empresas pueden hacer para asegurarse de que no se están volviendo demasiado poderosos y tener demasiado dinero. A veces es muy difícil saber hasta qué punto una empresa puede hacer, especialmente durante esta temporada. Más a menudo entonces no, la gente que hace cosas para las grandes empresas en las fábricas no hacen mucho dinero para volver a casa y apoyar a sus parejas, hijos, u otras personas en su familia.
Rifah Islam's Media Fluency Slide
goat slide
I put this because I was given this name in SLA because of my eating habits but I think that goats have personality trait that are similar to mine. Goat are intelligent and curious, they are also independent and stubborn. Mountain goats adapt to the climate and can survive on sparse food in rough and dangerous terrain.
Calamity's Tech Slide
This is my slide. [show slide and allow five seconds before starting] Think aloud. Just a quick background on what this means in reference to me: I’ve always been a performance-based person in a lot of different ways, which is implied by the retro microphone and the lights, but it also tells the viewer that I’m outgoing and I speak up without hesitation. As we’ve already learned for our projects, good signage has to be noticeable, understandable, memorable and influential, and that was the rubric I used to create this slide. I paid attention to specific elements such as alignment, proximity, contrast, and color.
First, the text. I made it white to contrast against the blurred and generally sepia colored background. Since the eye is traditionally lazy and is attracted to blank, empty space, I wanted the first thing that the viewer saw to be the words, think aloud, and then to the picture behind it. I made the letters evenly spaced and aligned perfectly horizontally so that it would not appear messy or confusing in any way. Very simple and neat.
Now, the image. I edited a photograph from the Internet to make it slightly more old-fashioned and hazy and to make it my own. I also didn’t want it to be distracting with too many clear, dark lines that would take away from the message. It’s extremely important that when creating glance media, everything is very obvious and only takes a moment to digest. I also wanted to make it memorable, so that it wasn’t a single word, a verb, a noun or anything along those lines. I wanted it to be unique, so I decided to make it an action/suggestion. Not only this, but it was very important that it inspired the viewer to do something, and I hope that the viewer is inspired to think aloud. This means that the viewer should not be afraid to share their ideas and thoughts with those around them. It’s a motivator!
Those are all of the glance media tactics I used to create my slide. Thank you!
Artículo 2: Vírgenes, Católicos, y Inmigrantes
Quarter 2
Alejandro Marothy
Señorita Manuel
Virgen de Guadalupe y Católicos
Más de unos pocos católicos dieron homenaje a una virgen en Los Angeles el domingo. Esto fue todo sobre inmigración reforma. Invocar una decisión sobre el tema.
¿Qué tiene esto que ver con vírgenes? No sé. Aparentemente el virgen, Virgen de Guadalupe, mató a San Juan Diego. No sé. También es el Año De La Fe y los católicos están refuerzan su fe. Esto es por el Año De La Fe. Los arzobispos y los columna-bispos están muy contentos después de ver tantas personas siguiendo su religión. Es bueno.
Básicamente, la asamblea católica pregunta esta virgen para aprobar inmigración reforma. La asamblea y marcha incluido muchas actuaciones. Actuaciones como bailarines Aztecas, matachín, y un desfile de carrozas. Vaya.
¿Por qué? Tengo tantas preguntas. ¿Por qué estas personas amas las vírgenes? “Porque son santos.” ¿Sí? Es muy muy extraño. Seriamente, vírgenes deben ser orar por, no orar a. Pero a pesar de que es el último, todavía me pregunto por qué. ¿Por qué creen que esta virgen puede convencer a el gobierno sobre la inmigración reforma? Sí bien la reigión bien lo que sea. Es absurdo.
Todo el prejuicio aparte, aprendí mucho de este artículo. Aprendí sobre la devoción las personas religiosas tiene para las vírgenes, y los inmigrantes tienen para la inmigración.
Número de Palabras: 213
Trabajo Citado
EFE. "Latino News and Opinion." Procesión De La Virgen De Guadalupe Congregó a 30.000 Fieles - . Al Día, 2 Dec. 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2013.
Media Fluency
Media Fluency
Media Fluency Slide About Me!
My name is Ari, and this is my slide! I believe that this slide very accurately represents me as a person, and my knowledge of design. When I created my slide, I had two goals: simple and easily understood. I used my research about slide and poster design to make the best slide I possibly could.
Harry Freed: Very Slide
Me Magazine Slide
All about me in one slide
Character lays sideways in bed, feet and head dangling over opposite sides, propping up his head with his arms, apparently staring up at the ceiling. He is smiling and chatting with his friend via his augmentation implant, a chip designed to grant the user abilities greater than that of a modern day computer.
“Haha, alright, I’ll talk to you later. Bye. Pause. End call.” Sits up, sighs.
My friend likes to ramble. I like to listen to him, so I think we make a pretty good team. Now, he was just rambling to me about family history, some funny events that lead him to meet his wife, the sort of thing he talks about sometimes. When he was getting to the end of his story, I asked him what his first date with his wife was like, just to humor him, to let him talk about what he likes to talk about. He responded evasively, I inquired, and he confessed to me that he didn’t really remember.
Character’s face turns serious. Now I know it’s not just me.
People don’t remember things anymore; they have technology and chips and stuff to memorize things for them. This whole generation has ADD. Social networks are accessible from anywhere, we can’t focus because we get notifications, calls, distractions that bring us back to the world of our friends, and it’s wired right to our heads. Literally. The era of smartphones is gone and chips have replaced them.
Stands, paces. Matter of fact, I was the last one to sign up for an augmentation chipping. My family and friends told me it was “the ultimate convenience” and my son uses it like a drug. He told me he was getting work done and that he didn’t need a computer or anything else. Now, I know he has also had issues with his work ethic. I’m trying to not let him slip into the zone of social isolation. The bubble of games, music, videos, digital communication. I just want my kid to be able to focus on school and not go all spacey on me when I talk to him.
I remember when he first got his chip. I was anxious as hell and I had learned everything there was to learn about augmentation, and why it was supposedly a good choice. Back then, I think it was expensive, but I’d been told about the calendar and digital organization and event planning and whatever. Know what? Right after we got it, he was texting his friends, going on the web, just staring at nothing in particular. As I recall, that was the first time I saw the glaze in his eyes as he looked to his upper left at the little display.
Before chips were becoming widespread, I didn’t really think much of the pace of technology. I mean, I knew it was fast, and new inventions were always happening, but… well, I can’t predict the future. My memory is fuzzy on occasion, but I think about 2005 was when me and my wife wanted a son. Now she wanted… um… well, she asked me if I was ready, and I told her… huh.
Addressing the audience: You ever have a memory almost clear in your mind and it just evades you? That’s what’s been happening to me recently. I mean, I’m only 48, but… do I need a doctor? Character’s speaking becomes excited and angry with realization, and gets a crazy edge to his voice. No. No, it’s this damned thing in my head! I swear it’s messing with me. I know that I’ve never had these issues before “augmentation” and that I haven’t always been like this. I think that - Pauses. You hear that…? I swear I heard a click, right in the back of my he - Pauses again. Character blinks and looks dazed and unfamiliar with his surroundings.
What just happened? Man, I don’t remember what I was just doing. Exit.