Rejoining/focusing a Conversation

For my first week I wanted to find out how to re-focus a conversation when it goes off-topic.  This is something that I am sometimes not even sure about how to do in english so as you can immagine I wanted to find out how to do this in spanish and how to do it right.

I had planned to interview my old spanish teacher from my old school but because of various things, namely schoolwork, I was not able to get to her for this weeks interview but I should be able to interview her for the following weeks.  The person who so graciously offered to help me I met on a language learning site given to us by our teacher, this site was LiveMocha.  THe person that I ended up talking to was named Carlos and he was very helpful aside from a misunderstanding where I had not phrased the question very well.

Here is the interview/conversation

So what I learned from this whole thing obviously were some ways to re-focus a conversation the right way but I also learned a few new vocabulary words like "ahi" means "there".  Another one would be "grosero" which means "rude" I had to look that up in order to ask him the question.

This page shows kind of the opposite of how to change the topic.
This page show how to start a focused conversation and keep it focused.
This page shows how to focus a conversation from a bit of a business kind of standpoint.

Correct Order

My goal for week 1 was to learn the correct order of a sentence. What goes where because I get confused and forget sometimes. 

I picked my friend, Isa because she is a native speaker. Below is a screen shot of our conversation that we had so I could further and better understand the correct order of a sentence. 

This helped because now I know I am typing and saying the Spanish correctly. I don't want to be in another country talking spanish incorrectly. This will also help me with my next couple weeks of goals.


Negative Space Art Piece

What is negative space? 
Negative space are areas in your drawings that are not the drawing itself. It is basically the spaces that are excluded by the structure of the drawings. 

Explain how you find the negative space in your cut out and your stool drawing. 

In my cut out I find the negative space by cutting out the template and then imagine the parts that is not needed in the cut out. Basically you just separate the black and gray parts of the template. In the stool drawing, I first draw the whole picture and then erase the lines that intersects to make a silhouette. The areas that are not within the lines of my drawing is the negative space.

Why does it help an artist to see in negative space? 
The artist will see the outer structure of the drawing they made and enhance their skills by making the objects that draw more proportional and more realistic. The negative space also give the artist a sense of how much empty space is in his or her the actual drawing. 

Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings?
Knowing the negative space in your drawings enhance your drawings' angle (is there too much empty space does it look awkward?) and also their structure (is the stool's legs straight?).


Goal #1: Talk about the weather in Dominican Republic

Goal: My first goal is to talk about the weather with someone who is from a different country.
  • Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
    -I chose to speak with my friend Nicole from Dominican Republic because she doesn't live in United States and I wanted to know more about her country. 
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
    -I learned that DR has a lot of cyclones, rain, and thunderstorms. I'm guessing it doesn't snow because during the winter, the temperature can reach up to 60 degree. Usually, in the U.S. the temperature would be in the 30's. 
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
    -It helped me conjugate better and not hesitate so much. There were time where my sentence didn't sound right, but she corrected me. Because of that, I learned from my mistakes and I'm one step closer to understanding more spanish.
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
    -I think I did well on asking a lot of questions ans sticking to one topic instead of going all over the place.
  • What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
    -Wrong sentence: "¿Pero no gusto que gente inventó acondicionadores de aire para los días calurosos?"
    -Right sentence: Pero no le gusta que alguien inventó el aire acondicionado?

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    Para mi Español tres benchmark, yo asignada un proyecto adónde yo hablar con un natal Español dora. Para el proyecto, yo trabajo con website, adónde contactar un natal dora. ésta semana, la pregunta es "How to know when to use accents when writing the language."

Antes la pregunta es respuesta, yo tener un compañero a hacer conversación con. Para ésta, yo registrar un compañero en Mi compañero en conversación es a niña de nombre Yuna-Chan. Yuna-Chan es un natal español dora quién España. Nosotros decidir a enseñar una otro natal lengua. En canje para saber Español, mi compañero voluntad Ingles.  

Me: The first question is just about when I should use accents when writing Spanish.
Yuna-Chan: could it be, for accents, you mean acentos?
Me: Sí, acentos. Mi Español es maso o menos, ahí es pieza para mejora.
Yuna-Chan: I get it now, I get it haha :D
I can explain that to you. ^^ But I'm more comfortable explaining it in Spanish, so if you don't mind.. sorry >_<

En palabras agudas (con la sílaba tónica al final de la palabra), se acentúan las palabras que acaban en vocal, vocal+n, vocal+s. Ejemplo: mamá, camión, detrás.
En palabras llanas (penúltima sílaba tónica), se acentúan las palabras que NO acaban en vocal, vocal+n, vocal+s.
Las palabras esdrújulas (antepenúltima sílaba tónica) se acentúan siempre. Ejemplo: álgebra, sábana.

Estas reglas pueden variar, debido a hiatos (vocales seguidas en diferentes sílabas, para separarlas hay que acentuar, como por ejemplo-> vacía)  y a acentos diacríticos (para distinguir unas palabras de otras, como más y mas).
Hope this helped you!(:

Me: Ah, tan hacer acentos ayudar en creación el consejo más distinguido?

And that was the conversation. Though I did learn a lot from this girl, she unfortunately never replied back to my other message, and I'm suspecting I'm going to have to find another partner for this week's question.

Conversion sobre insults con Maria de Venezuela

​My goal is to learn moderate insults. I wanted this as a goal in case I was in a foreign country and I was confronted by an unwanted person. 

I chose my friend Maria because Spanish is her first language. I thought that if I could learn from a native speaker, my insults could be slang instead of formal.

Well, since she's my friend, there wasn't much to gain from the conversation that I already don't know.

It helped a lot because I've noticed I learn better when I'm orally taught by a friend.

When I was being taught different moderate insults, I needed help spelling and saying the phrases in an angry voice. I had explained that I can say Spanish in a monotone voice, but not in any other expressions.

I learned:
"Te puedes ir." - Go away.
"Vete no quiero hablar con tigo." - I don't want to talk to you.
"Porque me estas gritando." Why are you yelling?
"Porque estas en mi cara." - Why are you in my face.
"Estoy jugando." - I'm kidding.
Spanish Insults Convo

Alexa-Maggie podcast

I think it went pretty well. I like how we had to interview eachother and it was pretty cool. The part that I struggled with was reading some words so I kind of messed up alot. If I had to re-do this project I would probably have read over the paper way before recording so we wouldn't have to re-do it over and over. 

Hohenstein Eddy Spanish Podcast

Merrik Saunders Podcast

​I am proud of how I congregated the different verbs.  Something I had problems with was trying to put the sentences together to fit what I was saying in english.

Click in the rectangle that looks likes it loading


​I am proud of the way that me and my partner Dejah answered the questions and I'm proud of the final product. One of the main thing that I had trouble with is the pronunciations of the words and I kept stumbling when I was talking. If I could do this project over again, I would change the answers and the way the podcast was.

Here's a link to listen to the podcast: HERE

Khari Evans

 I learned a lot about future tense. I also became a better actor. I think that I need to work on my speech. Next time i wish to work more with my partner.

Hohenstein Eddy Podcast

I am proud of how quickly we recorded and how well our accents sounded. I had a hard time knowing which verbs to conjugate though and if I had to do this over I would fix that and spend more time adding more information into my answers
Hohenstein Eddy Spanish Podcast


I'm proud of our unique questions in our podcast, I think we would be hired in a real life interview. We had a little bit of trouble following all the directions of the project. We didn't know we had to use the provided questions. I would make the podcast a little bit longer next time.

These are the answers to the regular questions.

Yo amo los animals y niños, y jugeos divertidos.

Yo soy un maestro, yo tengo cinco años de experiencia, y yo hablo español.

Los niños duermen a ocho.

Los niños salvan conmigo.

Yo trabajo bien con niños intelligentes.

No, yo trabajaré solo.

En cinco años yo trabajaré en Microsoft.

Yo trabajaré duro y largo cada dia.

Si, yo amaré a.

Yo conservaré la reglas de compania.


 The audio doesn't start until the 21 second.
spanish podcast

Q4 Spanish Podcast

spanish words
What i am must proud of is the process that me and my partner used. WE got all the questions answered and we recorded really quick. We had trouble with the conjugating of the words. If i could do it again i would have three other people check my work before recording. 

AdlowitzQ4Intravista Podcast

During the project I was proud of the amount of spanish I knew but I didn't think I knew. I found my self looking for words on WordReference and I kept saying to myself "Wow I already knew that." I had trouble with the short amount of time I felt we had, like I would have much rather have had a rough draft due today, have people make edits, and then have a final due next like Monday or Thursday of next week. I feel like the only part that was a little bit difficult for me was translating certain adjectives. 
spanish podcast 4_19_12

Dejah Harley Podcast with Tamatha Lancaster

​My podcast is on moodle. It has me answering the questions in the beginning and Tamatha answering the questions in the end. I think I did a good job with my conjugations and pronunciation of the words. I had trouble understanding how I should say other words because I never heard of them before. If I were to do it differently, I would do an intro, outro, and make a script. 

Sarena And Roger Podcast

we are proud that we can understand and pronounce spanish in the present and past tense. In this podcast / job interview we showed this through the interview answering questions like how will you help this company and what type of qualities are need for the job. 

Agente para importante inmobiliaria


sarena and roger

Rose Knibbe and Ellen to Intravista

​I'm proud of the process for this project. I had everything done on time and we had the project finished with plenty of time. If I was to do this again I would probably work a bit harder on making the sentences more detailed and interesting. The only thing I had a tough time with was working the website were we found the different jobs. 


Rosie Flite

​I am proud of how hard I worked on this and I learned how to say some things that I never tried before. Some things I had problems with were my recording got cut off but I made do. If I could redo it, I would have of seen if there was anything I could of added to go above expectations. 
spanish interview

Q4 Intravista Podcast


This podcast was very easy. It didn't take too much work as long as you knew what you were going to say. I feel as though this was the easiest project we did in this class. I'm proud of the final project and how fast we got done it because we didn't play around. I had trouble pronouncing some of the words. I think that's the only thing I really struggled with. One thing I would do differently is try to find a quieter place. We thought the place where we were was going to be quiet but we was getting interpreted. We still managed to get everything done though. 
Spanish Podcast