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Jason Lam's Capstone
My Capstone project was to create a sort of guide on how to help and support a visually impaired student for teachers. This guide is really for the middle to high school student range and only focuses on academic needs and support. The final product would be a booklet that contained my own experiences as a visually impaired student at SLA, a list of tools and materials visually impaired students could potentially be using and a description of how it works and how it's meant to be used, and then the actual listings of how teachers in each academic course could support the student if they should need it. The third section will be split into the three categories of visual impairment being low/near vision, visually impaired, and braille/legally blind. As for my process, admittingly, I took more of a simpler route in doing this project by just researching online for all the technical parts, and remembering my own experiences when I could have done a lot more by interviewing teachers to get their opinions or interviewing past year visually impaired students, etc. So really, all I’ve been really doing was research online, recollect, type, and communicating with my mentor.
I do not currently have the final product made yet, but I do have the information that will be on the final product. This is the lnk to the doc. (Note: I can't seem to paste a picture on here).
"Material Adaptations for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired." Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. By: Carmen Willings teaching visually Accessed January 27, 2019.
This website contains several methods to help visually impaired students participate in class. The have a section for large font papers, sensory learning, braille, accessible education materials, and much more. Some of the pages contain pros and cons about that particular method as well as when it can or should be used. However, all the pages contain information about it which will give me a lot of solutions to potential problems visually impaired students would have in the classroom.
McLaughlin, Rhonda. "Interview with Ms. Rhonda." Interview by Jason Lam. February 8, 2019.
This is an interview of my own visual impairment counselor, Ms. Rhonda. She is a counselor that works with many visually impaired students across the Philadelphia area. Each student of hers is different has different needs to complete school, and have different resources as well. This interview will help me find out and understand what other blind students need to complete a day of school as well as the resources they have access to to accommodate them.
Sprinkle, Kristi. "Home." Impact Of Visual Impairment On Development. By Sharon Nichols Accessed January 27, 2019.
This website contains more methods of participating in class for visually impaired students. It includes zoom in features for computer or laptop use in class, and it also has information on machines that can help the blind student such as a CCTV. For both of these features, it lists multiple types of each thing so if one does not suit the student as comfortably, they aren’t limited to just that one kind. This information will be helpful for possible solutions to potential problems in class for blind students.
"Welcome." Sage Vision Technology - Low Vision Product Supplier. Accessed April 29, 2019.
This is the website of the largest supplier of visual impairment electronics in Pennsylvania. They have many different types of tools visually impaired people use. This will help me create the list of technology that visually impaired students use at school and how they work.
Wyatt, Allen. "Booklet Printing in Word." Accessed April 30, 2019.
Bea Gerber Capstone
For my capstone, Becca and I created WANDERING EYES, an interactive photography exhibition/fundraiser celebrating the work of refugee photographers who have gone through a ReFocus photography and media workshop in Lesvos, Greece during their wait for asylum. After traveling to Greece last summer as teaching artists for the workshops, Becca and I knew we needed more people to get a taste of the hands of experience we were lucky enough to have in order to give people a personal connection to a pressing crisis that often feels distant. For our exhibition, I wrote and designed large informational posters that lined the walls and gave viewers a look inside the refugee crisis and the situation in Lesvos, smaller directional signs to guide viewers through the experience, 8 detailed artists cards to connect viewers to the artists and their work, and postcards for sale and business cards distributed at the event. In addition, I edited together interviews of the teaching artists and artists found on the artist cards and put them into a website for a projection room at the end of the exhibition. I also managed our email and newsletter, handled poster distribution, and made connections with local businesses that supported our project and printed our photos and cards for a fraction of their original costs. I took on a lot for this project and lost a lot of sleep, but I learned so much about graphic design, networking, marketing, and my personal work ethic and I am more proud of this exhibit than anything I have ever done before. Over 100 people attended, and the feedback we received made it clear that we gave our community a better understanding of the conditions refugees face and the power of art amidst crisis, and raised hundreds of dollars for the workshops and helped show Americans what refugees are capable of.
Carolina Ortiz Capstone
James Adams Capstone
For my capstone I decided to challenge myself by learning how to code through python, and through that create a project that could be used by others. My first goal throughout the capstone process was to gain a basic understanding of the python programming language. My main methods of learning was through books, Youtube tutorials, website tutorials, and the most helpful of them all was looking at the code of others.
I already kind of knew what I wanted my final project to be when I started the learning process. I wanted it to be an automated script or in other words a bot. I decided to make a Reddit Bot. The bot looks at a thread for comments containing the name of a song within curly brackets. It then will respond to the comment with a Spotify link that will instantly take you to the song on Spotify’s website.
"Automate The Boring Stuff With Python." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper — PRAW 6.1.2.Dev0 Documentation." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"Web API | Spotify For Developers." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"Spotify/Web-Api." GitHub. N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"Python Education." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"Build A Reddit Bot Part 1 – Python For Engineers." N. p., 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"How To Build A Reddit Bot – Chatbots Life." Chatbots Life. N. p., 2018. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"3.7.2 Documentation." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
. "Intro To Python - Overiq.Com." N. p., 2018. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
"Python Tutorials – Real Python." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.
James Klenk Capstone
Sofia Powers Capstone
Growing up in the public school system, I noticed that studies became very compartmentalized and creative applications were specifically reserved for students in outside programs or who were pursuing a career entailing those applications. This continues to cause many students who are unaccustomed with creative expression to believe that they are not inherently creative and therefore cannot be creative, simply due to a lack of opportunity. My intention for my capstone was to refresh students with creative applications of building to increase confidence in student’s ideas and push them to think outside the box through fun building challenges. I created an initial survey to understand student’s notions about creativity and leadership. I then advertised for a club meeting by creating posters and hanging them in the school. I created a series of three prompts where teams of approximately 5 students had to work under time constraints and with limited household materials to build a tower, weight-bearing bridge, and ball transport system. The activities were designed to be fun and low stress, but engaged participants with their competitive side. I learned about the challenges of taking a coaching role versus my typical teammate role in encouraging and offering constructive but elusive feedback. I was able to improve my own creative skills by brainstorming possible solutions to decide appropriate materials for them to use. Each of these challenges pushed the participants to question traditional methods and instead search for loopholes.
Barras, Colin. “Future - Can You Learn to Be Creative?” BBC News. March 14, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2019. This article analyses studies on teaching and learning creativity and takes the stance that creativity should be salvaged through teaching. Levels of creativity are being crushed in school age children due to to the increase of importance of standardized test scores and creativity is currently only being truly taught at a university level when it may be too late. This article explores nontraditional methods and courses that foster creativity as its importance re-emerges in the workforce. I will use these findings as a driving force in my own work to re-integrate creativity into the minds of young people.
Creative Competitions. Scoring for Spontaneous. PDF. Glassboro: Creative Competitions, Inc., 2010. This score sheet offers two categories: Creativity and Teamwork. The creativity score sheet specifies how to be elusive when stating the problem so one solution is not encouraged by the language of the problem. Although I will not be using numerical values to assess my club’s solutions, I can assess their creativity on this scale to offer feedback. The teamwork score sheet describes a range of optimal cooperation and collaboration to team domination and dissonance. This document will help me encourage good team dynamics and help me recognize issues within the group.
Destination Imagination. Four Free Instant Challenges. PDF. Cherry Hill: Destination Imagination, Inc., 2014. This source is intended for teams to use in preparation for the “instant challenge” portion of the competition. It offers four prompts, two of which are Hands-On and include materials, setup, and possible scoring. I will use these prompts as a basis for my own and especially the materials and setup to acquire their counterparts for my own original problems. These example problems spark my ability as they demonstrate extensions of very basic prompts, such as requiring that an otherwise basic tower must touch four separate taped off sections of floor. These give me a basis of steps I can take to make my own work more complex.
DiscoverDesign Staff. “Design Process.” DiscoverDesign. 2018. Accessed February 04, 2019. This article explains the six steps of the engineering design process. It offers a short description of each step and basic applications. I will use this process to design the optimal solutions to my prompts. The most important part that is not included in Odyssey of the Mind style prompts is the final two steps of Feedback and Improve. This process will serve as a reminder to integrate those steps as they are important to SLA’s core values and curriculum and their integration will help students apply their skills.
Kouzes, James M., and Barry Z. Posner. The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987. This source is a book demonstrating the five practices of leadership, those being Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. The first chapter of this book focuses on two interviews that demonstrate struggles to lead and tactics that helped manage a group, one being Lindsay Levin of White’s Vehicle Repair and Ted Turner of Turner Broadcasting System. Levin’s exemplary leadership is characterized by gaining small successes as a team to build trust in the team, committing to teaching strategies to members, and recognizing success through awards. She also speaks of a technique of “zapping vs sapping,” where the leader boosts a member’s motivation by recognizing good work. Turner had success with leadership by encouraging risk-taking creativity and creating a company store to increase exclusivity and pride. While my project will be less run like a company and not commercial product driven, I will use these techniques on a small scale in running a club of members that must work as a team each meeting.
Llove. Hands-On Problem: The Strongest Link. PDF. Virginia: Odyssey of the Mind, 2006. This source offers an Odyssey of the Mind-style, hands-on, spontaneous problem involving two parts. They entails creating a chain on which a cup full of weights are held. This problem demonstrates the difficulty factor of having one time period to build and a second to alter or challenge the structure. I will use this problem as a basis to create two part problems where added complexities challenge teams after their initial build to extend their creativity. I can also use the model of a bridge-like problem as the underlying build challenge.
Mandel, Brett. “Coaching Spontaneous.” Interview by author. February 2019. The interviewee is my Odyssey of the Mind coach. He was a participant of the program in his youth and has been coaching Odyssey of the Mind for about a decade. I will use this interview to understand his experience coaching students who are high school aged in a problem solving context. I will ask questions about how to give constructive feedback during short creativity prompts and how to make sure students are listening to each other’s ideas. He will also have good ideas about where to get materials for hands-on problems.
Micklus, C. S., and Samuel W. Micklus. Lots of Problems, Many Solutions. Sewell, NJ: Creative Competitions, 2007. This book serves as an introduction to the Odyssey of the Mind program and offers many official verbal and hands-on spontaneous prompts. The introduction gives an overview of creative problem solving, and I will use these concepts to understand the basis and apply it to my club. I will use later chapters to base my original problems off of. The most useful piece of information this book offers is a detailed site setup, which is very important to solving the prompt.
Nelson, Robert. “Why It Is (Almost) Impossible to Teach Creativity.” The Conversation. January 09, 2019. Accessed January 31, 2019. This article from an independent not-for-profit organization presents a controversial and cynical view on creativity to a wide and unspecified audience. It presents problem solving as a lesser application of creativity as problems serve as an anxious place. I will use this view to dispute the stressful or limited applications of creativity through making my problems have more than just one feasible solution. I will offer opportunity for creative growth by rewarding risk-taking even if a solution fails. This club is meant to become a space for students to exercise creativity, not to place a stressor on specific solutions.
Perkins, T., J. Otte, and S. Riggs. The “Unofficial” On-line Coaches’ Training. PPT. Glassboro: Odyssey of the Mind, 2013. This presentation begins to prep outsiders on how to coach teams specifically for the Odyssey of the Mind competition and season. It covers the principle of divergent vs convergent problem solving and promotes the concept that divergent problem solving allows students to take creative measures and calculated risks in their solution. The source also states the responsibility of the coach to lead by asking questions. I will use this technique when coaching my club,asking constructive questions to allow students to work among themselves without the guidance of concrete answers that would lead them un-creatively to the solution. The presentation also places an emphasis on only allowing constructive criticism between teammates, which is another sentiment I will utilize.
Nile Ward Capstone
Kiah Johnson Capstone
Like many other medical conditions, chronic migraines and headaches occur in about two to three million people in the United States, one of them being my mother.
For my capstone, I decided that my overall goal was to create a portable massaging tool that helps with headaches and/or migraines. This gave me the chance to take my passions of both physical therapy and computer science and apply it to something useful. With the help of many research papers, I decided to focus on the four pressure points: two on the neck, and two on the forehead, to help release the pain, by decreasing the intensity of the headache.
The most important part of this project was getting familiar with coding. This was the first code that I had to build and structure myself, and it was difficult. Just figuring out the first code for finding frequency took about four weeks, as I was trying to gain knowledge of coding through Arduino references sheets and different libraries. At one point, I got stuck on one part of the code for several days. Then, I had to make another code for the actual vibration using the Circuit Playground Express and a Haptic Motor Driver, as the power of the headband. The vibration motors were connected to the power, all soldered. After that, I placed the circuit onto a plastic material, that was easy to slide throughout the newly made headband (with zipper for easy access to the circuit and controls).
Abraham, Nikhil. CODING FOR KIDS FOR DUMMIES. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. This source provides the full language of code, understanding, and writing it. This information can easily be used to gain early knowledge on what exactly it is, and getting started on learning one of the languages. In skimming through, the beginning instructs the learner to always follow instructions and make sure it is fun for him/her, for it’s easier to learn when one is fully engaged and eager to learn about something he/she cares about.
Baumhardt, Carol, LMT. “Migraine and Tension Headaches: Using Massage to Ease the Pain.” Nationwide Children’s. December 19, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source provides early information about the differences between a migraine and a headache, explained by a professional, hinting on what needs to happen to treat them both. The author comments the initial signs of each and goes into deep detail with symptoms and even giving statistics on each about how many people suffer from both, or even confuse the two. It stresses the importance of knowing and telling a doctor of some sort, so help can be provided. In fact, the article does hint the readers about the success massages have had on people, especially migraine sufferers and children.
Chaibi, Aleksander, Tuchin, Peter J., and Russell, Michael Bjørn. “Manual Therapies for Migraine: A Systematic Review.” PMC, February 05, 2011. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source is a series of journal entries that shows multiple experiments of massage therapy being utilized on people with any type of head pain: migraines or just regular headaches. The difference between this one and the previous, is that this one was done in both the United States and New Zealand, both having the frequencies of the head pain being reduced between 31% and 71%. Along with these conclusions, the numbers can be used for programming and calculating the intensity of the massage tool, how fast it vibrates, and it would be simpler understand the effects of the tool, even with not enough testers to use the tool.
Downward, Emily. “Massages for Migraine Relief.” May 2018. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source provides the general information needed on massage therapy and its use to those who suffer from migraines. It also goes deeper into the fact that it is possible to have a self-massage for migraines, describing the different types of massages and what is useful for those with frequent migraines. In addition, it provides warnings as to who can/cannot use this therapy, for their health, which helps conclude that there needs to be a safer way to give the therapeutic massages. The writer of the article is not a doctor herself, but professional doctors, therapists, and college students are referenced throughout the article to prove the discoveries.
Flow - Wellness and Training. Youtube. April 11, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source is from a legitimate company that performs migraine massage therapy in Greece, known for their ideals and unique but successful approach to treatment and diseases. The video is showing a migraine massage being done on a patient, explaining each of their movements, along with the muscles being used and what they do to participate in the intensity of migraines. It also shows several different massages being done, all including the face and the neck. This describes the process in which needed to understand how much pressure and vibration goes into each movement and spot in which they used.
Glaser, Angie. “8 Pressure Points for Headaches You Should Know About.” Migraine Again. April 08, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source provides information on acupressure for people who would like to self-massage, which is used mostly when a person suddenly has a terrible migraine or headache. It demonstrates with pictures showing the exact spots that ease the intensity in migraines and headaches. This could eventually be used in the instruction manual, explaining the use and safety measures of the tool. It also links to video interviews of real people with migraines and how they feel after doing therapy and using these pressure points. This can conclude the popular spot in which works the best for patients, which equal overall happiness.
Golden, Katie M. “Tackling Migraines Head-On | Massage Therapy Journal.” Amtamassage. May 23, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source is actually a journal explaining the steps in which migraines normally progress, described in phases. With a total of four phases, it tells the period in which they last, what it feels like, and the effects of each step. It also goes into depth about people with chronic tension type migraines, and how massage therapy is the best home remedy and the most effective. Along with this, it goes into more statistics about specific cases of people with chronic migraines and their lives with and without the massages.
Khan, Salman. “Planning a Programming Project.” Khan Academy. Accessed January 24, 2019. actices/a/planning-a-programming-project. This source gives a detailed step by step process on how to approach a coding project for beginners, seeing that beginners would need more guidance than experienced engineers would. In reading through the whole article, it was clear that the first step is to understand and determine the goals of the project, then more on to the materials and the experience one will need to be able to complete it. At the same time, it also encourages that one shouldn’t get easily frustrated and if there is a problem, to just look it up and see if anyone else has done anything like it. It also suggests to make a timeline for what needs to be done.
Kirby, Kristin J. “Is Massage Effective As A Non-Pharmacologic Treatment For Individuals Suffering From Migraines?” (2012). Student diss. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source is a college science paper, proving that massage therapy does indeed make a difference on patients that suffer from migraines, or even just occurring headaches. There are a total of three different studies, two of them involving deep tissue massages either once or twice a week for five weeks. The patient’s outcomes before, during, and after the massage, their migraine headache frequency, and their sleep quality was recorded everyday during the five weeks, which is shown within the source. These numbers can definitely be utilized in the making of the project.
“Top 10 Best Handheld Deep Tissue Electric Massagers in 2018.” GGP. 2018. Accessed January 24, 2019. This source is an article from a health company that tries to encourage people to be healthy at home and suggest ways in which they can do so, without it being difficult. It evaluates the best electric massagers describing their techniques, and also other ratings that real people who have actually used the product have said about it. With judging their vibration intensity, duration, and overall appearance, it also describes what it’s best used for in certain situations, talking about the motors and types of heads that is provided. This will make it easier to pick it flaws and see important components that will be needed with the project.
Meymey Seng Capstone
My capstone revolves around the inquiry of how to remove the negative stigma around bugs and other exotic animals. Going hand in hand with that idea, having an understanding of them would bring awareness to the way we treat the world, which ends up actively affecting the animals and us. Then, I realized that it may be due to a lack of exposure from an early age. Personally from a young age, having these fears inflicted upon myself was a roadblock. Only now developing an understanding of these animals, I wish that I would have learned about them earlier. That encourages my goal of reaching out to younger children. Having an interactive game that incorporates fun facts about said animals will hopefully lead it to become a more embracing subject. During the process of creating this game, I tossed many ideas away trying to find a balance between facts and the idea of it being engaging for the kids. Something that I realized is that when a topic is seen as interesting, the likelihood of it being memorized is much higher. This is when the idea of creating a board game for the two kindergarten classes at D. Newlin Fell Elementary School striked me. Researching the topic of the science behind joyful learning, these games will be incorporated into their play area. As the name suggests, doing so will allow them to gain knowledge each time they play the game. Doing this capstone gave me the realization that people are simply afraid of what they are ignorant of.
Kaitlyn Petroski Capstone
Tylier Driscoll Capstone
Jacobo Pastor Capstone
“Into To Animation.” UARTS PreCollege Class. UARTS PreCollege Class, Oct. 2018, Philadelphia, UARTS.
From September to November, I took animation classes at UArts. They were by far the most helpful thing to completing my capstone. The ability to talk to working animators about techniques and programs and equipment and tricks was a huge time saver. Hours and hours of research were saved with these conversations.
Anderson, Wes, director. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Fantastic Mr. Fox, Wes Anderson, 14 Oct. 2009.
It’s hard not to love Wes Anderson. I’ve wanted to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox since I was a kid, so this was a great excuse. The animation here is lively and amazing and I found myself trying to emulate their perfect movement. Key word being “trying”
Vimeo, Jeremy Clapin, 30 Apr. 2019,
Sofia Powers showed me this animated film and it was an amazing inspiration! It is so beautifully done! Most of my inspiration came from very popular films, so it is good to be able to see what can be done on a smaller scale.
Stauber, Jack. “JackStauber.” YouTube, YouTube,
I found Jack Stauber right before I started my capstone. He’s one of the reasons why I wanted to make an animation in the first place. I’ve always been a fan of mixed media. I feel like Stauber’s been doing the kinds of things that I wanted to do anyways. So, his accessible style was a great place to start. I would watch the things that he makes and try to reverse engineer the techniques to get similar effects for my own film.
Dixon, Barnaby. “Barnabydixon.” YouTube, YouTube,
I found Barnaby Dixon around the same time as Jack Stauber. He made a stop motion animated film, Eskos, by himself when he was 19 and it is AMAZING! Age wise, he wasn’t too far away from me. I found myself pushing harder and hard to try to match the quality of what he did. Now, Dixon does puppets. His mastery of movement, even though it’s not stop motion, was extremely beneficial to study.
Caroline Pitone - Capstone
I´ve always been an individual wondering what the world was like and how it would run once I was on my own. In school we learn important subjects such as math, history, english, and so forth. While I always felt that these were important subjects that should be required, I always wondered how I would take on the world without any real advice. Not everyone has a companion to teach them. For my 2019 Capstone for senior year, I chose to create a website that is informative relating to what to expect after graduating high school and being your own adult. I collected answers from a survey asking individuals what they knew about information from money, savings, homestay/care, all the way to nutrition. I wanted to create this website for an easy access to some quick questions one might have while discovering life on their own. While being around high schoolers for the past four years, I´ve heard many talk about what it would mean to them to have a lecture for what to expect and how to deal with things as they grow up and take on their own responsibilities. Since the beginning of senior year, I have wanted to this as my capstone. Thinking of an idea was tricky, and I wanted to do something that could really help another student. While creating my website, I did research to collect all of the information needed for my site. I sat and thought about what would really be useful for teenagers and reflected on myself for what I wish I knew.
Avi Cantor-Capstone
Sydney Rogers Capstone
Kamil Kielar Capstone, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This source is of a website which had previously designed his own foosball table. This source is particularly helpful because it gives an idea of a possible budget I may have for this project. They had completed something similar and it seems that seems like this would be helpful as well to know the steps in which to complete the project. This source doesn't seem to have any biases because it is purely a description of the authors process and what he had learned along the way. The audience of this website seems to be anyone interested. The language is simple and easy to follow so this is really open to anyone.
“Background.” Analysis to Maximise the Efficiency of Anaerobic Digestion - Celignis Biomass Analysis Laboratory, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This is very thorough analysis hardwood and the different properties which it is made up of. The company Celignis does many different specimen testing on biomass samples of all different types. This is a very scientific look into hardwood and the different material which make it up. It is for a highly educated audience that understands science and would be interested in this. There most likely is no bias in this source because this is a research company which needs to uphold their reputation and reliability. This company seems to have tests and analysis other than woul which shows that this is a large company.
Baez, Joe. “Physics 111: Fundamental Physics I.” Self-Driving Cars Become a Reality, 1 Jan. 1970, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This source tells you the physics behind a foosball table and the math that goes along with it. It uses the equation that are needed in order to show you how the rotational force of your arm is changed into work. This is very detailed explanation and the math seems to be very intricate. The audience is most definitely going to need to know physics equations and have an understanding in physics. This source most likely does not have any biases because this is just some analysis of the forces used when operating a foosball table.
Borysiuk, Piotr. “CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PLYWOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM MODEL.” Management and Production Engineering Review. 10 February 2013,łek_Grzegorzewska.pdf. Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This article talks about the production of plywood and the range of market value for it. The portion of the article which I had mostly talked about had been the quality of the plywood and the properties of the wood sold. The audience that this would be for is someone most likely in the business field wanting to know more about the plywood market. This is more of a business analysis but there are aspects which are useful to me in this project. There are not biases in this source because this is just a pure description of business of selling plywood.
Editor. “Woodworking Joints: Which Wood Joints Should You Use?” WoodWorkers Guild of America, Woodworkers Guild of America, 10 Dec. 2018, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This article tells the readers about the vast number of wood joints that can be completes and how each of them are used structurally. The Woodworkers Guild of America is a large organization which has many members which receive information regularly. To a point this source is trying to promote itself to the audience and shine itself as this helpful and useful tool. The audience seems to be people who are beginning woodshop or maybe slightly higher like an amuatuer at woodworking. The article is simply written and easy to understand how each of the joints are made and how they can be used.
Gu, Jiyou. Cai, Zhiyong. “Development and Application of Wood Adhesives in China.” Wood Adhesives 2009: Plenary Session Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This is a thorough analysis on the different types of wood glue and how they work in different applications. This is how different wood glues affects different types of wood and the strength curves of the glue. This is helpful to me because it helps me to see which glue would be the best for my application. The audience for this would be people who are in need of knowing how different wood glues have different strengths. This source most likely doesn't have any bias because this a research article. This has many different curves and graphs which tell the audience info about the strength of the glues.
Neokentin. “Common Types of Wood Joints You Should Know • 1001 Pallets.” 1001 Pallets, 1001 Pallets, 16 Oct. 2018, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
The organization 1001 Pallets is committed to reusing making projects out of wood pallets which isn’t always the highest of quality wood. They don’t seem to a for profit or profitable organization and they seem to care very much about their audience. Connecting to the Woodworkers Guild of America source, this source goes much more in depth about wood joinery and the different applications for it. This source talks very much about exactly how to make many of these different joints. It gives specific instruction along with the limitation of the joints. No bias seems to be present within the source.
“WOOD ANALYSIS.” What Why How RSS, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
Very in depth analysis on wood and wood identification. This is definitely for a highly educated audience which understands much information about forensics science. Saying that, this document explains everything from wood anatomy to wood identification. This goes very in depth along with detailed imagery of wood under a microscope. Seeing as this is a research study on wood, people have their own reputation they would like to preserve and seems like it would be very reputable. There doesn't seem to be any bias due to this being purely a research article.
“ Build Your Own Foosball Table .” Build Your Own Foosball Table | The Foosball Shop |, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.
This is an article which describes the process of how someone had already built a foosball table. This will be very helpful in terms of helping me with my process and how I should order things. This will be similar to the other source which had described making a foosball table in the sense that it will help me develop a budget for my project. The audience for this source will be anyone who wants to make a foosball table. This is not very complex language and I think this could be for almost anyone. In terms of biases, I don’t there are any biases because there isn’t a motive for the author to be biased.
Ülker, Onur. “Wood Adhesives and Bonding Theory.” Intech Open, IntechOpen, 23 Nov. 2016,
This is a scientific study which explains different adhesives for wood. This will be important in my project because it will be important to know because understanding how good bonds together will be essential in my project. The audience for this is highly educated people who are interested in different properties and material science. There don’t seem to any biases in this source because it is a research study. This corporation has a reputation to uphold and they would not intentionally give bad information. This corporation has the name China on it and China is a big country which doesn't like to look bad.
Leo Cassel-Siskind Capstone
Chloe Hart Capstone
Blogger, G. (2015, October 27). Learning With Documentary Films: Strategies to Engage Students. Retrieved from
This article helped me to start on the project because I wasn’t originally sure what kind of form of media would be the best to present my information. After a lot of deciding and a few rejected ideas I decided on a form of film because of this article. While it’s not a fact based article, it was helpful in what I needed it for. It gave me the idea and showed me why it might actually be better for the final product that I wanted, which was to engage both younger and older people and teaching them about mental health stigma in an entertaining way.
Corrigan, P. (n.d.). How Stigma Interferes With Mental Health Care. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from
This article explains the problems with having a stigma around mental health. Unlike a lot of other articles on similar topics it both has an easy to understand photo that explains the point and explains the information in a professional way. This article is very helpful because it not only explains the immediate problems but also the long term impact of having mental health so stigmatised in society. This is something that I want my documentary to have an impact towards. This document is also fact oriented rather than opinion based, using statistics to prove its points rather than other forms of persuasion.
Corrigan, Patrick. (2005). On the stigma of mental illness: Practical strategies for research and social change.. 10.1037/10887-000.
This book explains both the problem that society places upon people with mental health and how to start to reverse this stigma. It is an analysis on how to deal with both self stigma and societal expectation. Exploring both the causes along with the impacts everyday people make. While it backs up its information with facts and scientific studies, it does this in an easy to understand way similar to how I want my documentary to be laid out. Having a book like this can start to be a good template for how to gather the information im presenting.
C. (n.d.). What is Stigma? Retrieved January 24, 2019, from
Understanding the problem is the key to being able to fix it. This article explains the problems with stigma in an easy to digest way. Unlike other more complicated articles, this is a quick summary about what a stigma is defined as and real examples. While this article is less helpful for the documentary itself, it was a good starting point to help me understand the articles, books, and videos that have more complex and in depth information that will eventually be synthesized down to the documentary. It was also helpful between it gave me an example of what how to show the information in a way that people will be willing to pay attention.
Don't call me crazy, call me mad. (2016, July 22). Retrieved from
The man being interviewed for this video is a man that has dealt with mental illness all of his life. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It's an interesting experience that a lot of people never get or even begin to understand, so while I’m not focusing on schizophrenia as my entire project it can be very helpful to understand other people's experience for many reasons. This video also lets me see what it looks like both video wise and in terms of what kind of questions and things I should include in my own interviews.
Ottati, V., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Newman, L. S. (n.d.). Social psychological models of mental illness stigma. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from
This article explains the problems with mental illness being stigmatised. Unlike previous articles, this one further explains on why people believe these different negative stereotypes. This is important because in order to make an impact on people, you have to understand both what they believe and why they might hold this theory. This can further deepen my understanding of both stigma and the impact that is has on everyday people, but also the impact it has on society as a whole, even going as far as explaining the difference between stigma and discrimination and how they are interconnected but not interchangeable.
U. (n.d.). Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental illness. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Retrieved January 24, 2019, from
The information present in this article further explains the problems that plague society from the mental health perspective. This article however goes further into depth about the social aspects of the stigma, rather than the impact of the social basis on a single person, as other articles have done. It also goes further into depth about the difference between stereotypes and stigma. This article also further supports the belief that education can help people's understanding of problems and how to fix them and states studies that further push this argument about how to further fix this issue.
TED. (n.d.). 12 talks on the struggle of mental health. Retrieved from
These talks are helping to understand other people's perspective. While the scientific information is very helpful, this playlist also has videos that explain how to start a conversation about something like this, which is very important when you are talking about an important but often personal topic such as someone’s mental health. I plan on trying to go into detail with a few peoples stories and how that has impacted that and its important that I understand how to do it right since a topic like this is often portrayed wrong and I don’t want to perpetuate bad stereotypes.
Trice, A. (2013, September 11). A Crash Course In Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Retrieved from
While this isn’t information pertaining the the documentary itself, it allows me to better understand how to use the resources available to me through the SLA community. I don’t have as much experience with video editing as a whole and using this video, coupled with help from my fellow students and some of the video teachers, I should be able to learn a lot. This should help me get a kickstart on learning a new skill such as this. Learning this skill is a vital part of my project and the primary learning experience of the project.
Wellness, P. S. (2018, March 12). Teen Health: Mental Health. Retrieved from
This video is a quick and simple explanation of teen mental health and why it matters. It's helpful as shorter version of what I want my documentary to look like. This allows me to better picture and write out the entire product. It is also a good source of a lot of statistics that draw your attention, which are important to try and get people listening to what you have to say, which I personally believe is the hardest part of creating a form of media. It's different than the other articles because of the video aspect. It's not just information, but information in a way I can emulate and learn from.
Jason Chen's Capstone
"Automatic Frisbee Launcher." Accessed January 24, 2019.
A few years ago there was a robotics competition that requires launching a frisbee. This site shows one of the designs a team approach in order to make a robot that can shoot a frisbee.
Eisenhood, Charlie. "This Homemade Frisbee Launcher Is Amazing | Livewire." Ultiworld. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Ultiworld is like a news site that preview a lot of ultimate frisbee stuff. On this site ultiworld shares an homemade frisbee launcher made by someone along with a video of how this person created this launcher.
"Finally Disc Golf with This New Launcher." New Mobility. January 14, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Along with ultimate frisbee there is another sport that is call disc golf. It’s similar to gift where you have to throw the frisbee into a bucket of some sort to score. This site shows a invention someone created that allows someone to throw a frisbee using this support stick.
Instructables, and Tecn. "Ultimate Frisbee Launcher." October 10, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Instructables has been around for a pretty long time and is known to many engineers. This site introduces all kind of creations and design made by people and shows it to the world. On this site a group of teens design and creates a Frisbee launcher with a in-depth guide.
Ultimate Football. Accessed January 24, 2019. the Frisbee Flies.htm.
The laws of physics behind an frisbee is a important aspects to this project because I will be attempting to launch one. This site goes into the laws and physics behind a frisbee allowing me to have a better understanding of how a frisbee flies in motion.
"Ultimate Frisbee Top 10 Lists." Ultimate Frisbee: Rules, History, Throws, Terms | Disc Ace. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Ultimate frisbee has all kind of different cool throwing techniques. This site goes into the top 10 throws people like to do when they throw a frisbee. This gives me ideas of how I can simulate throwing a frisbee.
"USA Ultimate." About Spirit of the Game. Accessed January 25, 2019.
USA Ultimate is another huge organization that runs frisbee. They run many tournaments in all kind of levels. This site goes into the idea of how ultimate frisbee is fun and the history behind it. It speaks a lot about the community and how it’s great.
Pludodog. "Frisbee Launcher." YouTube. April 26, 2008. Accessed January 25, 2019.
This is a video of a cool frisbee launcher made by someone. The machine looks really interesting and has cool things like how the machine can adjust its height. Otherwise there is a lot of power in this machine allowing the frisbee to fly in a smooth motion.
"Vikings Robotics Team 2984." Vikings Robotics - FRC Team 2984. Accessed January 24, 2019.
This is another robot that was created by the Vikings Robotics team 2984. This shows a video of a mock battle with the frisbee robots which can give me some cool ideas.
World Flying Disc Federation. Accessed January 25, 2019.
This is one of the major federation that start ultimate frisbee during, it started in high school with a small group of people. It’s cool to see the background of how ultimate frisbee formed. It all started in a parking lot.
Jakob Klemash-Kresge Capstone
Anotated Biligorghy
“Tips for Running a Hockey Practice.” How to Hockey: Hockey Training and Hockey Tips, 13 Jan. 2010, This source provides me with information on how to run a hockey practice, gives general information on the basics because I have never run and practice by myself and provides helpful.
The source was written for people who starting to become hockey coaches and gives tip on how to run a successful practice. This was an article written from other coaches in the past and the things they suggested are things that have worked from them and there team. The most valuable piece of information I have gained for this source is that players can get bored and need to physically show the players what they are doing wrong because if i would just tell them they would forget.
“Content Search.” Membership Statistics, The source is from the governing body of hockey in the United States, USA Hockey provides coaches with training plans for their teams. This source provides drills for goalies and drills at all levels which is key because I have to work with all levels of players so I need to accommodate for the skill level and the age, generally the older the kid’s the more advance drills. The drills provided will help me maximize the goalie's development. The middle T-push drill would be great for younger kids to begin practicing positioning, I will also include this drill in the warmups.
Wilson, Eli, and Brian Van Vliet. Hockey Goaltending. Human Kinetics, 2018. The book Hockey Goaltending by Eli Wilson goes over the basics of how being a player is just not about me physically good it’s also about the mentally strong and the author has provided strategies how to make a player mentally strong and focused, The method is spraying water in the air and focusing on one drop of water hitting the ice, I like how the author worked with current NHL- all-stars to gain knowledge on how to get the best information from the best. The author also provides more drills which are good so I have more knowledge and can change the drills up so the players don’t get bored.
joedimagiovideos. YouTube, YouTube, 22 July 2013, The source is a short video about drills. The video provides me with more drills that I can possibly conduct at my practice sessions. The videos also provide me with visual examples of the drills which helps me learn them better because the rest of the drills are on paper but actually seeing the drills in live action helps me run the drills better. One valuable drill that will take away from this source is the shot+ corner attack and the drill involves pushing toward the puck and the goalie making the save then turns back and then push back to the post. The drill would be perfect for one of the goalies who need to work on positioning
“Hockey Made Easy .” Wildcats, Early Season Tips for Youth Hockey Coaches, Parents and Players.pdf. The source is an article about giving helpful tips to first time coaches, the article stated that coaches should have the practices planned out ahead of time even months of head of the practices so that the practices are organized and challenging and if something needs to be tweaked then you can always change what you have planned, I will make a schedule of the practices and drills that we will conduct and alter them if needed to be. The article stated that I was the leader should always have a positive attitude because not all players respond well to negativity
“How to Run an Effective Minor Hockey Practice.” Tim Turk Hockey, 17 Jan. 2018, the article was written by a good respect Hockey coach Named Tim Turk, Tim made the point that the most important job of a hockey coach is too teach the players to make sure that there learning new skills and that they are safe in learning to mean that they should feel comfortable in the environment. I should guide the players I am training and making sure that strengthen their abilities. The coach should notice what good skills a player has and the skills that they need to improve on. The main focus is noticing what certain skills players are swelled at and skills that they need to improve and then collaborating with them how to improve.
Niclos , Stefan, and Elsi Rassi . “Goalie Coach Training .” Hockey Eastern , The source provides me with general information on how to make sure that the goalie's equipment is safe. When I train the goalie’s I should always make sure that the helmet that they are using is certified because the head is the most dangerous area and in order to make sure the players ate safely. The source also provides information on how I should evaluate the Goalies. My goals should be (smart) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and measurable. The coach needs to provide direction before so that all the players remain focused.
“SCOREBOARD.” Team Canada Alumna and 2010 Hockey Hall of Fame Inductee Angela James to Be Honoured at 2010 4 Nations Cup, The source was written by hockey Canada the governing body of hockey for the country of Canada, They provided me with a list of drills to work with kids who are at the beginner level of playing goalie. We work with a kid who just started playing so these drills provide would be perfect for that kid. The article suggests that the average travel distance when doing drills should be three to four feet. The goalie should have the right mechanics and then everything else will continue after that
“Hockey Goalie Training for Flexibility.” Kevin Neeld, 25 Nov. 2009, The source was written to educate players on stretches they can use to improve their hip flexibility and this will make the player to a better player because they can make more athletic saves and also will help prevent injury. I will suggest these to the players that I help train so they can prevent injury. The players will be expected to do these off the ice or at home so that they don’t waste valuable ice time.
“Off-Ice Hockey Workouts and Exercises.” Ice Hockey Systems Inc., 23 July 2017, The source provides me with workouts that I can suggest to my players. The Glute bridge would be a great excuse To work the Glute muscle because that is a muscle that hockey players comply injure. Provides work out plans for every type of player, the workouts are not mandatory but are highly suggested for the players to stay in shape expected if they're not going to skate or miss practice. The source was written by a trainer.
Jayla Wright Capstone
Around when I was 12 I had gotten into webcomics. I grew inspired by this niche storytelling format and decided that sometime in the future I would have a webcomic of my own. A few years later, I was a freshman in SLA, I learned the ropes of this school, including the capstone project all seniors were expected to do. From there on, I knew that my capstone just had to be a webcomic.
Webcomics start like any other storytelling medium. Ideas, characters, and events hazardously fly in the creator's mind. I went through numerous ideas for my story before settling on one. At this point, the characters, setting, and events needed development. As I wanted the comic to be character driven, I fleshed out the people of the story first. After that, I began writing the script where the setting and the events came naturally to me. After the script and characters were giving multiple trials of critiquing I knew my webcomic was ready to go. I put all dialogue and visual descriptions into a spreadsheet and created character designs to help me plan each comic panel. I planned over 200 drawings and decided to break them up into small weekly updates to make the comic easier to consume. The last thing to do was to make a website that could host my comic.
There were unexpected hiccups along the way, but I did appreciate learning the storytelling process. I plan to work on this after I graduate so I can continue to contribute my art and writing to the storytelling world.
Barr, Brian. 2017. “The Ultimate Guide to Running Instagram Stories Ads That Will Generate Massive ROI.” Single Grain. Single Grain.
Will use this to understand advertising on social media. The article briefs on Ads on social media being short, and its viewer’s attention spans being even shorter. Based on that information, I can gather that advertising on social media requires storytelling that is quick and eye-catching. I don’t want my audiences to be bored, I want them engaged and interested. Using storytelling allows me to ensure that my audience will remember and look into my webcomic.
Bois, Jon. 2AD. “What Football Will Look Like in the Future.” SBNation.
Will use this webcomic as an example of experimental online storytelling. 17776 incorporates facets of the internet such as infinite scrolling and videos. Both are things people interact with on the daily during their internet surfing. But, these techniques are rarely seen in webcomics, which typically follows a book’s format of being flipped page to page. The formatting of this website is similar to social media’s, where users scroll through their feed and browse texts, videos, and pictures. I believe by taking inspiration from this website formatting I can create a website that considers how people currently use the internet.
Brown, Kieron. 2013. “The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.” The Comics Grid. Musical Sequences in Comics.
Will be used to consider how music interacts with storytelling. I plan to have a multimedia webcomic and I would need to effectively use music that would help move along the plot or character development. The article also discusses the importance of reader engagement with music, as the more the reader is involved the more the story moves on. Music and storytelling interacting will make scenes and character traits more memorable.
“Character Development: How to Write Characters Your Readers Won't Forget.” 2018. Reedsy. Reedsy Ltd.
Will be used to write more detailed character descriptions. The exercises help me understand my character’s motives and behavior better. The source has a lot to choose from ranging from templates that help kickstart a character to psychology questions used on real people. So far, this source has been used to get me started with a character but it will probably be used in the possible case of writer’s block.
Darcy, Jen. Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil: The Creation The Inspiration The Fascination. New York, New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc, 2017.
Will be used for character design. As this book goes into depth towards Disney’s decisions when visually designing their characters. Disney typically considers what humans find uncomfortable to look at in their designs to get their desired reaction. For example, using a sickly green color in scenes whenever a villain is present. These techniques almost train audiences to react according to Disney’s plan. This book is useful for considering key aspects of design in not just villains, but all characters and settings.
Dune, Will. The Dramatic Writer's Companion. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
Will be used when fleshing out a new character. This book lists exercises that jog the brain into thinking of material for characters and setting. I plan to mostly use this source as a way of getting to know my characters, as well as making them feel real. This source considers small aspects of characters such as their insignificant interests and beliefs. Both details most likely won’t affect the plot, but it will help with understanding their motives.
Hussie, Andrew. n.d. Homestuck. Andrew Hussie. Accessed January 24, 2019.
Will be used as an example of an experimental webcomic. Homestuck is one of the few webcomics to use flash animation, games, and music instead of just static images. I will take this webcomic’s techniques of inserting different mediums into my story when appropriate. Homestuck’s use of more than one medium is part of the reasons why it’s so memorable, as it takes advantage of its placement being on the internet. I intend to consider using unique aspects of the internet in my webcomic as well.
Lund, Martin. "Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection" 2013.
This thesis considers how identity is expressed in comics. Whether intentional or not, comic book writers and artists tend to make statements depending on how their characters’ identities are regarded in stories. Although the thesis focuses on a Jewish-American angle, I will consider this topic when writing all my characters. I want to avoid making an unintentionally harmful statement about a character’s identity. I also want the statements I do intentionally make to be powerful and meaningful.
Radner, Jo. "On the Threshold of Power: The Storytelling Movement Today." Storytelling, Self, Society 4, no. 1 (2008): 36-49.
Will use this source towards making my webcomic look appealing enough to read. The book focuses on traditional storytelling’s competition for popularity with other art forms such as dance or theatre. My chosen medium isn’t as traditional as a book, but it does face the same treatment that books receive due to their lower entertainment value. However, considering what makes these forms of media regarded higher and applying it to my work can make my webcomic stand out.
Undertale. Videogame. United States: Toby Fox, 2015.
Undertale has a simple plot and art style, yet it rose quickly in cultural importance. This endearment it received can most likely be traced back to its heartfelt design, due to each aspect of the game feeling thoughtfully crafted. It also has a unique soundtrack, characters, and concept which helped its booming popularity. I intend to keep the aspects in mind when creating my webcomic. While it does need to be different, it also needs to have a heart as well.
Aysha Siddiquee- Capstone
Coming from a culturally diverse background one of the recurring themes in my life is how many family and friends have come over time to the U.S. based on preconceived notions. I wanted to create a document that would not only make their lives easier when it comes to adjusting to a new country, providing more insight on what to expect, while simultaneously helping their kids along the way as well by providing stories relatable to different age groups. This document has many layers to it which includes my personal story about adjusting to a new culture given parents who both come from two different countries and backgrounds, explanations of different aspects of culture shock, specific locations and regions as to where a certain group of people is located in the U.S., and the stories of people of different age groups in order to not only help those deciding whether or not to come to the U.S. but what the reality of it all is. One of the most common themes in my document is religion, not only for the educational purposes for those coming here but to create a better understanding of the culture shock. In general, this document is to be a guide for those who are coming from abroad and for anyone else who would like some insight into the lives of immigrants and their stories, while doing this project I learned more about the different obstacles that people face coming to the U.S. and the reasoning behind why they choose to make the big move.
Clark, Ximena, et al. “Explaining U.S. Immigration, 1971–1998.” Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 89, no. 2, 2007, pp. 359–373., doi:10.1162/rest.89.2.359.
Cox. “Over 1,300 Rohingyas Flee India for Bangladesh Fearing Deportation, More on Way.” bdnews24.Com , eportation-more-on-way.
Doyle, Alison. “What Is the STAR Interview Response Technique?” The Balance Careers , The Balance Careers,
Espenshade, Thomas J. “Unauthorized Immigration to the United States.” Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 21, no. 1, 1995, pp. 195–216., doi:10.1146/
Fahmida Yasmin. Never Again. 1/27/19
Hamida Siddiquee. One Move. 1/26/19
Naqvi, Naseem. “Editorial, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2018.” The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, vol. 1, no. 2, 2018, pp. 1–1., doi:10.31585/jbba-1-2-(10)2018.
Nizam Uddin. Lastime. 1/ 22/ 19.
Talks, TEDx. “My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDx Carver Military Academy.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Feb. 2016, MOVebo.
Farhan Uddin. One Direction. 1/22/19
Nanziba Tabbasum. One Way. 1/22/19
Julia Hood Capstone
"Chapter 1: Why Is Early Childhood Important To Substance Abuse Prevention?." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
A substance abuse guide that was made by the National Institute on Drug Abuse that talks about how early childhood can affect a person’s likelihood to become addicted in the future. It also talks about how exposure to different things can affect addiction issues in the future. This is important because a lot of children who grow up with people who are close to them addicted or abusing substances it becomes something that is “normal” to them and makes them more likely to have their own substance abuse and addiction problems as they get older.
Coyer, Sharon. 2001. "Mothers Recovering From Cocaine Addiction: Factors Affecting Parenting Skills". Journal Of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing.
This clinical study done by Sharon Coyer in JOGNN, the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, studies mothers who are recovering from cocaine addiction. It talks about how addiction affects how mothers parent through the way that they interact with their children. This shows how parents themselves feel that their addiction affects their families, a side that isn't normally shown when researching how addiction affects families.
"Harvard Study Pegs How Parental Substance Abuse Impacts Kids." Psychology Today. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article written by Psychology Today that analyzes a multiple studies on how children who grow up in households with parents or caregivers who have substance issues are more likely to suffer from behavioral and emotional problems. This is important because it explains, through statistics, that increased rates of behavioral problems as well as emotional problems are not just things that the people that I will be and have interviewed for my project suffer from, but are a widespread issue.
How Family Member's Addictions Affect You. 2019 Anonymous Interview by Julia Hood. In person. Science Leadership Academy.
This interview that I conducted with an anonymous person talks about how their parent’s addictions affected them growing up and now that they’re older how they deal with it. It addresses how they view addiction as a whole as well as how it’s affected their relationship with their parents. It shows how people in situations where a family member is addicted view things as well as how they cope with things, this interview shows specifically that the coping mechanisms that are recommended are not always carried out when not promoted at home.
"How Addiction Affects Children - Life With An Addict Through A Child's Eye." The Arbor Behavioral Healthcare. N. p., 2018. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article written by a behavioral healthcare center in Texas talks about the different ways that addiction affects children. It also talks about some of the different ways that children can cope with their parents being addicted. This is important for my project because it talks about how addiction can emotionally affect how children act as well and develop regarding relationships as well as “basic” tasks.
"How Your Substance Abuse May Have Affected Your Child | Phoenix House." N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article published by Phoenix House that talks about how substance abuse has affected children whose parents suffered from addiction. It talks about how even though a parent may have been present physically the whole addiction it still can still emotionally affect the child, it also talks about how neglect or abuse can affect children. It also talks about the different ways it has psychologically affected children as well as how it may have affected their learning of basic tasks such as personal hygiene practices and can affect their intimate relationships in the future.
Publishing, Harvard. "How Addiction Hijacks The Brain - Harvard Health." Harvard Health. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article by Harvard Health Department talks about the science behind addiction as well as what addiction does to the brain. It talks about how addictions are formed as well as how tolerances are formed and why they’re formed. This is important because to understand how addiction affects families it must first be understood what addiction is and why it is a thing. It is also important to understand why people become addicted to things and how the brain functions while addicted.
"Relationships And Addiction | Dual Diagnosis." Dual Diagnosis. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
This article done by the Foundations Recovery Network talks about how addictions affect people’s relationships, it has many different subsections that discuss the different ways that addiction can affect people’s relationships such as gender dynamics, economic issues, and how developing healthy relationships can help with addiction.
"The Importance Of Family When Recovering From Addiction » Alo House Malibu." Alo House Malibu. N. p., 2017. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article published by Alo House Recovery Centers that talks about the importance of family members while someone is recovering from addiction. This shows the different ways that different family dynamics can enable recovering addicts as well as different ways that family members can help their family members recover. This is important because even though many people are currently in a situation where a family member is addicted, there are also many people whose family members are recovering and it is necessary to understand what to do while recovering.
"What Are The Dangers Of A Codependent Drug Abusing Relationship?." American Addiction Centers. N. p., 2019. Web. 25 Jan. 2019.
An article written by American Addiction Centers that talks about how even though positive relationships can help addicts, certain relationships, codependent relationships in particular, can cause many negative effects on recovering addicts. It also explains what codependent relationships are and how it affects both people in the relationship. This article shines a light on addiction and how it affects family members in a light that isn’t just that it affects the family, but that depending on the person they could actually be harming the recovering or current addict.