
“I just realized that our hearts beat in sync.”


He grabbed her hand and kissed the top of her head.


“It’s always been that way.” 

I Hate Mondays....Rant

​I have no idea what to write about that's appropriate to post on my daily story therefore I have nothing but, blankness which makes me shit out of luck. I wonder if its ok to use profanity in these because I've been cursing like a sailor well not really just been dropping the F & S word which is commonly used nowadays which doesn't phase the American people. When I woke up this morning my dad had a card, box of chocolates & some vickki secret lip balm hes an awesome dad he never fails with the holidays. I don't like Monday's they bum me out it means school starts & the weekend is over. The beginning of the sentence is totally from that song by boomtown rats was really big in the early 80s fun fact. I totally wish I was a teenager in the 80s it would have been epic like i'd be a kid in the candy store the music, the hair & the clothes can you say LEGIT..So I hate to stereotype but this summer all the white preppy girls would say that making me hate that word but then loved it again  when school began or I guess toward the end of the summer......huh I guess I'm done this is my story well I guess rant Enjoy!!!

La Princesa y El Gigante

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Today my grandpa and mom were discussing hulu and why hulu plus is needed. While my mom searched for another service that was free with all there videos she came across this one called yideo (i guess thats how its spelled). This one tied into facebook some how and worked with it. She was really frustrated about this and said "UGH! I just....I dont do facebook!" I looked at her and said "But mom you have a facebook page..." She turned her head and looked at me glaring "Dont care I dont DO THE facebook" What can I say but my mom is very special :)


​I used to have nightmares of Dinosaurs knocking down my door and tearing me limb from limb. Of course this was when I was only five and didn't know dinosaurs no longer exist. 
By the time I was seven, I would have nightmares of mummy arms that were slightly unwrapped from it's ancient towel wrapping, showing a semi-deteriorating arm and fingers waving and carving my name my old hard wooden floors. Of course that was only seven and I didn't know that mummies lived all the way in Egypt buried under grown in royal booby-trapped secret chambers. 
By the time I was twelve I watch Jaws for the first time and had nightmares of giant sharks bursting into my room in the exact place that the dinosaurs used to. The sharks would eats away at my bed until I was climbing up the headboard onto the bookshelf and dangling from the ceiling fan. 
Now I have nightmares of not having enough money for prom. Growing a huge zit before a job interview that I've been waiting for since I even knew what job interviews was. And becoming a real life hero and fighting off zombies and vampires, because these are things that grown up nightmares are suppose to consist of. 

Love Story

“You first.”

See said scared of what she might reveal

“Well when you guys were dating, we dated in school…”

“So he cheated?”

today's story...

honestly, i have no idea what to write about today. so im gonna do that stream of conciousness thing, you know where you write down everything that pops into your head. the only problem is im not very good at that. all i can think about is what im doing, the writing assignment. and then theres no stream of conciousness, its more like a lake of conciousness or something. or a puddle. not much goin on up here... kind of like that game where somebody says a word and you have to write down what you think of when they say that word... well im bad at that. like if somebody says, hey beth what do you think of when i say the word green, all i see is the word "green" or maybe a picture of the color but never the proper response like grass or frog or tree... so i go, green! and they go, no beth... you're not supposed to just repeat the word. and i feel like an idiot.

Valentine's Day Blues

(This technically a story, more like just a point of view sharing)

Today is Valentine's day. Everyone spends this day with that "certain someone". They do things like go out to dinner or buy each other presents and spend time being together. Since I never had someone like that, I would spend it with my parents. Every year, dad would go out and by me and mom big bouquets of flowers, Roses. Mom would by us some cute little presents and we would all go out to dinner. Every year, it was just another holiday that I enjoyed (as well as hated), but this year...this year was just to heartbreaking.

This was the first Valentine's day without my dad. They say the first year of holidays is the toughest, but because I didn't really have a lot of people to spend it with (nor a boyfriend to share it with), it was bitter sweet...and to make things worse, I was still sick.

I'm glad I was done with this Valentine's day, but I don't think I can handle anymore...
The hurts still there, and the sick feeling makes it worse.

Valentine's Day really is a holiday you shouldn't spend alone..

Story #5: Vday Heartbreak

Today is Valentine's day. Everyone spends this day with that "certain someone". They do things like go out to dinner or buy each other presents and spend time being together. Since I never had someone like that, I would spend it with my parents. Every year, dad would go out and by me and mom big bouquets of flowers, Roses. Mom would by us some cute little presents and we would all go out to dinner. Every year, it was just another holiday that I enjoyed (as well as hated), but this year...this year was just to heartbreaking.

This was the first Valentine's day without my dad. They say the first year of holidays is the toughest, but because I didn't really have a lot of people to spend it with (nor a boyfriend to share it with), it was bitter sweet...and to make things worse, I was still sick.

I'm glad I was done with this Valentine's day, but I don't think I can handle anymore...
The hurts still there, and the sick feeling makes it worse.

Valentine's Day really is a holiday you shouldn't spend alone..

Spanish Book; Video and Screenshots

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Heres the story i wrote earlier today in school..

Happy Ending: Have you ever picked the petals off a daisy? asked yourself over & over " Loves me, Loves me not"...I havent Cause she's always loved me...

Melancholy Ending: Arent stories supposed to have happy endings? no?...guess not, because what we have in front of us, was, is, and will never be happy...

You're Marvelous

A poem for my mom who started her first day of work today. She was very nervous.

I want to tell you that you are okay
And you'll be okay
And you'll do okay
Actually, you'll do great
You'll be great
You'll be marvelous
You are marvelous
So have a fantastic day at work
I know you are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


They broke my parent’s throat, because their boy was about to turn 10 and he needed a wife. I’ll learn how to love him despite the memories-just like my mother in law. After all, it is a Gypsy tradition.

They became friends. He loved her, and sometimes she loved him too. A conversation of what’s supposed to be about love turned into a discussion. Pride spoke for them and the phrase died on her lips. As he walks away, she turns to touch his hand and they kiss again. She shed a tear that ended in between their lips.

Happy Valentine's Day.<3

It's that day of the year again. The day where happy couples exchange presents and love, miserable couples exchange bad words and shouts, and single people walk around feeling sorry for themselves because they have no one to share the happy day with.

At six this morning a young girl of seventeen woke up feeling a lot like one of those miserable single people. She had dirty-blonde hair, green-specked blue eyes and she had dreaded waking up this morning just like every other single person in the world, not that she was like every other single person. She knew she had no right to worry about today because soon she wouldn't be single, a boy she liked wanted to be with her and she had "Valentines" so she should feel fine today, but she didn't have that boy today and her Valentines were parts of her family that were very dear to her. But the boy wasn't hers today, she had no "special someone" to share today with and at school she'd be surrounded by happy couples with their tongues down each other's throats.

And she refused to have a bad attitude because the day wasn't everything she wanted it to be, it was difficult but she kept up a smile. First her mom told her that she loved her, then her baby sister told her and her younger sister too. When she was on the road to school she got texts from friends and best friends wishing her a happy Valentine's Day and sending her love. She got a text about a love that would last forever from her very best friend, her valentine. At school she got special hugs and was surrounded by love from her friends.

So, today she's walking around with a grin on her face, a smile in her heart and she more than just a good feeling about the Hallmark holiday. She didn't need a boyfriend or a husband, she didn't need roses or candy, all she needed was her friends and family that loved her. Today is supposed to be about love, not happy couples or proving that you're a good partner… Just love.

Valentine's Day is Just Another Day

For some people Valentine's Day isn't special it seems like it happens everyday...    

Valentine’s day is just another day

Another day to read “Good morning babe. I love you with all my heart.”

On a sticky note

Stuck to the refrigerator door

Another day to receive a kiss on my forehead after every hug

Another day to receive my daily dose of chocolate

That I can’t live without

Another day to have my side tickled as we lay on the couch

My head resting on his shoulder

Letting all my stresses disappear

Valentine’s Day is just another day

To laugh at his stupid jokes

To smile until my face hurts

To hug him and contemplate

Never letting go

Valentine’s Day is just another day

To wonder how I became so lucky

To wish that forever really meant forever

To live every moment with him to the fullest

Valentine’s Day is just another day

To follow our everyday routine

Loving each other unconditionally

Like every day is Valentine’s Day

25 word "love" story

 The sandwich lay on the table, half eaten.  The TV continued to entertain the empty couch.  She’d left in a hurry; this time for good.


25 word short love stories.


She elegantly sat in the dim, romantic candle light. Waiting for the mystery figure to come in the door, just to see it wasn't him.


Pacing back and fourth, thinking to himself. Brunette or blonde? Blue or Hazel eyes? Roses in hand she came; a red head, green eyed perfection. 

2 Love Stories

For the last three months we’ve slow danced in a burning room.

I’ve got the blood caked beneath my fingernails to prove it

Do you? :(


We got laughter

Strewn across July linen

On a hot afternoon

In an empty room

With sweat and the beat of a raggedy window fan :)