Down With Big Brother

Grace, Mariely, Joseph, Nay, Lesly

Annotated Bibliographies Mariely: Charles, Ron. “Why Orwell’s ‘1984’ Matters so Much Now.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 25 Jan. 2017, Links to an external site.

Joseph: Packer, George. “The Unheeded Message of ‘1984’.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, May 23, 2022. Links to an external site.

Grace: Elizabeth Goitein. “How the FBI Violated the Privacy Rights of Tens of Thousands of Americans.” Brennan Center for Justice, 2020,

Bookie (1)

My Q2 Notebook Walkthrough

In Q2, my notebook has allowed me to organize my thoughts from the book, lessons, and discussions, as well as brainstorm ideas for projects. In the future I hope to use my notebook more often in discussions and other things where it isn’t specifically needed, and to take notes on everything, rather than specifically when I need to. Q2 Notebook Walkthrough

Q2 Notebook

My notebook for Quarter 2 has helped me to sort many of my ideas. In my notebook, I made sure to utilize icons, boxes, and underlines to help pick out and summarize topics. In the future, I would like to color code my notes and develop the habit of always having my notebook out.

Notebook Project Q2

My notebook has significantly helped me improved my ability to learn during class yet there are still so many ways how I can fully maximize my potential on taking notes. In the next quarter I definitely will improve on my note taking skills and i will accomplish that by being more active on my notebook.

Click here to see what’s inside Assales’s notebook!

Q2 Notebook Project

Since quarter one, I have found new ways to improve my notebook to help it make sense to me. This quarter especially, I found a way to organize my discussion notes so I can understand what thought belongs to who, and what response belongs to what question. With organized information, I can learn how others feel about a topic and use their knowledge to expand my own. This shows that through my notes, I can learn more about myself and others in how we learn. I intended to maximize this knowledge by continuing to improve on my discussion notes and how I feel about others’ opinions. In order to do this, I will also need to keep making color coded annotations to be able to contribute to group or pod discussions to be able to suggest ideas, because that is how my reading notes make sense to me.

Brooke Johnson - Q2 Notebook

Q2 Notebook

Madi’s Q2 Notebook Project My notebook has really helped me organize my thoughts. My brain tends to be all over the place and having something to write/draw on is really helpful. I also can never remember anything, so I really try to make sure I take quality notes in class to reflect on later. I think it would be interesting if in the future I have a designated drawing section, so I don’t crowd the notes with my doodles. Just so I can be a little more organized.

P.S Google Docs really lessens the quality.

Podcast #2 - The Funky Five

Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 10.17.24 PM
Screen Shot 2023-01-16 at 10.17.24 PM — Episode 2

Sources from Companion Reading Assignment -

Isabel — Powers, Kevin. “The Moral Clarity of ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ at 50.” The New York Times, 2019, Accessed 14 January 2023.

Hanna and Zach — Rushdie, Salman. “What Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ Tells Us Now.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker , 13 June 2019,

Nora — Devaux, Triana. “The Bechdel Test Suggests a Lack of Female Representation in Literature.” M-A Chronicle, 31 May 2019,