My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network -

-All my L.A.N. are - 4 laptops, 2 TVs, 4 phones, 1 IPad, and 1 Play Station 3.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? If now write about what you learned.

-I kind of knew what was what because my sister tries to help me out and explain the things that I don’t know, but other then that nothing much really.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

-I would tell other people that they need to know where everything is and what is connected to what. Also how many devices they have in their home.

Mamadou Tech

  • explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.  MY Local Area Network is neutral the reason why I say this is because I have neighbors next door so that slows my internet down. Device connected to my internet are: Iphones,Computers,Xbox one and Roku. 

  • reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I learned that the network is very complex, since first of all it was made by the army and it takes someone very intelligent to be able to really understand the network. Yes, I did have an OMG moment and it was when I first learned that the network works like a factory. I learned that the networkcan be efficient and at the same time dangerous to all people. 

  • what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?  I would tell them to take good care of their network and treat it right.

Home Network

i realized how many device use the internet. i never realized just how much is connected to it.
my OMG moment was when i figured out how much my parents have to pay a month just to have internet. i'm not sure what i would tell people about my network because i'm still learning about it. i would like to learn more about to so that i can help other people as well.

Oakley Home Network

The devices that connect to my house wifi is my iphone, my tablet, and my laptop. And my parents tablets and their phones. Also three playstations with our house computer. I learned that it is important to know your house network. What I found interesting was creating my house network on lucidcharts. I would tell them to look at their house wifi and draw a sketch of their network then research on why it is important to know about their house network.

My Home Network

  • Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.
  • A) On my LA.N server I have computers,laptops,housephones, smartphones, and a printer
  • Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.
  • A) I was a bit suprised by how useful a modem actually was because I thought it was just to help the router.      
  • What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?
  • A) I would tell them that they need to understand how their network works.

Boys Ultimate Beats The Prep

The SLA Boys Ultimate team took a big step forward in their fall season, beating St. Joe's Prep 15-6 on Monday. The boys jumped out to a 5-0 lead, with juniors Eli Block and Saamir Baker leading the way for the Rockets. The game was a total team effort, with all players contributing strong games against a tough St. Joe's Prep zone defense.

The boys finish their fall season at the Fall Brawl tournament in Trenton, NJ this weekend as SLA takes on teams from three states in one of the largest regional tournaments of the season. Go Rockets!   

Help Rough Cut Win $5,000- VOTE HERE

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Voting for AT&T Film Invitational Public Choice Award is open until 11:59pm on Oct 28th

You can vote for both of our films “Media Darling” (SLA1) and “Finding You” (SLA2), but ONLY 1 VOTE PER EMAIL WILL COUNT. Hoping you have at least two active accounts to support both films and help finance the next Rough Cut Original with this $5,000 prize.


NOTE: Scroll down to vote and please make sure you select the respective team from the dropdown list. Otherwise you will be voting for the first team on that list.

This comes down to which community rallies the most support. Considering the size of the other schools in this WE REALLY NEED EVERY VOTE, so please vote for both and spread the word to your respective networks. We can do this!!!

Thanks in advance for continuing to support.

Teyonna's Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. —All the devices in my house are connected to my hotspot, which is portable and easy to use. It is just like a modem but smaller and portable. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if so write about what you learned. I really didn’t have an OMG moment. I just realized how simple some of this stuff was. what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? Just have patience, because sometimes tech can be really confusing but once you learn it step by step it will be the simplest thing ever.

My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

All of the electronic devices are connected to a combination router, two of these devices, the TV and the desktop computer, are both connected to the router by Ethernet nine other devices have a wireless connection to the router.

reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.

From this assignment I learned that some devices can be connected to a router by a hard wire called Ethernet and I learned that there are two kinds of routers, modem routers and combination routers.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

I would tell others that when having a home network, the first thing they need is a local Internet Service Provider to give you internet. to get internet to your devices, you need a router. The router will connect to your big electrical appliances (like a TV or a desktop computer) with a hard wire called Ethernet and all your mobile devices will be connected to your router by wireless

My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. On my home network I have my iPhone, my mom’s iPhone and my sister’s iPhone. I also have my school laptop and my mom’s laptop. And finally we have a shared desktop computer hooked up to the network. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I learned some really interesting things about my network like how everything we search is put through our router before it loads on our devices I thought that was super cool. what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? I would tell people that it is good to look far into what type of network you have and what will work best for your household and setup.

My Home Network

This is my Local Area Network.

It starts with the World Wide Web and goes into a modem and a router. The Modem’s arrow got deleted but it It’s leading to the same place as the router. Connected are multiple Wifi devices. I learned about the difference between a router and a modem and I had an… ahem… and OMG moment-COUGH COUGH! I had an OMG moment when I found out that when your router is up high, your connection is better. If I was telling somebody something they need to know about getting an ISP/Home network, I would tell them to go to Ms. Hulls class first, so she can teach them how not to get screwed over by the man.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

My local network starts with the world wide web that is connected to a router by the ISP Comcast business and a copper wire. From the router, we have two networks, RasaSalon1 and RASASALON. the only device connected to RASASALON is the salons big mac computer. All other devices are connected to RasaSalon1. I was shocked that the big mac computer had a network all to it´s self, but that’s because it has so much data on it. I learned the the internet has different components that make up many different networks. I would tell others to know what makes up the internet that they use every day, so they know what they are using.

My Home Network

1.The only devices on my internet wifi Deathstar is my families tablets, my printer, 5 phones, and we dont have the Roku anymore because it broke, but we still use the rest of the devices everyday. 2. I learned a lot. I honestly didnt know anything, all i knew was that things transfered things, now i know how fast files move and how fast things trasfer. 3. I would tell them that dont rush the computer because the files need to take some time to transfer and everything might take some time depending on the file and computer.

My home network

Amira Gouri

  1. Go home and look for the wire that brings the internet into your home.

    a. what does that wire look like?

    • The wire looks like a white thick string with electric thin strings inside it.

b. what room does this wire come into? - Basement

  1. Do you have a modem and a router or a combination modem and router? What is connected to this router/modem? Name all the devices that use wiFi in your home.

    • Yes, I have a modem and a router. The wire from the router is connected to the modem. The devices that use Wi-Fi is my laptop, my mom’s phone, my phone, Ipad, television, and my dad’s phone.
  2. Who is your ISP? (internet service provider)

    • Comcast
  3. how much is does the internet cost per month? *multiply the monthly cost by 12. What is that dollar amount?

    • 10 dollars per month. 10 * 12 = 120$ for a year.

My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. My L.A.N has a lot of devices. There is 4 iPhones, 3 computers, a printer, xbox, and a iPad.

reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting?
I learned about all the rules there are with my home network. I had a OMG moment when I saw how much we were paying for our network.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? I think if I was telling someone what they need to know I would tell them they need to know about all the wires and then I would explain each wire.

Horsham Clinic

Five days in and all I wanted was a cigarette. From tense visits with my family, to talk about drugs and suicide. The tense moment before a fight breaks out. The steady flow of patients. The fifteen minutes between the constant nightly check-ins: The loud creak of the door. Footsteps. A light in my face, checking for breaths. One, two, and gone. I had fifteen minutes to fall asleep before it happened again. I was exhausted. Six days in without music. Seven days away from my friends. Eight days in and they still wouldn’t tell me if and when I was leaving.

I didn’t leave Horsham for twelve days. I hated it. It was easily one of the most miserable experiences I’ve ever had. Horsham was cramped, understaffed, low budget, and yet, as my parents assured me, it was the best in the area. I finally was released, having learned nothing, having been put on meds that made me miserable, and leaving my family with almost no money. However, I did take away an experience from it that not many people have: Sitting in a room full of people who have all truly hit rock bottom.

The patients were split almost down the middle between people with aggression issues, and people with depressive issues, among other, more specific mental illnesses. Many were like me, having made attempts on their life. The rest were kids who had gotten into serious fights with their friends and family. There were kids with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders that caused their minds to construct memories. Some kids with severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder would become catatonic at any loud noise. Others starved themselves. Some heard voices.

Turns out no one really understands this stuff. There’s no off switch. I’ve talked to plenty of people about medication and therapy, and it seems to me that the people who advocate them the most are the people who haven’t experienced either. I have rarely talked to a person who genuinely thought that their antidepressants helped them. I remember being miserable on all medications that I tried. I never felt that therapy was incredibly helpful either.

It seems that these kids were getting swept under the rug. Horsham was grotty, gross, unsafe in certain parts. The food was mediocre at best, and there was very little space. Horsham Clinic is a crisis center, meaning that the average stay is three days to a week. The goal is to get most people stabilized before they can be either sent back into the world, or moved to another facility; swept under an even bigger rug.

There were special needs kids who had been in the facility for months, while the management desperately tried to figure them out. Attempt after attempt was made before finally having them transferred to a long-term facility: The equivalent of a mental asylum. The saddest part? It would be permanent. This is the system. If they can’t fix you, they’ll put you away. These are the people who are deemed “unsafe.” Bouncing from place to place between each failed attempt on their life. Uprooted and tossed around. Why? It’s easier to put them away than to address the issue. Moving kids to “long-term clinics” for eating disorders, more like prisons than hospitals. Doors that lock from the outside. Sedative injections. Straight jackets. It’s still hard for me to believe that these things are still in use.

I wonder, though, is there a way to truly fix it? Is the system the only system we have? I don’t know. Therapy and medication can help to a degree, but sometimes there’s really not much one can do to help. There are many bad reviews of Horsham Clinic on the internet, but I have yet to see anyone offer a solution. It begs the question: Is it better to lock these kids up to stop them from killing themselves?

I found rock bottom to be a strangely serene experience. Little by little I became separate from myself, in some sort of existential crisis. Embracing nihilism. I believe I see the world for what it truly is: Nothing. There is nothing to anything. We seek meaning and purpose in a universe completely indifferent to our existence. Is there any purpose in “saving” the people who just want their lives to be over? Do any of us truly understand what would be “best” for them? Why do we get to decide when to pull the plug? What’s the point of this terrible system?

My Home Network

1)Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. My L.A.N. is connected wirelessly to a few different devices the most important one is my Iphone 6 plus and my dell chromebook. The others are my toshiba chromebook, the Xbox 1, the Xbox 360, Wii U, the Psp Vita, Mac Book, Samsung 7 phone, Samsung Tablet then lastly a “Blu” Phone. This order is from important to least important. This is because the first few ones are mine and without them there would be no WiFi because my parents doesn’t use the WiFi as much as I do so they’ll turn it off if it’s not used to an extent. 2)Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I learned that having WiFi is a privilege to have, because if I knew completely nothing about having or using the internet I could do a lot of damage to what I really value and need the most. 3)What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? I feel like other people should know where the internet comes from and how it works. The process lets you know exactly what happens, with information needed and brought to you goes through, before they actually call their mobile device “slow” or “broken”. Lastly, they should know their mobile device goes a long way to do what is asked of it.

My Home Network

1.) My local network is Comcast. Through Comcast we 4 phones, 1 pinter, 2 smart TVs, wireless soundbar, home theater, and 3 laptops. 
2.) From looking through my house and seeing what my WiFi comes from I was able to understand what basically goes on. Before I really didn't think about it, but now it's all I thinks about. I learned that if the modern router is placed at a higher elevation the signal/speed would be better.
3.) I would personally tell other people that they should learn more about their network because in case of any situations you will be able to fix it or work with it. 

My Home Network

-Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. My Local Area Network has many devices connected to it and different wires connected to it. All of the devices that are on my internet connection are, my ipad, computers, phones, TV, and printer.

-Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if not write about what you learned. What I learned about networks is that, an router is the central device of a home network into which you can plug one end of a network cable. Also, a modem is a device that bridges the Internet connection from a service provider to a computer or to a router, making the Internet available to consumers. Last but not least I also learned a modem is supplied by your ISP. I had an OMG moment when I found out that Wi-Fi and Internet were two different things, OMG.

-What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? That A router acts a central point of contact between every device on your network, and the Internet connection provided by your modem. Also, the Internet is a network of networks. Your home network, if connected to the Internet, forms one small part of the entire Internet.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network -

-All my L.A.N. are - 4 laptops, 2 TVs, 4 phones, 1 IPad, and 1 Play Station 3.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? If now write about what you learned.

-I kind of knew what was what because my sister tries to help me out and explain the things that I don’t know, but other then that nothing much really.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

-I would tell other people that they need to know where everything is and what is connected to what. Also how many devices they have in their home.