Sarybel Melendez Public Feed
Sarybel Meléndez - Capstone
I created a blog where I wrote several posts about the basics of beauty and makeup. I figured this would be a good idea since not a lot of people know how to apply makeup, or how to choose the right kind of makeup. On this blog, I share my knowledge about makeup and also share beauty tips that will help girls know more about these topics. I also did different girls’ makeup. I used ninth graders as models and did different looks on them.
This was an incredibly fun experience. I love writing about beauty and makeup, so it was really fun to write and share what I know with everyone else. I also enjoyed meeting new girls from the ninth-grade, doing their makeup, and connecting with them.
Art Q3 Work
Global Fiction Infographic
Art Work Q2
Art Work Q2
Art Work For Q2
He was born in Brazil and moved to Miami in 1989. Shortly after moving here, he was asked by Michel Roux (founder of Absolut Vodka’s Art Campaign) to reinterpret Vodka’s famous bottle. His painting was so good, it was published and seen by millions. He has his own main art gallery at Souch Beach, Miami.
He has completed works for Movado, Disney, Enrico Coveri, Pepsi, the United Nations, BMW and Royal Caribbean Cruises among others.
Piece by the artist: Lessons
Si naciera de nuevo...
Si naciera de nuevo, cambiaría mi forma de pensar.
No pensaría tanto las cosas.
Aprendería de mis errores.
No sería tan negativa.
No me preocuparía por todo.
No pensaría en el futuro.
Viviría día a día tranquilamente.
No me haría daño.
No dejaría que me hicieran daño.
Nada me importaría, solo mis seres queridos y yo.
Sería feliz. A mi manera.
E4 U1 Lo que mi máscara refleja de mí
Me llamo Sarybel Meléndez. Nací el 11 de febrero de 1996. Nací y me crié en Hatillo, Puerto Rico. Hatillo es un pueblo muy pequeño de Puerto Rico. Es hermoso. Tengo una madre a quien amo mucho y su nombre es Carmen Carrión. También tengo un hermano cuyo nombre es Joshua Meléndez. Mi papá se llama John Meléndez. Mis padres escogieron mi nombre al ver que la ganadora de un concurso de belleza se llamaba Sarybel. Les gustó mucho su nombre y decidieron ponermelo a mí.
Soy baja, mido 4 pies con 2 pulgadas. Tengo pelo marrón oscuro y ondulado. Mi piel es mediana, ni clara, ni oscura. Mis ojos son color café y son pequeños. Antes era super delgada, pero ahora no tanto. Estoy en mi peso ideal. Me considero bonita, pero no tanto. Estoy obsesionada con el chocolate y los dulces. Siempre estoy comiendo. Si no como me siento mal y sin ánimos. Me encanta comer, bailar y maquillarme. Me gusta todo tipo de música, en especial la música alternativa (indie), el pop y música en español. Me encanta todo lo relacionado a maquillajes y belleza. Me fascinan los colores y el arte.
Soy muy callada y tímida. Casi siempre hablo sólo con gente que conozco y me caen bien. Se me hace difícil hacer nuevos amigos, pero trato lo mas que pueda para hacerlos. Todo el mundo dice que soy muy inteligente, astuta y aprendo las cosas rápido.
Tengo diferentes tipos de relaciones con diferentes tipos de personas. Con mi mamá tengo una relación súper chévere. A ella le puedo contar todo lo que sea y ella no se enoja. Me gusta que ella sea así porque le tengo mucha confianza. Mi hermano no me habla casi, pero no es su culpa. El tiene una condición llamada autismo y el siempre está encerrado en su cuarto. Mi papá tampoco me habla. El nunca ha sido un buen padre, pero no importa. Mi mamá es la única que necesito.
Las relaciones académicas van mejor que el año pasado. Las clases son mucho más fáciles. Al principio, me daba miedo tomar la clase de matemáticas porque el año pasado me fue muy mal. Sin embargo, este año la clase está súper fácil y me gusta más. Estoy tomando una clase de Español 4 y es muy fácil. La maestra es súper amable y me gusta como da la clase y explica las cosas. No estoy tomando clase de Ciencia porque no la necesito. La clase de Inglés no me gusta porque es aburrida. Hasta ahora, todos los maestros son permisivos.
También están las relaciones con mis amigos, novios, etc. En Puerto Rico tengo muchos amigos y amigas. Hablo a veces con ellos por el internet. Los extraño mucho. Cuando estaba en Puerto Rico, éramos uña y carne. Ahora, no tanto como antes. Aquí en Filadelfia no tengo tantos amigos, sólo tengo una. También tenía un novio, pero rompí con él hace poco tiempo. No tengo casi amigos porque hablar inglés se me hace un poco difícil, pero estoy practicando más y he mejorado mucho.
Mi personalidad es un aspecto muy importante que influye en como soy y es algo que no se ve. Yo tengo muchas características que no se ven. Por ejemplo, soy muy independiente. La gente que me ve quizás piensa que soy muy apegada a mi mamá pero en realidad hago mis cosas sola y no dependo de nadie. Soy bastante introvertida. No es que sea anti-social, sino que no me atrevo a hablarle a mucha gente. También me asusta el tener que hablar inglés porque no me gusta mi acento y a veces no entiendo lo que otra gente dice. A pesar de que soy tímida, soy una fiel amiga. Sin embargo, cuando conozco a alguien y me cae súper bien, soy muy graciosa y honesta. Me encanta hacer reír a mis amigos. También soy muy responsable y organizada. Me molesta la gente desorganizada. Soy muy amable y siempre estoy dispuesta a ayudar a los demás. No soy muy segura de mí misma, pero estoy trabajando en mejorar mi autoestima. Tengo muchos sueños y metas. Quiero ser yo misma y lograr todo lo que me proponga.
En fin, soy una chica muy carismática una vez me conoces bien. Mi máscara es de una caravela con muchos colores y diseños. Esta caravela representa lo introvertida y misteriosa que soy. Los colores y diseños representan mi pasión por los colores y el arte al igual que mi personalidad extrovertida una vez me conoces mejor. Uno de los diseños más grandes y llamativos será una mariposa. Escogí este diseño porque quiero ser como una oruga que pasa a ser una bella mariposa que vuela libremente.
Lo que mi máscara refleja de mi
Soy baja, mido 4 pies con 2 pulgadas. Tengo pelo marrón oscuro y ondulado. Mi piel es mediana, ni clara, ni oscura. Mis ojos son color café y son pequeños. Antes era super delgada, pero ahora no tanto. Estoy en mi peso ideal. Me considero bonita, pero no tanto. Estoy obsesionada con el chocolate y los dulces. Siempre estoy comiendo. Si no como me siento mal y sin ánimos. Me encanta comer, bailar y maquillarme. Me gusta todo tipo de música, en especial la música alternativa (indie), el pop y música en español. Me encanta todo lo relacionado a maquillajes y belleza. Me fascinan los colores y el arte.
Soy muy callada y tímida. Casi siempre hablo sólo con gente que conozco y me caen bien. Se me hace difícil hacer nuevos amigos, pero trato lo mas que pueda para hacerlos. Todo el mundo dice que soy muy inteligente, astuta y aprendo las cosas rápido.
Tengo diferentes tipos de relaciones con diferentes tipos de personas. Con mi mamá tengo una relación súper chévere. A ella le puedo contar todo lo que sea y ella no se enoja. Me gusta que ella sea así porque le tengo mucha confianza. Mi hermano no me habla casi, pero no es su culpa. El tiene una condición llamada autismo y el siempre está encerrado en su cuarto. Mi papá tampoco me habla. El nunca ha sido un buen padre, pero no importa. Mi mamá es la única que necesito.
Las relaciones académicas van mejor que el año pasado. Las clases son mucho más fáciles. Al principio, me daba miedo tomar la clase de matemáticas porque el año pasado me fue muy mal. Sin embargo, este año la clase está súper fácil y me gusta más. Estoy tomando una clase de Español 4 y es muy fácil. La maestra es súper amable y me gusta como da la clase y explica las cosas. No estoy tomando clase de Ciencia porque no la necesito. La clase de Inglés no me gusta porque es aburrida. Hasta ahora, todos los maestros son permisivos.
También están las relaciones con mis amigos, novios, etc. En Puerto Rico tengo muchos amigos y amigas. Hablo a veces con ellos por el internet. Los extraño mucho. Cuando estaba en Puerto Rico, éramos uña y carne. Ahora, no tanto como antes. Aquí en Filadelfia no tengo tantos amigos, sólo tengo una. También tenía un novio, pero rompí con él hace poco tiempo. No tengo casi amigos porque hablar inglés se me hace un poco difícil, pero estoy practicando más y he mejorado mucho.
Mi personalidad es un aspecto muy importante que influye en como soy y es algo que no se ve. Yo tengo muchas características que no se ven. Por ejemplo, soy muy independiente. La gente que me ve quizás piensa que soy muy apegada a mi mamá pero en realidad hago mis cosas sola y no dependo de nadie. Soy bastante introvertida. No es que sea anti-social, sino que no me atrevo a hablarle a mucha gente. También me asusta el tener que hablar inglés porque no me gusta mi acento y a veces no entiendo lo que otra gente dice. A pesar de que soy tímida, soy una fiel amiga. Sin embargo, cuando conozco a alguien y me cae súper bien, soy muy graciosa y honesta. Me encanta hacer reír a mis amigos. También soy muy responsable y organizada. Me molesta la gente desorganizada. Soy muy amable y siempre estoy dispuesta a ayudar a los demás. No soy muy segura de mí misma, pero estoy trabajando en mejorar mi autoestima. Tengo muchos sueños y metas. Quiero ser yo misma y lograr todo lo que me proponga.
En fin, soy una chica muy carismática una vez me conoces bien. Mi máscara es de una caravela con muchos colores y diseños. Esta caravela representa lo introvertida y misteriosa que soy. Los colores y diseños representan mi pasión por los colores y el arte al igual que mi personalidad extrovertida una vez me conoces mejor. Uno de los diseños más grandes y llamativos será una mariposa. Escogí este diseño porque quiero ser como una oruga que pasa a ser una bella mariposa que vuela libremente.
Election Project
Journal 21-10-13
Writing helps me connect to myself. I usually write for myself because it’s a way of expressing my thoughts and emotions. When I feel really sad, upset or happy, I write. The way I feel influences a lot in the way I write. Writing helps me connect with myself because I let out all the feelings I have and that makes me feel better. Sometimes I even discover things I didn’t know about myself through writing. It helps me think things through and make the right decisions. When I write for a public, I try to express my opinions throughout the writings. That’s a way of connecting with both myself and the reader.
Diario #5
Diario #4
Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas
En ésta escuela hay gente que me cae bien y otra gente que no me cae tan bien. Pero así es el mundo y trato de llevarme bien con toda la gente que pueda. Me daba mucho miedo volver a la escuela y a la frustración que antes sentía, pero volví y estoy tratando lo más que puedo para graduarme con altos honores e ir a la universidad que quiero.
''The Debt'' Film Review
Hamlet Close Reading
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The play is set in the Kingdom of Denmark and it dramatizes Prince Hamlet’s revenge to his uncle for murdering Hamlet’s father. The play portrays both true and acted madness and explores various themes such as family, revenge, madness, etc.
One of Hamlet’s most famous soliloquies is his ‘’Tis now the very witching time of night’’, which falls in
the Act 3, Scene 2 (pages 380-391).
This soliloquy is a really interesting and important one since it lets the reader know what Hamlet’s plans are.
Prior to this
monologue, Prince Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude, sends an order for Hamlet to
go to her chamber to have a talk with her. After the play, Hamlet asks for a
short amount of time alone. Thrilled
because his plan worked out, he experiences a surge of confidence and
delivers this soliloquy in which he plans out the conversation with his mother
and talks about how confident of himself he is.
now the very witching time of night,
When churchyards
yawn, and hell itself breathes out
Contagion to this
world: now could I drink hot blood,
And do such bitter
business as the day
Would quake to look
on. Soft!
now to my mother. —
O heart, lose not
thy nature; let not ever
The soul of Nero
enter this firm bosom:
Let me be cruel, not
I will speak daggers
to her, but use none;
My tongue and soul
in this be hypocrites, —
How in my words
somever she be shent,
To give them seals
never, my soul, consent!''
now the very witching time of night’’, Hamlet starts his
monologue with a reference to the people who use the darkness (middle of the
night) to do their dirty work.
‘’When churchyards yawn, and hell itself
breathes out",
refers to the middle Ages, where people used to bury the bodies at their local
church graveyard. At the time during which Hamlet occurs, Europe was suffering
from the ‘’Black Death Plague’’. Art during this period was very dark and often
represented the Devil and demons.
"Soft! Now to my mother.’’
this point, he has been considering how to deal with the situation he’s currently
facing. He wants to speak the truth to his mother without being too harsh. He
knows that if he makes the wrong move at the wrong time, there could be a lot
of trouble. That’s why he plans everything out, including his conversations
with his mother.
"O heart, lose not thy nature; let not ever
The soul of Nero
enter this firm bosom:
Let me be cruel, not
These lines are hard to understand since a lot of people
don’t know who ‘’Nero’’ was. Nero was a Roman Emperor who was quite famous for
being crazy and murdering his mother. He was extremely cruel and executed people
in awful ways.
I will speak daggers to her, but use none;
My tongue and soul
in this be hypocrites"
in my words somever she be shent,
To give them seals
never, my soul, consent!’’
Seals were used during the Middle Ages like signatures are
used today. Since Hamlet was the Prince of Denmark, he had his own seal and used
it whenever he wanted to consent something. He is basically saying that he
didn’t consent the actions his mom took when he married Hamlet’s own uncle.
Drive Movie Review
Voting Citizenship Homework
Name: Angel López
Age: 21
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
The fact that I am an American citizen and therefore I have the right to vote. No one can take that away from me.
2. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)
No. If I don't like the candidates, I don't vote.
3. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
On the internet and t.v.
4. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
Yes. I always make sure that I know who I wanna vote for before walking into the booth.
5. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?
I think our votes (Hispanic community votes) have a big of impact on the elections. We're a big community and we are American citizens too. Just like everybody else. Our voice should be heard too.
Memento Movie Review
Immigration Visualization Project
Link to our project:
- What surprised you most about this information?
The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that not all immigrants come to the United States because of the economic situation in the immigrant's countries. There are other factors such as health care, wars, etc. - What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
That the immigration rates have gone up and down throughout history. - Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
I think if till rise even more. Even though I really wish this didn't happen, it's gonna happen. The economic situation in the immigrant's countries is getting worse and worse, and this will force them to move. - Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
We thought was a really nice website to represent our information. It looks really nice and it was really easy to work with. - What parts of group work were challenging?
Doing the research. It was kind of hard to find factors for every decade. - What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
I would pick another website and do more research.
''Crossing boundaries for love'' by Sarybel Meléndez
What is true love? What are you capable to do for true love? Can true love make you cross any boundaries? Carmen Carrion, a 45 yr old woman from Puerto Rico will tell us the story about when she found the love of her life, and even though it wasn’t exactly the perfect one, she decided to cross the boundaries in order to stay with him.
Reflection: What different things did you learn or realize while doing this project?
I learned so many things. First, I learned more about my mom’s story. I knew some things about it, but not the whole story with details. I realized how much impact this had in my mom’s life. Also, I learned how to work with Garage Band, which is pretty cool.
As a deep understanding of this project, I learned that sometimes ‘’crossing the boundaries’’ is not bad, and that you should always follow your heart. My mom didn’t follow her's, and now she’s paying the consequences. Overall, this was a great project and I learned tons of things. The experience of doing my first interview ever was really fun.
Setbacks of being bilingual.
Setbacks of being bilingual.
Let’s see… How did you sprain your ankle?”
I was walking and I, I like… Do you know when you are like…?’’
you are like what?”
walking… and then you feel like you’re about to fall? What’s another word for
“ Oh yes! That thing…”
This happens to
me almost everyday. When I’m supposed to explain something or even talk, I
always struggle with some words. Considering the fact that I was born and
raised in Puerto Rico, which is a Spanish-speaking country, I think it’s normal
for me to have some difficulties with my English, but after a while, it has
become annoying. Everybody says it’s good to speak two fluent languages, and
that might be true. However, being bilingual also has its setbacks. When you
are used to speak only one language and then you have to speak the other, it
becomes confusing. It feels so different speaking a foreign language and
personally, that creates frustration inside me.
how was your day?”
Oh, it was so…”
I have it. I have the word right in my mind, but in Spanish. When this happens, all I can do is wait and check if there is any word in English that could mean the same thing as the word I am thinking about. If I can’t think of something, I just say the word in Spanish.
was so brutal!”
What does that mean?”
sorry, brutal means like… awesome or something like that.”
That’s good!”
In an essay I read by Richard Rodriguez, he was telling a story similar
to mine. He once said: ‘’my words could not stretch far enough to form complete
thoughts.’’ This totally describes my daily struggles with English. Every time
I try to say something in English, I think in Spanish. When that happens, I try
to act like I forgot the word, and just give a brief description or some clues
until the other person figures out what the exact word is, but I get tired of
that. I am tired of the Spanish getting in the way on almost every conversation
I have. I want to speak freely and fluently. Without searching my brain’s ''dictionary/translator'', without thinking that I have to be really careful on
what I say and how I pronounce it, and without trying to fake my accent. All
that so I can sound normal and seem like I know what I’m saying.
There is a point where you feel that you shouldn’t even speak. I did not
feel it until it was the time to speak in front of everyone. The moment when
everyone is expecting you to say some words, and you just cannot find them.
That’s what makes me want to run, and hide from everyone.
I am tired of sounding like an uneducated person in front of everyone. I
hate the fact that I cannot express my self in English as well and as much as I
can in Spanish. I feel like I am trapped. I do feel like I cannot express my
self anymore. It is so frustrating.
“Here they come! Everyone hide! The police is here!” They screamed while I was recollecting all the junk from the tables of that restaurant. “¡Virgen santísima!” I screamed. I remember myself hiding under the table I was cleaning. I tried to hide as much as possible. Silent, I saw people getting arrested by the police officers. They were screaming, crying, begging. “¡No me lleves! ¡No me quiero ir!” Those people who wanted the ‘’American Dream’’ like me, begged. Poor fellows. They cautioned me about this. I knew this was going to happen. The police would come one day looking for the immigrants. But thank God I practiced a little bit what to do when that situation came, and at least it helped me. I did not get caught.
waiting for the police to leave… I felt like all my dreams got broken in one
minute. After that horrible moment, I realized I do not want to live another
moment like this one ever again. This whole situation about hiding from the
government it’s not as easy as it may seem. Now the confusion starts. I don’t
know what to do. I remember I was born
in the deserts of México, where my dad had to wake up every single morning, put
his clothes on, and go to the farm to start working. After hours of hard work,
he came home to eat some Tamales and that was it. Saw my family suffering from
economical problems my entire life. They had to work every day for long hours
to get some money to feed five kids for two days approximately. I remember when
my mom gave me her food because it was not enough. Oh dad, I remember you
coming home all sweaty, dirty, and tired. While other people in other places
without working and without moving one finger, had more money and food than
what we had in three weeks. I was the oldest of my other four siblings. Even
though I do not have an education because my family never had the resources to
send me to school, I consider myself more educated and smarter than a lot of
people who attend school. That’s why I decided to move on and do something for
my family. I remember that Saturday. When I packed all my things up and finally
did it. Crossed the border from Mexico to United States without finding death. I
guess I was so lucky no one caught me.
Now I am here, without
anyone beside me. Trying to find myself in this unknown place. Seeing a lot of
different people dressing up, talking and acting in a very weird way. Women dress
up almost showing her body, and men decorate their bodies with piercings almost
everywhere. The funniest thing is that no one seems like caring about that. “Where
are you from?” some ask me. “¿Qué?” I answer.
Then I realize they are speaking English. I do not know the language. How will
I survive like this? I remember when I used to say: “Nothing will stop me. I will
look for a job. That is how I will start. It will not be easy, but I will do
it”. “Maybe I will have to hide from the police, but not for my entire life
because I will become a citizen. Some people have come here and now they have
money and the life they dreamed of. So I guess I will be pretty good…”
Who am I trying to fool?
Right now I feel so lonely, sad, and depressed. When I remember those hard
times at México, I get weaker instead of getting stronger. I miss my Mexican
culture. I never thought living here would be like this. Here everything is
just so different. I am not used to this. It’s hard surviving in here. I can’t
communicate with anyone. This is not what I expected. Where is ‘’The American
Dream’’ I was looking for? Where is the money I want? It was just a fantasy,
rumors people say. What am I supposed to do now? Go back to México, or stay here?
This is so confusing. They all say love is louder than pressure. But, is it
louder than the pressure of trying to help your family with their economical
problems? A pressure you had since you were a kid. Is it louder than having no
food, clothes, or money?
It’s hard being in this situation right now. Where all you know is that
your body is in Los Ángeles, California… but your heart is in a little farm at
Zacatecas, México.
Why do I write?
Writing can have many different meanings for each person. For some people writing is just grabbing a piece of paper, or in a computer, etc. and start writing/typing every word that crosses your mind in that instant. For other people, is just a boring thing that makes you tired and leads to nothing. However, for some people it is something so important, that it becomes part of their lives. But for me, it is both… writing/typing every word that crosses your mind in that instant and something that I could not live without. It all depends on each person. I write because I think that writing can be your best friend in some situations, but it can be your worst nightmare too. For me, writing helps me get relieved, it helps to clarify my thoughts and it makes me feel better after expressing everything I have inside. At the same time, it brought me problems when I wrote something about someone and that person read it. But after all that, I still think that writing is super important and is one the best ways you can express yourself, with no one judging you.
Everything is possible, even if you think it is not.
I am a person
that thinks that everyone should make goals for themselves. I always had some
goals I wanted to achieve. My past goal was to enter into Puerto Rico's most
advanced high school called Centro Residencal de Oportunidades Educativas de
Mayagüez (C.R.O.E.M). This school is specialized in mathematics and sciences. It
is a residential school; a school where you actually sleep in.
Since I heard of it, I fell in love with the idea of being
there, even though I knew I was not good at mathematics. After thinking about
it, I decided to ask my parents. At first they were surprised at, but then they
supported me, so I decided to go ahead and submit my request. A couple of weeks
after, they told me that I was accepted! That was the greatest thing that ever
happened to me. I was so happy, I could die.
Finally that day
came, my first day of school. I went to the school, unpacked my things and got
to the main school office. The building and the area were very beautiful; everything
was so clean and put together. People were studying at every corner. Everything
seemed so perfect! It was like a dream come true. I met a lot of people, some
of those ones who right now I consider my siblings. The teachers were so nice
to my roommates and me too. I felt very welcomed.
Through the year sometimes I felt like
it was too hard for me, but suddenly, I said to myself, ”If I got the opportunity
to be here, I can not waste it”. So I decided to go ahead, study and put a lot
more effort to what I was supposed to do and I did it, hoping for the best. At
the end of the year I graduated with one of the highest grades and with honors!
That raised my confidence so much.
This situation taught me a couple
of lessons that now I consider them as fundamental for a better life. It taught
me that if you have a goal, you have to go for it, and that when an opportunity
arrives, you should not waste it. It also taught me that if you have confidence
in yourself, you could go through any tough situation. You have to go ahead, follow
your dreams, and beat the obstacles. If did it, I am sure you can.