
Code Title Teachers Students Location Schedule Term Course
Biology Web Recovery
BIOWEBRECOV-002 Biology Web Recovery · Siswick/Sessa · c1 Band Zoe Siswick, Steph Sessa 1 Room 214 c1 Band 2022-23 Biology Web Recovery
CRAFTS-001 Crafts · Alvarez/Leaness · c1 Band Lorena Alvarez, Ann Leaness 15 Room 601 c1 Band 2019-20 Crafts
CRAFTS-003 Crafts · Alvarez/Leaness · c1 Band Lorena Alvarez, Ann Leaness 16 Room 411 c1 Band 2021-22 Crafts
CRAFTS-005 Crafts · Leaness · c1 Band Ann Leaness 11 Room 411 c1 Band 2022-23 Crafts
CRAFTS-007 Crafts · Angeles · c1 Band Yadierys Angeles 14 Room 601 c1 Band 2023-24 Crafts
English 4 Web Recovery
ENG4WEBRECOV-001 English 4 Web Recovery · Giknis/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Amal Giknis 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 English 4 Web Recovery
ENG4WEBRECOV-002 English 4 Web Recovery · Giknis/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Amal Giknis 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24: 4th Quarter English 4 Web Recovery
French 1
FR1-002 French 1 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 0 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 French 1
FR1-011 French 1 · Estey/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jonathan Estey, Brian Kelley 1 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 French 1
FR1-021 French 1 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 2 Room 301 c1 Band 2020-21 French 1
FR1-039 French 1 · Estey/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Jonathan Estey 2 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 French 1
FR1-053 French 1 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 0 Room 301 c1 Band 2024-25 French 1
French 2
FR2-001 French 2 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 0 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 French 2
FR2-011 French 2 · Estey/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jonathan Estey, Brian Kelley 1 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 French 2
FR2-039 French 2 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 0 Room 301 c1 Band 2024-25 French 2
French 3
FR2-009 French 2 Elizabeth Menasion, Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 0 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 French 3
FR3-008 French 3 · Estey/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jonathan Estey, Brian Kelley 0 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 French 3
FR3-015 French 3 · Estey/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Jonathan Estey 1 Room 301 c1 Band 2020-21 French 3
German 1
GR1-002 German 1 · Pahomov/Todd · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Jason Todd 0 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 German 1
GR1-011 German 1 · Pahomov/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Pearl Jonas, Brian Kelley 0 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 German 1
GR1-027 German 1 · Pahomov/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Larissa Pahomov 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 German 1
GR1-038 German 1 · Pahomov/Todd · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Jason Todd 0 Room 301 c1 Band 2024-25 German 1
German 2
GR2-001 German 2 · Pahomov/Todd · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Jason Todd 0 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 German 2
GR2-009 German 2 · Pahomov/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Pearl Jonas, Brian Kelley 0 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 German 2
German 3
GR3-001 German 3 · Pahomov/Todd · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Jason Todd 1 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 German 3
GR3-009 German 3 · Pahomov/Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Larissa Pahomov, Pearl Jonas, Brian Kelley 0 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 German 3
Introduction to Visual Arts
VISARTS-001 Introduction to Visual Arts · Angeles · c1 Band Yadierys Angeles 0 Room 601 c1 Band 2024-25 Introduction to Visual Arts
PODCAST-001 Podcasting · Clapper · c1 Band Michael Clapper 16 Room 311 c1 Band 2020-21 Podcasting
PODCAST-003 Podcasting · Clapper · c1 Band Michael Clapper 9 Room 311 c1 Band 2023-24 Podcasting
Social Science Web Recovery
SOCSCIWEBRECOV-001 Social Science Web Recovery · Jonas/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Pearl Jonas 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 Social Science Web Recovery
SOCSCIWEBRECOV-002 Social Science Web Recovery · Jonas/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Pearl Jonas 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24: 4th Quarter Social Science Web Recovery
Arts and Humanities » Art - Freshman
ART9-021 Art - Freshman · Hull · c1 Band Marcie Hull 33 Room 301 c1 Band 2016-17: 2nd Semester Art - Freshman
Arts and Humanities » Ceramics
CER-008 Ceramics · Baird · c1 Band Matthew Baird 5 Room 300A (Ceramics) c1 Band 2017-18 Ceramics
Elective » App & Game Programming
CSE-013 Computer Science Victor Hernandez 19 Room 521 c1 Band 2018-19 App & Game Programming
Elective » College Access Leadership
CAL-014 College Access Leadership · Hirschfield · c1 Band Karina Hirschfield 1 Room 218 c1 Band 2019-20 College Access Leadership
CAL-018 College Access Leadership · Hirschfield · c1 Band Karina Hirschfield 3 Room 218 c1 Band 2021-22 College Access Leadership
Elective » Community Service
COMSERV-028 Community Service · Siswick · c1 Band Zoe Siswick 1   c1 Band 2016-17 Community Service
COMSERV-037 Community Service · Siswick · c1 Band Zoe Siswick 1 Room 202 c1 Band 2019-20 Community Service
COMSERV-039 Community Service · Siswick · c1 Band Zoe Siswick 1 Room 214 c1 Band 2020-21 Community Service
Elective » Debate
DEB-010 Debate · Estey · c1 Band Jonathan Estey 11 Room 207 c1 Band 2020-21 Debate
Elective » Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-023 Engineering - Freshman · Kamal · c1 Band John Kamal 32 Room 304 c1 Band 2016-17: 1st Semester Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-025 Engineering - Freshman · Kamal · c1 Band John Kamal 30 Room 304 c1 Band 2016-17: 2nd Semester Engineering - Freshman
Elective » Independent Study Period
FREE-012 Independent Study Period - Spry Jeremy Spry 0   c1 Band 2011-12 Independent Study Period
FREE-035 Independent Study Period - Spry Jeremy Spry 0   c1 Band 2012-13 Independent Study Period
ISP-010 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 6   c1 Band 2018-19 Independent Study Period
ISP-044 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 7 Room 126 c1 Band 2019-20 Independent Study Period
ISP-093 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 9 Room 126 c1 Band 2021-22 Independent Study Period
ISP-116 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 2 Room 126 c1 Band 2022-23: 4th Quarter Independent Study Period
ISP-140 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 5 Room 126 c1 Band 2023-24 Independent Study Period
ISP-178 Independent Study Period · c1 Band 0 Room 126 c1 Band 2024-25: 4th Quarter Independent Study Period
Elective » Math Intervention
MATHINTERV-004 Math Intervention · Estey/Ames/Menasion/Steinheimer · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Emma Steinheimer 0 Room 201 c1 Band 2023-24 Math Intervention
Elective » Philadelphia Power and Politics
CIVICS-003 Philadelphia Power and Politics · Symonds · c1 Band Daniel Symonds 31 Room 207 c1 Band 2021-22 Philadelphia Power and Politics
CIVICS-004 Philadelphia Power and Politics · Clancy · c1 Band Alexis Clancy 12 Room 207 c1 Band 2022-23 Philadelphia Power and Politics
Elective » Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-145 Student Assistant Teaching · Giknis · c1 Band Amal Giknis 3 Room 211 c1 Band 2016-17 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-162 Student Assistant Teaching · Giknis · c1 Band Amal Giknis 1 Room 211 c1 Band 2017-18 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-218 Student Assistant Teaching · Hernandez · c1 Band Joselyn Hernandez 1 Room 209 c1 Band 2018-19 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-219 Student Assistant Teaching · Atkins · c1 Band Nicole Atkins 1 Room 520 c1 Band 2018-19 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-245 Student Assistant Teaching · Symonds · c1 Band Daniel Symonds 1 Room 307 c1 Band 2018-19 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-312 Student Assistant Teaching · Hernandez · c1 Band Joselyn Hernandez 1 Room 309 c1 Band 2019-20 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-398 Student Assistant Teaching · Estey · c1 Band Jonathan Estey 1 Room 207 c1 Band 2020-21 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-400 Student Assistant Teaching · Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio 1 Room 407 c1 Band 2020-21 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-403 Student Assistant Teaching · Hernandez · c1 Band Joselyn Hernandez 1 Room 309 c1 Band 2020-21 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-406 Student Assistant Teaching · Kamal · c1 Band John Kamal 1 Room 602 c1 Band 2020-21 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-422 Student Assistant Teaching · Atkins · c1 Band Nicole Atkins 1 Room 401 c1 Band 2020-21 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-477 Student Assistant Teaching · Leaness · c1 Band Ann Leaness 1 Room 411 c1 Band 2021-22 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-478 Student Assistant Teaching · Atkins · c1 Band Nicole Atkins 1 Room 401 c1 Band 2021-22 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-648 Student Assistant Teaching · Enzweiler · c1 Band Robert Enzweiler 1 Room 502 c1 Band 2023-24: 2nd Semester Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-715 Student Assistant Teaching · Garcia · c1 Band Mercedes Garcia 0 Room 409 c1 Band 2024-25 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-716 Student Assistant Teaching · Atkins · c1 Band Nicole Atkins 0 Room 401 c1 Band 2024-25 Student Assistant Teaching
Elective » Study Skills
SS-044 Study Skills · Ames/Menasion · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 8 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2016-17 Study Skills
SS-089 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion/McGarry · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Brian McGarry 9 Room 201 c1 Band 2019-20 Study Skills
SS-098 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey 12 Room 201 c1 Band 2020-21 Study Skills
SS-106 Study Skills · Siswick · c1 Band Zoe Siswick 1 Room 214 c1 Band 2020-21 Study Skills
SS-125 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion/Conway · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Em Conway 9 Room 201 c1 Band 2021-22 Study Skills
SS-136 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion/Conway · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Em Conway 1 Room 201 c1 Band 2021-22: 2nd Semester Study Skills
SS-145 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion/Steinheimer · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Emma Steinheimer 6 Room 201 c1 Band 2022-23 Study Skills
SS-164 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Menasion/Steinheimer · c1 Band Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion, Jonathan Estey, Emma Steinheimer 8 Room 201 c1 Band 2023-24 Study Skills
SS-183 Study Skills · Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd 1 Room 301 c1 Band 2023-24 Study Skills
SS-194 Study Skills · Estey/Ames/Steinheimer · c1 Band Michael Ames, Jonathan Estey, Emma Steinheimer 0 Room 201 c1 Band 2024-25 Study Skills
Elective » Technology - Freshman
TECH9-017 Technology - Freshman · Hull · c1 Band Marcie Hull 31 Room 301 c1 Band 2016-17: 1st Semester Technology - Freshman
English » Lit Lab
LITLAB-003 Lit Lab - Block Joshua Block 0   c1 Band 2010-11.S2 Lit Lab
Health and Physical Education » Physical Education
PE-025 Physical Education · Martin · c1 Band Pia Martin 14 Room 103 (Fitness Studio) c1 Band 2017-18 Physical Education
PE-029 Physical Education · Martin · c1 Band Pia Martin 17 Room 103 (Fitness Studio) c1 Band 2018-19 Physical Education
PE-033 Physical Education · Martin · c1 Band Pia Martin 11 Room 101 c1 Band 2019-20 Physical Education
PE-045 Physical Education · Martin · c1 Band Pia Martin 19 Room 101 c1 Band 2021-22 Physical Education
PE-063 Physical Education · Kelly · c1 Band Brian Kelly 0 Room 101 c1 Band 2024-25 Physical Education
World Languages » Rosetta
ROSE-020 Rosetta · Jonas/Todd · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jason Todd 12 Room 313 c1 Band 2017-18 Rosetta
ROSE-024 Rosetta · Reddy · c1 Band Sunil Reddy 13 Room 521 c1 Band 2017-18 Rosetta
World Languages » Spanish 3
SP3-016 Spanish 3 · Jonas/Todd · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jason Todd 6 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 Spanish 3
SP3-025 Spanish 3 · Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Brian Kelley 6 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 Spanish 3
SP3-036 Spanish 3 · Jonas/Todd · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jason Todd 12 Room 301 c1 Band 2020-21 Spanish 3
SP3-055 Spanish 3 · Jonas/Reddy · c1 Band Sunil Reddy, Pearl Jonas 7 Room 501 c1 Band 2022-23 Spanish 3
SP3-066 Spanish 3 · Garcia/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Mercedes Garcia 12 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 Spanish 3
SP3-080 Spanish 3 · Garcia/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Mercedes Garcia 0 Room 301 c1 Band 2024-25 Spanish 3
World Languages » Spanish 4
SP4-007 Spanish 4 · Jonas/Todd · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jason Todd 2 Room 202 (Library) c1 Band 2018-19 Spanish 4
SP4-016 Spanish 4 · Jonas/Kelley · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Brian Kelley 8 Room 307 c1 Band 2019-20 Spanish 4
SP4-026 Spanish 4 · Jonas/Todd · c1 Band Pearl Jonas, Jason Todd 6 Room 301 c1 Band 2020-21 Spanish 4
SP4-047 Spanish 4 · Jonas/Reddy · c1 Band Sunil Reddy, Pearl Jonas 3 Room 501 c1 Band 2022-23 Spanish 4
SP4-057 Spanish 4 · Garcia/Giorgio · c1 Band Erin Giorgio, Mercedes Garcia 2 Room 407 c1 Band 2023-24 Spanish 4
SP4-070 Spanish 4 · Garcia/Todd · c1 Band Jason Todd, Mercedes Garcia 0 Room 301 c1 Band 2024-25 Spanish 4