¿Qué es NORMAL?

¡Hola! Me llamo Ronaldo. He vivido en Filadelfia toda mi vida. Mi barrio es ubicado en Oeste Filadelfia. Acuerdo con la comunidad, lo más importante es el barrio es un lugar muy tranquilo para vivir. Aunque es considerado urbano, tiene una sensación más rural. Por ejemplo, aunque transportación público es aquí, son muchos árboles cerca. Esto incluye un parque cercano que es ideal para descanso tranquilo. Este también es muy importante a la comunidad porque es muy histórico. Contar la historia, Ben Franklin caminaba por las calles de Oeste Filadelfia. También, Will Smith es de mi barrio. Espero poner mi mural en la pared de una escuela de mi barrio para educar los jóvenes sobre la vida allí.

Para mi, arte es una forma a expresarse. Puede ser en forma de una pintura o de un escultor. Así lo veo. Míentras que tiene un mensaje, es una forma de arte. Por lo tanto, el grafiti en la pared puede ser arte. Aunque es el delito para el dueño de la pared, ya que tiene un mensaje, es arte. No hay más remedio. Por otro lado, alguno el vandalismo no es arte. Por ejempro, las marcas de un nombre de una persona no tienen un mensaje. Así que, no es arte. Porque de esto, el mural que era creado por mi es arte. El mensaje de mi mural es ¿exactamente qué es normal? El papel de el arte público es presentar una idea a las personas en la comunidad. Es mi creencia que mi mural hará precisamente eso.

Mi mural tener gente que usa ropa diferente. Se trata de entornos urbanos y rurales entre esta pintura. Hay una playa y un campo de flores separadas por una acera. Esto muestra cómo la gente está perturbando la naturaleza. En la parte superior, hay un esquema de EE.UU.. Por dentro es el mensaje principal. Esto significado, ¿lo que es normal? Alguna una persona se visten formalmente, otro tiene mena ropa. Hay un hombre que es un científico y una mujer que se está modelando. Hay una pequeña imagen de alguien que conduce un coche y alguien que busca en la playa. Esto nos lleva a la pregunta ¿qué es una vida normal? El color de fondo es mostrar que no hay color derecho a ser (significa que no hay tal cosa como la normal). La pregunta principal es si debemos vivir libre o cómo la sociedad quiere que vivamos.

Creo que mi arte se debe considerar normal. La razón es porque tiene un mensaje. Debido al mensaje, las personas que lo ven le quitará algo que no tenía antes. Tendrán una mejor comprensión sobre cómo la sociedad se decide la forma en que vivimos, a pesar de que puede no ser correcto. Mi parte favorita de mi mural es que es controvertido. Algunas personas pueden pensar que es útil a la comunidad, mientras que otros no están de acuerdo y pueden pensar que le da un mensaje incorrecto. Desde que te hace pensar, todos vale la pena por mi.

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Musica en Todas Partes

Me llamo Nadir Meeks, vengo de San Diego y viví allí por seis años. Cuando mudé aquí viví en Overbrook con mi abuela. Nunca salía afuera y mi barrio fue muy tranquilo y no se cualquier niños. Mi barrio es conocido por histórico negro la figura de Overbrook High. Mi barrio es no musical pero gustan tener bloques fiestas en el verano. Sin embargo las bloques fiestas es no siempre diversión porque la mayoría de personas es pequeños niños y tengo no una persona hablar a. En mi barrio allí es mucho lugares que es abandona y vacante paredes, no me gusta que sobre mi barrio. Pienso es basura de espacia bien que podría ser usó para arte. Poneríra mi mural en el lado de vacante tienda cercano Overbrook High. Quiero mi mural allí porque el propósito de mi mural es inspirar demás tocar música porque necesitamos lo.

 Arte para mi es un manera expresar tú mismo visualmente a demás. Allí son otro tipos diferente tal como grafiti, mural y tagging.   No peisno mi pieza es arte porque es no arte de mio. Es una mezcla de imágenes que yo tomé de otro lugares. Si yo hice todo de la pieza mi mismo entonces pensaría que es arte. Como lo veo yo arte publica es para contar la historia de eventos significó, figuras importa, música, cultura y otros cosos este tiene significados. Arte pública es a menudo equivocado para vandalismo. Sí si arte es en propiedad de otra persona entonces es un delito pero es arte ubicada en abandono o pública área esta bien. También arte pública usa para diciendo demás las problemas en la comunidad o problemas con gobierno.

 Mi mural es sobre la música y quien es todo alrededor nos. Quiero explicar que personas es siempre pensando de música y que música es muy importante en viva porque ayunde trae culturas juntos. Este por que uso dos personas pensando semejante imágenes sobre música.  En mi barrio allí no hay mucho música y este por que pienso es así aburrido. Quiero el papel de mi mural apodar a las demás en mi barrio tocar mucha música. No se por que elegí la color azul es suave y tranquilo color. Si fuera pensando tendría elegí rojo o verde porque esos colores son atractivo a nuestro ojos. Hacería mi mural más notable a demás causando lo ganar más atención y obtiene mi mensaje afuera allí.

 Mi mural no cumple el papel de arte pública, por no menos no todavía porque es no en pública y es no grande suficient llenar una pared en mi barrio. Sin embargo pienso mi pieza es no mi arte es un recopilación de otras piezas de revistas. Si dibujara mi mural mismo entonces podría llamar lo mi trabajo. Es muy controvertida en eunuco o no que nuestra murales es arte. Demás creen que si haceres la pieza que lo es arte. Sí es arte pero no es sus arte, por lo tanto no estoy de acuerdo con demás que dece sus mural es sus arte.

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Raíces Gruesas

Soy de una granja pequeña en Nueva Jersey. Después del divorcio de mis padres, mi familia mudamos a Filadelfia. Primero, vivimos en el  Noreste y luego vivimos en Puerto Richmond. Ahorita vivimos en el barrio de Eastwick en el sudoeste de Filadelfia. Aún estoy aprendiendo sobre mi barrio porque viví en Eastwick por un año. Mucho tiempo en el pasado fue un hombre se llama Andrew M. Eastwick. Fue activista de la agricultura y el protegió la naturaleza. Hoy, la naturaleza es aún muy importante a mi barrio. En el barrio hay una reserva para animales se llama John Heinz Refuge. La mitad de la area es un pantano y la otra mitad es un bosque. Un estereotipo sobre mi barrio es que el barrio es para la gente vieja porque es muy tranquilo y lejos de la ciudad. Más de medio de la gente en mi barrio son americanos africanos. También, hay mucha americano asiático pero no hay mucha latinos. No hay mucha violencia o el arte público. Creo que es por la importancia de proteger la naturaleza. Sin embargo, pienso que la belleza de las personas y la naturaleza es un tipo de arte. El mural por mi voy a estar en una pared en la plaza de compras por todas la gente en la comunidad mirrar.

Para mi, arte es una expresión creativo que tiene un mensaje para una audiencia. Creo que todo el arte no es por toda la gente y no necesita una audiencia grande. Es posible que una obra de arte tiene un mensaje por solo una persona. Porque tiene un audiencia y un mensaje, es arte. Los sentimientos sobre el arte no son importan en la decisión si algo es arte porque no están objetivos. Más personas necesitan que respetar la decisión de los artistas y aprecian obras différentes que incluye grafiti y “tagging”. Estoy de acuerdo son crímenes  y vandalismo pero son expresiones de artistas. El propósito de arte público es para identificar una persona o un grupo de personas y hacer un declaración. Valgo mucho del arte que inspira que pensemos y sintamos emociones. También el propósito es representar la comunidad que está. Por lo tanto mi mural es arte porque para mi comunidad y sobre los valores de las personas.
En el centro de mi mural está un árbol grande con un poema sobre los valores de la comunidad. En la poema línea que dijo, “Mi barrio es igual a un árbol.” La significa de la línea es comparar las características de un árbol a mi barrio y la gente en la comunidad. Usó mucho verde para representar la vida que se fortalece y amarillo porque en general la gente son simpáticos. Creo que la relación entre las personas en Eastwick y el el medio ambiente es igual a la relación entre el sol y un árbol. En tanto la relación uno es necesario por el otro vivir. Mi mural representa mi comunidad nueva y pasada y dónde encajo yo. Para mi, es arte porque mi audiencia es mi comunidad y la mensaje es “ Igual a un árbol fuerte, una familia fuerte necesita raíces gruesas.”

El propósito de mi mural es para representa los valores de mi comunidad y las personas  en ella. Pienso que mi mural cunple el papel de arte público porque el representa el valor de famila, naturaleza, y la importancia de proteger el medio ambiente. Para mi, este mural cuple todos  los requisitos para ser arte público. Tiene un mensaje, una audiencia, y representa algún importa a la comunidad. Aunque creo que esto es arte sería mejor si tuviera fotos de la gente de la comunidad en realidad. Estoy orgulloso de mi mural porque he aprendido mucho sobre mi comunidad y trató de incorporar elementos importantes.

View E4 U3 El Arte Público in a larger map

Hamlet By: William Shakespeare Maleena Mel

 Hamlet by William Shakespeare has become one of his most popular play written by him. Him in his name William Shakespeare. In most of his plays it seems it has all dealt with war, death, and love. But what makes his plays more fascinating, more interesting is his writings. It seems difficult for us in todays word to understand because we use and speak english in a different way. Since William Shakespeare writes his plays, in his plays it show a lot of emotions and feelings. And When he does that it shows a good way to also understand what the play is about and what he is trying to say. 

  One of the scene from the book to connect is when one of the character name Laertes talks to his sister Ophelia about her boyfriend Hamlet. He wanted to let her know about the type of person Hamlet was and he wanted her to be careful with him. A quote from it is “For Hamlet and the trifling of his favor, Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood, A violet in the youth of primary nature, Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting, The perfume and suppliance of a minute. No more.” This scene is from Act 1 Scene 3 Line 9-11.  To translate exactly what Laertes was telling his sister was “For Hamlet and his attentions to you, just consider it a big flirtation, the temporary phase of a hot-blooded youth. It won’t last. It’s sweet, but his affection will fade after a minute. Not a second more.” So the whole point of this line was just a heads up for his sister Ophelia. He didn’t want his sister to be hurt or make wrong descions and soon would be hurt at the end.  

   Shakespeare written most of his plays in an old fashion english. So it is more difficult for people in the modern days to read and understand what the play mean, and or what the character is trying to say. For example in the play Hamlet the entire play is written in old english and when we read it we would have to analyze what the character are saying, an example to prove is from one of the scene in Act 1 Scene 3 Line 15-19 when Laertes tells his sister Ophelia “Think it no more. For nature, crescent, does not grow alone In thews and bulk, but, as this temple waxes, The inward service of the mind and soul Grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now, And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch The virtue of his will, but you must fear.” What this quote is saying  is Laertes is telling his sister Ophelia to think bigger. The translation is “Try to think of it like that, anyway. When a youth grows into a man, he doesn’t just get bigger in his body—his responsibilities grow too. He may love you now, and may have only the best intentions, but you have to be on your guard.” So basically what Laertes is telling his sister is to beware of Hamlet. For her to watch what she does and for her to have her guard up with him. 

  Another part to the line that connects to the scene is when Laertes tells his sister Hamlet back round. Like how he came from a royal family, what he already had plan for him self in the future. For example in Act 1 Scene 3 Line 20-28 “His greatness weighed, his will is not his own, For he himself is subject to his birth. He may not, as unvalued persons do, Carve for himself, for on his choice depends The safety and health of this whole state. And therefore must his choice be circumscribed Unto the voice and yielding of that body Whereof he is the head. Then if he says he loves you,” What this quote discribe is Laertes telling Ophelia where Hamlet came from like his life back round. For example Hamlet came from a rich family, and his attention for her may not be as important then what he has to do with his family. And to make the people that support him happy. So to turn the quote into a modern version Laertes tells Ophelia this  “Remember that he belongs to the royal family, and his intentions don’t matter that much—he’s a slave to his family obligations. He can’t simply make personal choices for himself the way common people can, since the whole country depends on what he does. His choice has to agree with what the nation wants.” So this explain what Laertes was telling his sister. 

   In Shakespeare his writing are really great. This is because i believe when he writes his plays he makes it very interesting. I believe he wants people to see his plays as something exciting, something for someone to think about. Like for example how his old fashion english makes us think about what he is trying to say because now its modern english. in his play writes it shows a lot of details and emotion so that people who don’t understand ca understand by watching. Shakespeare is one of the great play write, that has pass on from years into todays worlds where we analyze his plays and also act it out our selves. 

English project

Lo que no saben.

Mi nombre es María. Yo vivo en “Roxborough” Filadelfia está en el distrito 21a de Filadelfia. Roxborough era el hogar de las zonas más ricas, los dueños de las fábricas de Manayunk. Roxborough está bien comunicado con el centro de la ciudad de Filadelfia con varias líneas de autobuses y carriles bici que llegan al río y el centro de la ciudad de Filadelfia. Mi barrio puede ser muy tranquilo por el dia pero, por la noche los muchachos y muchachas salen para hacer cosas ilegales. En mi comunidad  Yo hice en mural que representa mi barrio. Yo lo quiero poner en 5822 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA ; Kendrick Recreation Center, Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. Es un lugar con mucha historia y memorias.

El arte puede ser firmas o pintura. También pueden ser palabras o graffiti. A través de la gente no piensa así. Es difícil para que la gente entienda el arte, pero para mi eso no decir que no es arte. El arte puede ser hermoso o podría ser una gota de pintura. Todo depende de los ojos del artista. Es también muy difícil de hacer arte porque todo arte tiene un significado detrás de él. Creo que el arte público es arte y también puede ser vandalismo. La razón de esto puede ser vandalismo es, lo están poniendo en propiedades que son de alguien más. Creo que si son atrapados, no se debe establecer en la cárcel. Creo que el castigo debe ser que tienen que limpiar tres etiquetas / arte público. También hay arte público que se permite porque la gente tiene permiso para hacerlo. Me gusta mucho el arte público, ya que muestra mucho de la persona que lo dibuja. Creo que mi mural es un arte porque a mí me demuestra mucho de cuál es mi alrededor en mi barrio. No me gustaría tener que pintar en mi barrio porque me gustaría algo mucho más bonita y que no muestra lo que veo a mi alrededor.

Mi mural tiene una gran cantidad de colores. Tiene color blanco como fondo, verdes, azules, amarillos, rojos y naranjas. Hay dos imágenes y el resto de él son las palabras. Las palabras son las que tienen los mayores significados. La imagen de un niño y la niña son los jóvenes de mi barrio. El selector de otro es lo locos que están. Como todos ellos tienen algún tipo de guerra en sus vidas. Las palabras tienen sus propios significados. Al igual que las "pesadillas" uno tiene que ir el pensamiento y el "oops! I just ..." por todos los errores que uno ha hecho. El tema es la vida en mi barrio es duro. El mensaje es simple. Es que no importa lo difícil que es la vida puedo superarlo algún día.

Creo que mi mural no es la mejor para un arte público, ya que tiene un montón de palabras y no creo que sea la mejor obra de arte que yo había hecho. A mi me gusta mi arte mural, pero yo realmente no quiero que otros lo vean. También creo que mi mural no es realmente interesante en absoluto.

Aquí5822 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia, PA ; Kendrick Recreation Center, Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA

Todos Somos Los Mismos

Me llamo Wendy, soy Mexicana, en el barrio que vivo solo son blancos, cuando emperanzamos a vivir en la casa, los ninos blancos los llamavan a mi y mi familia differentes cosas, malas cosas, y a veces tiraban naranjas a mi puerta y eso para me es vandalismo a mi casa. Los ninos nos tratarnos como si no eramos humanos, nomas por que somo differente color, no significa que no somos humanos. Mi comunidad esta bien es como un chikito pueblo adonde todos los conocemos. Mi mural estara unbicado en 1463 South Water Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. Yo elegí este lugar porque es el estacionmeiento de el cine y mucha gente va y pueden ver mi mural.

Para mi el arte es una cosa que es una cosa honesta porque tu no puedes fingir ser un artista, eres artista o no. El arte es algo que puedes expressar tu sentimientos. El graffiti es arte, expressas tu sentimientos, tus pensamientos. Todo significa algo para alguien. Si mi mural es arte, todo es arte para mi, todo es tan bonito como el arte. Mi mural es arte por que tiene different cosas que yo encontre y que lo encontre es arte y para yo ese el arte. El proposito de el arte publico es que la communidad son muy unidos, y asen un mural represenda algo de la cummunidad.

Las imagenes de mi mural y la palabras son muy basico cuando ves mi mural tu vas a ver que estoy trantando de dicer por que yo corte different colors caras y los pues para que se una cara por que todos somos los mismos no importa si somos diferente color, somos personas y y no tenemos el derecho de juzgar a los demás porque somos diferentes de un a otro. en mi mural dice “Todos somos los mismos” por que es la verda, todos si somos los mismos. Las significates de mi mural es de mi pasado por que el mi barrio nos juzgavan a mi familia por que somos Mexicanos. Elegí rojo porque un color brillante que llama la atención de las personas, y tambien por que me gusta rojo. El tema de mi mural es que todos somos los mismos. El mensaje que estoy tratando de decirle a la gente es que debemos respetarnos unos a otros, sin importar el color que somos o cómo nos presentamos a nosotros mismos. No importa todos debemos respetarnos unos a otros.

Si mi papel es publico arte porque tiene una manera de decir lo que sentimos como yo mi siento. Es arte porque dice algo con sólo mirarlo. Mi punto de mi arte mural es decirle a las personas que ya no jusgen, porque en la vida las cosas son diferentes.  y somos de color diferente. porque todos somos los mismos dentro, no importa qué, todos somos seres humanos y no debemos tratar a los demás de manera diferente por que cómo nos vemos. Por eso en mi mural dice “MISMOS” en letras grandes.
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Jamie Murphy Hamlet Analysis

" I have of late—but wherefore I know not—lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air—look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire—why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me. No, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so."

-Hamlet quote

Hamlet is very emotional in the words he speaks. It's as if every word that leaves his mouth is stern and meaningful. Every word counts. Hamlet speaks of no nonsense, he means business. He is feeling out of sorts. His feelings towards everything and everyone is not the same as others feel. Hamlet is analyzing all the things he feels blue about. " What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"  By saying this, he is stating that there is so much beauty and amazement in a person. Although he could care less, he sees nothing more than ordinary. Hamlet is depressed. This scene reminded me of how teenagers in modern day see things when they are depressed. Specifically my thought were drawn to the book, "The Lovers Dictionary" by David Levithan. The way Hamlet relays his feelings through such simple examples, yet still so meaningful. David Levithan writes the same way, while conveying stress, sadness, and harsh emotion.  It becomes obvious that Hamlet is depressed because he is showing all different symptoms and reflecting them on different people. In the quote Hamlet talks about his feelings in deep concern. He explains why he feels the way he does using comparisons to how others see things. Most seem to be very upsetting and depressing comments. This is Hamlet's ways of responding to the life changes he is experiencing currently. He is completely overwhelmed with the situation, and confused on how to go forward. Although his feelings could and may possibly not be true, this is his way of responding to the current events. Hamlet's way of behaving is not co-operating with the rest of the environment. Hamlet can only communicate with himself when he is alone. When he is in front of others, he acts like someone he’s not. The crazy, loud, and outrageous man is so different from the confused, depressed, and lost man who is still trying to recover his fathers death, let alone try to comprehend that his uncle might have committed the deed. 

“The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me. No, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so." , says Hamlet in his last few words of the speach. This is just one of another point proving Hamlet’s change in emotion. It also shows others reactions to him. 


Analysis of Hamlet Act 1, Scene 5


Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the best writers in history. He is praised for his poetry as well as his numerous plays. His writing is so influential that  it is still Analyzed and Preformed today by scholars and actors. As most who have read his writing or seen his plays, he has earned this degree of respect. His writing captures the reader, dragging them further into the text with each line. Shakespeare accomplished this riddling the lines of his text with carefully chosen language. Although, the thing that draws the reader in more than anything else is his involvement of the reader’s imagination in his text. He does a beautiful job of weaving opportunities for the reader to go off on their own mental tangent.  By doing this, he can avoid wasting time with lengthy and dull description, focusing more on the plot.

One prime example of where he does this is in one of his most famous works Hamlet. In this excerpt, The spirit of Hamlet’s Father comes up from the underworld to speak with him. In the conversation, Shakespeare has the ghost mentions being in hell. 

“And for the day confined to fast in fires, 

Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature 

Are burnt and purged away.” - Hamlet, William Shakespeare, Act 1, scene 5 lines 16-19

Nothing in Shakespeare’s writing is just there for the sake of being there. In this example he makes sure to mention that, But does not go in depth in to why he’s there. This makes the reader come up with their own reasons. Those with minds that are eager to analyze will question if the current king (the antagonist of the play) was really any worse than his brother. The other side of this argument is that he was not condemned for his deeds as king but rather for other, smaller actions in his personal life.   Pieces of text like these are the reason shakespeare’s works are so widely celebrated. Each play is infinitely more complicated than it looks at first glance. Shakespeare uses this method in more than just his sub-plots. He also does this to aid the descriptions in his plays. As seen here “ 

“I could a tale unfold whose lightest word 

Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, 

Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,” 

-Hamlet, William Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 5 lines 20-23

He does not make the kings ghost actually reveal what he had experienced. He instead describes how Hamlet would react to it. If he had instead included a lengthy description of the ghost’s torment, then the audience would only remember it for the beautiful language. By doing this, he makes it easier to get the ghost’s key points of the ghosts speech across, without sacrificing any of the shock and awe value of the passage. What makes shakespeare a good writer is not that he works well with what he writes, but he also makes use of what isn’t written. He is as much an artist of implication as much as he is a wordsmith. These passages where the reader has just as much influence on the play as shakespeare does are the reason his writing is so highly regarded today. 

Philly Love Note


Favorite Spot: The Academy of Natural Sciences
About Me: I am an 18 year old high school student and employee at the Academy of Natural Science. I am also originally from New Jersey. 

Current Home: Eastwick section of Philadelphia 

Years in Philadelphia: 5

Dear Philly,
Our relationship started a bit rocky. It was like you spoke one language and I another. You were so loud with your blaring sirens and constant chatter. Life for you never seemed to take a break. I had nightmares about the never ending patter of foot steps on your concreate. As a farm girl all I wanted was some grass, just a tree or two would have done it but for the first 3 years I saw nothing but a small tuff or two of greenery. Eventually, you would grow on me. I found small green oases around the city that reminded me of home where the smell of nature me the chaotic hustle and bustle of the city. In myself developed a hybrid that was urbanely savvy as it was rurally. I learned how to appreciate you for what you are, a collection of opposites and similarities all tucked away into different corners of the city but available for all to enjoy. It is because of you that I have learned to embrace diversity and thrive in places where it is prevalent.  Thank you.

Yours truly,


Philly Love Note

Favorite Spot: Center City

About Me: Student, activist

Years in Philly: 18 years

Current Home: North East Philly

Dear Philly,

From your Killadelphia days to the long summers of soccer in the park. You're not half bad. All the way up in the North East and the term, down to South Broad. I love you for the Flyers, and the Phillies too. Hell even the Eagles, no matter how bad they can be at times. Here's to the dogs days riding down Broad causing chaos, or the nights with fellow Flyers fans, and all the times we've talking shit about the Penguins, Pittsburgh the Rangers and the Mets. An amazing ode to Philly. I'll love you always!

Thanks for all the good times.

Hamlet Close Reading

   Hamlet and Ophelia are in argument that gets critical after Ophelia puts an end to her relationship with Hamlet. Ophelia rejected Hamlet in multiple ways, one way was giving back things that he had given her such as letters he had written her expressing his feelings in depth. Hamlet, is not accepting it at all, he is hurt and very upset by what Ophelia is saying. They begin to go at. 

   As a matter of fact, you can see how upset Hamlet is in the beginning of his little speech when Hamlet says, "Go thee (to) a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?" Nunnery means a convent, a convent is a community where priests, religious brothers, religious sisters, or nuns gather and live together. All of the same sex. But also it could be used in a different manner, used to refer to brawdy house, brawdy house is a place or community where men can visit prostitutes.   He is basically referring that Ophelia is a prostitute, the love of his life of being a sinful and wrong woman. She should not birth any children, because if she does then there will be more people like her which are sinners in the world.

   Looking a little further down, Hamlet is speaking about himself, he says he himself is an "indifferent honest." It sounds like he flipping his words around when he is finished his thought, "but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me." Hamlet is far from innocent or a person you could look up to a saint in the play he switches up his feelings. 

    One example is Act 1 Scene 5, when his two friends Horatio and Marcellus run back and inform him that they have seen and spoken to the ghost of his father. One night Hamlet stands watch with Horatio and Marcellus, and sees the ghost, which is his father. The ghost takes Hamlet away, to talk to him. He says that he was murdered by Claudius which is his brother, the new king. His father tries to convince Hamlet into murdering the new king of Denmark, step dad Claudius. 


Murder most foul and most unnatural murder.

But this most foul, strange, and unnatural." ( Lines 32-34)

"O, my prophetic soul! My uncle!

Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast." ( Lines 48-49)

The ghost Hamlet's fathers ghost is speaking about his brother, like an animal.

"So, uncle, there are you. Now to my word.

It is "adieu, adieu, remember me.

I have sworn't." (Lines 117-119)

The ending words are Hamlet saying goodbye goodbye, remember me. 

   Hamlet goes on throughout the disagreement with Ophelia in a different way. When he says to Ophelia "I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offenses at my back than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them space, or time to act them in." It sounds like Hamlet is speaking to Ophelia like he is in higher power. Like he is above her. He is saying that everyone messes up, and its normal. But somethings just cant be forgiven.

    As he continues in the talk with Ophelia he has a sudden change in character, "What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven? While Hamlet is saying this line, it sounds rather frustrated, like something is bothering him. Does it have to do with his father? The ghost? "We are arrant knaves (all;) believe none of us. Go thy ways to a nunnery. Where's your father?," are Hamlet's last few words said to Ophelia during the argument. Telling her to go and look back at her sins and see what she has done. 

   Hamlet is just one of Shakespeare's great works of art. Shakespeare uses his writings and plays to real life. The way it is written is what makes it so well known and read around the world. All throughout Hamlet, Shakespeare uses a language that sets off the tone of the play.


"Que Bellas" ubicado en Oeste Filadelfia


Filadelfia. La Ciudad de Amor Fraternal. La ciudad de la cultural, la música, y la historia. Filadelfia es llena de muchos tipos de personas que se anda a lo larga de caminos differentes. De donde vengo yo, esta parte tiene la cultural, pero, igual a cada lugar, no es perfecto.
Soy Sasha Sapp. Con el pelo rizado y el tez clara, nunca he encajado con los demás alrededor de me. La gente era, y aún son, Africanos Americanos. Desde el grande emigración en los 1950’s, estes demás han sido la mayoría de la población. Sin embargo, este parte de la población han tenido algunas problemas con los jóvenes. Los jóvenes necesitan la inspiración, pero mi mural se prendó a los mujeres jóvenes. Mi mural estará ubicado en Oeste Filadelfia, la pared al lado de una casa en el 55th y Lansdowne. Elijo este lugar porque es al centro de mi barrio. Casi cada persona lo se pasan y es fácil a ver.     
Para mi, porque soy artista, casi todo es arte. El arte no necesita ser bonito y atractivo o sin controvertido. Arte es todo. Te daria sentimientos o mensajes de cualquier cosa porque sería una pinta, una canción, o aun un baile. Por eso, arte es simplemente la expresión de una persona o idea. Por lo tanto, mi pieza también, es arte. Mi mural se presenta una idea; les da un mensaje a las mujeres en mi barrio. Se usa los imágenes y las palabras para darle el mensaje. Ya dije este, pero el arte sería cualquier cosa, y mi mural se está incluido. Es muy importante tener el arte público. El arte público puede contar la historia, o cuenta algo sobre un lugar. Básicamente, el arte público le da orgulloso a una comunidad. Como lo veo yo, los hace sentir inspirado las personas que viven allí. Eso es el propósito.  
En mi mural, se puede ver una mujer joven que está mirando al cielo. Está debajo de las imágenes unas mujeres Africanas Americanas famosas. Son tres imágenes, y cada imagen se está rodeado de las líneas. Las líneas son rojos y azules, y se conectan uno al otro. La mujer al medio se representa todos los chicas en mi barrio. Tiene los ojos con la esperanza, y está sonriendo. Este es significativo para la esperanza en cada mujer. Las otras imágenes son de las mujeres famosas se corresponden con las frases alrededor de las. Usé estas palabras porque se describen las mujeres en las imágenes, pero, más importante, se describen todos de las mujeres Africanas Americanas. Las líneas y las palabras se están escrito con los colores rojo, verdes, o azul. Elegí estos porque se representan el pasión, la verdad, y la seguridad. En total, los temas presentados son la inspiración, la esperanza, apoderando los demás, la cultura, y la orgullosa de las mujeres.Quiso que comunicar la idea que las mujeres en mi barrio tienen otras mujeres que son inspiraciones. Las mujeres necesitan mensajes positivas y imágenes positivas de nuestras demas. Quiero mi pieza decir, “Somos mujeres Africanos Americanos, y somos hermosas, fuertes, y inteligentes.”
Para mi, mi pieza es directiva y se muestra que es el arte público. Una vez más, el arte público se sirve como una representación de una comunidad. Puede representar cualquier cosa sobre o alrededor de una comunidad. También, se puede decir algo a esa comunidad. Y esto es lo que hace mi mural. Mi pieza les dice a las mujeres que son bellas, fuertes, y poderosas. El mensaje se pretende inspirarlas. Por eso, me gusta mucho mi obra. Disfruto darles sentimientos buenos a los demás en cualquier lugar. Me da feliz cuando les doy felicidades a otros. Tomo esta idea en todos aspectos de la vida. Es importante cuidar para los otros. Por qué lo a mi respecta, el arte público es una manera a hacerlo. Por nuestros artes, nos inspiramos.

MPyfrom- "Poderoso"

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Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 10.44.33 AM

Hola, me llamo Marina. Yo vivo en el Oeste de Filadelfia. Sin embargo, cuando yo era una bebe yo vivía con mi mama y papa en una casa pequeña. Después mi abuela se murió. Luego, nos mudamos a la casa de mi abuela. En la casa que vivo ahora, es mejor porque es más grande y cómoda. Pero la casa que era de mi abuela no era tan lejos de donde yo vivía. Nos mudamos cerca de la casa donde vivíamos antes. En mi barrio hay muchos americanos africanos. Sin embargo, hay otras razas representadas. Yo diría que mi comunidad tiene muchas personas de clase media. Muchas de las familias trabajan los trabajos normales de 9-5. También, la mayoría de los niños y las niñas van a la escuela pública en el barrio. La calle es muy pequeña, por lo tanto cada uno conoce a cada uno. Me gusta mi calle porque mis vecinos son simpáticos. En mi barrio, muchas familias tienen perros. En mi calle, hay un gran campo de béisbol. Por lo tanto, en el verano, un montón de gente ir al campo a divertirse y a hablar. Mi mural ubicado en la última casa cerca del campo de béisbol. La dirección es 5145 Ogden st, Filadelfia, 19139. Esta ubicación es mejor porque toda la comunidad puede ver el mural. También los coches conduciendo por la calle pueden ver el mural.
El arte puede representar emociones de una persona. Los diferentes colores usados pueden crear una historia. El arte público tiene muchas formas como grafiti, vandalismo y murales. Sin embargo, todos es arte.  Estoy de acuerdo de que todo puede ser el arte porque los gente diferentes tienen opiniones diferentes sobre el arte. Por lo tanto el arte de ellos van a crear arte diferente. Feo arte para mi, sería bonita arte para ti. Mi mural es una forma de arte porque representa mi cultura y emociones. Las piezas en mi mural es detallado y importante para el mensaje. Para mi, el propósito del arte público es permitir que a la gente de la comunidad para crear hermosas obras de arte y contar la historia que es importante para la cultura.
Mi mural tiene la palabra "Poderoso" porque se simboliza cómo las mujeres fuertes están en nuestra sociedad.También , el mural tengo tres mujeres de diferentes culturas. Representan las madres solteras que hay en el mundo. Las rayas de la cebra en el fondo representan la fuerza. He decidido un cebra porque unas cebras son animales grandes pero son muy huraños. Muchas mujeres tengo problemos. Sin embargo, ellos son callados porque ellos quieren guardar sus sentimientos personal.  Los cebras toman sus familia muy serios. Familia es realmente importante a ellos. Una cebra hembra es igual a mi mamá porque ella cuido de mi y es independiente. El tema en el mural es reconocer las dificultades de ser un solo madre.
Cuando la gente ve el mural, quiero entender que las dificultades de la madres solteras y respetan ellos.Yo creo que mi mural representa mi cultura y comunidad. El arte público es para artistas para expresar sus sentimientos y ser creativo. Entonces para este proyecto, quise que mi mural representa mamás solas independientes en el mundo. En general, creo que mi pintura mural es realmente bien. Amo las rayas de la cebra detalladas porque es diferente.

View E4 U3 El Arte Público in a larger map

Hamlet Close Reading

In the immortal work of the play writer Shakespeare, there is a play called Hamlet. Shakespeare decided that there should be several speeches that are very important to the story. There are also many things that help to contribute the importance of the story. Some depict a series of emotions that run through the characters. They help to explain more of what the individual character is feeling. The way that shakespeare decided to write the speeches is an excellent way to see the emotions coming off of the pages. 

One of the speeches that I decided to analyze is a speech given by one of the main characters Hamlet. He is going through a really rough time in his life with the passing of his father and the remarriage of his mother he gives off the most emotions through out the entire play. He has a lot of emotional and mental changes that we see through the writing of the speeches.With all that Hamlet is going through his mother and his uncle/stepfather are very worried about him and his abnormal behavior they decide to include some of Hamlet’s childhood friends to get the gist of what is going on. Hamlet gives a very emotional speech to his childhood friends.

In act two scene two of the play , the character Hamlet says “I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, an your secrecy to the King and Queen molt no feather I have of late, but wherefore I know not,lost all my mirth , foregone all customs of exercises, and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air look you, this brave o’er-hanging firmament , this majestical roof, fretted with golden fire- why it appeareth nothing to me but foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.”(2.2)

The speech given here Hamlet is basically saying he has some suspicions of why they are visiting. Considering he hasn’t seen them in quite some time it is a little unusual for them to be there with him. He brings up the idea that they are there for the King and Queen (His mother and Uncle/Stepfather) to seek out information on why he has been acting so strange. He also says that he is feeling a little bit of betrayal that they have not been around for a long time and that they appeared all of a sudden  with the command from the king and queen. They have all of a sudden appeared and they have came with not good intentions. Hamlet showed a lot of emotions towards his childhood friends because he has been going through some things. He says he has not been the same. He doesn’t enjoy the same activities. He is not the same person. He doesn’t seem the think the same things are fun anymore and things just aren’t going as good as they could go for him. 

Hamlet Keynote

Sara Nesbitt Hamlet Monologue


A damned defeat was made. Am I a coward?

Who calls me “villain”? Breaks my pate across?

Plucks off my beard and blows it in my face?

Tweaks me by the nose? Gives me the lie i' th' throat

Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave,

That I, the son of a dear father murdered,

Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell,

Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words

And fall a-cursing like a very drab,

A scullion! Fie upon ’t, foh!

About, my brain.—Hum, I have heard

That guilty creatures sitting at a play

Have, by the very cunning of the scene,

Been struck so to the soul that presently

They have proclaimed their malefactions.


In Act 2 Scene 2, Hamlet delivers an intriguing monologue that leaves you with more questions than answers. While asking questions about himself, he uncovers meaning behind his father’s death. "Am I a coward? Who calls me “villain”? Breaks my pate across? Plucks off my beard and blows it in my face?" Hamlet says as he enters a room alone. Throughout the play, he questions his instincts, and goes deep down to the core about what he's truly experiencing, and what is just inside his head. In this specific scene, we see the angry and confused man who wants to find peace within himself, and find the truth about his fathers death. "Must, like a whore, unpack my heart with words, Why, what an ass am I!" This quote being my favorite, because Hamlet's realizing how crazy he really seems, and he's questioning his own thoughts. He is so upset with himself because his father was just killed, his mother married his uncle, he is in love with Ophelia, and yet all he can do is say words. That is by far my favorite line because I can relate to it. Sometimes when you are thinking so much all that comes out is words. It's good when we can express our feelings, but we want to do instead of say. I can relate to Hamlet completely. It makes you think not only about Hamlet and what he will entail, but also about yourself, and the questions you have been trying to decipher. Hamlet has been going through a difficult time, but he code switches depending on whom he interacts with. I like this scene from the play, because he's not putting on an act for anyone. In front of Ophelia, Polonius, and especially his uncle, he's not himself. He acts crazy and dramatic, but it's still not what he's truly feeling. When he went into the room and said, "I am now alone." you can tell he is relieved, that he can express his true feelings without anyone knowing. 

"That I, the son of a dear father murdered, prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell." he is saying here that his father had just been murdered, and he is ready to get his revenge. Then he goes on to say he needs to get himself together, because all he is doing right now is standing around talking about it. After talking, thinking, and planning, he said "That guilty creatures sitting at a play have, by the very cunning of the scene, been struck so to the soul that presently they have proclaimed their malefactions." This concludes the scene, and puts a halt to Hamlet's crazy thoughts for now. He remembers that people who face their deeds, admit what they have done, due to guilt. Hamlet may be crazy, or he may just want justice for his father. Putting on a play of a king being murdered and watching his uncle’s reaction is genus. I believe that Hamlet really isn't crazy, but just lost in his own thoughts. His emotions are out of control, but when he has time to be true to himself, and think for himself, is when you can tell he's just a man who wants answers and justice for his father.

hamlet 1

Hamlet: Close Reading

"Get thee to a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me. I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven? We are arrant knaves, all. Believe none of us. Go thy ways to a nunnery." (Act 3, Scene 1)
Hamlet ANA

Ophelia and Hamlet are in an intense argument after Ophelia rejects the continuous of her relationship with Hamlet. Ophelia returning Hamlet his love letters was her way of rejecting his love. Of course Hamlet doesn’t take this well at all. He is outraged by her actions in fact. Hamlet and Ophelia begin to lock horns. 

In the first couple sentences, Hamlet ultimately dismantles Ophelia’s ego when he says, “Get thee (to) a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” A nunnery means convent (used mockingly to refer to brothel). Brothel, is a house where men can visit prostitutes. So, he refers to Ophelia, who is his lover, as a prostitutes; a sinful woman. As a sinful woman, she shouldn’t born any child because then there will only be more sinners in the world. 

When you are directed towards the third sentence, Hamlet says that he is an “indifferent honest”. To be indifferent honest, you are reasonably virtuous, meaning good. But, he sounds a bit contradicting as he finishes the sentence. After all, Hamlet hasn’t been the complete angel in the story so far. For example, In Act 1, Scene 5, Hamlet is confronted by his father’s ghost. The ghost tells Hamlet that he was murdered by the new king of Denmark, Claudius. He then tries to connivence Hamlet to seek revenge for him by killing Claudius. If he won’t kill Claudius for him, at least kill Claudius for Denmark:

“Oh, horrible, oh, horrible, most horrible!

If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not.

Let not the royal bed of Denmark be

A couch for luxury and damnèd incest.

But howsoever thou pursuest this act,

Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive

Against thy mother aught. Leave her to heaven

And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge

To prick and sting her. Fare thee well at once.

The glowworm shows the matin to be near,

And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire.

Adieu, adieu, adieu. Remember me.“ (Lines 78-91) 

Hamlet’s mind is set upon this and he responses to the naughty sin by saying,

“It is “Adieu, adieu. Remember me.”

I have sworn ’t.” (Lines 111-112) 

Hamlet goes on in a more reassuring way when he says to Ophelia, “I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offenses at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in.” It also seems as if Hamlet is trying to speck himself into higher spirits. He says that everyone has their fair share of flaws, but as long as a person can shape them into something good, then they’ll be fine. 

But then there is a sudden shift of tone in the next line when Hamlet says, “What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven?” It falls into a tone of confusion and anger. Was his father’s spirit on his heart? Does he think that he will end up like his spirit? Stuck between earth and heaven? Hamlet ends their argument by directing Ophelia again to go to a nunnery to repent and reflect upon her sins. But, shouldn’t Hamlet be the one doing so instead of Ophelia? 

In conclusion, Shakespeare uses his words to bring life into his text. Without his usage of certain words, his texts wouldn’t be valued. Throughout Hamlet, Shakespeare has a strong usage and play with his words. They can really set the tone for a text because they are the backbone. 

Marching Soles Shoe Drive

Capstone Flyer.001
Capstone Flyer.001
Please donate shoes to the Marching Soles capstone! There will be bins located on the second floor for the entire month of March. All proceeds will go to those in need via PlanetAid. If you have any questions please contact Mecca Sharrieff, at msharrieff@scienceleadership.orgThank you!


1) Can I donate just one shoe? Sure can!

2) Can I donate heels? Yup! Any shoe, any size. 

3) Where do proceeds go to? Planet Aid is an awesome organization that packages the donations and separates them based on quality. Those of a higher grade go to thrift stores in less fortunate countries. The lesser grade shoes/clothes are 'fixed' and then sent to disaster relief victims or others in need. 

Ananda Knight Hamlet close reading Act 1 Scene 5


Hamlet Analysis Act 1 Scene 5

Ananda Knight

I am thy father's spirit,

Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night,

And for the day confined to fast in fires,

Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature

Are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid

To tell the secrets of my prison-house,

I could a tale unfold whose lightest word

Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,

Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,

Hamlet is written in old english and has its ways of presenting words and lines in which people today may have a hard time understanding. Even though the text may be a little hard to read the way in which Shakespeare is written makes it both interesting, and a learning experience. 

The Hamlet scene that I found really interesting was Act 1 Scene 5. In this scene/ act Hamlet is introduced to the ghost of his father. His father’s ghost comes to him one night. When he first opens up to Hamlet he tells him how he has sinned and his should has yet to enter the gates of heaven because of his many untold sins. Even though the ghost of Hamlets father comes to him and presents himself and tells him that he cant go to heaven until he is punished for his sins he still refuses to tell his son what the sins are exactly for his is forbid to tell them. 

When reading this at first I expected Hamlet and his fathers first words to be different. I thought that Hamlet and his father may have exchanged words like I miss you, how are you ect. 

I also expected Hamlet to seem a little scared or hesitant as to how his father is appearing to him and why he can see a ghost. One question I had was did Hamlet notice that the ghost was his father even before he came out and said I am thy fathers spirit. Another question I had was what were all of the sins that the ghost had been talking about.

When I think of a king I think of a good person someone who people come to for help, guidance, and leadership. As I read this scene I wonder what kind of sins could a king have against him keeping him from his entrance into heaven. This scene is powerful because not only does it show a relationship between Hamlet and his father but It leaves readers wondering and mind boggled. Readers will be left wondering because the ghost constantly reminds the readers about how his are to horrible to be told and that he is forbid to tell them. But why? What are they? what did he do? Why can he talk to his own son about it? These are all questions that went through my mind while reading the scene. This scene includes an excerpt that makes me to continue to read the book and hope that soon my questions are answered.

This scene has a good way of telling us about the ghost’s past. was Hamlets father really a bad person or a criminal. Is there a reason why the author held back the sins in which he committed and why did he describe them as being so traitorous. I feel like this scene covered a lot with a few lines.

Shakespeare Hamlet Analysis

OPHELIA Oh, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!— The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword, Th' expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form, Th' observed of all observers, quite, quite down! And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, That sucked the honey of his music vows, Now see that noble and most sovereign reason Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh; That unmatched form and feature of blown youth Blasted with ecstasy. Oh, woe is me, T' have seen what I have seen, see what I see! Ophelia was very powerful with her use of words in the monologue above. I have come to understand that overall, she was trying to say that Hamlet was always noble, but after what he said and did, she thinks he is lost in his own self. How he used to be scholarly, strong like a soldier, and to be one with much grace. How Hamlet him self was the rose of the state which he lived in. Meaning that he was someone that was looked at, like an elegant flower. Hamlet was always someone to look up to, and really admire as a person. What everything Ophelia thought he was as a person, she does not see anymore. One thing she says which is quite passionate is, “Th' observed of all observers, quite, quite down! And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,” I understood this to mean that out of all the women that were fond of Hamlet and fell for him the way she did, no one has ever been as miserable or upset as she is. I also seem to think that Ophelia always thought that Hamlet was so sweet and charming yet now he has been nothing but harsh and inconsiderate. She feels that how Hamlet use to act before is totally different from now, which is all affected by his insanity. Now that she see’s him as so insane, it makes her feel sorrow to see that he has changed and so different then before. Throughout reading Ophelia’s monologue over and over, I kept on thinking back to one certain movie and experience I have been apart of. In the movie John Tucker Must Die, there are these, three girls in different friend groups who go out with the same boy at the same time. The new girl in school notices this is happening and ends up telling them. Once all the girls find out, they’re heartbroken but want revenge. They use the new girl to get him by pretending to like him and go out with him, yet she actually falls for him, and falls for him hard. More then the other girls. Which is exactly what Ophelia did. She fell for Hamlet and when something bad happened, just like it did in the movie, they feel the worst pain. Worse then the other people and makes them feel confused. Just like Ophelia thought Hamlet was different this new girl thought this as well. She thought she saw another side of John Tucker, just like Ophelia thought she saw another side of Hamlet. Yet, over all both of their hearts end up being broken. This is a very modern day, teenage movie connection but it is also something that can happen to real life teenagers as well. Some fall in love with a boy and really fall for them. They think they know everything about this person and really see the good in them. See what other people don’t. They realize why some people fell for the person before because of how imaginable they really are. Until this one big thing happens, and everything falls apart. Their in shock, because they never even expected it at all, especially to the one they love, desire and look to for everything. They never saw this side of the person. How harsh they were and it felt very inconsiderate. The pain just goes right through them, as if the person they loved never really loved them back. This happens to teenagers just like it happened to Ophelia. Confused to what just happened. Like everything happened so fast, but still in shock from the person they thought they knew to the person they just saw.

Shakespeare "to be or not to be" analysis

Hamlet, this play is base around the life of a Danish noble and the struggles he encounters in his life, but most importantly it’s about revenge of someone he loves most dearly. I will be analyzing a monologue he has in the middle of the play in the palace he is staying in.


Shakespeare has created the ability to connect the characters and their problems and/or situations with common problems and people. This quote from the play Hamlet, “To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?The idea of whether is it better to live or to die. The topic of suicide was frowned and shamed upon this point in time but it was a popular theme in English literature since the idea was very prevalent in the minds of the common public at the time. But I have come to the conclusion that Shakespeare himself didn’t mind the thought or the act of suicide. He talks more about how society brings misfortune more than it does fortune and that it would be okay to end it since it was indeed very frustrating and unfair. This point can be furthered in the second part of the lines.


            “To die, to sleep—No more—and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to—’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep.” My assumption about how Shakespeare views death through this play is sleep. He views death as a constant sleep in which you can never awaken from. I believe that the concept of death as a long slumber became popular through the Hamlet play. Shakespeare was very popular at the time this play was shown and passed down through out the years. He also continues the concept of suicide and how it could be an alternative to dealing with all the hardships life has to offer.


            To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause. There’s the respect that makes calamity of so long life.” This portion of the famous Hamlet monologue is just about the concept of committing suicide or the thought of that action. But what is most fascinating about it the quote is the concept of dreaming if you’re dead. The logic of death according Shakespeare through this play is that death is just a long sleep. With sleep comes dreaming, you might know what you’re going to dream since you witness sounds, images and colors, but you can’t know what you will dream when none of those exist. This really puts a second thought in mind about suicide and is a very philosophical way of looking at the situation, what happens after death?


romey q3 shakespear analyisis

Hamlet: Close Reading

Shakespeare is a very skillful and interesting poet. He puts all of his plays together in a very unique way. How he chooses his style of words and the way he puts them together is incredible. He gives his audiences different perspectives of each of his works and makes them feel every emotion of the characters. One great example of this is in the play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, during the soliloquy made by Ophelia in Scene 3 Act 1 lines 163-175. Ophelia was the romantic interest of Hamlet before he started to act “crazy”. In the ball room of the castle they live in, Hamlet just left the room after truly expressing to Ophelia how he feels about her. Ophelia is left alone and she is saddened by what Hamlet has said to her, and starts to reminisce on how he used to be and how he is now. 

Oh, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!—

The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, 


Th' expectancy and rose of the fair state,

The glass of fashion and the mould of form,

(III.I 163-167) 

Is the first few words Ophelia says in her soliloquy after Hamlet has left the room.  She states that he is not the same as before. His mind has been “o’erthrown” (163) meaning turned around, or taken over by something opposite of what he was before. She then starts to give the reader an idea of how Hamlet was before “The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword, Th' expectancy and rose of the fair state, The glass of fashion and the mould of form,...” (164-167) She is saying that he was, a great role model, so strong, admirable, a gentleman, with a scholar’s wit. She is confused because he was all of these great and noble things and she does not understand what has happened to him. His whole great and romantic personality has went down the drain.

Th' observed of all observers, quite, quite down!

And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,

That sucked the honey of his music vows,

Now see that noble and most sovereign reason

Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh;

(III.I 166-172)

Ophelia is continuing to express her feelings towards Hamlet’s “o’erthrown (163)” mind. “Th' observed of all observers, quite, quite down!

And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,” (166-169) She feels like his new attitude has hit her the hardest because they had a romantic connection with each other. She may feel that he has just let that all go and didn’t think about her at all. “That sucked the honey of his music vows, Now see that noble and most sovereign reason...” (170-171) Shakespeare is also a great man of metaphors and similes and many other figure of speeches. This sentence is a great example of a metaphor. Ophelia is comparing Hamlets new attitude to a music note that has lost its happy tune. She continues this thought by saying “Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh;” (172) The tune now tune is harsh, instead of how it used to be which was sweet. I found it interesting how Shakespeare chose music notes to compare his attitude to. This shows how unpredictable Shakespeare’s plays are, none of his plays are hackneyed and they are all original.

That unmatched form and feature of blown youth

Blasted with ecstasy. Oh, woe is me,

T' have seen what I have seen, see what I see!


She concludes her thoughts by letting the readers know that he is not the same as he was when growing up, it is all ruined by the madness that is inside of him.” That unmatched form and feature of blown youth, Blasted with ecstasy...” She knows that this is not the Hamlet that was raised by the noble family. He has changed greatly and she does not like it. “Oh, woe is me, T' have seen what I have seen, see what I see!...” She is highly affected by his behavior. 

Shakespeare tries to communicate to the audience that she is upset throughout this whole soliloquy because he want to make it as real as possible. Personally, I believe he naturally goes above and beyond in his plays which makes him such a famous and remembered playwright. This soliloquy from Hamlet is a great mixture of Shakespeare’s style. It has emotions 

Hamlet keynote

A Close Reading of Hamlet

Excerpt from the Play:
Act 3, Scene 1, Lines 63-81

"To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?"


Time and time again, there are new analyzations, theories, or thoughts that come from the writings of the poet, William Shakespeare. The play Hamlet is no different from all of his other writings of soliloquies, speeches, and ideas. And what makes this play shine out is that the ideas of having multiple meanings to the passages from this one play. A remarkable example of this can be seen in Hamlet’s speech, a soliloquy of Hamlet facing the idea of death or keeping the life of dishonesty that he currently had. In the speech, he talks to himself and compares the value of life and the value of an endless sleep. This part of the play shows another side of Hamlet that Shakespeare is slowly starting to reveal as the play winds down and prepares for the drama of the royal family of Denmark.

            “To die, to sleep;” (Line 63, Act 3, Scene 1) Here, Hamlet is debating life and death. He doesn’t know what to believe due to the fact that the people around him assume that he is crazy and are willing to reiterate to the King and Queen of Denmark every action and conversation Hamlet will have whether it is to directly them or whether it is not. He it would be like he is sleeping off his problems, worries, and ideas.  This one line builds the structure for what Hamlet is trying to portray. He shows that there is much more to death then meets thee eye. In line 64, act 3, scene1, Hamlet says: “To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;” going more in-depth with the thought of sleeping forever. He wants to highly consider it but then there is a draw back. Readers can see that Hamlet is highly considering the idea of death and peacefulness over his life. While Hamlet is debating on committing suicide or not, he soon realizes that there is a price for dying. The term: “there’s a rub” means that there is a price of death and that is that no one knows what comes after death.

            With that, Hamlet goes into the proposal of death and what the repayment of taking his life really means in the thought of line 65-66: “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,” As Hamlet says this,  he is slowly changing his mind from considering death to slowly moving back to the perks of living. He previously stated that he wanted to sleep but now states that he does not know what dreams will or will not come true in his never-ending sleep. He doesn’t even know if there is life after death on this earth. A modern day translation of this could be: “If I do die, what will happen to me? Where will I go after death and how will I go on with...anything? That is the only perk to living because I know there will be a tomorrow and I am living for today.”

            And with that, we see the more rational side of Hamlet come back to say: “Must give us pause: there's the respect…that makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time… The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,” (67-73) In regard to these lines, the mindset of Hamlet changes again because of his approach to appreciating life. When looking at all that he has been through, we can see that Hamlet has seen it all: his father’s ghost returning to seek revenge, a crooked king, deceitful friends, and the loss of his love’s heart and honesty.

            As Hamlet goes on to the amount of deceitfulness and negativity coming from his surroundings, he drifts back into a suicidal state of mind and see that maybe: “When he himself might his quietus make…With a bare bodkin? …Who would fardels bear,” (74-75) and that maybe a dagger would do more good than the amount of harm that has already taken place in his life. Now Hamlet is stuck between a rock and a hard place, “To grunt and sweat under a weary life,” (76). Going on, Hamlet sees that death leads to peacefulness “but that the dread of something after death… The undiscover'd country from whose bourn…No traveller returns, puzzles the will…And makes us rather bear those ills we have…Than fly to others that we know not of?” (77-83)

            In the most cautious and unstable state of mind, Hamlet shows that there are three sides to him, one that is afraid of death, one that will avenge his father’s wrongful death, and one that is willing to die for everything to end on his part. With that, readers can see that with the progression of the play there will always be at least one side of these three traits in him.

Here's How I Did a Close Reading of the Play:

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Jalen Smith (Hamlet Close Reading)

Jalen Smith

Analysis Of A Hamlet Quote

Laertes and Ophelia’s Confrontation 

Important Information From Scene: Act 1 Scene 3 page 39-40


Think it no more.                                                 

For nature, crescent, does not grow alone 

In thews and (bulk) but, as this temple waxes,

The inward service of the mind and soul

Grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now,

And now no soil nor cautel doth demirch

The virtue of his will; but you must fear, 

His greatness weighed, his will is not his own,

(For he himself is subject to his birth.)

He may not, as unvalued persons do,

Carve for himself, for on his choice depends

The safety and the health of this whole state.

And therefore must his choice be circumscribed

Unto the voice and yielding of that body

Whereof he is the head. Then, if he says he loves you,

It fits your wisdom so far to believe it

As he in his particular act and place

May give his saying deed, which is no further

Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.

Then weigh what loss your honor may sustain

If with too credent ear you list his songs

Or lose your heart or your chaste treasure open

To his unmastered importunity.

Fear it, Ophelia; fear it, my dear sister,

And keep you in the rear of your affection,

Out of the shot and danger of desire.


William Shakespeare, the legendary dramatist, has been recognized for his ability to create such dramatic characters that can lie within every reader. There are many examples listed throughout Shakespeare's most well told stories, one entitled Hamlet. One remarkable example is the deep conversation between both Ophelia and Laertes. The two both discuss the relationship between Ophelia and Hamlet. In the beginning of this scene Laertes is preparing to go away for quite some time. While Laertes is preparing himself, his sister Ophelia enters and they both begin to review everything that has to be done while he is gone. While reviewing Laertes offers additional advice to Ophelia.

The advice that he provided was about Hamlet. Laertes mentions to Ophelia that she should just consider thinking that Hamlet thinks of her as a hot blooded youth and that their relationship won’t last. Laertes thinks that everything is sweet and also believes that Hamlets affections towards her will all fade away very soon. As the reader of this passage it actually seems as though even though Ophelia and Hamlet are both deeply in love and they would like to be together Laertes is trying to do everything in his power to try and stop their thriving relationship. When the reader analyzes the tensions between what Laertes is thinking about Hamlet and what Ophelia is thinking about Hamlet it turns out to be completely different.  It seems as though Laertes kind of shows some type of hatred towards Hamlet. 

As Laertes starts talking to Ophelia he mentions some very important things which help reveal his actual concern for Ophelia. He say’s “For nature, crescent, does not grow alone In thews and (bulk) but, as the temple waxes, The inward service of the mind and soul Grows wide withal.” Through this quote Laertes is suggesting that Hamlet not only gets bigger in his body but his responsibilities have to grow also. This quote seemed to be very challenging but I had to really dig deep and take my time to try and understand exactly what he was talking about. In the next sentence Laertes says, “Perhaps he loves you now, And now no soil nor cautel doth demirch The virtue of his will; but you must fear, His greatness weighed, his will is not his own, (For he himself is subject to his birth.)” Laertes is trying to encourage the situation in someway by stating Hamlets love for Ophelia however he believes that she has to become cautious of his actions towards her. He then says that she must remember that he belongs to a family of high authority and his intentions don’t really matter that much at all. 

After making that clear Laertes then mentions, “He may not, as unvalued persons do, Carve himself, for on his choice depends The safety and the health of this whole state. And Therefore must his choice be circumscribed Uno the voice and yielding of that body Whereof he is the head.” This quote stood out to me because Laertes is saying to Ophelia that Hamlet can’t really make personal choices for himself because the country depends on what he does as a person. The choices that he makes for himself have to agree with the whole nation of Denmark. This situation is thoroughly indicated in some cases. He goes on and says, “It fits your wisdom so far to believe it As he in his particular act and place May give his saying deed, which is no further Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.” Laertes is basically saying that if Hamlet loves Ophelia, she should be wise enough to see that his words only mean as much as the state of Denmark allows them to mean. This quote was very interesting.

Then he says, “Then weigh what loss your honor may sustain If with loss your honor may sustain If with too credent ear you list his songs, Or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open To his unmastered importunity.” Ophelia in this case should think about how shameful it would be for her to fall for his flirtatious conversations and should surrender her treasure to his importunity. One of the last important quotes that Laertes said to Ophelia was, “Fear it, Ophelia; fear it, my dear sister, And keep you in the rear of your affection, Out of the shot and danger of desire.” From this quote Laertes is warning Ophelia about Hamlet’s ways and that she should keep her love under control for him. Laertes says that she shouldn’t become apart of his own desire. 

To conclude everything this work of Shakespeare goes to show that he is very creative with showing the audience how dramatic character can really lie within every reader.

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