Blog Feed
Enemy of the State
* The government is portrayed as the enemy. They are killing people for no reason and destroying peoples lives. They are seen to be creeping into peoples personal live. They seem to have no life to be following someone like this over a crime that was never in there hand. I feel as though they could have been the bigger person, and sat down with Will Smith to have a professional meeting.
-how individual citizens' privacy is respected?
* Their privacy is not respected. They have sneaked into peoples homes and posted cameras around all of their homes. It seems creepy to me that people are hovering over someone and finding out al of there business.
-your opinion on level of access the govt should have to your personal info?
* I think that on a scale of 1-10 I would give the government an 4. I would say enough to know where we live, work, and the bills that we pay. Anything else like who we talk to, where we shop, how much money we spend and have shouldn't be none of there business.
-when individual freedoms can/should be restricted for safety of community?
*Only when you have proof on hand such as on paper, video, person, or photo. Therefore you can get a secured warrant and conduct the correct procedure correctly.
Blog Post 1: September 11 Shorts
9/11 Blog Post
September 11- Response
Later, however, as the video progressed as the man was asleep, the twin towers were hit and as one began to fall the light began to come through the window into the appartment. That was the most powerful part of the video because it made me think like, imagine the people that were home close by as the towers collapsed and how the lighting and scenery changed. It made me think and left a big impression on me.
Then when the flowers came back to life and the guy woke up to them excited. He seemed happy to me but I just thought it was strange. It wasn't til the end that I realized that it wasn't until the light came in that the guy woke up from his delusion that his wife was long gone. Pretty sad ending and again very powerful as the last tower fell and its shadow disappeared from the outside walls of the appartment.
Enemy Of State Reflection
Enemy of State was a fast paced movie of intrigue showing just how much power the government has over each US citizens "Privacy". As well as how much power they have that unless dealt with on extreme conditions they strength cannot be met. I never realized how far technology had advanced into each persons personal privacy. From satellites from outer space that brought google earth into creation, can be used against the average joe. Lets not forget bugs as well as cameras that can be snuck into a persons home as surveillance. The government is portrayed in the film as people who want to accomplish or go through whatever means they have to in order to get what it is they want. and Killing someone or even ruining their lives seem to all be likely solutions to their problems or what is portrayed in the movie. Though it is a pretty biased stand point only showing the government as people from a bad perspective on interested in saving their own rear ends. Though i'm sure all of the technology that they have can be used for good as much as it was used for bad maybe even more. I believe that it is true that the government should be aware that there is a limit to how much information that they are allowed to access or use against someone. They shouldn't be able to view personal information on a daily basis in less there is a valid reason for invading someones privacy. As well as laws and consequences for abuse the right of citizens for their own selfish and or greedy reasons. They should also have professional documents in which would allow them the accesses of personal invasion of privacy.
9/11 Short Film Response
Enemy of the State - JHinton
Being that this wasn't the first time I've seen this movie, I always feel that this is one of Tony Scott's best films. Anyways, when you watch a movie for enjoyment, it's totally different than watching, and trying to pick out specific things. It was weird watching it, after learning about the USA PATRIOT Act. To realize that all of the technical things are attainable now, is kind of crazy. And to think that there are people who have to listen in on the private things that people speak about, email, or text to others is kind of weird. It would be nice to speak to someone with this job, and see how it affects them as an individual.
In the movie, the government is portrayed as being SUPERIOR! Not that they aren't, but the government officials in the movie acted as if they were the only important things living. It was also kind of weird to see that the different government agencies didn't really work together. It was like they each had their own agendas to tend to.
The citizens in the movie, were treated as though they weren't "human beings". Kind of like the government officials were the only people that should really have a say so in what takes place in the country. It was kind of like they let people believe they're living their own "private lives", while in reality, they're really being invaded by appointed government officials.
Honestly, if the government was spying on me, there isn't anything to do to prevent it. How does one go about telling someone higher up than me, that they can't dig into my personal life? I've known before that the government can monitor certain technical aspects of our lives, but now I'll definitely be a bit more cautious of things I send out now, just because I see the bigger picture of the whole thing. In a way, I'm not opposed to it, because it's supposed to be for "our own good", but I'm also not totally excited about it either. We're subject to these conditions, because of the world we live in. We'll just have to get over it.
Jess Jimnez - EotS
The way the government is portrayed in the film is as if agencies are kind of separated. Like it seemed that the FBI didn't care about going after NSA even if they were government officials. I found this interesting because it meant that while some people actually would interfere with another agency/branch if they were doing something wrong. In a way, similar to how the President can veto a bill if he/she thinks it's unjust. So maybe a system of checks and balances comes into play?
Would I allow the government to spy on me? Hell no. Can I stop them? I'm not sure how to do that. We can't get our own guys to sweep for bugs around our homes. We're all being watched some ways or another. But does it affect me personally? Nope. The NSA could be reading this right now. They could have like 10 agents on me RIGHT NOW. I may not be able to finish this because I might "know too much". I'm not okay with the government surveilling us, but I can't do anything to stop it. That's the point I'm making.
I guess in a way, we're all subject to what our governments do to us by wanting to live in this country.
9/11 Short Film
Blog Post 1: Enemy of the State
9/11 Short Film Response
The one thing that stood out to me before anything else about the film was: the intensity. The missing soundtrack and use of muffled silence almost put me over the edge. Here we see (hear) the world through a deaf/mute woman during the event of 9/11. Sure it's an interesting take on the way to tell the story of 9/11 differently, but it was more than that. To me, that (the whole film) symbolized the millions of stories that people across the world have to tell. Everyone went through something different; experienced unique happenings throughout the course of 9/11. That's why that film especially stood out to me. It wasn't just about her or his (the characters), it was about my story. My friend's story. My mom's story. My neighbor's story. My neighbor's friend's story. And his family's story and so on and so on. We all have something different and unique to bring tot he table, and the film was the medium in which people could voice their story, even without the actual use of sound. The film, to me, was all about the story of the people.
Dig Vid 9/11 Blog Post
Jess Jimnez - 9/11 Short Film Response
The french director's film was interesting as well. Maybe because I didn't feel like it was a 'silent' film, rather we were experiencing the story through the woman, who was both deaf and mute. We only heard what she could hear, and say what she would say. The few seconds of the phone call with the woman's partner helped foreshadow the events that were going to happen, and what possible outcomes could happen. The rest went on to being through the life of the deaf woman. Who was a unique way of telling a story.
Back to School Nights - September 11th and 13th
For Freshmen and Seniors, your night is Tuesday, September 11th from 6 - 8 P.M.
Freshmen will be having an advisory potluck in the school cafe, where they will be greeted by Mr. Lehmann, break bread with their new groups, and also have a chance to meet the freshmen teachers. Families are asked to contribute dishes to the evening by last name:
A-F - Appetizers + Snacks
G-S - Main Dishes
T-Z - Desserts + Beverages
Seniors will be having a College Information Night with Ms. Hirschfield, Mr. Lehmann, and their advisors in the Drama Studio. Crucial information and forms will be shared.
For Sophomores and Juniors, your night is Thursday, September 13 from 6 - 8 P.M.
Families will be greeted by Mr. Lehmann and will then have time in their advisories to learn about academics and visit classes online. This will include information about Moodle, Naviance, and other relevant programs. Families will also have time to visit subject teachers one-on-one.
For all grade levels -- students are strongly encouraged to attend with their families!
Girls Volleyball Starts Summer Conditioning
All interested girls MUST bring current physicals and knee pads. We will meet at SLA and then walk to the field on Chestnut and 31 St.
Practices will take place on Tuesdays from 3:00-5:00 pm and Thursdays from 4:00 -5:00 pm at the field (on Chestnut and 31st) or Freire Charter School. Questions should be addressed to Coach Hirschfield at or 917-797-9807.
Part-Time Interns Needed!
Click HERE for more information.
Email your resume to if interested!
9th Grade Summer Reading Info
Dear Incoming Ninth Grader,
Welcome to SLA! Before coming to school in September we'd like you to read one of three books:The House of the Scorpion (Nancy Farmer), The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins), or Ender's Game (Orson Scott Card).
While you may get the book from the library, we strongly suggest that you purchase your choice text, as we will be using it in English classes in September. Of course, feel free to read more than one title! They are all so great!
Below are some questions to help you navigate your novel and help you prepare to discuss it with your classmates and teachers. As you may already know, SLA utilizes guiding questions that help focus our studies and make learning more meaningful for us all.
As you read, think about the following larger questions as they apply to the characters,action, conflicts, and resolutions in your choice text and also as they apply to your life. Part of active reading includes some writing. Prepare to hand in a journal consisting of at least eight entries, each one longer than a half page. Before you write, consider the following questions to explore in your journal. Include your own personal responses to these questions, and how these questions might apply to your choice text. This will be collected in September.
- What is family?
- What is the power of friendship?
- What does it mean to be a caregiver/mother/father?
- What is education and where can it exist?
- What is love?
- How does a person become evil?
- In what ways can the line between good and evil be blurred?
- How do you justify the idea that a person can be both good and evil at the same time?
- Who is a survivor? Why?
- What does it mean to be human?
- How can children create their own paths in a world run by the adults?
SLA Students Transform TFI Recycling System
Periodic Table Print
10% Project
RoughCutFilmFest2012 (master file from Fest)
President Barack Obama Speaks To The Class of 2012
Thank you to President Barack Obama for an incredible gift that the graduates will take with them for the rest of their lives, and congratulations to the Class of 2012!
Cross Country
If you have any questions you can e-mail or