Recipe for Sushi Roll Philadelphia Style
Serving size: 1
Material: Bamboo rolling mat, a butter knife, a sharp knife, and a bowl of warm water.
- 1 cup of warm cooked White rice
- 1 Seaweed
- 2 Crab classic leg style (Can be bought in package at ShopRite)
- 1 Cucumber green
- 1 Avocado green
- 2 tbsps (30 g) of regular cream cheese
Step 1: Preparing:
Start by cutting the filling ingredients. For the cucumber, slide it into long pieces by its length. For the avocado, cut it into two halves then use a spoon to scoop the meat out of its skin. Next, slide the half avocado by its length.
Step 2: Filling:
Put the seaweed on the bamboo rolling mat (make sure the smooth side faces down). Then spread the warm cooked white rice evenly on the seaweed. Next, place the fillings length-wide next to each other. For the cream cheese, use a butter knife to make a slide of cream cheese, and place it next to other fillings.
Step 3: Rolling:
Begin with the side nearest from you and roll it further away. Avoid rolling the mat into the sushi. Use the mat to tighten the roll.
Step 4: Cutting:
Dip the sharp knife into warm water. Using sawing (back-and-forth) motion and very light pressure, slice each sushi roll crosswise into eight or more pieces. For easier cutting, frequently dip knife blade into hot water.
* Approximately, 70% is processed food. All, but cucumber and avocado, are packaged and precooked.
* Approximately, the serving is 300 calories, total fat 10g, 10g of sugar. The body will deal with this food by breaking down the nutritions, then use them. The extra will be stored in muscle tissues and liver. As always, the unnecessary parts will be[come] waste. This type of food is not the healthiest, but also not the worst. One might not get fat from it, since there is little calories, sugar, and fat.
* The crab is packaged in Wisconsin, seaweeds are from Korea, rice is from Thailand, Cream cheese is made in Philadelphia, cucumber grows locally, and avocado is shipped Guatemala. So the farthest traveler would be rice. So my meal traveled around thousand of miles before reaching my mouth. Most sadly, none of them was organically grown. On top of that, the process of growing rice is particularly harmful to the environment, due to the modern model of farming as to increase number of harvests per year quantitatively and qualitatively by using pesticide and GMO seeds. Similarly with avocado and cucumber, where the new market set up by large corporation created a new farming culture of capitalist oriented.
* The meal costs around $10. It is as cheap as fast food. There is n regulation on the import of milled rice. For avocado, it needs to meet a certain requirement by a grading system issue from USDA. Other products have no regulation. The major corporation that hold the ground of fruit and vegetable import is Dole Food, which is also the largest producer of fruit and vegetable.
* These food items can be bought at any super market, and restaurants. The ingredients are well traveled, and that they are grown from GMO seed and went through a highly biochemical process of farming. Since the soil and climate of the US limit the kind of plant and animals to be farmed, there are certain type of agricultural products that need to be imported such as wet rice. Beside these types, there are possibilities of growing avocado, cucumber in the backyard.
Personal Reflection:
There is definitively a tremendous growth of my knowledge about food, particularly the food industry. I remember walking into the class with a very vague idea of how the two phenomenons science and society are intersected and related. However, with the discussions around different topics, from Fracking to Food Inc, I have consolidated the understanding as I been through the class.
The biggest problem in my view is the ubiquity of GMOs in daily dietary and its negative effect on human health and the environment. It is even scarier when one re-examined their life and realized that they have been raised on bio-chemical food. The unit also pushes me to be more active in my diet, as I always need to be conscious of what I am eating. At the same time, I have been having conversations with different people about the issues with our food system. The movie Food, Inc has changed my view of what I eat, as well as where are my foods coming from. I have been more critical in shopping for groceries lately because of that. There are certainly changes that I could take. The first one is to know my food, and minimize what is unnecessary. On top of that, adding more vegetable into my diet is another step to take.