Quarter 1: Clear Object Drawing

I would like to welcome you to look at my first clear drawing. I am in advanced art and one of the assignmets we were assigned to do is to pick a glass object and draw it as you see it. The object should appear from your point of view and should be as detailed as possible. The object that I chosr to draw was the one I thought would be the simplest, I was wrong but I chose a sort of bowl shaped object. When I first started the object I was hesistant to start becuase I didnt want to mess up, I soon got over that and decided thst I would start,from the simplest task and draw lightly. We were insructed to use a tool called charcol which is a skinny black chalk like tool and it can break very easily. My first step was some thing called shading, to do this i just took the charcol on its side and move the tool up and down left and right and then take your hand and kind of smear it in just a little bit. After I had my background all set I move on to the bowl. I first drew the top of the bowl how I seen it and then I drew the aide of the bowl and tried to make them as even on both sides as possible because the bowl is wide this was at times frustrating but I would shade again and start over. The next part is the inside of the bowl on the bottom is a circular part of the bowl but to the eye it is invisible so I had to draw it and then shade the inside of it, shading is my favorite part of the art process by the way with this project. After I drew the object the best I thought it looked it was time to put what I call the glare into the bowl where the light hits it. When I did this I had to use an eraser to give it that affect. I loved this part to I found it interesting that just with little tweaks here and there you can really make a picture come alive. After I drew this object I felt really good about it and it also made me feel more confident about doing other art in the future. I n this process I really got most of my inspiration and motivation from watching everyone in the class and watching,how their art hhas changed witht the drawing and re-drawing and changing thier perspectives and starting over. I like yhe fact that with this perticular piece we had time to think about what,we wanted to draw, and how we wanted to draw it. This gave this project more or a free independent feel rather then an assigment that you have to get done and over with. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post about my spectacular clear art.
Photo on 11-10-11 at 1.17 PM
Photo on 11-10-11 at 1.17 PM
Photo on 11-10-11 at 1.18 PM #4
Photo on 11-10-11 at 1.18 PM #4

Patriot Act





I chose this bill mainly because when I first heard about it I was really interested to know how the process of it becoming a law went. I knew it's process was one of the fastest to becoming a law but I really didn't know about the details of the process and thought it would be an interesting bill to research and talk about. When I get different projects I usually transform them into a little movie since that is what I love and it makes the process more fun but for this I wanted to tell a story like if it was a children's book so I kind of found a way to put two and two together making it like a storybook but adding different effects and music to make it kind of like a little film. For the most part this project wasn't to difficult since I was kind of having fun doing it but some of the challenges I faced was probably trying to find a good source to explain some detailed parts of the patriot act since most sources just told the main stuff and it would of made the video way to short so I wanted to make sure I could get some good details so the video/storybook would be better. So finding a good source and then incorporating it into the video/storybook was I think the biggest challenge I faced. If I did this project again I would probably make sure I used my time more efficiently and probably add more to the story like after it became a law as well. When researching the process of an idea becoming a bill and then becoming a law I learned a lot about some of the reasons why it truly takes SO long for a bill to become a law. The idea becoming a bill was a fairly quick process but the process of a bill becoming a law was the long one. When a bill is being introduced and such if just one person says no, depending on how high he/she is in ranking, they will have to pause the bill and review it again in a later meeting. So for this law since at first it wasn't very popular within the committee it was paused and brought up later and then throughout the process there was always someone who would disagree and then slow down the process once again. So one person can really effect the process of a bill becoming a law. I didn't really have any expectations for this law just because I chose it because I wanted to learn more about it so I didn't think about whether it was going to be really hard or really easy. But overall I think the process was kind of in the middle, in a lot of ways it was simple but gathering all the info was difficult at times. But in the end I believe it came out well. 

Clear Glass Beaker

Ms. Hull assigned to us that we needed to make a clear 3-D sketch of an object. The video she showed us for an example, had a perfect drawling of a clear object. It looked like difficult process in the way it was drawn. The first thing I did was get my background color in first on my paper and then thought how will I create this object and make it clear. I started with the rim of my 3-D glass beaker.

       I drew dark strokes where I saw solid glass and erased where I saw light in the glass, which started to form the beaker. Then I started to blend the color outside with the lighter inside of my beaker. I tried to The difficult part was when I was trying to draw light in the beaker, because sometimes it was hard to find. So when I was done my beaker i found little details that i found along the glass like the line on the object. I really like this project because it dealt with perspective.


"Left By The Ship"

​My educational resource is a curriculum that provides guideline for lesson on the topic about the impacts of US's war and military's presence on other country. It examines the missing narratives of this topic. The curriculum was developed around the documentary called "Left By The Ship", which described the experiences of Filipino Amerasian Children in Angeles City where the former US's Subic Naval Base once located. These children were "Left By The Ship" when the Naval Base inactivated. Typically, war and military forces are viewed as destructive, which became the scapegoat for economic lost and human casualty, rather than the results of a dehumanizing structure. But more importantly, the conversations about the impacts of wars and military forces are usually left out those who born as Bui Doi [Vietnamese term means Children from the ashes], and who have to live their lives being seen as a mistake. 

Tong Q1 Benchmark

NCLB Act Presentation- Prezi


The reasoning for picking the NCLB Act was because I've heard about it before in middle school but never really knew what it was. I wanted to educate myself on what this act was about and how it worked. There were so many things that I knew about but didn't completely know what it was about. For example I remember hearing about AYP which means "Adequate Yearly Progress." All AYP basically means is setting a goal for example get more then 23% of the students in elementary school to score proficient or higher. Usually they use AYP for PSSA's. I decided to do my presentation using a Prezi format because I felt as though it would let me present my information in a very creative way. I also did my prevention in this format because it wouldn't be as the traditional powerpoint or boring.

Some challenges that I ran into during the process of this project was trying to put up the information on the Prezi in a creative and not boring way. Another challenge was trying to upload the Prezi so that it would play on the blog. There was code that needed to embedded into the blog which I found after about fifteen minutes of playing around with Prezi. There aren't many ways I would change my project, but if I had to I would add more pictures. I think that pictures give it a little push, and it wouldn't look so dull.

I researched a lot on why this act was made. I found out that they created this act because they seen a big percent of colored kissed who seemed not to be getting the right education. Basically they wanted all kids to achieve so they created this act and ever since they did they seen the number of kids getting below basic has dropped. The NCLB act wasn't as hard to research since this law was created around 2001 and all the information was available on the internet. 

Sites used for the project












Artist Statement_ Jaccar Garcia

For this quarter we had to create to different projects. We made a life sized drawing of a student in our class and had 4 hours to work on it as well as we did with a another drawing we had to make of a glass object and make it look as real as we could. For our life sized drawing we had to make it as detailed as possible. Starting off with lines where we thought possible parts of the body were and working off from there. I believe I could have put a bit more effort into the life-sized drawing or tried working more on how to draw a face. For my glass drawing I used a beaker and may I say I’m very proud of that art piece.


            For my glass drawing we had to find the object with in the paper. It was in there somewhere and we had to dig for it. Using charcoal make my drawing made it easier to fade, erase, darken, ect. When I started my drawing I didn’t realize there was more then just the outline and seeing an object from an outer black line, but that nothing in real life has a black line. This makes me need to find a way to show the object with making a black line around it; this realization made me a stronger artist. I used paper towel to smooth out my drawing and be able to find my drawing more. Then I had to capture the shadow and the reflections from the light. While I analyzed the beaker I noticed so much. Its all about shading, darkening, and showing the different highlights which makes the object real instead of cartoon. 

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Screen Shot 2011-11-06 at 11.20.33 AM

Court Case

Issue: Whether a government official who acts as a complaining witness by presenting perjured testimony against an innocent citizen is entitled to absolute immunity from a Section 1983 claim for civil damages.




What Happened According to Supreme Court weighs whether victim of false grand jury testimony can sue for damages the supreme The justices heard arguments in an appeal from Charles Rehberg, an accountant who was indicted three times involving charges that he harassed doctors affiliated with a south Georgia hospital system. After the third outcome was rejected before the trial, Rehburg took legal action against the prosecutors and their investigator James Paulk. Rehberg made a case that he was influenced under investigation because of the hospital’s supporting relationship and that Paulk’s false grand jury statement directed to the accusation.  Paulk’s dispute that the grand jury is part of the judicial method, and that evidence should give equal rights within the trial. The argument came about in 2003. The search ultimately came back Rehberg.  Rehberg states that Dougherty County District Attorney was part of a search that was trying to set up Rehberg to make him guilty for committing the crimes. In the end The search ultimately came back that lead Rehberg.   The court would be in favor of presenting perjuired testimoney because it can eventually lead back to the person who committed the crimes.
Personal belief: I feel that That if you have Perjuried testimony against an innocent citizen it can eventually lead back to the person who committed the crime.

Hosanna-Tabor Church vs. EEOC SCOTUS Case

The constitutional question of this Supreme Court case was the following: “Is Cheryl Perich a minister?” If Cheryl Perich is not a minister then all federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws protect her even if her employer is religious.

The Hosanna-Tabor case was about a teacher, Cheryl Perich, whose job was to teach secular subjects as well as some religious teaching. At first, she was not hired as a real teacher but after taking education courses she became a qualified teacher. Her job was pretty much the same before and after she became qualified however. Later, Perich began to fall sick from narcolepsy and left the school for medical reasons. When she returned months later, the church told her that her job was unavailable and she could not return. Perich wasn’t having that, so she threatened to sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act, saying that the church should have worked with her so that she could keep her job. Instead of scaring them into giving her the job back, it just made it harder for her to get it. The church said that if she sued them then she would no longer be welcome as an employee because they believe that all disputes should be resolved peacefully. They said that she failed to take advantage of an internal procedure, rather than court. However, they never told Perich about this “internal procedure” until after she had mentioned her intent to use the ADA.

            When Justice Ginsburg if it was in the handbook, the church’s representative, Professor Douglas Laycock, completely dodged the question, saying that the handbook was irrelevant. So basically he knew they were wrong. He just didn’t want to admit it so they wouldn’t lose the case.

            I think that Cheryl Perich will win this case primarily because she was not a minister, only a teacher, which means she has all the laws by her side. The church has none except that you cannot sue the church. However, she was not suing the church, she was suing the employers. Also, the church’s story was backwards and there were some questions they refused to answer or tried to dodge because they knew they were wrong. It’s obvious, so they’re going to lose.

Lobbying blog post #2

Robert Brady and I are pretty different people however we have the same belief when it comes to amnesty day. He was born and raised in Philadelphia while I was born in New York, raised there for a while and then moved to Philadelphia.  He graduated from St. Thomas More High School then later became a carpenter and was soon part of the leadership of the Carpenters’ union. He is still a member of both the Carpenters’ and Teachers’ unions. On January 5, 2011, Congressman Brady was sworn into office for his 8th term representing the first congressional district of Pennsylvania.

Congressman Brady is very supportive of helping foreign countries. Foreign policies are his biggest interest. Some of the policies he supports are democratic institutions in Pakistan, stopping foreign arms transfers to China, keeping the Cuba travel ban until political prisoners are released, $156 million to IMF for 3rd-world debt reduction, $15.2 billion for foreign operations, allowing Americans to travel to Cuba, and much more. I find this pretty awesome because it seems as though he is more understand of foreign need than the rest of the congressmen and women. It explains why he is also supportive of another amnesty day.

Robert Brady is very active within the community, as previously stated, he is still a member of both the Carpenter’s and Teacher’s union. He has also improved dogs’ working conditions, shows interest in sports like citizens, speaks out about ways to help demolish poverty and get more people employed, and many other things that benefit us in our community.

            Congressman Brady and I seem quite a like. He seems like the simple thinker that I am as well, and we think of some of the same solutions to problems in our state.



Quarter One Benchmark: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Here's the link to my ToonDoo ToonBook


Sources and Citations 






"The Americans with Disabilities Act." accessible society . Accessible Society, n.d. Web. 5 Nov 2011. <http://www.accessiblesociety.org/topics/ada/index.html>.

United States . Department of Justice . Americans with Disabilities Act. 2009. Web. <http://www.ada.gov/pubs/ada.htm>.

S. Brown, Dale. "The Americans with Disabilities Act." LD Online. LD Online, 2000. Web. 5 Nov 2011. <http://www.ldonline.org/article/5999/>.

"American with Disabilities Act."Association for Computing Machinary . Association for Computing Machinary , n.d. Web. 5 Nov 2011. <http://www.acm.org/sigs/volunteer_resources/conference_manual/5-7-5dis>.

"The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief Overview." JAN Job Accommodation Network. Job Accommodation Network, n.d. Web. 5 Nov 2011. <http://askjan.org/links/adasummary.htm>.

"Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)." Major Acts of Congress. Ed. Brian K. Landsberg. Macmillan-Thomson Gale, 2004. eNotes.com. 2006. 4 Nov, 2011 <http://www.enotes.com/major-acts-congress/

Choosing the bill was one of the harder elements of the projects being as though there are so many different things that I find concerning me and that interest me. So, when I do finally come to a conclusion, I decided to do one closest to me physically. Which was the Americans with Disabilities Act. How so? Well, my mother a few years back was in a tragic truck accident where she literally flew across the expressway. Now, she is disabled. That is why I choose the bill of the Americans with Disabilities Act and my decision behind so. I choose to do a comic at first intentionally, although, I realized that I no longer had the program of doing that so I then asked a couple of my fellow teachers and Ms. Laufenberg was at first the one to find it and suggest it, but even when I did research at home I still found myself interested in ToonDoo.Within the project, I did find myself having a few challenges to overcome one of which was actually learning how to use ToonDoo and make the book. Another was actually coming up with a story that wasn't too bland, but still had a significant amount of information to get the point across. I did find myself overcoming both of those things. If I had to the project over again, I definitely could say that I would have thoroughly thought out a story in a more kid friendly way then it already is. Also I would probably make a video, I think that's something would of done differently if I was to do this project over again.The research and investigation of the Americans with Disabilities Act told me about the creation process of a bill to a law by really being a relatable subject to many to most of the people of congress. I knew that it would be passed because of that. Also within the Constitution, the statement of "All men are created equal" really justifies the bill. The process, I would say was harder than I expected it to be based on the bills research. The reason why would have to be is because I founded it harder to put the information together how I exactly wanted it to. Although I am fine with what I have completed for this benchmark. (: 

Kevin's Law - Meat and Poultry Pathogen Reduction and Enforcement Act

Bench is here. Dropbox was not working I will try it again later.


Hoffman, Karen. "Grandson's death turns Grove City woman into fighter for safe meat laws ." (2003): 1. Web. 11 Nov. 2011. <http://www.post-gazette.com/healthscience/20030604badmeat0604p2.asp>.

. "Speakers." Center for Foodborne Illness Research & Prevention. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov 2011. <http://www.foodborneillness.org/speakers.html>.

"Eshoo Introduces 'Kevin's Law' Print E-mail." (2003): n. page. Web. 11 Nov. 2011. <http://eshoo.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=104>.

. "Meat and Poultry Pathogen Reduction and Enforcement Act of 2003." Food Safety Legislation. N.p., 2003. Web. 2 Nov 2011. <http://www.cspinet.org/foodsafety/meat_poultry_sections.html>.

. "H.R. 3160: Meat and Poultry Pathogen Reduction and Enforcement Act." govtrack.us. N.p., 2005. Web. 2 Nov 2011. <http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-3160>.

 I was unsure as to which Bill i should choose or that I was interested in so I choose a bill that I had learned about in a previous class. I choose to present it in a movie format because originally i wanted to make a video but I ended up making a Keynote for it and exporting it in the form of a movie. I felt that i would be able to get more information in my presentation this way. One of the only parts of this presentation that was somewhat difficult was finding more information to go with what I already knew. This is an older bill that doesn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. As a result the information concerning it was a little harder to find. If I had to do this over I would most likely have made a straight video most likely acting it out, it wold have been awesome. I researched major events in the years before or during the year of the creation of the bill. The process for actually finding the information overall was a bit harder than I thought it would be because i had to go to so many different places to know or understand what was happening 

No Child Left Behind Act


I chose the "No Child Left Behind Act" because it was one of the few acts that was actually familiar to me. I was reading through the lists and nothing was standing out to me until I saw this. I quickly read about it and realized this is what I want to write about. It is an extraordinary bill that involves everyone. Not everyone learns the same, or at the same speed. No child should be penalized for something they cannot control. They should be encouraged and pushed so that each individual in our Nation has the potential to be an important piece to the puzzle. Speaking of puzzle, I was not sure how to present my information. I wanted a way in which it will be easy to understand what I am explaining. I first decided on gathering together puzzle pieces and showing the entire process, but I wanted something more interesting, something that I will be able to show more than a timeline. A PREZI it was, which I might add is extremely informative, colorful and grabs the viewers attention. I have worked with prezis in the past so I was already familiar with the format, which made the project a little bit easier. However, some aspects were not as easy. It was challenging coming up with the correct information. I was not finding false information, but I could not find enough information. I was looking for timelines and could not find any. The timeline format that I have in my presentation, I put together. I spent a lot of time reading and making sure I was understanding the whole process. The law was not thought of out of thin air. It began almost 50 years prior to when President Bush signed it. Besides that, I did not encounter many problems within my project. Since I did not have to overcome that may problems, I would not change my process, nor my final product. I am very pleased with the outcome. If I had to change it, I would probably make a video. It is a little more interactive and consist of more than just a bunch of information being thrown at you. Since this law was just a reauthorized version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, it did not tell much about about the process from becoming a bill to a law. I just found out about how President Bush wanted to express his opinions on the education system. These are the children of the future. They have to be educated and be pushed to overcome any obstacle thrown their way and being able to showcase all of that through my project was not as hard as I thought it would be. I had to take in a lot of information and back track nearly 50 years to the core of the whole idea. I am glad I did, and I learned about the past, present and future of the children in our society.



SStewart-McDonaldE1Quarter 1

1. Full Figure
2. Clear Object

During this quarter, I took a new approach to my work. Usually I work in mainly monotones, like blacks and whites and the in betweens, but instead I decided to add a bit of color, at least I did to the full figure drawing. I feel like I have a better understanding of how to draw the human body, but it's definitely something I have to work on. With my clear objects (I drew two, the sphere one is drawn with charcoal, the glass was drawn with pencil), I believe there is some things I have to work on, particularly the lighting in the glass, I think I have captured the shadows pretty well. I spent the same amount of time on both, so all in all, I believe I work better in pencil than in charcoal; I feel like I have more control over pencil markings.

For the next quarter, I plan to make my hand drawings as realistic as possible and I want to try different hand positions, instead of a classic relaxed position. I also want to try to add color to the still life; last year most if not all my drawings were only in black and white, so I want to experiment more with color.

Safe Water Drinking Act

Q1 Benchmark

 (Never mind this) Too Large for SLATE Sent to your email.

Link to Project : Copy and paste links


Jones, Alex. "Alex Jones Presents Infowars.com to Fight the New World Order -- The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American Liberty." Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a War on for Your Mind! Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://www.infowars.com/print/patriot_act/alexs_analysis.htm>.

"THE PATRIOT ACT II: TERRORIZING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - Gun Owners Of America." Gun Owners of America - Gun Owners Of America. Web. 05 Nov. 2011. <http://gunowners.org/patriotii.htm>.

"Draft: Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003." Index. Web. 05 Nov. 2011. <http://www.constitution.org/abus/terror/dsea2003.htm>.

Explain your decision making for choosing the bill.
I decided to choose this bill because I realized it was created after the Patriot Act and it was taking away our rights that were given to us in the constitution. It really created a lot of interest and made me want to look into it more.
Why did you choose the particular presentation format?
To make a movie and something visual with actual clips of the situation makes people want to pay more attention. History isn't the most liked topic, mainly because people find it boring, therefore I thought something visual would make it stand and pop out to its viewers.
What challenges did you overcome in completing the project?
The main problem was finding a lot of information about this bill because it was hidden from Congress and was not passed.
How would you do the project differently if you had to do it over again?
Probably make a better storyline or choose a different bill.
What did the research and investigation tell you about the creation process... from idea to bill to law?
The creation process doesn't seem as complicated as it really is. It starts off as a problem, then a group of people coming up with a plan to fix that problem, then if everyone agrees on it (Congress) it'll become a law.
Was the process easier or harder than you imagined based on your particular bill/law research?
It was harder then I expected. It was hard to find a bill/law that wasn't as confusing and had a lot of info to use in a story line.